Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Hospital doctor said your uncle had a PCR test confirmed Covid infection and that he died from it. You say NUUH. Should we belive you or medical professionals?

But aside from anecdotes, Covid-19 death rate is confirmed by excessive death rates, which do not care about diagnosis. Since the start of pandemic SOMETHING has killed ~700,000-1,000,000 over and above expected mortality. Do you have a clue what it could be?

Okay then you explain it. My Uncle never went anywhere. Anybody near him was tested after the hospital called the family. Not one person had it including his one caregiver who was also tested. So where did he get this virus from?

A friend of mine met his future daughter-in-law. She's an ER nurse at a hospital in a town about an hour away from Cleveland. She told him of a situation where a guy crashed his bike. He died from his injuries about two hours later. They tested him positive for covid. Guess what the death certificate read?
Okay then you explain it. My Uncle never went anywhere. Anybody near him was tested after the hospital called the family. Not one person had it including his one caregiver who was also tested. So where did he get this virus from?

A friend of mine met his future daughter-in-law. She's an ER nurse at a hospital in a town about an hour away from Cleveland. She told him of a situation where a guy crashed his bike. He died from his injuries about two hours later. They tested him positive for covid. Guess what the death certificate read?
People have Covid untill they don't. He could have picked it up 1000 different ways without contradicting anything in your story.

But I don't need to explain anything they are just anecdotes and official death toll is well supported excessive death statistics.
Are you a demofk? I rest my case!

You have no case to rest. Yoyre just another brain dead hate filled Republican with no guts to say anything to democrats it's public. You won't even put your name on here.
Home of the brave my arse. Wimp.
People have Covid untill they don't. He could have picked it up 1000 different ways without contradicting anything in your story.

But I don't need to explain anything they are just anecdotes and official death toll is well supported excessive death statistics.

No he couldn't have picked it up a thousand ways because this is an airborne virus. You can only catch it from another live person near you, and no person that was ever near him had it.
No he couldn't have picked it up a thousand ways because this is an airborne virus. You can only catch it from another live person near you, and no person that was ever near him had it.
Again you have no idea what you are talking about, "airborne virus" does not mean you can't get infected from contaminated surface. In fact Covid-19 can survive on certain surfaces for days.

"on non-porous surfaces, viable virus can be detected for days to weeks"

Just because you don't know who or how infected him is no proof he was not infected.
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Again you have no idea what you are talking about, "airborne virus" does not mean you can't get infected from contaminated surface. In fact Covid-19 can survive on certain surfaces for days.

"on non-porous surfaces, viable virus can be detected for days to weeks"

Just because you don't know who or how infected him is no proof he was not infected.

The guy just laid there. What surfaces would he have touched? And how did those surfaces get covid on them when nobody in or visiting the home had covid?

The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus. It is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects (fomites), but the risk is generally considered to be low.
The guy just laid there. What surfaces would he have touched? And how did those surfaces get covid on them when nobody in or visiting the home had covid?

The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus. It is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects (fomites), but the risk is generally considered to be low.

You don't know, I don't know. We are talking about something invisible to us that may or may not give symptoms and may or may not show up on your Covid test a week after you've infected someone.

Here is what you do know - your uncle was tested for and confirmed positive for Covid-19.

Sorry for your loss but I don't see a serious reason to question the judgement of medical professionals he was in the care of.
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You don't know, I don't know. We are talking about something invisible to us that may or may not give symptoms and may or may not show up on your Covid test a week after you've infected someone.

Here is what you do know - your uncle was tested for and confirmed positive for Covid-19.

Sorry for your loss but I don't see a serious reason to question the judgement of medical professionals he was in the care of.

How about all that government money providers got for taking care of covid patients? Nah, that couldn't be it.
How about all that government money providers got for taking care of covid patients? Nah, that couldn't be it.
Your doctor or lab tech does not get paid one cent more for Covid diagnosis.

I work at a hospital and the conspiracy between various departments required to pull anything like that off is simply not realistic.

Belive it or not, but people take a salary and go home to their family. They have no interest in fucking with patient care and possibly going to jail so their organization could make a buck.
Your doctor or lab tech does not get paid one cent more for Covid diagnosis.

I work at a hospital and the conspiracy between various departments required to pull anything like that off is simply not realistic.

Belive it or not, but people take a salary and go home to their family. They have no interest in fucking with patient care and possibly going to jail so their organization could make a buck.

Going to jail for what? How are you going to prove anything? Face it, the covid death numbers are as phony as a three dollar bill.
Going to jail for what? How are you going to prove anything? Face it, the covid death numbers are as phony as a three dollar bill.
FRAUD. Going to jail for FRAUD. What don't you get?

All it takes is one person between the ER, lab, inpatient clinical and financial departments to blow the whistle on false Covid-19 diagnosis and treatment for the house of cards to come crashing down and people start going to jail. Who in their right fn mind would try that in a bureaucracy like a hospital?

I face objective data and facts, not dime-a-dozen anecdotes and ignorant conspiracy fantasies.
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FRAUD. Going to jail for FRAUD. What don't you get?

All it takes is one person between the ER, lab, inpatient clinical and financial departments to blow the whistle on false Covid-19 diagnosis and treatment for the house of cards to come crashing down and people start going to jail. Who in their right fn mind would try that in a bureaucracy like a hospital?

I face objective data and facts, not dime-a-dozen anecdotes and ignorant conspiracy fantasies.

Even if the person actually does have covid, there is no law that a doctor can't list that as the main source of death. If there is, show me that law. That's a doctors call and nobody else.

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