Are we turning a corner? We will see.

Thing is, if you want change, voting for someone like Trump isn't going to change anything.

If you really want change, you need to be pushing Proportional Representation so change can happen. Without it, the US is screwed.
Change can only occur if a new broom makes a clean sweep. Trump and Musk are good brooms.
There is no political or ideological Narcan for people like you. The propaganda poison went into you and imbued every cell. It is terminal I am sorry to say.
Stop projecting. Your shriveled, fevered, conspiratorial mind believes there was a stolen election by "the elites".

I'm sure QAnon features prominently in your plans to save America.
Change can only occur if a new broom makes a clean sweep. Trump and Musk are good brooms.

No, they're not.

They're good at manipulating people. Telling them what they want to hear.

What has Trump changed exactly? What's different about Washington now than before?

The only real difference is that celebs and crazies are more convinced they can save the US from whatever crazy shit they've invented in their head.
Trump isn't dumb. His problem is his ego clouds his thinking. It consumes 3/4 of his brains.
It doesn't allow him to question his thoughts. Which is why he has such a horrible habit of blurting out controversial shit all of the time.
That’s the thing….not only does he have a massive ego, which is a form of ignorance, he’s dumb too.
Change can only occur if a new broom makes a clean sweep. Trump and Musk are good brooms.
Thinking billionaires will change things for the better, is terribly naive Raymond. You’re much too old to believe this childishness.

Believing Elon Musk is going to save Twitter is as naive as believing Joe Biden was going to save America. Arguing over which oligarchs should control the media is as silly and undignified as arguing over which oligarch-owned politicians should run the government. Billionaires coming to the rescue only happens in movies and comic books. You're as likely to be saved by Elon Musk as you are by Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark. CJ
That’s the thing….not only does he have a massive ego, which is a form of ignorance, he’s dumb too.

I don't think he's "dumb". He's got the brains there. He just doesn't use them. He doesn't put much effort into figuring things out. That's just lazy, not dumb.
No, they're not.

They're good at manipulating people. Telling them what they want to hear.

What has Trump changed exactly? What's different about Washington now than before?

The only real difference is that celebs and crazies are more convinced they can save the US from whatever crazy shit they've invented in their head.

The difference is now we know how corrupt DC, is. We also now know that there is no duopoly. There is only the political class, and it is made up of dems and repubs, and they are at war with the rest of us.
No one can be taken seriously, who still supports trump, after all the negative, criminal, crap that is known about him.
When Biden cut and ran from Afghanistan like a coward that was an open invitation for Russia to invade Ukraine and thumb Biden in the eye.
Benedict Donald was the architect of the Surrender to the Taliban. Only one of the conditions agreed to by Taliban in Trumps Skedaddle Accord Negotiations was ever met by the Taliban, yet over 10 thousand of the 13 thousand US troop were withdrawn and 5 bases abandoned, as we met every one of our conditions After the election Trumpybear ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th, only to flip-flop (a common Neo-GOP tactic) and left 2500 troops in the field and no plan to get out by the deadline May 1st, when the truce ended, as a gift to the Country that voted him out I guess.

But the Neo-GOP PR machine worked overtime to blame "Saul Biden" and the dems rolled over.

Benedict Donald punted. Coward.
Benedict Donald was the architect of the Surrender to the Taliban. Only one of the conditions agreed to by Taliban in Trumps Skedaddle Accord Negotiations was ever met by the Taliban, yet over 10 thousand of the 13 thousand US troop were withdrawn and 5 bases abandoned, as we met every one of our conditions After the election Trumpybear ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th, only to flip-flop (a common Neo-GOP tactic) and left 2500 troops in the field and no plan to get out by the deadline May 1st, when the truce ended, as a gift to the Country that voted him out I guess.

But the Neo-GOP PR machine worked overtime to blame "Saul Biden" and the dems rolled over.

Benedict Donald punted. Coward.
Wait until there is any foreign troops or designs on American territory. This is a far different situation on division in our nation now.
Benedict Donald was the architect of the Surrender to the Taliban. Only one of the conditions agreed to by Taliban in Trumps Skedaddle Accord Negotiations was ever met by the Taliban, yet over 10 thousand of the 13 thousand US troop were withdrawn and 5 bases abandoned, as we met every one of our conditions After the election Trumpybear ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th, only to flip-flop (a common Neo-GOP tactic) and left 2500 troops in the field and no plan to get out by the deadline May 1st, when the truce ended, as a gift to the Country that voted him out I guess.

But the Neo-GOP PR machine worked overtime to blame "Saul Biden" and the dems rolled over.

Benedict Donald punted. Coward.

Traitor Joe killed 13 US soldiers and made the taliban the 5th strongest military in the world.
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I am not ashamed to say that I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. I did not vote for him because of what he was, but for what he was not. He was not a Washington insider with connections to other Washington insiders. He was not part of the greedy underground cabal selling the country out to globalist intellectuals. He had no letters beside his name identifying him as an educated expert, No PhD, no Masters’ degree. Yes, he was wealthy, but if he were not, he would have gone nowhere. No one gave Trump a chance at first, but Washington had become so corrupt that it controlled the media and that is never a good thing for a democracy. It is an exceptionally good thing for totalitarian oppression.

There is a collective wisdom among the American people that recognizes intellectual evil. It is the very thing our country’s founders warned us about when the American republic was established. Trump did not go to law school like many in Congress. He did not make his money by elevating himself to get control of the system, passing laws to funnel wealth into the government. Trump had nothing to do with the Great Society or the War on Poverty. When you see millions of young women in America saddled with several children all with different fathers in jail or prison, that was not Trump, that was Washington.

The US Congress and Senate are replete with creeps and crooks. That includes both major political parties. The country’s founders knew this would happen, so they made it clear that the people must act to control the government by voting to keep it small. When the people voted in 2016 to put Trump in office it was a repudiation of Washington and its corruption. Many people were benefitting from the suffering of average working people in the US, especially educators and bureaucrats that drain government coffers. Trump’s election sent shock waves through Washington parasites and on day one of his presidency they vowed to protect their bloodsucking privileges by any means necessary.

Washington swung into action quickly by using its intelligence agencies to go after Trump just as was done in the former Soviet Union. Propaganda is a powerful tool and Washington learned its lesson from the Soviets and Nazis well. So, a lot of people were propagandized to hate Trump, not just disagree with him. But Washington went a step further. It used a pandemic to manipulate vote counting with boxes and suitcases full of phony mail-in votes in closely contested areas to guarantee the outcome. The propaganda of hatred smoothed the edges of what people saw with their own eyes and the absurd result of Joe Biden’s fractured speaking prowess getting more votes than any politician in human history was pulled off.

Now the world is in a state of chaos, and we know why. The question is how many fools will admit it.
Great post. Now the question is, will crime and corruption repeat themselves?
JFK was really trying to stop the MIC and the Deep State. Trump only talked about it.

Trump wasn’t smart enough to recognize they were out to get him. He is so dumb he put people in his cabinet who undermined him.
This post scares the shit out of everyone. Too much uncomfortable truth.
Traitor Joe killed 13 US soldiers and made the taliban the 5th strongest military in the world.
That was ISIS who were known to be operating in Kabul, even though in the Skedaddle Accords, one of the Conditions on the Taliban was to stop ISIS from using Afghanistan territory as a base for attacks. Benedict Donald didn't enforce hardly any of the conditions he negotiated. So feel free to give some responsibility to your Cult leader for not following through on the known threat ISIS in Kabul presented.
That was ISIS who were known to be operating in Kabul, even though in the Skedaddle Accords, one of the Conditions on the Taliban was to stop ISIS from using Afghanistan territory as a base for attacks. Benedict Donald didn't enforce hardly any of the conditions he negotiated. So feel free to give some responsibility to your Cult leader for not following through on the known threat ISIS in Kabul presented.

Yea, and traitor Joe did nothing to prevent the killing. Traitor Joe abandoned a safe and secure airport and instead forced our people to evacuate from a dangerous, unsecured airport you fucking retard.

That means traitor Joe is responsible for those poor soldiers.
Yea, and traitor Joe did nothing to prevent the killing. Traitor Joe abandoned a safe and secure airport and instead forced our people to evacuate from a dangerous, unsecured airport you fucking retard.

That means traitor Joe is responsible for those poor soldiers.
By abandoning reason, Benedict Donald's lame duck withdrawal handicapped US forces especially when the ANA quit the field making that base impossible to secure without thousands of additional troops. Def. a good call on the Generals part to use the Kabul airport.

Having to delay the final exit because there was no plan to get the remaining force or our allies out by May 1st could have given ISIS a better chance to attack US forces. Good thing Joe extended the Trump Truce. ISIS is responsible for all the death and destruction their SBers cause. To bad Trump didn't insist the Taliban crack down on ISIS like they agree to, with Trump. But no matter, the ghoulish Neo-GOP can use those 13 soldiers as bludgeons in their PR campaign against Democrats.

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