Are White Southerners Oversensitive?


This tree will shoot you.
Aug 25, 2010
North Carolina
I'm seen it stated in several thread that Blacks are oversensitive to race or criticism. Is the same true of White Southerners?

Lost the Civil War, were economically backward compared to the North for nearly a century. Instituted Jim Crow laws to make themselves feel superior again by bullying people lower on the totem pole than themselves. Had those laws pulled away from them in the mid-part of the 20th century. Saw and are still seeing a gradual dwindling of the power structure they had established. Get really up in arms about Yankees moving into their towns and buying land. Get really up in arms and sensitive when the official line of Southern oppression and victimhood due to losing the Civil War and slavery, and Jim Crow are ridiculed. As a defense, if anyone makes criticisms likes to call those critics racists or other types of ad hominem insults. Or they say that all those evil from the past are just "heritage."

Tell me, does anyone else see a slight parallel? A double standard?
And just so we're clear, I'm not saying that all Southerners are like this, or that all Southerners are racist. I would argue that the majority of White Southerners do carry some of these sentiments to a certain degree.
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So, you're whining about 'white Southerners' but not saying they're all racist. Could you be any more moronic?
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So, you're whining about 'white Southerners' but not saying they're all racist. Could you be any more moronic?

Could you be more moronic? Did you read my post at all? You know what, fuck off and let the grown ups have a debate.:cuckoo::lol:

I wasn't aware that you'd bought the forum. Color me shocked pink.

Your post was moronic. And because I call you on it, you tell me to fuck off.... and then claim you're a grown up.... More moronic statements. You're on a roll today.
I'm seen it stated in several thread that Blacks are oversensitive to race or criticism. Is the same true of White Southerners?

Lost the Civil War, were economically backward compared to the North for nearly a century. Instituted Jim Crow laws to make themselves feel superior again by bullying people lower on the totem pole than themselves. Had those laws pulled away from them in the mid-part of the 20th century. Saw and are still seeing a gradual dwindling of the power structure they had established. Get really up in arms about Yankees moving into their towns and buying land. Get really up in arms and sensitive when the official line of Southern oppression and victimhood due to losing the Civil War and slavery, and Jim Crow are ridiculed. As a defense, if anyone makes criticisms likes to call those critics racists or other types of ad hominem insults. Or they say that all those evil from the past are just "heritage."

Tell me, does anyone else see a slight parallel? A double standard?
And just so we're clear, I'm not saying that all Southerners are like this, or that all Southerners are racist. I would argue that the majority of White Southerners do carry some of these sentiments to a certain degree.

What a bunch of bullshit stated by an ignorant asshole.
Well since a quick insult to any white or conservative person the dares to disagree with liberals is called a racist inbred redneck.

They have a point.

The left treats anyone from the south as if they were lesser beings, just look at the racist shit "Mr. Clean" posted. But he will never get called on it b/c it's ok to say racist crap to white people and it's even better if they are southern.
Well since a quick insult to any white or conservative person the dares to disagree with liberals is called a racist inbred redneck.

They have a point.

The left treats anyone from the south as if they were lesser beings, just look at the racist shit "Mr. Clean" posted. But he will never get called on it b/c it's ok to say racist crap to white people and it's even better if they are southern.

Hey, c'mon! Where's your sense of humor?
Is 16 Ozmar's Rep Power or his IQ? Must be Rep Power. Too high of a number to be his IQ.
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Well since a quick insult to any white or conservative person the dares to disagree with liberals is called a racist inbred redneck.

They have a point.

The left treats anyone from the south as if they were lesser beings, just look at the racist shit "Mr. Clean" posted. But he will never get called on it b/c it's ok to say racist crap to white people and it's even better if they are southern.

Ah, but it's okay to say all black people are oversensitive to criticism, and oversensitive to the issue of race? And it's not racist of a white person to make that claim as a generalization about black people. But, when white southerners are given the same criticism, and they then get overly sensitive and defensive, it's all brushed aside?:eusa_whistle:

Tell me which statement is more fucked up:

Black people should get over it and move on. Slavery ended almost 150 years ago.

White Southerners should get over it and move on. Their rebellion and attempted sesession was crushed almost 150 years ago.
Are all Australians beer swilling beach bums? Are all Irish drunks? Are all Asians good at math?

Any other broad brushes you want to use?
I'm seen it stated in several thread that Blacks are oversensitive to race or criticism. Is the same true of White Southerners?

Lost the Civil War, were economically backward compared to the North for nearly a century. Instituted Jim Crow laws to make themselves feel superior again by bullying people lower on the totem pole than themselves. Had those laws pulled away from them in the mid-part of the 20th century. Saw and are still seeing a gradual dwindling of the power structure they had established. Get really up in arms about Yankees moving into their towns and buying land. Get really up in arms and sensitive when the official line of Southern oppression and victimhood due to losing the Civil War and slavery, and Jim Crow are ridiculed. As a defense, if anyone makes criticisms likes to call those critics racists or other types of ad hominem insults. Or they say that all those evil from the past are just "heritage."

Tell me, does anyone else see a slight parallel? A double standard?
And just so we're clear, I'm not saying that all Southerners are like this, or that all Southerners are racist. I would argue that the majority of White Southerners do carry some of these sentiments to a certain degree.

Have you ever spent any time in rural deep south?
This is a true story from my life.

A while back I went to Truck Driving School, and earned a CDL.

I then went to work for a national Carrier.

I underwent a 6 week training period where I had to ride with a trainer.

My first trainer was a black man. Very cool guy taught me a lot. I am still good friends with him.

Anyway. We traveled all over the US together in those 6 weeks. We talked about racism because we saw it first hand. Things like were at a restaurant and the Waitress is all nice and shiny to me, and barely will talk to him or even look at him.

The Strange thing, and he agreed with me, was that in the deep south of the US, is where we saw the least of it.

In the north east, and mid west is where we encountered it the most.
I'm seen it stated in several thread that Blacks are oversensitive to race or criticism. Is the same true of White Southerners?

Lost the Civil War, were economically backward compared to the North for nearly a century. Instituted Jim Crow laws to make themselves feel superior again by bullying people lower on the totem pole than themselves. Had those laws pulled away from them in the mid-part of the 20th century. Saw and are still seeing a gradual dwindling of the power structure they had established. Get really up in arms about Yankees moving into their towns and buying land. Get really up in arms and sensitive when the official line of Southern oppression and victimhood due to losing the Civil War and slavery, and Jim Crow are ridiculed. As a defense, if anyone makes criticisms likes to call those critics racists or other types of ad hominem insults. Or they say that all those evil from the past are just "heritage."

Tell me, does anyone else see a slight parallel? A double standard?
And just so we're clear, I'm not saying that all Southerners are like this, or that all Southerners are racist. I would argue that the majority of White Southerners do carry some of these sentiments to a certain degree.

Ozmar, the southern white guys I know are not racists and never have been. Southern attitudes about race are totally different from northern ones. In a big northern city, poor blacks live in public housing apparently deliberately designed to be the Seventh Circle of Hell. But in the south, blacks live next door to whites, they are neighbors, and they are inextricably woven into the fabric of the community.

It may be different in a big southern city...I never lived in Atlanta or New Orleans, etc. But as you say, much of the south is rural or small towns. It is different, trying to whip people up to hate Miss Mable, the next door neighbor lady they've known all their lives who makes the best butterscotch cookies in town, yanno?

The south has its shame, for sure. Jim Crow and the KKK, for starters, but any northerner who thinks "his people" were less vicious is dishonest or simply does not know his history. Where do you think the only race riots ever to occur in the US took place?
Well since a quick insult to any white or conservative person the dares to disagree with liberals is called a racist inbred redneck.

They have a point.

The left treats anyone from the south as if they were lesser beings, just look at the racist shit "Mr. Clean" posted. But he will never get called on it b/c it's ok to say racist crap to white people and it's even better if they are southern.

It isn't okay with me, Tom Thumb. BTW, "red neck" is a reference to the early 20th century WV coal miners and is a compliment, or was.
All that inbreeding made them slow.

Shouldn't you be cleaning a toilet other than making sweeping stereotypical generalizations about an area you probably don't have experience with? And you people wondered why some of us in the south, me for example, didn't give a rat's ass when those towers fell because we don't have anything culturally, or politically in common with you. We've been victims of your demographic shifts, your demonizing for years, and you midwesterners, Californians, and especailly east coast people couldn't have less in common with the south. You might as well be canadian. If I had my way the U.S. would cease to exist and be balkanized, seperating us from you via barbed wire and landmines.

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