Are you a Republican or a Trumpster?

Funny how we now have the evidence that the anti-trumpsters are making 16 bucks an hour to protest. Now see, that is true desperation. And it isn't republicans paying that money. So, to the libturds, what say you, ok to pay someone to start riots?
Anti-Trump Protesters Allegedly Paid, Trained by Hillary Clinton Campaign

"At a March Trump rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona, a 37-year-old man named Paul Horner came forward and said he was paid $3,500 to protest the GOP front-runner, according to ABC News.

The man said he answered a Craigslist ad a week before the rally about a group needing "actors" for a political event."
Don't understand what alleged means?

Definition of ALLEGED
I think another Trump thread should be started. I don't think the desperation has gone far enough yet. Got anymore ideas on Trump. The libs are certainly bothered by his success.


Nah, the reality is the GOP is upset about Trump winning and if you disagree then explain why George W. Bush, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney will not endorse Donald Trump?
Showcasing the innate stupidity of dump supporters.
That's quite rich, coming from a person who's only choice for a Democrat candidate is between an avowed Commie and a pathological Liar. ....... :lol: :lol:
Really ? Better a sane commie and a alleged liar then the proven liar and sociopath you clowns have settled on.
Another bonus, the democratic party is not melting down.
Btw I'm free to make a third choice or no choice at all.
So much for "my only" choice bullshit you're selling.

She is a proven liar: sniper fire, Sir Edmond Hillary, and Benghazi was because of a video. She also puts her convenience and insulation above national security interests, and above victims of her husband.

Trump may be a blowhard, but the move away from evangelical control of the GOP is a good thing and long overdue. Think of it like the ACA, it is horrible in the short term, but what rises from the ashes will be a vast improvement, right?

I thought progressives wanted the GOP to quit focusing on social conservatism. I thought the GOP had to move to the center to survive, according to progressives. Has that all changed now that it is being done? Progressives should be gleeful. Why so sad? He's practically Hillary. Would you rather a Pat Buchanan or Rick Santorum? There's just no pleasing progressives. -sigh-
Do you feel better now?
Did you wipe?
I think another Trump thread should be started. I don't think the desperation has gone far enough yet. Got anymore ideas on Trump. The libs are certainly bothered by his success.
He sucks is the only accurate part of that post.
Success is easy when you have everything handed to you.
Ok, thanks for playing.
All ways a pleasure to enlightened you.
Yeah thanks, I always like it when I'm right.
I think another Trump thread should be started. I don't think the desperation has gone far enough yet. Got anymore ideas on Trump. The libs are certainly bothered by his success.


Nah, the reality is the GOP is upset about Trump winning and if you disagree then explain why George W. Bush, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney will not endorse Donald Trump?
Nah, the libs, the threads in here are started by left leaners.
Funny how we now have the evidence that the anti-trumpsters are making 16 bucks an hour to protest. Now see, that is true desperation. And it isn't republicans paying that money. So, to the libturds, what say you, ok to pay someone to start riots?
Anti-Trump Protesters Allegedly Paid, Trained by Hillary Clinton Campaign

"At a March Trump rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona, a 37-year-old man named Paul Horner came forward and said he was paid $3,500 to protest the GOP front-runner, according to ABC News.

The man said he answered a Craigslist ad a week before the rally about a group needing "actors" for a political event."
Don't understand what alleged means?

Definition of ALLEGED
good to see you know how to use the internet.
I think another Trump thread should be started. I don't think the desperation has gone far enough yet. Got anymore ideas on Trump. The libs are certainly bothered by his success.


Nah, the reality is the GOP is upset about Trump winning and if you disagree then explain why George W. Bush, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney will not endorse Donald Trump?
Nah, the libs, the threads in here are started by left leaners.

I am not left leaning by any means, and I have pointed out the fact that the GOP Establishment is having a massive fit over Trump winning.

So what will those like Ryan, Bush and Romney do to derail Trump and destroy the GOP once and for all?
It's a little shocking how economically socialist Trump is. In many ways he's come across as far more extreme than even Sanders.

Such as?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers
The US economy would cease to function if slave labor products were not a huge part of it.
It’s why you own the laptop you do all your blathering from.

HOLY shit! I always suspected that you were a disgusting excuse for a human being and you just confirmed it. Slavery is fine with you just so you can have cheap shit.........WOW! Great job of exposing your true colors. I will be throwing this up in your face every chance I get. (snicker)
Fact is fact.
So your throwing in my face nonsense just reinforces it's factuality
So Dale what country was your computer made in?
No parts from China or Indonesia?
Your hypocrisy is boundless.
How is it possible this is news to you? Trump didn't make it by being an establishment party man. I thought it was common knowledge. The fact that Ryan demands him to become one is a prime illustration of the problem and why we are still in the mess we are. Trump should tell him to go fuck himself and it sounds like he did.

Hey, don't take it out on me....I was just stating an eulogy over the GOP/RNC/Tea Party casket....R.I.P. .LOL

Both political parties are bought and paid for so neither one is going anywhere because they are simply controllled opposition. You have no clue as to what is going on....keep waving the rainbow colored "Team Demcrat" flag like the moron that you are.
A little early to be this wrong, ain't it?
Little paws101, I know more than you. The establishment owns both parties, lock, stock and barrel. Just because YOU don't know or can comprehend it doesn't change a damn thing, you lover of slavery.
Dale's classic false proclamation again
Got a credible link to your bullshit?

How about the fact that Washington D.C is just the headquarters of USA.INC and those that hold office are nothing but corporate officers and I have proven MANY times over that we are not under the organic constitution but a corporate charter that was written in 1871. Do you know how to use Dun and You can look up any corporation and for a small fee you can find their credit rating. I have posted many links from it. Every alphabet agency is incorporated, the Supreme Court is incorporated....I will let you take a wild guess why this is VERY significant. Both parties do what is best for the international bankers that are the shareholders of USA.INC and is under the control of the IMF when USA.INC was taken into receivership in 1950 when once again it declared bankruptcy. You don't know ANYTHING....I doubt you could even wrap your mind around the lies, deceit and thievery that has been done to's fucking MIND blowing.
Funny how we now have the evidence that the anti-trumpsters are making 16 bucks an hour to protest. Now see, that is true desperation. And it isn't republicans paying that money. So, to the libturds, what say you, ok to pay someone to start riots?

Leftard logic dictates that the end justifies the means. They will stoop to any disgusting tactic to bring this country to full blown communism. It's in Sal Alinsky's handbook for leftards.
I think another Trump thread should be started. I don't think the desperation has gone far enough yet. Got anymore ideas on Trump. The libs are certainly bothered by his success.
He sucks is the only accurate part of that post.
Success is easy when you have everything handed to you.
Ok, thanks for playing.
All ways a pleasure to enlightened you.
Yeah thanks, I always like it when I'm right.
Then you woke up.
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers
The US economy would cease to function if slave labor products were not a huge part of it.
It’s why you own the laptop you do all your blathering from.

HOLY shit! I always suspected that you were a disgusting excuse for a human being and you just confirmed it. Slavery is fine with you just so you can have cheap shit.........WOW! Great job of exposing your true colors. I will be throwing this up in your face every chance I get. (snicker)
Fact is fact.
So your throwing in my face nonsense just reinforces it's factuality
So Dale what country was your computer made in?
No parts from China or Indonesia?
Your hypocrisy is boundless.

You are justifying slavery and you don't want any change to the system and that makes you one disgusting piece of shit.
Hey, don't take it out on me....I was just stating an eulogy over the GOP/RNC/Tea Party casket....R.I.P. .LOL

Both political parties are bought and paid for so neither one is going anywhere because they are simply controllled opposition. You have no clue as to what is going on....keep waving the rainbow colored "Team Demcrat" flag like the moron that you are.
A little early to be this wrong, ain't it?
Little paws101, I know more than you. The establishment owns both parties, lock, stock and barrel. Just because YOU don't know or can comprehend it doesn't change a damn thing, you lover of slavery.
Dale's classic false proclamation again
Got a credible link to your bullshit?

How about the fact that Washington D.C is just the headquarters of USA.INC and those that hold office are nothing but corporate officers and I have proven MANY times over that we are not under the organic constitution but a corporate charter that was written in 1871. Do you know how to use Dun and You can look up any corporation and for a small fee you can find their credit rating. I have posted many links from it. Every alphabet agency is incorporated, the Supreme Court is incorporated....I will let you take a wild guess why this is VERY significant. Both parties do what is best for the international bankers that are the shareholders of USA.INC and is under the control of the IMF when USA.INC was taken into receivership in 1950 when once again it declared bankruptcy. You don't know ANYTHING....I doubt you could even wrap your mind around the lies, deceit and thievery that has been done to's fucking MIND blowing.
Fine job of shit stacking , now do you have any actual evidence or just more Dale misinterpretation of history?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers
The US economy would cease to function if slave labor products were not a huge part of it.
It’s why you own the laptop you do all your blathering from.

HOLY shit! I always suspected that you were a disgusting excuse for a human being and you just confirmed it. Slavery is fine with you just so you can have cheap shit.........WOW! Great job of exposing your true colors. I will be throwing this up in your face every chance I get. (snicker)
Fact is fact.
So your throwing in my face nonsense just reinforces it's factuality
So Dale what country was your computer made in?
No parts from China or Indonesia?
Your hypocrisy is boundless.

You are justifying slavery and you don't want any change to the system and that makes you one disgusting piece of shit.
Answer the question Dale.
In what country is your computer made?
Evade reality much?
Funny how we now have the evidence that the anti-trumpsters are making 16 bucks an hour to protest. Now see, that is true desperation. And it isn't republicans paying that money. So, to the libturds, what say you, ok to pay someone to start riots?

Leftard logic dictates that the end justifies the means. They will stoop to any disgusting tactic to bring this country to full blown communism. It's in Sal Alinsky's handbook for leftards.
I think another Trump thread should be started. I don't think the desperation has gone far enough yet. Got anymore ideas on Trump. The libs are certainly bothered by his success.
He sucks is the only accurate part of that post.
Success is easy when you have everything handed to you.
Ok, thanks for playing.
All ways a pleasure to enlightened you.
Yeah thanks, I always like it when I'm right.
Then you woke up.
and I'm still right.
Happy Friday weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm a conservative, registered in MI as unaffiliated (independent), so I generally vote for Republican candidates. Thus, had Trump not been in the race I would have voted for Cruz because of his conservatism. Had Cruz turned out to be the nominee I certainly would have voted for him come November.

Two things I like about Trump. He's a successful businessman not a professional politican, and I'm sick and tired of the professionals...of both parties. I too am a successful business guy albeit nowhere near Trump's level of accomplishments, wealth, etc. As such though, I know business people are a different breed compared to pols in a lot of ways. For example, in business when a company is experiencing fiscal problems for whatever reasons, there's no such thing as simply raising everyones' taxes to fix things, which is so often the pols' solution. Instead, you gotta roll up the sleeves and figure out how to solve whatever's ailing and depending on circumstances there's generally several options to employ to help right the ship. Budgets and expenses can be pared, planned capital expenditures can be cut, cancelled, or deferred. Suppliers can be leaned on for more favorable pricing and or terms, and usually lots of other things to consider too. But the bottom line is there is no bottomless pit of taxpayer money to rescue you. You sink or swim on your own merits.

The other thing I like about Trump is his ability to deal with the lamestream lefty media. Whomever the Republican nominee turned out to be he or she would then be subjected to six months of the slings and arrows coming from the dem's nominee and campaign staff, the DNC, sitting or former dem members of Congress, etc., and all aided and abetted by their media friends and sycophants. But early in the primary season Trump made it clear what he thought of the media folks, frequently pointed out their biases, and it helped mitigate/neutralize their normal effectiveness. Not only did he deal with them like no politican ever had, but his approach resonated with people and helped secure him the incredible victory margins that have left the 'experts' still in a state of shock.

Cruz however, as good as he is, doesn't have the media touch Trump does and had he been the nominee they'd resume their normal mischief as formidable dem allies and make the race much tougher for him.

Make America Great Again!
Funny how we now have the evidence that the anti-trumpsters are making 16 bucks an hour to protest. Now see, that is true desperation. And it isn't republicans paying that money. So, to the libturds, what say you, ok to pay someone to start riots?

Leftard logic dictates that the end justifies the means. They will stoop to any disgusting tactic to bring this country to full blown communism. It's in Sal Alinsky's handbook for leftards.
He sucks is the only accurate part of that post.
Success is easy when you have everything handed to you.
Ok, thanks for playing.
All ways a pleasure to enlightened you.
Yeah thanks, I always like it when I'm right.
Then you woke up.
and I'm still right.
Nope, you presented a story that has not been authenticated.
Showcasing the innate stupidity of dump supporters.
That's quite rich, coming from a person who's only choice for a Democrat candidate is between an avowed Commie and a pathological Liar. ....... :lol: :lol:
Really ? Better a sane commie and a alleged liar then the proven liar and sociopath you clowns have settled on.
Another bonus, the democratic party is not melting down.
Btw I'm free to make a third choice or no choice at all.
So much for "my only" choice bullshit you're selling.

She is a proven liar: sniper fire, Sir Edmond Hillary, and Benghazi was because of a video. She also puts her convenience and insulation above national security interests, and above victims of her husband.

Trump may be a blowhard, but the move away from evangelical control of the GOP is a good thing and long overdue. Think of it like the ACA, it is horrible in the short term, but what rises from the ashes will be a vast improvement, right?

I thought progressives wanted the GOP to quit focusing on social conservatism. I thought the GOP had to move to the center to survive, according to progressives. Has that all changed now that it is being done? Progressives should be gleeful. Why so sad? He's practically Hillary. Would you rather a Pat Buchanan or Rick Santorum? There's just no pleasing progressives. -sigh-
Do you feel better now?
Did you wipe?

So, no rebuttal or comments on the issue, just vulgar deflections. It seems you are the one who needs to wipe. I didn't start this whinefest OP complaining about the other side not doing what you want. Maybe you should clean up your own side of the street instead of ignoring that mess to point out someone else's.
It's a little shocking how economically socialist Trump is. In many ways he's come across as far more extreme than even Sanders.

Such as?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers
The US economy would cease to function if slave labor products were not a huge part of it.
It’s why you own the laptop you do all your blathering from.

That is nonsense.

Cheap Third World shit has been a huge MINUS for the US economy.

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