Are You Going to Hell?

Joey, you have to look at it like sky fairy and fairy tales and all of that nonsense. You wouldn't have any arguments otherwise.

Well, actually, even if you looked at it like it was true, it would be kind of fucked up.

So God wanted Jephthah to murder his daughter?
You are especially treating it like a fairy tale when you do that.
You are especially treating it like a fairy tale when you do that.

even fairy tales have morals to them.

The Moral of the Jephthah tale was supposed to be, "don't make rash vows".

But then you have to question the morality behind a God who insists that a man butcher his daughter because he didn't think through a vow for something God obviously wanted to happen.

You are especially treating it like a fairy tale when you do that.

even fairy tales have morals to them.

The Moral of the Jephthah tale was supposed to be, "don't make rash vows".

But then you have to question the morality behind a God who insists that a man butcher his daughter because he didn't think through a vow for something God obviously wanted to happen.

Joey, if you want to stop treating it like a fairy tale you will have to seek out the explanation independent of what you want it to mean.
You are especially treating it like a fairy tale when you do that.

even fairy tales have morals to them.

The Moral of the Jephthah tale was supposed to be, "don't make rash vows".

But then you have to question the morality behind a God who insists that a man butcher his daughter because he didn't think through a vow for something God obviously wanted to happen.

It's a fairy tale? Right?

You might as well question the morality of a God who let the big bad wolf eat grandma.

The story could just be a part of the larger picture of the moral decline into barbarism that Moses predicted would happen after his death when the people turned aside from the way he taught to follow the law and adopted the degrading practices of the other messed up people living in the area ..
You are especially treating it like a fairy tale when you do that.

even fairy tales have morals to them.

The Moral of the Jephthah tale was supposed to be, "don't make rash vows".

But then you have to question the morality behind a God who insists that a man butcher his daughter because he didn't think through a vow for something God obviously wanted to happen.

Joey, if you want to stop treating it like a fairy tale you will have to seek out the explanation independent of what you want it to mean.

He found something trying to explain his hostilities. Maybe a light will go off for him in his search?

Jephthah's (chief of the robbers) daughter = "bethel (worship local)" is Adah Sheula = "Beautiful Binding, or Binding Ornament (first daughter)". A female Aqedah = "binding", male version of this would be named Akita. This is a first learning/experience/vow. Lamentation is made because from that first; no more host can be built up in that lineage of host as Jephthah's vow is to sacrifice it to God alone. If we keep in mind Jephthah's role and that he is born from harlotry it will start to make sense for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
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Joey, I don't move the dial on your drama queen scale. Seriously. You need to take a step back and look at all the things that inflame you.

Nothing inflames me... except Bronze Age stupidity.
If what you said was true, what is going down with vaccines should enrage you then but apparently they don't.
Don't believe lying MSM and political correct carrier politicians, Hell is in reality waiting for you.
Stop to commit sin and begin to study the Holy Bible, otherwise you are lost.

Been there and it is anything but pretty.
Joey, if you want to stop treating it like a fairy tale you will have to seek out the explanation independent of what you want it to mean.

I don't have to treat it like anything but a fairy tale.

Oh, my guess is, at the time of Jephthah, when the Hebrews were sacrificing all sorts of people to their angry sky God, this was in their history and they were whitewashing it with a fairy tale.

But let's talk about the morality of the story. Why does God, who has earlier in the bible said Human Sacrifice is a bad thing (except for the times he insists on it), accept this sacrifice? In fact, Jephthah and his daughter are absolutely terrified of what will happen if they don't.
Joey, if you want to stop treating it like a fairy tale you will have to seek out the explanation independent of what you want it to mean.

I don't have to treat it like anything but a fairy tale.

Oh, my guess is, at the time of Jephthah, when the Hebrews were sacrificing all sorts of people to their angry sky God, this was in their history and they were whitewashing it with a fairy tale.

But let's talk about the morality of the story. Why does God, who has earlier in the bible said Human Sacrifice is a bad thing (except for the times he insists on it), accept this sacrifice? In fact, Jephthah and his daughter are absolutely terrified of what will happen if they don't.
Which is why you will remain ignorant, Joey. It’s called bias and it leads to subjectivity. It is your error to make.

You are reading these accounts literally. They don’t make sense to you when you read them literally because they were not written to be read literally and not intended to be read literally.
Which is why you will remain ignorant, Joey. It’s called bias and it leads to subjectivity. It is your error to make.

You are reading these accounts literally. They don’t make sense to you when you read them literally because they were not written to be read literally and not intended to be read literally.

Usually, when a Bible thumper claims there's some 'higher meaning" to an awful story in the bible, it usually means they know this is a shitty story that they don't read on Sunday because it just makes Yahweh look like kind of a dick.
Which is why you will remain ignorant, Joey. It’s called bias and it leads to subjectivity. It is your error to make.

You are reading these accounts literally. They don’t make sense to you when you read them literally because they were not written to be read literally and not intended to be read literally.

Usually, when a Bible thumper claims there's some 'higher meaning" to an awful story in the bible, it usually means they know this is a shitty story that they don't read on Sunday because it just makes Yahweh look like kind of a dick.

Well yeah... Thats the trap.

If you believe that God is a dick you will become one..whether you believe in God or not.

If you think more deeply about it and look for evidence hidden in those same stories of the just and benevolent God that Jesus spoke of as a loving father,, you will find it.
Which is why you will remain ignorant, Joey. It’s called bias and it leads to subjectivity. It is your error to make.

You are reading these accounts literally. They don’t make sense to you when you read them literally because they were not written to be read literally and not intended to be read literally.

Usually, when a Bible thumper claims there's some 'higher meaning" to an awful story in the bible, it usually means they know this is a shitty story that they don't read on Sunday because it just makes Yahweh look like kind of a dick.
There is more meaning than you will ever know because you literally look for ways to avoid finding the meaning.

Bible Studies on the Book of Judges Lesson 12: Judges 11–12 An Unfortunate Oath Mr. James Oord
Well yeah... Thats the trap.

If you believe that God is a dick you will become one..whether you believe in God or not.

If you think more deeply about it and look for evidence hidden in those same stories of the just and benevolent God that Jesus spoke of as a loving father,, you will find it.

Hitler found a rationalization for the Holocaust in the bible, which was written by Jews.

I find the character of Yahweh (whom I no more consider "God" than Zeus or Odin, who were a lot cooler) to be a dick because of the things he actually does in the bible. He drowns babies, sends angels out to kill babies, demands human sacrifices, insists on genocides, and on and on.

I kind of like the story of Judges 11 because of how absolutely absurd it is.

A close second is 2 Kings 2:23-25, where Yahweh sends bears to kill a bunch of children because they mocked a bald prophet. Yahweh isn't just the hair club president, he's also a client.


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Well yeah... Thats the trap.

If you believe that God is a dick you will become one..whether you believe in God or not.

If you think more deeply about it and look for evidence hidden in those same stories of the just and benevolent God that Jesus spoke of as a loving father,, you will find it.

Hitler found a rationalization for the Holocaust in the bible, which was written by Jews.

I find the character of Yahweh (whom I no more consider "God" than Zeus or Odin, who were a lot cooler) to be a dick because of the things he actually does in the bible. He drowns babies, sends angels out to kill babies, demands human sacrifices, insists on genocides, and on and on.

I kind of like the story of Judges 11 because of how absolutely absurd it is.

A close second is 2 Kings 2:23-25, where Yahweh sends bears to kill a bunch of children because they mocked a bald prophet. Yahweh isn't just the hair club president, he's also a client.

Yes, Hitler found a rationalization in the bible for the holocaust.. Here it is,,

"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to for their king--bring them here and slaughter them in my presence..'" Luke 19:27

Thats the danger of not thinking deeply about what was written. By teaching to read the bible literally fundamentalist Christians have the blood of the holocaust on their hands.

BTW....The two she bears where just two school teachers who mauled the 42 children, so to speak, to try and teach them respect for their elders.

If they were two real bears 40 of the children would have ran way by the time the first two were killed.
Yes, Hitler found a rationalization in the bible for the holocaust.. Here it is,,

"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to for their king--bring them here and slaughter them in my presence..'" Luke 19:27

Thats the danger of not thinking deeply about what was written. By teaching to read the bible literally fundamentalist Christians have the blood of the holocaust on their hands.

Oh, I don't blame the Fundementalists... I blame Christianity itself. The whole of the Gospel of John is an indictment of the Jews for not accepting Jesus as the Messiah. The idea that Hitler was off in left field is belied by the fact that Christians had been oppressing the Jews pretty much from the moment they started to be an independent sect.

BTW....The two she bears where just two school teachers who mauled the 42 children, so to speak, to try and teach them respect for their elders.

If they were two real bears 40 of the children would have ran way by the time the first two were killed.

Would they have. Maybe the bears had them trapped! Maybe the bears were like Jason Vorhees and hunted these kids down over a period of time.

Yes, Hitler found a rationalization in the bible for the holocaust.. Here it is,,

"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to for their king--bring them here and slaughter them in my presence..'" Luke 19:27

Thats the danger of not thinking deeply about what was written. By teaching to read the bible literally fundamentalist Christians have the blood of the holocaust on their hands.

Oh, I don't blame the Fundementalists... I blame Christianity itself. The whole of the Gospel of John is an indictment of the Jews for not accepting Jesus as the Messiah. The idea that Hitler was off in left field is belied by the fact that Christians had been oppressing the Jews pretty much from the moment they started to be an independent sect.

BTW....The two she bears where just two school teachers who mauled the 42 children, so to speak, to try and teach them respect for their elders.

If they were two real bears 40 of the children would have ran way by the time the first two were killed.

Would they have. Maybe the bears had them trapped! Maybe the bears were like Jason Vorhees and hunted these kids down over a period of time.

Hitler was no Christian. But even if he were it still has no bearing on the existence of a Creator.

Please tell me you aren’t a militant atheist Jew because I think I see a trend emerging.

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