Are You Going to Hell?

Hitler was no Christian.

Wow, it's the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy. I haven't seen that one in a while. Let's see if i can find a funny picture.


But even if he were it still has no bearing on the existence of a Creator.

Well, um, yeah, it kind of does. If Hitler goes around and kills a bunch of God's "Chosen People' in the name of God, and not only doesn't God stop him, but the clergy in his own country don't say jack-diddly about it until AFTER he loses the war, it kind of proves there isn't a creator.

Unless, of course, you are a Deist who thinks God created the world and stopped giving a hoot about it afterwards.

Please tell me you aren’t a militant atheist Jew because I think I see a trend emerging.

Dude, I've spent most of this thread talking about my religious background (which is Catholic until I realized the old Dykes in Habits were just full of shit.) Do try to pay attention.
Hitler was no Christian.

Wow, it's the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy. I haven't seen that one in a while. Let's see if i can find a funny picture.

View attachment 237837

But even if he were it still has no bearing on the existence of a Creator.

Well, um, yeah, it kind of does. If Hitler goes around and kills a bunch of God's "Chosen People' in the name of God, and not only doesn't God stop him, but the clergy in his own country don't say jack-diddly about it until AFTER he loses the war, it kind of proves there isn't a creator.

Unless, of course, you are a Deist who thinks God created the world and stopped giving a hoot about it afterwards.

Please tell me you aren’t a militant atheist Jew because I think I see a trend emerging.

Dude, I've spent most of this thread talking about my religious background (which is Catholic until I realized the old Dykes in Habits were just full of shit.) Do try to pay attention.

Hey Joe you're a racist for talking smack about Christians. Also a HOMOPHOBE, since you're using derogatory names for gay people. But I suppose that's okay, isn't it, since they're supposedly Christian? Won't you tell us, Joe, when it's okay to use slurs for gay women? Like the one you used? I've never said or typed that word, but I'm often accused of hating gay people. I'm just not sure what the rules are, see...........

I'm just using your own criteria on you, correct? Since religions are now a race. If I'm using the criteria wrong, please do enlighten me.
Hitler was no Christian.

Wow, it's the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy. I haven't seen that one in a while. Let's see if i can find a funny picture.

View attachment 237837

But even if he were it still has no bearing on the existence of a Creator.

Well, um, yeah, it kind of does. If Hitler goes around and kills a bunch of God's "Chosen People' in the name of God, and not only doesn't God stop him, but the clergy in his own country don't say jack-diddly about it until AFTER he loses the war, it kind of proves there isn't a creator.

Unless, of course, you are a Deist who thinks God created the world and stopped giving a hoot about it afterwards.

Please tell me you aren’t a militant atheist Jew because I think I see a trend emerging.

Dude, I've spent most of this thread talking about my religious background (which is Catholic until I realized the old Dykes in Habits were just full of shit.) Do try to pay attention.
I think your perception of God is flawed, Joey. I know it is unsupported by reality.

As a rule I don’t read your posts to others. I don’t find you that interesting. It is good to know you aren’t a militant atheist Jew or a covert evangelizing Jew. You are just a good old fashioned apostate catholic who never understood or tried to understand his faith.
I love it when Leftists stop projecting for a second and their true colors come out. Like this:

old Dykes in Habits

Never forget, fellow conservatives, when they accuse us of being racist homophobic bigots, they are looking inside and assuming that everyone is like them. Like the Gospel, preach this truth to yourself often, so you don't forget.
Oh, my guess is,
We understand you are creating your own stories, and that your own creations cause frustration, bitterness, and even hatred to grow from within, which you then try to laugh off.

I had been under the misapprehension you wished to better understand the Bible. Now I understand that what you want is for us to understand your gut feelings. Which we do. However, the actual Bible (not your authorship) is so much better!
Which is why you will remain ignorant, Joey. It’s called bias and it leads to subjectivity. It is your error to make.

You are reading these accounts literally. They don’t make sense to you when you read them literally because they were not written to be read literally and not intended to be read literally.

Usually, when a Bible thumper claims there's some 'higher meaning" to an awful story in the bible, it usually means they know this is a shitty story that they don't read on Sunday because it just makes Yahweh look like kind of a dick.

Well yeah... Thats the trap.

If you believe that God is a dick you will become one..whether you believe in God or not.

If you think more deeply about it and look for evidence hidden in those same stories of the just and benevolent God that Jesus spoke of as a loving father,, you will find it.
If you think more deeply about it and look for evidence hidden in those same stories of the just and benevolent God that Jesus spoke of as a loving father,, you will find it.

and look for evidence hidden in those same stories ... you will find it.

you will not find the true events of the 1st century or the meaning to its conclusion ... you will find a forged and scripted version written in the 4th century -

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the Great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they spent a century writing it ...
Hey Joe you're a racist for talking smack about Christians. Also a HOMOPHOBE, since you're using derogatory names for gay people. But I suppose that's okay, isn't it, since they're supposedly Christian? Won't you tell us, Joe, when it's okay to use slurs for gay women? Like the one you used? I've never said or typed that word, but I'm often accused of hating gay people. I'm just not sure what the rules are, see...........

Hey, that's what they call themselves.. you've never heard of "Dykes on Bikes".

Again, the gay liberation movement was the best thing that could have happened. Once it became okay for young Catholic women to be gay, all these women stopped becoming nuns! They actually found happiness other than in torturing the children of the straights. This is a truly positive development.

I'm just using your own criteria on you, correct? Since religions are now a race. If I'm using the criteria wrong, please do enlighten me.

well, yeah.... You see, I can rip on the Catholics because I was born, baptized and confirmed Catholic and went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Of course, we knew all the nuns were lesbians and all the priests were queers and you didn't want to be caught in a room alone with one.

Thankfully, we've had a gay liberation movement, and sexually repressed people are no longer forced into clergy.
I love it when Leftists stop projecting for a second and their true colors come out. Like this:

old Dykes in Habits

Never forget, fellow conservatives, when they accuse us of being racist homophobic bigots, they are looking inside and assuming that everyone is like them. Like the Gospel, preach this truth to yourself often, so you don't forget.

Naw, man, pointing out someone is obviously a lesbian isn't homophobic. Trying to deny them basic human rights is.
Hey Joe you're a racist for talking smack about Christians. Also a HOMOPHOBE, since you're using derogatory names for gay people. But I suppose that's okay, isn't it, since they're supposedly Christian? Won't you tell us, Joe, when it's okay to use slurs for gay women? Like the one you used? I've never said or typed that word, but I'm often accused of hating gay people. I'm just not sure what the rules are, see...........

Hey, that's what they call themselves.. you've never heard of "Dykes on Bikes".

Again, the gay liberation movement was the best thing that could have happened. Once it became okay for young Catholic women to be gay, all these women stopped becoming nuns! They actually found happiness other than in torturing the children of the straights. This is a truly positive development.

I'm just using your own criteria on you, correct? Since religions are now a race. If I'm using the criteria wrong, please do enlighten me.

well, yeah.... You see, I can rip on the Catholics because I was born, baptized and confirmed Catholic and went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Of course, we knew all the nuns were lesbians and all the priests were queers and you didn't want to be caught in a room alone with one.

Thankfully, we've had a gay liberation movement, and sexually repressed people are no longer forced into clergy.

Yes, we know you had your feelings hurt, so you think being offensive to the people you THINK might be gay who hurt your feelings is then okay. It's not okay. And you're just a hypocrite, Joe, which a lot of us know.

From the GLAAD Media Reference Guide:

"fag," "faggot," "dyke," "homo," "sodomite," and similar epithets
The criteria for using these derogatory terms should be the same as those applied to vulgar epithets used to target other groups: they should not be used except in a direct quote that reveals the bias of the person quoted. So that such words are not given credibility in the media, it is preferred that reporters say, "The person used a derogatory word for a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person."

GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Terms To Avoid
We understand you are creating your own stories, and that your own creations cause frustration, bitterness, and even hatred to grow from within, which you then try to laugh off.

I had been under the misapprehension you wished to better understand the Bible. Now I understand that what you want is for us to understand your gut feelings. Which we do. However, the actual Bible (not your authorship) is so much better!

As Mark Twain said, "It isn't the parts of the bible I don't understand that bother me, it's the parts i understand perfectly fine."

12 years of the nuns and priests and their lame-ass answers on religion while they attempted to brainwash kids.

That's what I get upset about. Putting that kind of scare into a kid. It's fucking child abuse.

I think your perception of God is flawed, Joey. I know it is unsupported by reality.

As a rule I don’t read your posts to others. I don’t find you that interesting. It is good to know you aren’t a militant atheist Jew or a covert evangelizing Jew. You are just a good old fashioned apostate catholic who never understood or tried to understand his faith.

Wait a minute, "reality" can't be found in a book with talking snakes and giants. Those are fairy tales. Kind of like "Little Red Riding Hood"


Of course,we know logically that Wolves don't talk and they don't swallow people whole. But there was a moral message they were trying to transmit. Don't talk to strangers, don't go into the woods alone.

But if you go back to the original story... the Wolf eats Red and END OF STORY. Full stop. Then they realized that really didn't play well so they tacked on an ending where she gets rescued before she is digested.

Kind of like you Bible thumpers. You know that a lot of your fairy stories in the bible don't play well, so you either don't talk about them or you try to "Disney" them up.
We understand you are creating your own stories, and that your own creations cause frustration, bitterness, and even hatred to grow from within, which you then try to laugh off.

I had been under the misapprehension you wished to better understand the Bible. Now I understand that what you want is for us to understand your gut feelings. Which we do. However, the actual Bible (not your authorship) is so much better!

As Mark Twain said, "It isn't the parts of the bible I don't understand that bother me, it's the parts i understand perfectly fine."

12 years of the nuns and priests and their lame-ass answers on religion while they attempted to brainwash kids.

That's what I get upset about. Putting that kind of scare into a kid. It's fucking child abuse.

I think your perception of God is flawed, Joey. I know it is unsupported by reality.

As a rule I don’t read your posts to others. I don’t find you that interesting. It is good to know you aren’t a militant atheist Jew or a covert evangelizing Jew. You are just a good old fashioned apostate catholic who never understood or tried to understand his faith.

Wait a minute, "reality" can't be found in a book with talking snakes and giants. Those are fairy tales. Kind of like "Little Red Riding Hood"


Of course,we know logically that Wolves don't talk and they don't swallow people whole. But there was a moral message they were trying to transmit. Don't talk to strangers, don't go into the woods alone.

But if you go back to the original story... the Wolf eats Red and END OF STORY. Full stop. Then they realized that really didn't play well so they tacked on an ending where she gets rescued before she is digested.

Kind of like you Bible thumpers. You know that a lot of your fairy stories in the bible don't play well, so you either don't talk about them or you try to "Disney" them up.

I don't know how old you are but if you are any years deep into adulthood than I find your lack of self-reflection a little alarming. Okay, you didn't like your Catholic upbringing. Neither did my husband. He went to Catholic school too, for years and years. You like it so little that you have a huge blind spot to the hypocritical name-calling and derogatory treatment you give THEM and OTHER CHRISTIANS, that violate your proclaimed ethics in every other facet of your life.

For example:

I am white; this may be obvious. Is it okay if I call black people the N word? Yes or no, Joe. After all, they call each other this term.

That's your defense for calling nuns Dy***s. Some gay women call themselves that term, so it's okay for YOU to do so.

Now, I don't know, maybe you were actually abused by the priests and nuns, and I don't mean just "brainwashed". If that is so, then it's horrid and inexcusable and you have reason to be furious. Even if you were not, I'm here to tell you the Catholic Church has its own teachings and hierarchy set up which are wholly extra-Biblical. Which is why my husband left it and is thrilled every day that he did. I will not defend the Catholic Church in a lot, and I mean a LOT of things. But your vitriolic seething rage at it is really misplaced UNLESS some really bad stuff went down. In which case, get help---I'm being serious.
I don't know how old you are but if you are any years deep into adulthood than I find your lack of self-reflection a little alarming. Okay, you didn't like your Catholic upbringing. Neither did my husband. He went to Catholic school too, for years and years. You like it so little that you have a huge blind spot to the hypocritical name-calling and derogatory treatment you give THEM and OTHER CHRISTIANS, that violate your proclaimed ethics in every other facet of your life.

I'm 57... and no, I didn't like my Catholic Upbringing because they were all a bunch of phonies and hypocrites. I guess I'm lucky, since I got through it and never got molested by a priest, but there was plenty of other physical and mental abuse.

That's your defense for calling nuns Dy***s. Some gay women call themselves that term, so it's okay for YOU to do so.

Actually, it's okay for me to do so because it recognizes why they were such awful people. When your entire clergy is made up of repressed homosexuals, you are going to get some pretty messed up results.

Even if you were not, I'm here to tell you the Catholic Church has its own teachings and hierarchy set up which are wholly extra-Biblical. Which is why my husband left it and is thrilled every day that he did. I will not defend the Catholic Church in a lot, and I mean a LOT of things. But your vitriolic seething rage at it is really misplaced UNLESS some really bad stuff went down. In which case, get help---I'm being serious.

Like I said, my hatred comes from when Sister Mary Butch had the nerve to show up at my Mom's funeral and say God had a good reason for her to suffer for a year and a half.

But to claim that your church is the "right' one is even more laughable. The Catholics were here first. All the rest of you guys are just making up your own fucking rules.. Starting when Hank the Eighth wanted a divorce.

You people are all fucked up assholes trying to impose your fairy tales on the rest of us, and you deserved to be mocked, openly
I don't know how old you are but if you are any years deep into adulthood than I find your lack of self-reflection a little alarming. Okay, you didn't like your Catholic upbringing. Neither did my husband. He went to Catholic school too, for years and years. You like it so little that you have a huge blind spot to the hypocritical name-calling and derogatory treatment you give THEM and OTHER CHRISTIANS, that violate your proclaimed ethics in every other facet of your life.

I'm 57... and no, I didn't like my Catholic Upbringing because they were all a bunch of phonies and hypocrites. I guess I'm lucky, since I got through it and never got molested by a priest, but there was plenty of other physical and mental abuse.

That's your defense for calling nuns Dy***s. Some gay women call themselves that term, so it's okay for YOU to do so.

Actually, it's okay for me to do so because it recognizes why they were such awful people. When your entire clergy is made up of repressed homosexuals, you are going to get some pretty messed up results.

Even if you were not, I'm here to tell you the Catholic Church has its own teachings and hierarchy set up which are wholly extra-Biblical. Which is why my husband left it and is thrilled every day that he did. I will not defend the Catholic Church in a lot, and I mean a LOT of things. But your vitriolic seething rage at it is really misplaced UNLESS some really bad stuff went down. In which case, get help---I'm being serious.

Like I said, my hatred comes from when Sister Mary Butch had the nerve to show up at my Mom's funeral and say God had a good reason for her to suffer for a year and a half.

But to claim that your church is the "right' one is even more laughable. The Catholics were here first. All the rest of you guys are just making up your own fucking rules.. Starting when Hank the Eighth wanted a divorce.

You people are all fucked up assholes trying to impose your fairy tales on the rest of us, and you deserved to be mocked, openly

Joe, honest to Pete. You are 57 years old, you type and react like you are yet....well, a LOT younger. I am younger than you by almost 10 years. GET. OVER. IT.

You weren't abused. So what, someone said something lunkheaded at your mom's funeral? People say lunkheaded things all the time, every day. Repeatedly. So what?

Joe, honest to Pete. You are 57 years old, you type and react like you are yet....well, a LOT younger. I am younger than you by almost 10 years. GET. OVER. IT.

You weren't abused. So what, someone said something lunkheaded at your mom's funeral? People say lunkheaded things all the time, every day. Repeatedly. So what?

It wasn't that she said something lunkheaded.

It was that she was a religious authority who said something lunkheaded.

But then I realized, EVERYTHING these people said was lunkheaded.

People die. I get that... It's try to scam people into giving them money by promising them a happy afterlife / threatening them will eternal torment that I find so fucking offensive.
Joe, honest to Pete. You are 57 years old, you type and react like you are yet....well, a LOT younger. I am younger than you by almost 10 years. GET. OVER. IT.

You weren't abused. So what, someone said something lunkheaded at your mom's funeral? People say lunkheaded things all the time, every day. Repeatedly. So what?

It wasn't that she said something lunkheaded.

It was that she was a religious authority who said something lunkheaded.

But then I realized, EVERYTHING these people said was lunkheaded.

People die. I get that... It's try to scam people into giving them money by promising them a happy afterlife / threatening them will eternal torment that I find so fucking offensive.

Joe, how many years have you been out of the Catholic schools? I figure it must be around FORTY YEARS now. Forty years. How many years has it been since your mother has died? For real, this is a long time to be carrying around so much bitterness and anger. This is not any kind of rational problem you have with Christianity. It's personal animus--as you have said, HATRED. You know that does no damage to Christianity, or very little. It eats up at you, though.

But whatever, it's your life.
12 years of the nuns and priests and their lame-ass answers on religion while they attempted to brainwash kids.
Were you brainwashed? Tell us how the people you still know personally and have a close relationship portray this brainwashing.

People who think they understand the Bible "perfectly fine" haven't a clue. And that goes for as many people of faith as it goes for some atheists. It appears to me individuals can brainwash themselves more easily than have it done to them by someone else.
Wait a minute, "reality" can't be found in a book with talking snakes and giants. Those are fairy tales. Kind of like "Little Red Riding Hood"


Of course,we know logically that Wolves don't talk and they don't swallow people whole. But there was a moral message they were trying to transmit. Don't talk to strangers, don't go into the woods alone.

But if you go back to the original story... the Wolf eats Red and END OF STORY. Full stop. Then they realized that really didn't play well so they tacked on an ending where she gets rescued before she is digested.

Kind of like you Bible thumpers. You know that a lot of your fairy stories in the bible don't play well, so you either don't talk about them or you try to "Disney" them up.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 1500 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if we start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. We shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, we are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. We read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make ourselves feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.

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