Are you still dumb enough to think Trump is for real?

Who are you voting for OP?

I was a Bernie supporter. But I'm voting Hillary.
So you want to talk about being "dumb" yet your ass supported a sell out and Hillary is so full of shit, she needs waders to take a dump.
Fucking hack

I agree there are not 2 good choices. There's a choice for someone who will likely end our democracy as we know it, appoint an ignorant racist to the Supreme Court, and alienate every one of our allies in the world, and Hillary Clinton.

Show me a politician who hasn't lied, and I'll show you a fish that can't swim.

I find your position naive. You are free to be naive, of course. With the GOP Congress, Hillary will try to rule by executive fiat. That will be the end of democracy as we know it.

Maybe. Or maybe Trump would nuke Europe and be unable to find Capitol Hill?

There is no meaningful downside to either...
If so, read this:

Report: The Trump campaign asked John Kasich to be the 'most powerful vice president in history'

But according to an unnamed Kasich adviser who spoke with The New York Times, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. reached out to him with an enticing proposal for the Ohio governor.

Did Kasich want to serve as vice president? More specifically, as characterized by The Times, the "most powerful vice president ever"?

Trump Jr. reportedly explained that his father's vice president would be put in charge of foreign and domestic policy. The Kasich adviser then asked what Trump himself would be in charge of if that were the case.

His reply?

"Making America great again," according to The Time
Wow. They keep making better and better libtards. This one thinks an unnamed source in a NYT op-ed is credible.

Do you really doubt it all that much? Trump has no clue how to be president. He's never once elucidated a cogent policy point with respect to foreign or domestic policy. He can't govern. Pure and simple. His goal is to "win" the presidency, and be a figurehead.
Washington, Jefferson, Adams and other early Presidents did a pretty good job and they had no political careers or foreign and domestic policies either. I believe Trump will do a hell of a job since he isn't a crooked, slimy politician. If he does, maybe we should evaluate whether a politician should ever run for President. Surely not an evil, crooked , murderous bitch named Clinton.
Who are you voting for OP?

I was a Bernie supporter. But I'm voting Hillary.
You'll have to write her in then. She won't be on the ticket come November. She'll be locked up.

Jesus you're dumb.

Who's going to lock her up? Hannibal Lecter? The FBI just cleared her.
Yeah, they said she was too fucking stupid to send an email correctly.. yet, everyone else is the dumb one..
thats right, your stupid ass calls other people dumb for voting for trump, but your candidate is too fuckign stupid to send an EMAIL
Fucking idiot

All I see is you calling her stupid.

Explain to me how that will end with her locked up. If stupidity was a crime, your internet access in jail would be very limited, and we wouldn't be subjected to your posts.
Can't you get it through your thick punkin head that it's almost 4 months till th election and Hazel Clinton is still under investigation by the State Department and she could well wind up in the pokey?
If so, read this:

Report: The Trump campaign asked John Kasich to be the 'most powerful vice president in history'

But according to an unnamed Kasich adviser who spoke with The New York Times, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. reached out to him with an enticing proposal for the Ohio governor.

Did Kasich want to serve as vice president? More specifically, as characterized by The Times, the "most powerful vice president ever"?

Trump Jr. reportedly explained that his father's vice president would be put in charge of foreign and domestic policy. The Kasich adviser then asked what Trump himself would be in charge of if that were the case.

His reply?

"Making America great again," according to The Time
Wow. They keep making better and better libtards. This one thinks an unnamed source in a NYT op-ed is credible.

Do you really doubt it all that much? Trump has no clue how to be president. He's never once elucidated a cogent policy point with respect to foreign or domestic policy. He can't govern. Pure and simple. His goal is to "win" the presidency, and be a figurehead.
In other words you can't defend your idiotic OP. That's what I thought. More stupid opinion from you doesn't cut the mustard.
And you believe Hillary, someone who can't even handle classified material... is for real?

We're down to 0 classified e-mails now...jeebus our media suqs. Saw Chuck Todd say zero and end of it the day Comey testified, then I guess he got the word...
View attachment 82313
Any argument, shyttehead? And this makes ZERO:

State: Some classified markings in Clinton emails were 'human error ...
Jul 6, 2016 - State: Some classified markings in Clinton emails were 'human error' ... in the Clintonemail matter, he noted that "a very small number of the ...

FBI Director Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Were Not Properly Marked ...
Jul 7, 2016 - Hillary Clinton's political and media critics jumped all over a key portion of ... FBI Director Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Were Not Properly Marked Classified ... Yhe “c” was in the body, in the text but there was no header on the ...
He also said that more than likely that top secret and classified information was intercepted by our enemies. She is a traitor and so are her supporters.
BS. He said there was no evidence it was hacked, unlike State Dept servers...ANOTHER phony scandal only found out of the SEVENTH House witch hunt. A molehill blown out of all proportion AGAIN. For total hater dupes ONLY. Change the channel and get some fresh air, MORON.

This GOP FBI director should just say not guilty and shut his stupid mouth. Treason my butt. lol. Is he running for something?
I don't know what speech you listened to, but you are totally wrong.
I was a Bernie supporter. But I'm voting Hillary.
You'll have to write her in then. She won't be on the ticket come November. She'll be locked up.

Jesus you're dumb.

Who's going to lock her up? Hannibal Lecter? The FBI just cleared her.
Yeah, they said she was too fucking stupid to send an email correctly.. yet, everyone else is the dumb one..
thats right, your stupid ass calls other people dumb for voting for trump, but your candidate is too fuckign stupid to send an EMAIL
Fucking idiot

All I see is you calling her stupid.

Explain to me how that will end with her locked up. If stupidity was a crime, your internet access in jail would be very limited, and we wouldn't be subjected to your posts.
Can't you get it through your thick punkin head that it's almost 4 months till th election and Hazel Clinton is still under investigation by the State Department and she could well wind up in the pokey?

No, she could not. The State Department investigation would be a personnel matter, not a criminal matter.

I'm beginning to think you're not very smart.
If so, read this:

Report: The Trump campaign asked John Kasich to be the 'most powerful vice president in history'

But according to an unnamed Kasich adviser who spoke with The New York Times, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. reached out to him with an enticing proposal for the Ohio governor.

Did Kasich want to serve as vice president? More specifically, as characterized by The Times, the "most powerful vice president ever"?

Trump Jr. reportedly explained that his father's vice president would be put in charge of foreign and domestic policy. The Kasich adviser then asked what Trump himself would be in charge of if that were the case.

His reply?

"Making America great again," according to The Time
Wow. They keep making better and better libtards. This one thinks an unnamed source in a NYT op-ed is credible.

Do you really doubt it all that much? Trump has no clue how to be president. He's never once elucidated a cogent policy point with respect to foreign or domestic policy. He can't govern. Pure and simple. His goal is to "win" the presidency, and be a figurehead.
In other words you can't defend your idiotic OP. That's what I thought. More stupid opinion from you doesn't cut the mustard.

Who needs to? Most people in this country get it. No surprised you don't. Trump is a fraud, hated by even his own party. He's a reality show star who thinks ratings are more important than the actual business of leading a country. Hell, he's said it himself!
If so, read this:

Report: The Trump campaign asked John Kasich to be the 'most powerful vice president in history'

But according to an unnamed Kasich adviser who spoke with The New York Times, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. reached out to him with an enticing proposal for the Ohio governor.

Did Kasich want to serve as vice president? More specifically, as characterized by The Times, the "most powerful vice president ever"?

Trump Jr. reportedly explained that his father's vice president would be put in charge of foreign and domestic policy. The Kasich adviser then asked what Trump himself would be in charge of if that were the case.

His reply?

"Making America great again," according to The Time
Wow. They keep making better and better libtards. This one thinks an unnamed source in a NYT op-ed is credible.

Do you really doubt it all that much? Trump has no clue how to be president. He's never once elucidated a cogent policy point with respect to foreign or domestic policy. He can't govern. Pure and simple. His goal is to "win" the presidency, and be a figurehead.
In other words you can't defend your idiotic OP. That's what I thought. More stupid opinion from you doesn't cut the mustard.

Who needs to? Most people in this country get it. No surprised you don't. Trump is a fraud, hated by even his own party. He's a reality show star who thinks ratings are more important than the actual business of leading a country. Hell, he's said it himself!
You don't speak for most people in the country. It's always amusing when liberals think they do, like a kid wearing a superman cape.

You can't defend your purile claims by claiming most people agree. How old are you anyway?
You'll have to write her in then. She won't be on the ticket come November. She'll be locked up.

Jesus you're dumb.

Who's going to lock her up? Hannibal Lecter? The FBI just cleared her.
Yeah, they said she was too fucking stupid to send an email correctly.. yet, everyone else is the dumb one..
thats right, your stupid ass calls other people dumb for voting for trump, but your candidate is too fuckign stupid to send an EMAIL
Fucking idiot

All I see is you calling her stupid.

Explain to me how that will end with her locked up. If stupidity was a crime, your internet access in jail would be very limited, and we wouldn't be subjected to your posts.
Can't you get it through your thick punkin head that it's almost 4 months till th election and Hazel Clinton is still under investigation by the State Department and she could well wind up in the pokey?

No, she could not. The State Department investigation would be a personnel matter, not a criminal matter.

I'm beginning to think you're not very smart.
Huh? Just a personnel matter? WTF?
If so, read this:

Report: The Trump campaign asked John Kasich to be the 'most powerful vice president in history'

But according to an unnamed Kasich adviser who spoke with The New York Times, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. reached out to him with an enticing proposal for the Ohio governor.

Did Kasich want to serve as vice president? More specifically, as characterized by The Times, the "most powerful vice president ever"?

Trump Jr. reportedly explained that his father's vice president would be put in charge of foreign and domestic policy. The Kasich adviser then asked what Trump himself would be in charge of if that were the case.

His reply?

"Making America great again," according to The Time
Wow. They keep making better and better libtards. This one thinks an unnamed source in a NYT op-ed is credible.

Do you really doubt it all that much? Trump has no clue how to be president. He's never once elucidated a cogent policy point with respect to foreign or domestic policy. He can't govern. Pure and simple. His goal is to "win" the presidency, and be a figurehead.
In other words you can't defend your idiotic OP. That's what I thought. More stupid opinion from you doesn't cut the mustard.

Who needs to? Most people in this country get it. No surprised you don't. Trump is a fraud, hated by even his own party. He's a reality show star who thinks ratings are more important than the actual business of leading a country. Hell, he's said it himself!
You don't speak for most people in the country. It's always amusing when liberals think they do, like a kid wearing a superman cape.

You can't defend your purile claims by claiming most people agree. How old are you anyway?

I don't? Every poll has Trump hitting the most "unfavorable" numbers of any candidate in history.

So tell me again how "most people" are supporters.
Jesus you're dumb.

Who's going to lock her up? Hannibal Lecter? The FBI just cleared her.
Yeah, they said she was too fucking stupid to send an email correctly.. yet, everyone else is the dumb one..
thats right, your stupid ass calls other people dumb for voting for trump, but your candidate is too fuckign stupid to send an EMAIL
Fucking idiot

All I see is you calling her stupid.

Explain to me how that will end with her locked up. If stupidity was a crime, your internet access in jail would be very limited, and we wouldn't be subjected to your posts.
Can't you get it through your thick punkin head that it's almost 4 months till th election and Hazel Clinton is still under investigation by the State Department and she could well wind up in the pokey?

No, she could not. The State Department investigation would be a personnel matter, not a criminal matter.

I'm beginning to think you're not very smart.
Huh? Just a personnel matter? WTF?

It. Is. Not. A. Criminal. Investigation.

Are you literate?
Yeah, they said she was too fucking stupid to send an email correctly.. yet, everyone else is the dumb one..
thats right, your stupid ass calls other people dumb for voting for trump, but your candidate is too fuckign stupid to send an EMAIL
Fucking idiot

All I see is you calling her stupid.

Explain to me how that will end with her locked up. If stupidity was a crime, your internet access in jail would be very limited, and we wouldn't be subjected to your posts.
Can't you get it through your thick punkin head that it's almost 4 months till th election and Hazel Clinton is still under investigation by the State Department and she could well wind up in the pokey?

No, she could not. The State Department investigation would be a personnel matter, not a criminal matter.

I'm beginning to think you're not very smart.
Huh? Just a personnel matter? WTF?

It. Is. Not. A. Criminal. Investigation.

Are you literate?
That's funny coming. from. you. I didn't make the claim but it's much more than a personnel matter. They could recommend a criminal investigation, I think that's the point. It won't happen under this corrupt administration though.
All I see is you calling her stupid.

Explain to me how that will end with her locked up. If stupidity was a crime, your internet access in jail would be very limited, and we wouldn't be subjected to your posts.
Can't you get it through your thick punkin head that it's almost 4 months till th election and Hazel Clinton is still under investigation by the State Department and she could well wind up in the pokey?

No, she could not. The State Department investigation would be a personnel matter, not a criminal matter.

I'm beginning to think you're not very smart.
Huh? Just a personnel matter? WTF?

It. Is. Not. A. Criminal. Investigation.

Are you literate?
That's funny coming. from. you. I didn't make the claim but it's much more than a personnel matter. They could recommend a criminal investigation, I think that's the point. It won't happen under this corrupt administration though.

A Republican FBI director said she did absolutely nothing worthy of prosecution.

What more does it take for you? A personal message from Jesus Christ exonerating her?

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