Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

Actually, Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery. And the most astounding fact is that every other country that abolished slaver did it without fighting a massive civil war and slaughtering about 5% of it's population.

True. Southerners were extra stupid, and needed a smackdown. The problem is we didn't kill enough of them.

I don't know whether that's a fact or not (I seriously doubt it,) but voting isn't freedom. One can easily demonstrate that all the results of women having the vote have been negative.

Yeah, those women actually voting their own interests and being able to work jobs and not have babies they don't want and otherwise getting uppity with their men-folk.

You really are an inbred rube, aren't you?

Nevertheless, we have the best healthcare in the world. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Except we don't. We have the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized World, the highest infant mortality rate, 25% of Americans had either no insurance or inadequate insurance before the ACA was passed. 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis.

It's like saying, "We make the best car in the world". Um, yeah, but no one can afford that car and the car most of them CAN afford is a piece of crap.

Again, try some day to get an operation that your doctor says you need and your insurance company says you don't.
It is hard to mock you when you say someone having a concealed weapon in the bar would not have ended the shooting sooner and saved many lives. However like a typical liberal, you want people to stand by and do nothing while the shooter, reloads, texts messages to his wife, and stalls police for over two hours;
Unlike the liberals in the bar, most people do not want to be victims.

It took a trained SWAT team THREE HOURS to bring this guy's rampage to an end.

The fact is, an armed civilian has never stopped a mass shooting. It just doesnt' happen for a number of reasons. Some drunk at a gay bar at 2 AM is not going to show the kind of judgement to take out a well-armed and well-prepared shooter.
Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism

Bush was more concerned than Clinton. No was that concerned about fighting terrorism before 9/11.
It is hard to mock you when you say someone having a concealed weapon in the bar would not have ended the shooting sooner and saved many lives. However like a typical liberal, you want people to stand by and do nothing while the shooter, reloads, texts messages to his wife, and stalls police for over two hours;
Unlike the liberals in the bar, most people do not want to be victims.

It took a trained SWAT team THREE HOURS to bring this guy's rampage to an end.

The fact is, an armed civilian has never stopped a mass shooting. It just doesnt' happen for a number of reasons. Some drunk at a gay bar at 2 AM is not going to show the kind of judgement to take out a well-armed and well-prepared shooter.
Why did it take 3 hour for a trained SWAT team to bust into a bar?
The shooter was out numbered 300 to 1, Nobody even threw a beer bottle at him while he was either reloading texting. Sorry but there is no way it should have taken that long, Wonder how many lives were lost when they bleed out waiting for police to rescue them. Yet you still want to disarm America! ESAD
Actually, Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery. And the most astounding fact is that every other country that abolished slaver did it without fighting a massive civil war and slaughtering about 5% of it's population.

True. Southerners were extra stupid, and needed a smackdown. The problem is we didn't kill enough of them.

I don't know whether that's a fact or not (I seriously doubt it,) but voting isn't freedom. One can easily demonstrate that all the results of women having the vote have been negative.

Yeah, those women actually voting their own interests and being able to work jobs and not have babies they don't want and otherwise getting uppity with their men-folk.

You really are an inbred rube, aren't you?

Nevertheless, we have the best healthcare in the world. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Except we don't. We have the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized World, the highest infant mortality rate, 25% of Americans had either no insurance or inadequate insurance before the ACA was passed. 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis.

It's like saying, "We make the best car in the world". Um, yeah, but no one can afford that car and the car most of them CAN afford is a piece of crap.

Again, try some day to get an operation that your doctor says you need and your insurance company says you don't.

Actually, most of us could afford it. Even illegals got healthcare. All your statistics are either bogus or misleading. Take life expectancy, for instance. The quality of healthcare isn't the sole determiner of life expectancy. In fact, it has very little impact on it. Lifestyle choices are the main determiner. On reason Americans don't have the best life expectancy is the fact that we are the fattest people in the world. being overweight plays a large factor in your health. Also, we are being inundated by immigrants from third world countries were life expectancy is low. It's unreasonable to believe that these people will not have a negative effect on the average life expectancy for the entire U.S.

The rest of your statistics are also bullshit, but I've exploded a sufficient number to demonstrate the fact that nothing you say can be taken at face value.
Airline safety has improved dramatically since deregulation despite the failure of Clinton's attempts to re-regulate it. How do you explain that?

Except it wasn't. Besides 9/11, you had TWA flight 800 which was either terrorism or an accident. It has also become a much worse experience for the traveler....

Airline Deregulation: A Triumph of Ideology Over Evidence

Except it was. One crash is a lot better record than we had in the 1970s when there were several crashes every year.
Last edited: got me there

Obama was responsible for 50 dead, Bush was responsible for 3000 dead

And how many was Clinton responsible for in the Oklahoma city bombing?

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Bush 3000
Reagan 241
Clinton 168
Obama 49
Hillary 4

Going to take a long time to remove Bush's place in history

"49?" I think you're ignoring a few:

Little Rock, Arkansas, June 1, 2009. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and murdered one soldier, Army Pvt. William Andrew Long, and injured another, Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, at a military recruiting station in Little Rock.

Fort Hood, Texas, November 5, 2009. Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot up a military base in Fort Hood and murdered 14 people.

Boston, Massachusetts, April 15, 2013. Tamerlan and Dhozkar Tsarnaev set off two bombs at the 2013 Boston marathon, killing three and injuring over 260 people.

Moore, Oklahoma, September 24, 2014. Alton Nolen beheaded a woman, Colleen Huff, at a Vaughan Foods plant and stabbed and injured another person.

Queens, New York, October 23, 2014. Zale Thompson, another self-radicalized Muslim, injured two police officers with a hatchet before being shot dead by other cops.

Brooklyn, New York, December 20, 2014. Ismaayil Brinsley shot and murdered two police officers execution-style and his Facebook page featured jihadist postings and had ties to a terror-linked mosque.

Garland, Texas, May 3, 2015. Two gunmen shot up the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, where a Mohammed cartoon contest was taking place, and were killed by a police officer. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed four Marines and a sailor at a military base in Chattanooga and was believed to have been inspired by ISIS.

San Bernardino, California, December 14, 2015. Two radical Islamists, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, shot and murdered 14 people and injured 22 others at an office holiday party.
Doesn't bother me a bit. Seems to really bug the piss out of you though.

Only when you guys make bad laws trying to appease your imaginary friend in the sky.

Which are ALL the laws because they are all based on "All men are created equal."

Oh, NOW you do... after you voted for Republicans for a while.

Yes. Exactly my point. I would say it all came down to one conversation, when my boss explained a particularly mean-spirited decision with, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Oh, Bush totally jug-fucking the economy in 2008 didn't help, either. But you guys will just claim "Bush wasn't a real conservative" when he was more of a conservative than Ronnie Raygun.

Again, you were simply too stupid to know what Republicanism was, and more importantly, to know that wasn't you.

We created the industrialized world, moron.

Most historians will tell you the industrial revolution started in England, but that's not the point. (I'm sure you heard something different at Talking Snake U., where America is blessed by God.)

The point is, when it comes to the IMPORTANT progress, we were

The last country to abolish slavery.
The last country to give women the vote
The only country that doesn't provide health care to all its citizens.

Most historians will tell you the industrial revolution started in England...

Well, historians who are retarded and stupid like you might tell me that. History says otherwise, dipshit.

And... Warts and all, it's still my country and I still love it.... You obviously don't. I'm sorry you're stuck in such a terrible place... why don't you move to Sweden? I'll start a GoFundMe and we can get you going!
Why did it take 3 hour for a trained SWAT team to bust into a bar?
The shooter was out numbered 300 to 1, Nobody even threw a beer bottle at him while he was either reloading texting. Sorry but there is no way it should have taken that long, Wonder how many lives were lost when they bleed out waiting for police to rescue them. Yet you still want to disarm America! ESAD

and that's the point. He was outnumbered 300 to one and no one tried to mob him. They thought they could escape while he was shooting other people. Flight or fight usually means you try flight first. That's why the notion that someone with a gun would have taken him out is silly. That person would have probably just tried to flee. Or maybe get himself shot by the cops waiving his Pecker Compensator around because how are the cops supposed to know the "Terrorist" (not really) from the Patriot (definitely not really).
Why did it take 3 hour for a trained SWAT team to bust into a bar?
The shooter was out numbered 300 to 1, Nobody even threw a beer bottle at him while he was either reloading texting. Sorry but there is no way it should have taken that long, Wonder how many lives were lost when they bleed out waiting for police to rescue them. Yet you still want to disarm America! ESAD

and that's the point. He was outnumbered 300 to one and no one tried to mob him. They thought they could escape while he was shooting other people. Flight or fight usually means you try flight first. That's why the notion that someone with a gun would have taken him out is silly. That person would have probably just tried to flee. Or maybe get himself shot by the cops waiving his Pecker Compensator around because how are the cops supposed to know the "Terrorist" (not really) from the Patriot (definitely not really).
This is the expected actions of 300 Liberal Victims.
Which are ALL the laws because they are all based on "All men are created equal."

again, the guys who wrote that owned slaves and genocided the fuck out of the Native Americans... even when they lived in nice houses like the Cherokee did.

So it's kind of like taking cooking tips from Jeff Dahmner... That other thing kind of looms larger.

Again, you were simply too stupid to know what Republicanism was, and more importantly, to know that wasn't you.

Oh, quite the contrary, you are the one who is too stupid to realize the "God, Guns and Gays" shit you guys support are never the goal, nor is making government smaller. Government gets bigger under Republicans, and gay marriage and abortion never gets banned.

The thing is, the rich ALWAYS get what they want. They get tax cuts, deregulation, union-busting, and all the other bullshit that never bring the promised prosperity they keep going on about. (Last four recessions have been under Republicans- TRUE STORY!!!)

Well, historians who are retarded and stupid like you might tell me that. History says otherwise, dipshit.

Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom and most of the important technological innovations were British.

And... Warts and all, it's still my country and I still love it.... You obviously don't. I'm sorry you're stuck in such a terrible place... why don't you move to Sweden? I'll start a GoFundMe and we can get you going!

Only one of us has a DD214. and it ain't you.

"We hold these truths to be self evident..."is a rather self effacing, gentle, subjective way of stating things. "This is how we see it and what we are basing our actions upon..."

Sounds like some kind of 'liberal' trying not to sound too, you know, 'judgmental'.
again, the guys who wrote that owned slaves...

Yep, and as a result of what they wrote, the slaves were eventually freed.

The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom and most of the important technological innovations were British.

Yes, because when it all started in 1760, the American colonies were British.

Only one of us has a DD214. and it ain't you.

And that makes your shit not stink how, exactly? :dunno:

Oh, quite the contrary, you are the one who is too stupid to realize the "God, Guns and Gays" shit you guys support are never the goal, nor is making government smaller. Government gets bigger under Republicans, and gay marriage and abortion never gets banned.

Government gets bigger under ANY party... it's the nature of Governments to get bigger... it's what they do. That's one of the reasons Republicanism is important, it acts as a throttle on growth of State. It doesn't stop it, nothing can... but it slows it down because it's not as easy to expand it through Republicanism. You see, with Republicanism, the PEOPLE are the sovereign.

But again.. YOU are admittedly so stupid you didn't know you weren't a republican.
"We hold these truths to be self evident..."is a rather self effacing, gentle, subjective way of stating things. "This is how we see it and what we are basing our actions upon..."

Sounds like some kind of 'liberal' trying not to sound too, you know, 'judgmental'.

Wrong, that's not what it means. Far from being gentle and self-effacing and certainly not subjective... it's stating... THIS IS A TRUTH AND IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS TO ALL!
"We hold these truths to be self evident..."is a rather self effacing, gentle, subjective way of stating things. "This is how we see it and what we are basing our actions upon..."

Sounds like some kind of 'liberal' trying not to sound too, you know, 'judgmental'.

Wrong, that's not what it means. Far from being gentle and self-effacing and certainly not subjective... it's stating... THIS IS A TRUTH AND IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS TO ALL!
No, real men would have said, "Look, all you ass holes, this is how it is! Go fuck yourselves if you don't agree!"
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism

Bush was more concerned than Clinton. No was that concerned about fighting terrorism before 9/11.
Nothing that Bush said or did prior to 9-11 show that he was
"We hold these truths to be self evident..."is a rather self effacing, gentle, subjective way of stating things. "This is how we see it and what we are basing our actions upon..."

Sounds like some kind of 'liberal' trying not to sound too, you know, 'judgmental'.

Wrong, that's not what it means. Far from being gentle and self-effacing and certainly not subjective... it's stating... THIS IS A TRUTH AND IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS TO ALL!
No, real men would have said, "Look, all you ass holes, this is how it is! Go fuck yourselves if you don't agree!"

Mehh.... not so much... Isn't that pretty much what King George said? :dunno:

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