Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

Government gets bigger under ANY party... it's the nature of Governments to get bigger... it's what they do. That's one of the reasons Republicanism is important, it acts as a throttle on growth of State. It doesn't stop it, nothing can... but it slows it down because it's not as easy to expand it through Republicanism. You see, with Republicanism, the PEOPLE are the sovereign.

But again.. YOU are admittedly so stupid you didn't know you weren't a republican.

Naw, guy, the last four Cabinet level departments - homeland security, Intelligence, VA and Environments - were added by Republicans. EEOC, EPA, OSHA- all Republican creations. Republicans do not make government smaller. Ever. Republicans only hate government when they don't run it. when they do, "Government torture and spying? We're good with that!"

Yep, and as a result of what they wrote, the slaves were eventually freed.

They also wrote a slave was 3/5th of a free dude. Had nothing to do with what they wrote. They were a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes, who rebelled from a benevolent parliamentary democracy. This is nothing to write home about.
Naw, guy, the last four Cabinet level departments - homeland security, Intelligence, VA and Environments - were added by Republicans. EEOC, EPA, OSHA- all Republican creations. Republicans do not make government smaller. Ever. Republicans only hate government when they don't run it. when they do, "Government torture and spying? We're good with that!"

Well, I just got through saying that NO party makes Government smaller and you rebut that with more of the same argument that Republicans don't make the government smaller. I don't know what you want me to say... I plainly said that NO PARTY makes government smaller.
They also wrote a slave was 3/5th of a free dude. Had nothing to do with what they wrote. They were a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes, who rebelled from a benevolent parliamentary democracy. This is nothing to write home about.

This was not written by the founders. This was a COMPROMISE agreement between Northern and Southern delegates to deal with the large slave population in the South. Slaves couldn't vote but their numbers counted toward population which determined representation. Those opposed to slavery didn't think slaves should count, those who owned slaves thought they should... the 3/5 Compromise was the compromise.

Look... I am really sorry that European aristocrats brought slavery to the colonies in North America. If I could get in a time machine and go back and change things, I would. But the fact of the matter is, I can't do that. Instead, I have to objectively study people like Frederick Douglass... At first, he loathed the U.S. Constitution... but after studying the Constitution, he realized the brilliance written into it by the founding fathers and he said as much. It was the careful crafting of the Constitution which supported the abolitionist argument which ultimately prevailed. It couldn't be implemented in 1787 but the principle was there.

Today, we have to tolerate butt munches like you, denigrating our Constitution and our entire system of government and culture because you are morons. I hold out hopes that modern medicine will one day find a cure for the type of mental deficiency you suffer from. If not, perhaps we'll have to put you down like rabid dogs? One way or another, you're going to have to be rejected if we are to keep our freedom from tyranny.
Well, I just got through saying that NO party makes Government smaller and you rebut that with more of the same argument that Republicans don't make the government smaller. I don't know what you want me to say... I plainly said that NO PARTY makes government smaller.

then why support them if they do the same thing, and the one you support does it more.

oh, yeah. Because they are right with Jesus and hate gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

At first, he loathed the U.S. Constitution... but after studying the Constitution, he realized the brilliance written into it by the founding fathers and he said as much. It was the careful crafting of the Constitution which supported the abolitionist argument which ultimately prevailed. It couldn't be implemented in 1787 but the principle was there.

There's no reason why slavery couldn't be outlawed in 1787, and there was no reason why it couldn't be outlawed without a civil war. Except that the Founding Slave Rapists didn't want to. Tommy Jefferson was having too much fun banging Sally Hemings, why would he give that up? Never a visit from Aunt Flo when she's property.

Today, we have to tolerate butt munches like you, denigrating our Constitution and our entire system of government and culture because you are morons. I hold out hopes that modern medicine will one day find a cure for the type of mental deficiency you suffer from. If not, perhaps we'll have to put you down like rabid dogs? One way or another, you're going to have to be rejected if we are to keep our freedom from tyranny.

Guy, you have it wrong. You aren't tolerating us, we are tolerating you backwards, bible-thumping, ignorant twits and frankly have done it for too long. You haven't won a national election without stealing it in 30 years. You are in the minority and have been for some time.

Now, it would be awesome if we could get rid of the constitution and write one for the 21st century instead of the 18th.
Naw, guy, the last four Cabinet level departments - homeland security, Intelligence, VA and Environments - were added by Republicans. EEOC, EPA, OSHA- all Republican creations. Republicans do not make government smaller. Ever. Republicans only hate government when they don't run it. when they do, "Government torture and spying? We're good with that!"

Well, I just got through saying that NO party makes Government smaller and you rebut that with more of the same argument that Republicans don't make the government smaller. I don't know what you want me to say... I plainly said that NO PARTY makes government smaller.
Can't run empire with a small govt..Rome found that out and all have followed..
Just think if the GOP took a stand for workers and gave a collective '"stick it" to corporate influence in politics. But they stick up for the corporate heads who don't know what hard work is...not a one of them I officially bet everything I own on it.
"We hold these truths to be self evident..."is a rather self effacing, gentle, subjective way of stating things. "This is how we see it and what we are basing our actions upon..."

Sounds like some kind of 'liberal' trying not to sound too, you know, 'judgmental'.

Wrong, that's not what it means. Far from being gentle and self-effacing and certainly not subjective... it's stating... THIS IS A TRUTH AND IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS TO ALL!
No, real men would have said, "Look, all you ass holes, this is how it is! Go fuck yourselves if you don't agree!"

Mehh.... not so much... Isn't that pretty much what King George said? :dunno:
Yeah, now he was a real conservative!
Those rebels, they were all the way to the left!
Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism

Guy, you have it wrong. You aren't tolerating us, we are tolerating you backwards, bible-thumping, ignorant twits and frankly have done it for too long. You haven't won a national election without stealing it in 30 years. You are in the minority and have been for some time.

Nobody stole any election in the last 30 years. Need the proof, just ask.
Naw, guy, the last four Cabinet level departments - homeland security, Intelligence, VA and Environments - were added by Republicans. EEOC, EPA, OSHA- all Republican creations. Republicans do not make government smaller. Ever. Republicans only hate government when they don't run it. when they do, "Government torture and spying? We're good with that!"

Well, I just got through saying that NO party makes Government smaller and you rebut that with more of the same argument that Republicans don't make the government smaller. I don't know what you want me to say... I plainly said that NO PARTY makes government smaller.
Can't run empire with a small govt..Rome found that out and all have followed..

totally wrong, Rome fell because the government got too big and intrusive. The USSR broke up for the same reason, now, the US is trying to copy those failures.
Guy, you have it wrong. You aren't tolerating us, we are tolerating you backwards, bible-thumping, ignorant twits and frankly have done it for too long. You haven't won a national election without stealing it in 30 years. You are in the minority and have been for some time.

Nobody stole any election in the last 30 years. Need the proof, just ask.

but the dems have certainly tried.
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.
You are missing the entire point. It's about targeting an Individual. Groups/institutions don't hurt. People do.

Journalists do it to politicians who are "incorrect". But it doesn't work against a group. It must be an individual.

"State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth; 'I, the state, am the people'".

Friedrich Nietzsche
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism

What actions did Bush take to prevent it?
more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism

What actions did Bush take to prevent it?

he was in office or 8 months at the time. What could any president have done? The terrorists got their training during the Clinton years, the attacks were planned during the Clinton years, the lack of intel occurred during the Clinton years.

If Gore had won, exactly what would that fool have done to prevent 9/11? Given free carbon credits to the Taliban?
he was in office or 8 months at the time. What could any president have done? The terrorists got their training during the Clinton years, the attacks were planned during the Clinton years, the lack of intel occurred during the Clinton years.

If Gore had won, exactly what would that fool have done to prevent 9/11? Given free carbon credits to the Taliban?

What could he have done? Well, maybe if the CIA had come to him with a report saying, "We think Bin Laden is determined to strike US" and the report SPECIFICALLY mentions airline hijackings, maybe you could do something to make the airports more secure?

The problem wasn't a lack of intel, it was a lack of action. We knew who bin Laden was, what he was trying to do and why he wanted to do it. We just did nothing in the Bush years about it until AFTER 9/11, and then we lost interest in finding the guy because "Ooooh, I can invade Iraq now and get Pappy's revenge!!!"
What could he have done? Well, maybe if the CIA had come to him with a report saying, "We think Bin Laden is determined to strike US" and the report SPECIFICALLY mentions airline hijackings, maybe you could do something to make the airports more secure?

The problem wasn't a lack of intel, it was a lack of action. We knew who bin Laden was, what he was trying to do and why he wanted to do it. We just did nothing in the Bush years about it until AFTER 9/11, and then we lost interest in finding the guy because "Ooooh, I can invade Iraq now and get Pappy's revenge!!!"

The lying liberal blogs must love people like you.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Bob Woodward Shoots Down Story That Bush Lied to Get U.S. in Iraq War, Implies Obama Troop Pullout Was Wrong Move
It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism

What actions did Bush take to prevent it?

he was in office or 8 months at the time. What could any president have done? The terrorists got their training during the Clinton years, the attacks were planned during the Clinton years, the lack of intel occurred during the Clinton years.

If Gore had won, exactly what would that fool have done to prevent 9/11? Given free carbon credits to the Taliban?

Bush never even met with his top terrorism advisors prior to 9-11.

The breaches in security happened on Bush's watch. Tickets were bought, weapons smuggled through security, cockpits were breached, crews overpowered, planes reached their targets

Bush's watch
he was in office or 8 months at the time. What could any president have done? The terrorists got their training during the Clinton years, the attacks were planned during the Clinton years, the lack of intel occurred during the Clinton years.

If Gore had won, exactly what would that fool have done to prevent 9/11? Given free carbon credits to the Taliban?

Well..........after 911, Gore would have sent Bin Laden Anger Management people to see how it was our fault.

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