Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

Doesn't bother me a bit. Seems to really bug the piss out of you though.

Only when you guys make bad laws trying to appease your imaginary friend in the sky.

Oh, NOW you do... after you voted for Republicans for a while.

Yes. Exactly my point. I would say it all came down to one conversation, when my boss explained a particularly mean-spirited decision with, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Oh, Bush totally jug-fucking the economy in 2008 didn't help, either. But you guys will just claim "Bush wasn't a real conservative" when he was more of a conservative than Ronnie Raygun.

We created the industrialized world, moron.

Most historians will tell you the industrial revolution started in England, but that's not the point. (I'm sure you heard something different at Talking Snake U., where America is blessed by God.)

The point is, when it comes to the IMPORTANT progress, we were

The last country to abolish slavery.
Actually, Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery. And the most astounding fact is that every other country that abolished slaver did it without fighting a massive civil war and slaughtering about 5% of it's population.

The last country to give women the vote

I don't know whether that's a fact or not (I seriously doubt it,) but voting isn't freedom. One can easily demonstrate that all the results of women having the vote have been negative.

The only country that doesn't provide health care to all its citizens.

Nevertheless, we have the best healthcare in the world. Funny how that works, isn't it?
When you get called out on a lie, yes, it is your job to prove your claim valid.

This article you posted is a mile long by (who else) Mother Fn Jones. It was written in 2002 and had nothing to do with pre 911 at least as far as I read and scanned.

Now since you didn't even read the article yourself (just Googled something and found a related title) then highlight the part where a bill was proposed by Gore or Clinton and the Republicans refused to fund it.

Guy, I posted TWO articles showing that Gore and Clinton tried to improve airline safety in the 1990's, and were shot down by the Republicans who just were terrified that a Airline CEO might have to do without a dressage Horsie.

Again, battered housewife conservatism... no matter how badly the rich abuse you, you will always make excuses for them. .

Airline safety has improved dramatically since deregulation despite the failure of Clinton's attempts to re-regulate it. How do you explain that?

BTW, the CEO's are not the ones who suffer from regulation. Consumers are the ones who suffer. What you're cheering is higher costs and a lower standard of living for the poor and the middle class, not the wealthy.
Deregulation is economic. It reduced prices for the consumer and created a boom in the economy.

The safety factor was more about technological advances, but I will concede the economic boom created by deregulation provided the profits to fund that technology. Ergo, airline safety improvements were an indirect consequence of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978.
Guy, I posted TWO articles showing that Gore and Clinton tried to improve airline safety in the 1990's, and were shot down by the Republicans who just were terrified that a Airline CEO might have to do without a dressage Horsie.

Again, battered housewife conservatism... no matter how badly the rich abuse you, you will always make excuses for them. .
How about Republicans mocking Clinton's antiterrorism initiatives as "wagging the dog"

Bosnia was not breeding muslim terrorists.

Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998
Every time you post, you not only reinforce the premise of the OP, but you remind everyone you are a liar, "rightwinger".

What is wrong with my name?

I was named after my maternal grandfather Rightwinger McGee

He was a left handed pitcher in the Chicago White Sox organization

Jake Rightwinger Snarkey?
How about Republicans mocking Clinton's antiterrorism initiatives as "wagging the dog"

Bosnia was not breeding muslim terrorists.

Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history
Bosnia was not breeding muslim terrorists.

Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
Bosnia was not breeding muslim terrorists.

Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history
Another LW lie.

1. Clinton was impeached on perjury and obstruction of justice. He lied under oath. If a Republican had lied under oath, they'd deserve impeachment too.

2. Clinton's first duty is to the nation, not his marriage, his mistress nor his reputation. He failed as Commander in Chief.

3. LWers always claim "Bush lied" as if Congress didn't have the same info as the WH via their Intelligence and Armed Services committees yet when it comes to Clinton, they back track and claim the Republicans knew of the threat. The LWers want it both ways, which, again, proves they are liars. FWIW, I agree the Republicans should have done both: Impeach Clinton and supported the CiC in eliminating the threat.
Bosnia was not breeding muslim terrorists.

Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

Your belief that it was either/or is idiotic. Clinton did nothing about terrorism because Clinton wanted to do nothing about terrorism.
It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

And Orlando was the worst terrorist attack since 911. Who are you going to blame for that one??
Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

more bullshit, 9/11 happened because Clinton had castrated our intelligence services and prevented them from sharing data.

As to the BJ's in the oval office, Clinton disgraced the whitehouse and then lied under oath about it. He and his "wife" are Arkansas pond scum.
9-11 happened because Bush was more concerned with resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars network than fighting terrorism
It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history

And Orlando was the worst terrorist attack since 911. Who are you going to blame for that one?? got me there

Obama was responsible for 50 dead, Bush was responsible for 3000 dead
Republicans mocked going after bin laden as a distraction from their Lewinsky witch hunt

Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.
Bosnia was well before bin Laden

Republicans were more concerned with prosecuting a blow job than fighting terrorism

'Wag the Dog' Back In Spotlight - Aug. 21, 1998

more left wing bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of posting lies?

It was Republicans who insisted they needed more attention for their blow job prosecution than we needed for terrorism

No wonder they gave up the worst terror attack in history
Another LW lie.

1. Clinton was impeached on perjury and obstruction of justice. He lied under oath. If a Republican had lied under oath, they'd deserve impeachment too.

2. Clinton's first duty is to the nation, not his marriage, his mistress nor his reputation. He failed as Commander in Chief.

3. LWers always claim "Bush lied" as if Congress didn't have the same info as the WH via their Intelligence and Armed Services committees yet when it comes to Clinton, they back track and claim the Republicans knew of the threat. The LWers want it both ways, which, again, proves they are liars. FWIW, I agree the Republicans should have done both: Impeach Clinton and supported the CiC in eliminating the threat.
Republicans impeached over a blowjob and ignored terrorism
Clinton went after Bin Laden??? By invading Bosnia? Come on, rewrite history much?

As to Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath, he was impeached. History will so record it.

Are you dense? Did you forget about the time he bombed al Qaeda facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan in August 1998? Republicans responded that he was "Wagging the Dog" (the film, Wag the Dog, came out the same year) and mocked the fact he blew up an "aspirin factory" in the Sudan. got me there

Obama was responsible for 50 dead, Bush was responsible for 3000 dead

And how many was Clinton responsible for in the Oklahoma city bombing?

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
Left Wing Liars will never accept responsibility for their actions. It's not their style. Finger-pointing is more their style.

Yes it is. They will never look into the lead up to 911:

• In 1996, two flight school operators said last week, FBI agents visited them to obtain information about several Arab pilots connected to a Pakistani terrorist eventually convicted of plotting to bomb U.S. airliners.

The flight schools, Coastal Aviation of New Bern, N.C., and Richmor Aviation of Schenectady, N.Y., were two of four that provided flight training to Abdul Hakim Murad in the early 1990s, according to Philippine authorities. Murad was arrested in Manila in 1995 and later convicted in New York of plotting to blow up a dozen U.S. airliners over the Pacific, then crash a suicide plane into CIA headquarters.

• In 1998, FBI agents questioned officials from Airman Flight School in Norman, Okla., about a graduate later identified in court testimony as a pilot for bin Laden, according to Dale Davis, the school's director of operations.

• This year, the trial of bin Laden associates for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania yielded documents containing several references to flight schools and bin Laden pilots.

• Two weeks before the Sept. 11 attack, Davis said, FBI agents returned to Norman seeking information about another Airman student, a French-Moroccan dropout who had entered the country on a visa sponsored by the flight school. The man, Zacarias Moussaoui, had been detained in Eagan, Minn., on an immigration violation after he tried to purchase time on a jet simulator -- even though he had never flown solo in a single-engine aircraft.

9-11 Hijackers Flight Training
Airline safety has improved dramatically since deregulation despite the failure of Clinton's attempts to re-regulate it. How do you explain that?

Except it wasn't. Besides 9/11, you had TWA flight 800 which was either terrorism or an accident. It has also become a much worse experience for the traveler....

Airline Deregulation: A Triumph of Ideology Over Evidence

Clinton shot a few cruise missiles at the threat, but was more interested in Monica's mouth than in defending our nation. He was a failure as Commander in Chief.

How many service members died on Clinton's watch?

How many service members died on Bush's watch?

who failed again?
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

well, when your side responds to a tragedy like Orlando saying, "We need us more guns so we can shoot the Darkies", it's hard to NOT mock you.
It is hard to mock you when you say someone having a concealed weapon in the bar would not have ended the shooting sooner and saved many lives. However like a typical liberal, you want people to stand by and do nothing while the shooter, reloads, texts messages to his wife, and stalls police for over two hours;
Unlike the liberals in the bar, most people do not want to be victims.
That list pretty much sums up many of the reactions here to the tragedy in Orlando. Only the truly deluded believe it doesn't occur on their side.

Yes, the left trying to tie gun control to terrorism as if it would have any affect on someone who wants to murder 50 people is truly pathetic. Liberals are filth

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