Are you under a shelter in place order?

Are you under a shelter in place type order?

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I’m working, my industry has been hurt however we have some state and military contracts that allow us to use a skeleton crew.
CT, NY & NJ have banded together to be of like mind. i believe other new england states will be or already have followed suit since the virus doesn't understand borders, political affiliation, gender, or age... only that it needs a host.

CT, NY & NJ have banded together to be of like mind.

that's not new
Yep. People are dealing pretty well, actually. For now.

Not sure what the end game is here, though. Fauci is saying we won't know much about efficacy for several weeks, so we'll see how long the kumbaya attitude lasts.

Several weeks? Our governments will dick around for a few more weeks, find that the cases of the virus are still rising THEN shut down the entire nation for two weeks.

Shut the nation down NOW for those two weeks, and lets get it over with.

Starting Monday at midnight the entire KC metro is on lockdown except for "essential" workers.
Thankfully construction projects are considered essential so I will be able to continue my work.
Shouldn't essential workers be getting hazardous pay for being forced to work while others stay home, and are supposedly being safer at home ???????????????????

Where are the essential workers pay for exposing themselves to the possibility of contracting this thing, and worse bringing it home to their families unaware ??

Things aren't being handled correctly if you ask me in this area. I know money isn't the answer, and safety is, but recognizing those that go above and beyond has always been an American trend. And quarantine is being highly selective it appears, where winners and losers are being picked in this thing.

The numbers of cases are staggering since the thing got here, and the number of deaths ain't good. If we are going to beat this thing, then let's do the right thing for all, and let's make sure that those having to be exposed are being protected as best as possible. Thanking an essential worker is in order, just stay 6' away when doing so. :)

Managing the safety of essential workers and their work environment is essential with common sense and serious thought.

Allowing the chaotic gathering of people without regard to their exposure is criminal in my opinion. Exposing people for reasons of greed is also criminal in my opinion. Everything MUST be managed correctly. What part of this don't people understand ??

I think some grocery chains and some retail are paying bonuses to work.
They should, because that is on the front lines in my opinion. The grocery stores especially. Tell us what you see when going into a grocery store, are the employee's being protected ?????

i have seen them wearing gloves & using hand sani after every transaction. of course that doesn't protect them from anybody sneezing.
I have seen less. Way less.
Starting Monday at midnight the entire KC metro is on lockdown except for "essential" workers.
Thankfully construction projects are considered essential so I will be able to continue my work.
I’ve heard from 2 different govt sources, one in DHS, one in local government, two week mandatory shut down on almost everything. Idk what that means, but these guys are pretty reliable sources. Heard about it Friday, they both told me to go out and get food now.
Starting Monday at midnight the entire KC metro is on lockdown except for "essential" workers.
Thankfully construction projects are considered essential so I will be able to continue my work.
Shouldn't essential workers be getting hazardous pay for being forced to work while others stay home, and are supposedly being safer at home ???????????????????

Where are the essential workers pay for exposing themselves to the possibility of contracting this thing, and worse bringing it home to their families unaware ??

Things aren't being handled correctly if you ask me in this area. I know money isn't the answer, and safety is, but recognizing those that go above and beyond has always been an American trend. And quarantine is being highly selective it appears, where winners and losers are being picked in this thing.

The numbers of cases are staggering since the thing got here, and the number of deaths ain't good. If we are going to beat this thing, then let's do the right thing for all, and let's make sure that those having to be exposed are being protected as best as possible. Thanking an essential worker is in order, just stay 6' away when doing so. :)

Managing the safety of essential workers and their work environment is essential with common sense and serious thought.

Allowing the chaotic gathering of people without regard to their exposure is criminal in my opinion. Exposing people for reasons of greed is also criminal in my opinion. Everything MUST be managed correctly. What part of this don't people understand ??

I think some grocery chains and some retail are paying bonuses to work.
They should, because that is on the front lines in my opinion. The grocery stores especially. Tell us what you see when going into a grocery store, are the employee's being protected ?????

i have seen them wearing gloves & using hand sani after every transaction. of course that doesn't protect them from anybody sneezing.

Thank God this chinaman identified the eyes nose and mouth.

Starting Monday at midnight the entire KC metro is on lockdown except for "essential" workers.
Thankfully construction projects are considered essential so I will be able to continue my work.

Luckily, no. Otherwise I'd be on the rooftop taking potshots at looters. :04:
Starting Monday at midnight the entire KC metro is on lockdown except for "essential" workers.
Thankfully construction projects are considered essential so I will be able to continue my work.

If I get locked down for two weeks and I die, it won’t be the Coronavirus that killed me.
Your wife is that mean ?? LOL

More like I’m that annoying!
Me too.. lol
Can not eat out but can pick up, have delivered or do drive through...

Stores are open but limited supplies...

Can have your booze brought you from the local tap...

So it ain't so bad but the fear in everyone eyes that you will get sick is telling...

I had always been kind of a Sheldon type and never liked people touching me or being close and boy I am a germaphobe!

Anyhoo, here in Houston region it will be in the upper 80's to low 90's soon... so it might get better here, I hope...

Stay safe and do not chase someone while screaming " KISS ME I HAVE CORONA " while having a Corona Beer in your hand...

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