Armed BLM protester shot by Kyle Rittenhouse sues police for ‘deputizing’ white nationalist vigilantes

Doctors state the bullet path proves Grosskreutz had his hands pointed up in the air at the time Kyle pulled the trigger.

You fucking lying Moon Bat.

The sonofabitch admitted Kyle did not shoot him until he pointed the gun at Kyle. Are you calling Grosskreutz a liar now and say he committed perjury?

The pictures and videos substantiate it.

Damn Moon Bat you dig yourself in deeper each time you post.

Better get out now before you make more of a fool out of yourself.
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Drawing a gun is not a sufficient lethal threat for you to shoot.

It sure as hell is. That's what accounts for most police shootings.
Police draw guns on me all the time, so can they then be shot?
This was an official MedTech in uniform, with full lettering on vest and hat, with pistol pointed up when Kyle pulled the trigger.

You obviously can't shoot a cop, moron. The second sentence is a flat out lie.
LOL! Sorry to bust your bubble Moon Bat but that shithead Grosskreutz admitted in court that he had the gun pointed at Kyle when he was shot. Did you miss that?

Been listening to the hate mongers on CNN again and not to the facts?

Rittenhouse trial: Key state witness admits he pointed a gun at Rittenhouse before he was shot

KENOSHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The sixth day of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial shifted focus from the first shooting to the second and third. Witnesses recalled the moments when Anthony Huber was shot in the chest and killed, and Gaige Grosskreutz testified about being shot in the arm and surviving. Grosskreutz was the most anticipated witness called to the stand so far.

The state tried to show Grosskreutz was not a threat and even had his hands up when he approached Rittenhouse in the street. But the defense got Grosskreutz to admit he had a loaded gun in his hand, and that Rittenhouse did not shoot him until Grosskreutz lowered his hands and pointed that gun at him.

The testimony in court was deliberately confusing to make it seem other than what really happened.
The interviews later correlate with the medical facts, which were that he was NOT aiming at Kyle when Kyle pulled the trigger.
That is an incontrovertible fact.
Bullshit Moon Bat.

We caught you in one lie and now you are doubling down on your stupidity by making that claim? LOL. You are a fucking moron.

Kyle was found innocent because he was acting in self defense. He had the right to shoot the sonofabitch when the Glock was pointed at him.

You may not think somebody has the right of self defense when a gun is pointed at them because you are a stupid Moon Bat but that is the law kiddo. Go look it up. I shit you not.

Kyle got off because both the prosecutor and judge were obviously biased in his favor.
He was clearly guilty on all counts, including the juvenile in possession.
Yeah... but no mention he kicked a man with a loaded gun, then aimed his own gun at his head before being shot.

He never kicked anyone, nor got close enough to kick anyone.
If the gun had been aimed at Kyle, then the bullet could not have gone perpendicular to the bone, and ripped out the muscle.
If aimed at Kyle, then there could only have been a surface strike parallel to the bone, along skin.
Penetration, in one side and out the other, would not have been possible.
It sure as hell is. That's what accounts for most police shootings.

You obviously can't shoot a cop, moron. The second sentence is a flat out lie.

The police shoot illegally all the time.
According to law, you have the exact same equal right to shoot police for aiming at you, that they claim when they shoot others.
That is no legal way for police to have any additional right to shoot, at any time, at all.
Every rioter on the street had no business being there. What are you prog douchebags ever going to criticize them? You're on the side of criminals and thugs.

Sure they did.
Just like with the Boston Tea Party, when the government commits crimes.
The police shoot illegally all the time.
According to law, you have the exact same equal right to shoot police for aiming at you, that they claim when they shoot others.
That is no legal way for police to have any additional right to shoot, at any time, at all.
No, you don't have the same right to shoot the police. That's the way the law is written. The police do have a right to shoot someone who pulls a gun on them. You also have the right, in most states, to shoot someone who pulls a gun on you.
BTW - it will be funny watching the video of the judge promptly dismiss his ludicrous case.
Unless he gets a liberal judge willing to discard reality so he/she can virtue signal.
Perhaps that is what this idiot is hoping for.
The testimony in court was deliberately confusing to make it seem other than what really happened.
The interviews later correlate with the medical facts, which were that he was NOT aiming at Kyle when Kyle pulled the trigger.
That is an incontrovertible fact.
Medical facts prove no such thing.

It is proven he was aiming at Rittenhouse when ritrenhouse defended himself

Your incontrovertible fact is a made up fallacy
Kyle was not local,

Meaningless. None of the thugs Kyle shot were local either.

was supporting criminal acts by the police, and was illegally in possession of a firearm.

What criminal acts? The court ruled that he was in possession of the firearm legally?

You're regurgitating all the prob claims that have been ruled to be incorrect by they court.
He picked the pocket knife off the ground and put it in his pocket.
Being folded, it was no threat to anyone.
There was no justification for anyone to shoot.

He was not stealing a car.
That is a lie.'
He was not kidnapping his children.
That is a lie.

He did have an arrest warrant, but it was purely administrative and not criminal.

He was not resisting arrest.
We all saw the video.
That is a lie.

He picked the pocket knife off the ground and put it in his pocket.

It was still in his hand when he walked around the front of the car.

He was not stealing a car.

He was stealing his ex's rental car.

He was not kidnapping his children.

His ex told police, "He's got my kid. He's got my keys"

He did have an arrest warrant, but it was purely administrative and not criminal.

A warrant for sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct for domestic abuse

He was not resisting arrest.
We all saw the video.

He was. They tased him, twice, they had guns drawn.
That's not resisting arrest? Are you retarded?
Kyle was not local, was supporting criminal acts by the police, and was illegally in possession of a firearm.
He was not supporting criminal acts your claim is a lie.

He was a memver of that community and was legally armed
Kyle got off because both the prosecutor and judge were obviously biased in his favor.
He was clearly guilty on all counts, including the juvenile in possession.
He was acquitted because facts and evidence proved he acted in self defense. There was no bias and you are a proven liar

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