Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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So many questions and so little confirmed information.

How do we know the girl was 10 years old? The doctor in Indiana reported her approximate age as 17, so which is it? One hopes that the girl's mother went with her daughter to Indiana, she would certainly know that, right? So what is the truth here?

Did the mother actually try to get her daughter an abortion in Ohio before the 6-month window ran out? Was it with the Ohio doctor that called the Indiana doctor? Who declined to do the abortion in Ohio? The same doctor? And did that doctor not notify the authorities when an underage girl shows up for an abortion? If she really is 10, that's automatic rape and the authorities should have been immediately notified. But that didn't happen, so what is the truth here?

Who paid for the trip to Indiana?

Who paid the Indiana doctor?

The rapist was released after posting a 2 million dollar bail. Where'd he get access to that kind of cheese? Wonder if he'll show up for his next court appearance.

It appears the origin of this whole story was the abortion doctor in Indiana, apparently herself a pro-choice person. As no doubt was the doctor in Ohio that contacted her. Does no one else see the stink of this whole mess? It feels like the Jussie Smollett story all over again. I don't think the girl's name ought to be made public, but those doctors and anyone else involved ought to be questioned at least. I think laws were broken and lies were told. So what is the truth here?

My take is, that if this story was true we'd be seeing those doctors on TV 24/7, talking about that poor girl and laying out the facts and naming names. But the way all this is unfolding looks like a bullshit attempt to smear that Ohio abortion law and the pro-life people who support it. I suspect eventually the truth will out and hopefully if laws were broken that people go to jail and/or lose their medical licenses.
So many questions and so little confirmed information.

How do we know the girl was 10 years old? The doctor in Indiana reported her approximate age as 17, so which is it? One hopes that the girl's mother went with her daughter to Indiana, she would certainly know that, right? So what is the truth here?

Did the mother actually try to get her daughter an abortion in Ohio before the 6-month window ran out? Was it with the Ohio doctor that called the Indiana doctor? Who declined to do the abortion in Ohio? The same doctor? And did that doctor not notify the authorities when an underage girl shows up for an abortion? If she really is 10, that's automatic rape and the authorities should have been immediately notified. But that didn't happen, so what is the truth here?

Who paid for the trip to Indiana?

Who paid the Indiana doctor?

The rapist was released after posting a 2 million dollar bail. Where'd he get access to that kind of cheese? Wonder if he'll show up for his next court appearance.

It appears the origin of this whole story was the abortion doctor in Indiana, apparently herself a pro-choice person. As no doubt was the doctor in Ohio that contacted her. Does no one else see the stink of this whole mess? It feels like the Jussie Smollett story all over again. I don't think the girl's name ought to be made public, but those doctors and anyone else involved ought to be questioned at least. I think laws were broken and lies were told. So what is the truth here?

My take is, that if this story was true we'd be seeing those doctors on TV 24/7, talking about that poor girl and laying out the facts and naming names. But the way all this is unfolding looks like a bullshit attempt to smear that Ohio abortion law and the pro-life people who support it. I suspect eventually the truth will out and hopefully if laws were broken that people go to jail and/or lose their medical licenses.

Where did you read he was released?
Hey asshole. Read this slowly


Everything he said was either a lie or he's the most incompetent AG (with the biggest mouth) in the country
Hey dumbfuck, have somebody read this to you. GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU PROVEN LYING HACK. Yost never lied. Unlike you, who has lied constantly here. Keep up your tantrum.
He did not point it out, he lied.

It is not in the bill. There is no exception for rape or incest.

And also no mental health excuse allowed.

And this child was not guaranteed to die, if she went through gestation.

And the child was not guaranteed to damage her organs, permanent physical harm if she went through pregnancy.

Those conditions are not present.

The risk is a little higher for 10 to 15 year old girls to have problems, but they are no guarantee that they would happen.....

The law does provide two exceptions, however. An abortion can be conducted after the six-week mark if a physician finds the procedure "necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman." It can also be conducted if there is no fetal heartbeat.

The state defines conditions that pose a serious risk to a pregnant person as:

  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Inevitable abortion
  • Premature rupture of the membranes

It does not include:
  • "A condition related to the woman's mental health"
The law contains no exceptions for rape or incest. It also only applies to what the state describes as "intrauterine pregnancies."

Physicians are required to record and report the medical condition necessitating each patient's abortion and the "medical rationale" behind their decision. That documentation must be kept by the doctor for at least seven years.

Pregnant people are also required to sign a form acknowledging the presence of a fetal heartbeat and the statistical probability the fetus could be carried to term, as told to them by their physician.

Doctors who perform an abortion in violation of the law can be charged with a fifth-degree felony

Therefore the abortion in Ohio is illegal.
Sure. Because a proven lying hack like you knows more about the laws than the AG. Fail.
That's not at all what I have said or implied
It's exactly what you said: you said that the Supreme Court gave the right in Roe. That means it wasn't a right until the Court made it up. You know this is the case and you slipped up and said it out loud. Don't you know you're never supposed to say the truth out loud? It's in the Democratic Handbook, isn't it?
It's exactly what you said: you said that the Supreme Court gave the right in Roe. That means it wasn't a right until the Court made it up. You know this is the case and you slipped up and said it out loud. Don't you know you're never supposed to say the truth out loud? It's in the Democratic Handbook, isn't it?

that this activist radical Court took away
Ah so you're a fucking idiot that knows absolutely nothing about information security nor PII. Appreciate the heads-up. :113:
If it's not personally identifiable, either on its own or in conjunction with other publicly available data to which the data in question can be tied, then the data in question is not PII.

You really don't know what you're talking about. I deal with this every working day of my life and have for 15+ years. You're not the expert you're claiming to be.

that this activist radical Court took away
Ahh. Changing the story. As I have had to say many times to liars on here, what's said on the Internet stays on the Internet.

Within hours of the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortion access a constitutional right,
In 1972 it wasn't a constitutional right and in 1973 it was made a constitutional right.
That's a distinction without a difference...and if you read the various threads on this site a shitload of your cynical bastards were claiming that it WAS a hoax. Of course you had no evidence of that because there was none
If someone here said it was a hoax, you're free to call them out on it. They have a great defense in that none of the required legal notifications and investigations were carried out and then Smollett...

But the left keeps claiming that the AG and Cruz and Fox and the Ohio Governor all said it was a fraud. I'm not digging far enough back to prove whether you said it; you know if you did, but you know it is the implication you made when you said "these pieces of shit":

Let's remember that these pieces of shit were claiming that this was all a hoax...with NO evidence

Find where any of those said it was a fraud.
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost appeared on Fox News this week, casting doubt on the veracity of Dr. Caitlin Bernard's account that a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim needed to travel to Indiana for an abortion.

Yost, a Republican, doubled down on that in an interview with the USA TODAY Network Ohio bureau on Tuesday.

"Every day that goes by the more likely that this is a fabrication. I know the cops and prosecutors in this state. There's not one of them that wouldn't be turning over every rock, looking for this guy and they would have charged him," he said. "I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence. And shame on the Indianapolis paper that ran this thing on a single source who has an obvious axe to grind.""

Of course there was plenty of evidence (since the creep was charged days later)...he just didn't look for it and said all that shit or he LIED

So who's the bigger asshole...Yost or Nostra?

I call it a tie
You bolded the wrong sentence. You bolded this one:
"What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence."

That was a true statement.

What you should have bolded was the sentence before the one you did but that would prove your lie:
"I'm not saying it could not have happened."

Taken together, they tell the accurate story, exactly what the AG said:
"I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence."

You keep defending the illegal, interstate, conspiracy to protect the rapist at the expense of the girl.
These morons also conveniently forget that the original doctor put the perp as a 17 year old, not 27. That may well get a court case dismissed. Now why did the doctor do that? Seems nobody really wants to touch that question.
I haven't seen this story; do you have a link? And, accurate or not, I sure as hell hope that Ohio, and every other state, law makes it class A felony for a 17-year-old to have sex with a 9- or 10-year-old.
So many questions and so little confirmed information.

How do we know the girl was 10 years old? The doctor in Indiana reported her approximate age as 17, so which is it? One hopes that the girl's mother went with her daughter to Indiana, she would certainly know that, right? So what is the truth here?

Did the mother actually try to get her daughter an abortion in Ohio before the 6-month window ran out? Was it with the Ohio doctor that called the Indiana doctor? Who declined to do the abortion in Ohio? The same doctor? And did that doctor not notify the authorities when an underage girl shows up for an abortion? If she really is 10, that's automatic rape and the authorities should have been immediately notified. But that didn't happen, so what is the truth here?

Who paid for the trip to Indiana?

Who paid the Indiana doctor?

The rapist was released after posting a 2 million dollar bail. Where'd he get access to that kind of cheese? Wonder if he'll show up for his next court appearance.

It appears the origin of this whole story was the abortion doctor in Indiana, apparently herself a pro-choice person. As no doubt was the doctor in Ohio that contacted her. Does no one else see the stink of this whole mess? It feels like the Jussie Smollett story all over again. I don't think the girl's name ought to be made public, but those doctors and anyone else involved ought to be questioned at least. I think laws were broken and lies were told. So what is the truth here?

My take is, that if this story was true we'd be seeing those doctors on TV 24/7, talking about that poor girl and laying out the facts and naming names. But the way all this is unfolding looks like a bullshit attempt to smear that Ohio abortion law and the pro-life people who support it. I suspect eventually the truth will out and hopefully if laws were broken that people go to jail and/or lose their medical licenses.
Jesus christ.

You're "asking questions" because you simply don't want to believe the facts
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