"article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Well we all knew it. How long will the west tolerate these bandits and ttheir theft. It isnt as if they even try and hide it.

Israel puts jewish people at risk. Now and forever. Look at your grandchildren and their children. Executed because of the larceny of these extremists.

Well we all knew it. How long will the west tolerate these bandits and ttheir theft. It isnt as if they even try and hide it.

Israel puts jewish people at risk. Now and forever. Look at your grandchildren and their children. Executed because of the larceny of these extremists.
The Pals could have had peace and a state if their own sanctioned by the UN in 1948 but rejected it

The arabs are too blame for their miserable condition

Well we all knew it. How long will the west tolerate these bandits and ttheir theft. It isnt as if they even try and hide it.

Israel puts jewish people at risk. Now and forever. Look at your grandchildren and their children. Executed because of the larceny of these extremists.
Those that resist the Zionist's genocide have always been fully aware that the law is on their side.
Previously, the law and being right didn't matter, but with the Ziionist regime's loss of the balance of power in the ME and to Iran's side, now it matters!
To all those dingbats that squeak about "there is no occupation":


There we are, that's international law.

Ohh, more good news:


Looks like Israel's days of doing whatever the f**k it likes are slowly coming to and end. Now all we need is for those ICC arrest warrants to come through and we start cleaning up the apartheid dump with the fake name "Israel".
Why ICJ ruling against Israel’s settlement policies will be hard to ignore

The ICJ declared Israel’s long-term occupation of Palestinian territory “unlawful” and said it amounted to de facto annexation. The court called for Israel to rapidly quit the occupied territories and ruled Palestinians were due reparations for the harm of 57 years of an occupation that systematically discriminates against them.

While numerous UN reports and resolutions in the general assembly have made the same point, the ICJ ruling, by virtue of being made in reference to treaty and individual laws, represents a judgment that will be hard to ignore.

The ruling also stood as a rebuke to Israel’s argument that the ICJ had no standing to consider the issue on the grounds that UN resolutions, as well as bilateral Israeli-Palestinian agreements, had established that the correct framework for resolving the conflict should be political, not legal.

Effectively rejecting that argument, the court asserted that international law applies regardless of the decades of failed political efforts to reach a lasting peace agreement, not least as Israel has continued with its settlement-building.

If the ruling felt inevitable, it was because of Israel’s own rightward drift under its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who now heads a coalition that includes far-right pro-settler parties and ministers and has embraced exactly the policies for which Israel has been condemned.

Well we all knew it. How long will the west tolerate these bandits and ttheir theft. It isnt as if they even try and hide it.

Israel puts jewish people at risk. Now and forever. Look at your grandchildren and their children. Executed because of the larceny of these extremists.

Lol, if Israel wipes out Hamas then their children and grandchildren will be safe. As long as hamas exists, they are in danger.
Lol, if Israel wipes out Hamas then their children and grandchildren will be safe. As long as hamas exists, they are in danger.
How will they wipe out Hamas and its successors ?
Kids who watched their parens die in a hospital bombing will picj ip guns. It will always go on.
How will they wipe out Hamas and its successors ?
Kids who watched their parens die in a hospital bombing will picj ip guns. It will always go on.
I can't grasp how supposedly intelligent people are actually believing that Hamas, the ideology of violent resistance and occupation by foreigners from a European war, can be eliminated! The hatred Israel has historically and is today creating is huge, unimaginably huge.

The longer Western powers continue to prop up this failed Zionist project, the more likely we are to experience another terrorist attack like September 11.

Israel is an antisemitism generator.
How will they wipe out Hamas and its successors ?
Kids who watched their parens die in a hospital bombing will picj ip guns. It will always go on.
Doubtful, at least for the foreseeable future.

And even assuming you're right, Hamas' objective isn't peace, it's the destruction of Israel. They definitely won't be safe unless Hamas is destroyed.
I can't grasp how supposedly intelligent people are actually believing that Hamas, the ideology of violent resistance and occupation by foreigners from a European war, can be eliminated! The hatred Israel has historically and is today creating is huge, unimaginably huge.

The longer Western powers continue to prop up this failed Zionist project, the more likely we are to experience another terrorist attack like September 11.

I can't believe that supposedly intelligent people can believe that if Israel stops attacking Hamas that Hamas will let them live in peace.
Doubtful, at least for the foreseeable future.

And even assuming you're right, Hamas' objective isn't peace, it's the destruction of Israel. They definitely won't be safe unless Hamas is destroyed.
Zionist Israel should be destroyed just as the Third Reich was.

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