As a libertarian I support your choices.

If you're going to have a kid then you better be able to afford life insurance in an amount sufficient to care for that child until he is at least 18.
So we're up to food, clothing, shelter and now life insurance. Anything else?
How about looking at how the rest of inhumanity treats their citizens?
You're asking how inhuman we can be and still not be the lowest of the low?
I’m trying to determine how to respond to decades of Democrats fostering and helping to encourage irresponsible behavior.
The main influence on this bad behavior is the public system and the fact that politicians can suck taxes from one region to support irresponsible behavior in another region.
NOTE: I’m not saying Republicans don’t suck regarding other matters, but this issue is a Democrat created and fostered problem.
If you had gotten sick at 16, who would have been responsible for your medical bills?
The foster system.

I don't know what point you are trying to make with these questions

You're the one who thinks children shouldn't be taken from parents who cannot or will not care for them not me.
I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. Let me see if I got this right, orphaned at 14, you were put into the foster care system.

The foster care system is funded by the government and the government is funded by tax revenue. As bad as foster care may be, thanks to strangers sharing the cost of your care, you were not put onto the street or forced to work as a child laborer in a factory. That accurate?

It seems to me you would refuse others the same help that you yourself were given. I'll spare you my psychological diagnosis, you might want to explore that yourself.

You forget I said kids should be taken from parents who will not or cannot care for them.

Where do you think they would go?

Into the foster system

You're the one who want more government money to just give to people who won't or can't take care of their kids

We already have a system for that we do not need another

And even if you had the credentials to give me a psychological analysis I wouldn't want it.

I know who I am, and I know where I came from.
You do noe have the ability to tell me what thse things are
I’m trying to determine how to respond to decades of Democrats fostering and helping to encourage irresponsible behavior.
The main influence on this bad behavior is the public system and the fact that politicians can suck taxes from one region to support irresponsible behavior in another region.
NOTE: I’m not saying Republicans don’t suck regarding other matters, but this issue is a Democrat created and fostered problem.
If you believe the Dems got together in some smoke-filled room and plotted how to keep people poor and dependent on the gov't, you're delusional. If you think the Dems saw poverty and suffering and tried to come up with a system to alleviate both, you're on track. If those systems had unexpected consequences no one should be surprised. If those systems require constant monitoring, evaluation, and updating no one should be surprised.

Blaming one group is not the answer, working together to fix what is broken is the answer. Obamacare is a good example. The GOP demonized the program and repeatedly tried to kill it. Had they been willing to work with the Dems (and vice versa), we might actually have a decent healthcare system.
If you're going to have a kid then you better be able to afford life insurance in an amount sufficient to care for that child until he is at least 18.
So we're up to food, clothing, shelter and now life insurance. Anything else?
Figure it out.

If you're going to have kid YOU have to provide for it in all contingencies
And if, like your own parents, they don't provide for it in all contingencies, what then? They go into foster care and become wards of the state? Foster care may have worked for you but my gut tells me providing assistance to families is both more humane and more cost effective.
If you're going to have a kid then you better be able to afford life insurance in an amount sufficient to care for that child until he is at least 18.
So we're up to food, clothing, shelter and now life insurance. Anything else?
Figure it out.

If you're going to have kid YOU have to provide for it in all contingencies
And if, like your own parents, they don't provide for it in all contingencies, what then? They go into foster care and become wards of the state? Foster care may have worked for you but my gut tells me providing assistance to families is both more humane and more cost effective.

So you think it's more humane to leave kids with people who can't or wont care for them

Got it
Pseudocons whine and whine about universal health care, but never demand the GOP or Trump cough up a better plan. They are content with health care costs outpacing GDP and inflation for over half a century and well into the future, pricing more and more Americans out of the market.

The Democrats offer UHC as a solution.

The Republicans offer NOTHING.

And that is why UHC is inevitable. And that is why it will be the "fault" of pseudocons as much the "fault" of Democrats when that happens.

Everything else is just bloviation and whining.
I agree that the dog shit GOP has no answer.

What would you propose as a solution?

I’m trying to determine how to respond to decades of Democrats fostering and helping to encourage irresponsible behavior.
The main influence on this bad behavior is the public system and the fact that politicians can suck taxes from one region to support irresponsible behavior in another region.
NOTE: I’m not saying Republicans don’t suck regarding other matters, but this issue is a Democrat created and fostered problem.
If you believe the Dems got together in some smoke-filled room and plotted how to keep people poor and dependent on the gov't, you're delusional. If you think the Dems saw poverty and suffering and tried to come up with a system to alleviate both, you're on track. If those systems had unexpected consequences no one should be surprised. If those systems require constant monitoring, evaluation, and updating no one should be surprised.

Blaming one group is not the answer, working together to fix what is broken is the answer. Obamacare is a good example. The GOP demonized the program and repeatedly tried to kill it. Had they been willing to work with the Dems (and vice versa), we might actually have a decent healthcare system.
You are delusional.
I have been paying attention to this issue for 30 years and you haven’t.
Unlike you, I do not have allegiance to either ideology; I simply deal with facts.
You do realize that the Ds and Rs have different constituencies appealing to very different agendas with the end result being cheap labor.
I’m trying to determine how to respond to decades of Democrats fostering and helping to encourage irresponsible behavior.
The main influence on this bad behavior is the public system and the fact that politicians can suck taxes from one region to support irresponsible behavior in another region.
NOTE: I’m not saying Republicans don’t suck regarding other matters, but this issue is a Democrat created and fostered problem.
If you believe the Dems got together in some smoke-filled room and plotted how to keep people poor and dependent on the gov't, you're delusional. If you think the Dems saw poverty and suffering and tried to come up with a system to alleviate both, you're on track. If those systems had unexpected consequences no one should be surprised. If those systems require constant monitoring, evaluation, and updating no one should be surprised.

Blaming one group is not the answer, working together to fix what is broken is the answer. Obamacare is a good example. The GOP demonized the program and repeatedly tried to kill it. Had they been willing to work with the Dems (and vice versa), we might actually have a decent healthcare system.
Read this:

Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia

They LITERALLY plotted to keep poor people poor and import more poor people.

I want the government to leave me alone.
Simple solutions to complex problems are always wrong.

This is a fine example. If you want the government to leave you alone it has to work the other way too. That would mean if someone gets into an accident or gets sick, hospitals would refuse them service if they don't have health insurance. You may think this is justice but if that sick person is a baby, do you want to live in a country that turns that baby away because their parents didn't have coverage?

The government and hospitals are separate entities. Hospital policy in the US refuses no one in emergencies. Insurance on the other hand works best in competitive free markets. Health insurance is being used a political leverage to move the country to the left.
That's just naive. Hospitals are licensed and regulated by gov't so their policies are gov't policies.

I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it. I have no issue with private insurance and providers and Medicare for all doesn't mean the end of the private sector.

If you think this country is not already on the left when it comes to health care, try ending Medicare and see where that goes.

There has been more tyranny in the name of protecting the children than I can possibly cite on here. It's the perfect veil to hide your tyrannical intentions behind. I don't know the exact answer to the problem but more government is absolutely not it.
I’m trying to determine how to respond to decades of Democrats fostering and helping to encourage irresponsible behavior.
The main influence on this bad behavior is the public system and the fact that politicians can suck taxes from one region to support irresponsible behavior in another region.
NOTE: I’m not saying Republicans don’t suck regarding other matters, but this issue is a Democrat created and fostered problem.
If you believe the Dems got together in some smoke-filled room and plotted how to keep people poor and dependent on the gov't, you're delusional. If you think the Dems saw poverty and suffering and tried to come up with a system to alleviate both, you're on track. If those systems had unexpected consequences no one should be surprised. If those systems require constant monitoring, evaluation, and updating no one should be surprised.

Blaming one group is not the answer, working together to fix what is broken is the answer. Obamacare is a good example. The GOP demonized the program and repeatedly tried to kill it. Had they been willing to work with the Dems (and vice versa), we might actually have a decent healthcare system.
You are delusional.
I have been paying attention to this issue for 30 years and you haven’t.
Unlike you, I do not have allegiance to either ideology; I simply deal with facts.
You do realize that the Ds and Rs have different constituencies appealing to very different agendas with the end result being cheap labor.
Labor is a product people pay for like any other. Don't you want the things you need for as cheap as you can get them? The answer to business seeking cheap labor is to increase your value. There are unlimited ways to increase your labor's value in this country. Why do you think all these immigrants want to come here? This is where their labor is worth the most because of the plethora of opportunities available to them. The left doesn't seem to support the idea of increasing your value to employers they simply want the government to legislate that value and that's insane.
So you think it's more humane to leave kids with people who can't or wont care for them

Got it
Sometimes yes, sometimes, no. Would you take a child from his family because his family can't afford life insurance?
People make bad choices. It’s only human. Would you rather they not be supported and die in the gutter?

Here's a crazy thought. It's going to be a shock to your world view, so you might want to have a seat. The thing is - it's really not a choice between government dictating things and people dying in the gutter. Believe it or not, we can take care of ourselves, we can take care of our families, our friends, our community, without resorting to legal mandates. True story™.

The problem today is government and big business are one. Their goal is profit and power. The people have no protections from these two criminal enterprises.

Well, they're not quite "one", yet. But they're getting there. Business and government merging into one entity is called socialism.

I would love a libertarian society, but it ain’t going to happen in the quasi Fascist State we live in today.

Agreed. We need an awakening - a realization among the public that government is a terrible way to make most decisions. Without that, we're pretty much destined to go down the state socialism slavery route.
There has been more tyranny in the name of protecting the children than I can possibly cite on here. It's the perfect veil to hide your tyrannical intentions behind. I don't know the exact answer to the problem but more government is absolutely not it.
If you don't have better solution you're just ranting.
I want the government to leave me alone.
Simple solutions to complex problems are always wrong.

This is a fine example. If you want the government to leave you alone it has to work the other way too. That would mean if someone gets into an accident or gets sick, hospitals would refuse them service if they don't have health insurance. You may think this is justice but if that sick person is a baby, do you want to live in a country that turns that baby away because their parents didn't have coverage?

The government and hospitals are separate entities. Hospital policy in the US refuses no one in emergencies. Insurance on the other hand works best in competitive free markets. Health insurance is being used a political leverage to move the country to the left.
That's just naive. Hospitals are licensed and regulated by gov't so their policies are gov't policies.

I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it. I have no issue with private insurance and providers and Medicare for all doesn't mean the end of the private sector.

If you think this country is not already on the left when it comes to health care, try ending Medicare and see where that goes.

There has been more tyranny in the name of protecting the children than I can possibly cite on here. It's the perfect veil to hide your tyrannical intentions behind. I don't know the exact answer to the problem but more government is absolutely not it.

Government is the answer to every problem!!!
I own a home improvement business. I can't tell you how many guys I've come across over the years that are great carpenters or great tilers, etc, that refuse to put the drink or drug down, or aren't motivated enough to show up everyday and work hard and build something for themselves. So many opportunities for their lives wasted because they don't have to desire to do anything better with their lives. I know guys who could've had themselves really successful businesses doing exactly what I'm doing and they don't because they don't want to. That's fine, that's their choice. But don't come holding your hand out for my tax dollars to supplement your life's shortcomings.
There has been more tyranny in the name of protecting the children than I can possibly cite on here. It's the perfect veil to hide your tyrannical intentions behind. I don't know the exact answer to the problem but more government is absolutely not it.
If you don't have better solution you're just ranting.
The solution starts at the individual level. People need to change the way they think. We're becoming accustomed to look to the government.for the answers to many problems that begin with OURSELVES

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