As a self-described moderate, my honest opinion on Paul Ryan...

Why do Libtards always feel compelled to call themselves moderates and independents?

Really this entire thread has been me defending Paul Ryan while bashing the rest. I'm sure you are voting for Romney (father of Romneycare) because you aren't a real conservative. You are a neo-con who will do anything to get a Democrat out of office.
I was a Moderate who thought long and hard about the Presidential race in 2008, it was a tough call. Then I realized I live in NY and that dead Democrats outmunbered every other voting bloc so I voted to McCain/ Palin because as I mentioned, I'm a thoughtful moderate with an independent streak and think long and hard about these things. (Do people really believe this crap?)
I am a paleo-Conservative and Paul Ryan looked to me like he was a Ginormous Government "deficits don't matter" kind of Republican during the Bush regime.

I like his Medicaid plan, and his Medicare plan sounds like a move in the right direction, though it probably needs tweaking.

I'm sorry, but the DoD is part of government, and when you won't even touch defense spending then I cannot take you seriously as someone who believes in small government.

I am retired military. A lot of promises were made to me when I was serving about what benefits I would receive if I served at least 20 years. Well, those promises were all broken. And it was a Republican Congress that broke them.

But I am willing to go along with that, and I am even now willing to pay a little higher insurance premiums.

Yes, retired military people have to pay medical insurance premiums for TriCare. And co-pays. And drug prescription co-pays, which have been steadily rising for years. I bet most people don't know that.

I have been okay with that. So far.

After all, it's a big shit sandwich and we all have to take a bite. But the defense budget is still growing despite the sacrifices of the troops. That should make one pause a real fucking long time.

I also think Ryan needs to be honest about the fact that the middle class will pay more under his and Romney's tax plan. I'd rather pay more in taxes than be lied to and pay more in taxes anyway.

The GOP needs to start getting honest. The party is morally bankrupt. If they want me to come back, they need to restore their honor. The utter lack of honesty, honor, and integrity is what pisses me off about the Republican Party more than anything else. Don't fucking lie to me as you are fucking the country up, spending like drunken sailors, and exploding the size of government.

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The "anybody but Romney" primaries were proof that there is very little enthusiasm among conservatives to vote for him.

Yep. The primaries sure showed that the republicans didn't want him. Otherwise, he would have been nominated.



First they wanted Perry, then Bachmann, then Santorum, then Gingrich, then "whoever". Look at most of the posts on this forum discussing the same issue. Romney won because he was an establishment Republican. REAL conservatives are voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. Neo-cons are voting for Romney.
The "anybody but Romney" primaries were proof that there is very little enthusiasm among conservatives to vote for him.

Yep. The primaries sure showed that the republicans didn't want him. Otherwise, he would have been nominated.



First they wanted Perry, then Bachmann, then Santorum, then Gingrich, then "whoever". Look at most of the posts on this forum discussing the same issue. Romney won because he was an establishment Republican. REAL conservatives are voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. Neo-cons are voting for Romney.

I can spot an extreme Liberal a mile away.

You are for legalized heroine for everybody, right?
What I am about to say applies to both parties.

When your leadership pisses in your face with lies and acts of evil, they do it because they believe you are dumb enough to drink their piss. They are relying on you to be non-thinking parrots.

Judging by the amound of regurgitation of that piss around here, I'd say the leadership has been making an accurate assessment.

We get EXACTLY the government we deserve.

Yep. The primaries sure showed that the republicans didn't want him. Otherwise, he would have been nominated.



First they wanted Perry, then Bachmann, then Santorum, then Gingrich, then "whoever". Look at most of the posts on this forum discussing the same issue. Romney won because he was an establishment Republican. REAL conservatives are voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. Neo-cons are voting for Romney.

I can spot an extreme Liberal a mile away.

You are for legalized heroine for everybody, right?

How about debating me on the issue we are discussing? You are probably the most hyper-partisan person on this board, so what you say means shit anyways. Do you support small government yet support Romney? I'm sure you do. Have fun with 4 more years of Romney/Bush/Obama. You voted for them, live with them.
What I am about to say applies to both parties.

When your leadership pisses in your face with lies and acts of evil, they do it because they believe you are dumb enough to drink their piss. They are relying on you to be non-thinking parrots.

Judging by the amound of regurgitation of that piss around here, I'd say the leadership has been making an accurate assessment.

We get EXACTLY the government we deserve.


We cannot all be as intelligent as you.
I don't think Ryan is going to save Romney's flailing campaign. I don't think the Republican establishment expects him to. Romney is pretty much the Republican's John Kerry. I suspect Obama will win this election and Ryan will run in 2016, and possibly win. I called it during the 2004 DNC. I saw Obama speak and thought "They will run this guy in 2008 and win."

While I disagree on Paul Ryan on many things I think he really believes in what he says. Romney has been on both sides of so many issues that it is almost impossible for him to debate Obama. I don't mind Biden but he will probably be destroyed in a debate with Paul Ryan. At least he has been consistent in his beliefs, whether you agree with him or not. Paul Ryan seems about as genuine as politicians get (aside from Ron Paul), but he is not saving this campaign. He will almost definitely run in 2016 and almost defintely win.

Color me shocked :cool: another Ryan not good for romney thread.
I don't think Ryan is going to save Romney's flailing campaign. I don't think the Republican establishment expects him to. Romney is pretty much the Republican's John Kerry. I suspect Obama will win this election and Ryan will run in 2016, and possibly win. I called it during the 2004 DNC. I saw Obama speak and thought "They will run this guy in 2008 and win."

While I disagree on Paul Ryan on many things I think he really believes in what he says. Romney has been on both sides of so many issues that it is almost impossible for him to debate Obama. I don't mind Biden but he will probably be destroyed in a debate with Paul Ryan. At least he has been consistent in his beliefs, whether you agree with him or not. Paul Ryan seems about as genuine as politicians get (aside from Ron Paul), but he is not saving this campaign. He will almost definitely run in 2016 and almost defintely win.

Not only is Ryan a great move for the Romney campaign, but Romney is going to thump the failed incumbent on Election Day.

In short, on your two main points, you could not be more off base.
In you infinite wisdom haven't you seen Obama "modify" his positions based on polling results?

Can you elaborate? I'm honestly not sure what your post has to do with the topic. Obama was against gay marriage before he was for gay marriage. Obama was against the Patriot Act before he was for it. I could go on and on about the things Obama has changed his position on. This thread wasn't in defense of Obama or Romney. If anything it was in favor of Ryan, and I don't even like the guy.

EDIT: And he hasn't "modified" his positions, he has "evolved". :p

Obama hasn't flipped floped; he's simply more experienced and shown an ability to alter course - as opposed to some who stay the course even when rocks are present.

Therein lies the difference between a leader and a charlatan; a leader admits mistakes, a charlatan makes excuses.
In you infinite wisdom haven't you seen Obama "modify" his positions based on polling results?

Can you elaborate? I'm honestly not sure what your post has to do with the topic. Obama was against gay marriage before he was for gay marriage. Obama was against the Patriot Act before he was for it. I could go on and on about the things Obama has changed his position on. This thread wasn't in defense of Obama or Romney. If anything it was in favor of Ryan, and I don't even like the guy.

EDIT: And he hasn't "modified" his positions, he has "evolved". :p

Obama hasn't flipped floped; he's simply more experienced and shown an ability to alter course - as opposed to some who stay the course even when rocks are present.

Therein lies the difference between a leader and a charlatan; a leader admits mistakes, a charlatan makes excuses.

Bull. He has demonstrated convincingly that his "word" is worthless.
I don't think Ryan is going to save Romney's flailing campaign. I don't think the Republican establishment expects him to. Romney is pretty much the Republican's John Kerry. I suspect Obama will win this election and Ryan will run in 2016, and possibly win. I called it during the 2004 DNC. I saw Obama speak and thought "They will run this guy in 2008 and win."

While I disagree on Paul Ryan on many things I think he really believes in what he says. Romney has been on both sides of so many issues that it is almost impossible for him to debate Obama. I don't mind Biden but he will probably be destroyed in a debate with Paul Ryan. At least he has been consistent in his beliefs, whether you agree with him or not. Paul Ryan seems about as genuine as politicians get (aside from Ron Paul), but he is not saving this campaign. He will almost definitely run in 2016 and almost defintely win.

Color me shocked :cool: another Ryan not good for romney thread.

Color me shocked. Every rightwing hack on this site misinterpreted my post. I was saying the complete opposite of what you thought I was. Not only was Ryan a good pick, he was the smartest move Romney has made so far. He will still lose but at least that gives Ryan a chance in 2016. The smartest thing Romney could do at this point is switch places with his VP. Ryan as President and Romney as VP would make more sense. Obama is Bush 2.0 and Romney would be Bush 3.0. You neo-con political hacks are only voting for Romney because he isn't Obama.
I don't think Ryan is going to save Romney's flailing campaign. I don't think the Republican establishment expects him to. Romney is pretty much the Republican's John Kerry. I suspect Obama will win this election and Ryan will run in 2016, and possibly win. I called it during the 2004 DNC. I saw Obama speak and thought "They will run this guy in 2008 and win."

While I disagree on Paul Ryan on many things I think he really believes in what he says. Romney has been on both sides of so many issues that it is almost impossible for him to debate Obama. I don't mind Biden but he will probably be destroyed in a debate with Paul Ryan. At least he has been consistent in his beliefs, whether you agree with him or not. Paul Ryan seems about as genuine as politicians get (aside from Ron Paul), but he is not saving this campaign. He will almost definitely run in 2016 and almost defintely win.

Color me shocked :cool: another Ryan not good for romney thread.

Color me shocked. Every rightwing hack on this site misinterpreted my post. I was saying the complete opposite of what you thought I was. Not only was Ryan a good pick, he was the smartest move Romney has made so far. He will still lose but at least that gives Ryan a chance in 2016. The smartest thing Romney could do at this point is switch places with his VP. Ryan as President and Romney as VP would make more sense. Obama is Bush 2.0 and Romney would be Bush 3.0. You neo-con political hacks are only voting for Romney because he isn't Obama.


I asked you a question...twice. Would you care to answer?
In you infinite wisdom haven't you seen Obama "modify" his positions based on polling results?

Can you elaborate? I'm honestly not sure what your post has to do with the topic. Obama was against gay marriage before he was for gay marriage. Obama was against the Patriot Act before he was for it. I could go on and on about the things Obama has changed his position on. This thread wasn't in defense of Obama or Romney. If anything it was in favor of Ryan, and I don't even like the guy.

EDIT: And he hasn't "modified" his positions, he has "evolved". :p

Obama hasn't flipped floped; he's simply more experienced and shown an ability to alter course - as opposed to some who stay the course even when rocks are present.

Therein lies the difference between a leader and a charlatan; a leader admits mistakes, a charlatan makes excuses.

On some issues I would agree with you, but what about gay marriage? He "evolved" on the issue right? I turn 28 tomorrow and already know where I stand on gay marriage. This man is 51 years old and is "evolving" on certain issues? Sounds like flip flopping to me.
Color me shocked :cool: another Ryan not good for romney thread.

Color me shocked. Every rightwing hack on this site misinterpreted my post. I was saying the complete opposite of what you thought I was. Not only was Ryan a good pick, he was the smartest move Romney has made so far. He will still lose but at least that gives Ryan a chance in 2016. The smartest thing Romney could do at this point is switch places with his VP. Ryan as President and Romney as VP would make more sense. Obama is Bush 2.0 and Romney would be Bush 3.0. You neo-con political hacks are only voting for Romney because he isn't Obama.


I asked you a question...twice. Would you care to answer?

I'm sorry if I didn't notice it but what question is that?
Do you think Paul Ryan was being genuine today when he told an audience that Barack Obama just removed the work requirement from welfare?
First they wanted Perry, then Bachmann, then Santorum, then Gingrich, then "whoever". Look at most of the posts on this forum discussing the same issue. Romney won because he was an establishment Republican. REAL conservatives are voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. Neo-cons are voting for Romney.

Through it all, Romney was either #1 or #2, with one candidate making a surge and then falling back, Romney got the bid cause he was the best of the lot all-around. Whether Perry, Or Gingrich, or Cain or Santorum got nominated, they'd all be a terrible candidate in some respect.

What is a "real" conservative? Cause Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are libertarians more than anything. Those guys don't represent the social views of conservatives and republicans in general though.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson but only cause my vote doesn't matter. If i was in a swing state, i'd vote for Romney. I think you're right on with your comment in another post: a lot people are voting for Romney more so because he's not Obama. No one can claim that Obama got plenty of anti-Bush votes the last time around though so i don't see how anyone could use that to criticize someone else. Picking between democrats and republican is nothing more than big government guy 1 vs. big government guy 2.

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