As seen on multiple twitters, Does Trump have a photocopier at Mar-a-lago?

He lit the fuse and then walked away

Instead of calling back his minions, he watched and giggled as they attacked our Nations Capitol
It was over in three hours... and why should he have stopped it?... no dem tried to stop the BLM riots in fact they encouraged them.... summer of love.... woopie!!!
It was over in three hours... and why should he have stopped it?... no dem tried to stop the BLM riots in fact they encouraged them.... summer of love.... woopie!!!
They attacked under Trump banners and were searching for Trumps Vice President

Why would Trump stop it
Does Trump have a photocopier(s) at Mar-a-largo?
If so, the FBI should go back & get it/them.
Everything you’ve ever scanned/printed gets saved to the device.
Printers memory will have a record of which classified docs were copied.
Interesting idea, kudos if you thought if it yourself. A couple of flaws, though:

If you don't know whether Trump even has a photocopier at Mar-a-largo, how do you know it is digital and not analogue, which doesn't save everything to the device, nor keep a record of classified docs?

If your point is that Trump still has copies of the documents that the FBI robbed from his home, I would say almost certainly. No doubt digitized and held by his lawyer in a location unknown to Trump. Or maybe the documents they stole were copies and his attorneys have the originals as well as digitized copies in separate locations.

As soon as the FBI starts lying in court or in the media about which documents Trump had, he will have proof that they are lying again. If the alter the documents - again - Trump will have the originals to nail them again. Hopefully this time they will not be allowed to plead guilty for no jail time.

Haven't you figured out by now that the DOJ/FBI is not capable of outsmarting Trump nor thinking a step ahead of him?
Does Trump have a photocopier(s) at Mar-a-largo?
If so, the FBI should go back & get it/them.
Everything you’ve ever scanned/printed gets saved to the device.
Printers memory will have a record of which classified docs were copied.
Bless your heart

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