As usual, republicans in Congress are useless and COVID is no exception

Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

Its not the red states that are begging for a handout here.

Texas and Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are moving forward from here. OTOH, the deep blue City of Angels has already announced that there will be no public school this fall.
Begging for handouts? Kentucky gives more in welfare by percentage than any other state and has paid back next to nothing. Red states are notorious for welfare despite what you want to believe.
Fuck, here we are again, with this bullshit. Go look at the inner cities of the red states, all run by liberal mayors who give lots of free stuff to people who dont earn it. Like with Philly and Pissburg, both blue as hell, but the rest of Pennsyl, is red as can be. That welfare shows up where the poorest are, also where they kill off their future Demoncrap voters by abortion. Hey, isnt that voter suppression by killing those voters before they are born? Yeah, shame the Demoncraps are too stupid to realize this...
Lol it’s adorable how you pretend you know what you are talking about. Food stamp participation and other programs are higher in red states. Mayors do not have anything to to with SNAP. You’re too much of a simpleton to learn that kind of information on your own so you’re lucky I’m here.
Why do more minorities end up in the inner cities, you worthless asswipe. I worked in Washington DC, and the southeast was skid row, because all the free stuff the city was giving out brought them to that place, but couldnt be put up in Georgetown because liberal elites like George Snufaloughoguf, would complain to Mayer Bowwow. I am tired of having to lower my IQ just to try to discuss this with you. Time to put you on ignore with the rest of the liberal morons(i know redundant statement).
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

US revenue 2017 3.3T
US revenue 2020 3.7T (est)
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.
you are one dumb piece of commie shit.
Oh by the way, i swore and oath to defend this country and the Constitution against Democrat Socialists. There are many others like me who feel the same. Keep up the attacks on US and you might end up like Japan and Germany....
Well, the lefties are using Nancy's battle cry, 'you have to sign it to see what is in it.' That worked last time, right?
Why do more minorities end up in the inner cities, you worthless asswipe. I worked in Washington DC, and the southeast was skid row, because all the free stuff the city was giving out brought them to that place, but couldnt be put up in Georgetown because liberal elites like George Snufaloughoguf, would complain to Mayer Bowwow. I am tired of having to lower my IQ just to try to discuss this with you. Time to put you on ignore with the rest of the liberal morons(i know redundant statement).

Whatever the reason, the Liberal Overlords in places like LA and NY are already canceling the 2020-21 school year even though the majority of the kids in their government schools are minorities. Basically condemning them to a lifetime of indigency and destitution where they will forever be dependent on the government.
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

Its not the red states that are begging for a handout here.

Texas and Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are moving forward from here. OTOH, the deep blue City of Angels has already announced that there will be no public school this fall.
Begging for handouts? Kentucky gives more in welfare by percentage than any other state and has paid back next to nothing. Red states are notorious for welfare despite what you want to believe.
Fuck, here we are again, with this bullshit. Go look at the inner cities of the red states, all run by liberal mayors who give lots of free stuff to people who dont earn it. Like with Philly and Pissburg, both blue as hell, but the rest of Pennsyl, is red as can be. That welfare shows up where the poorest are, also where they kill off their future Demoncrap voters by abortion. Hey, isnt that voter suppression by killing those voters before they are born? Yeah, shame the Demoncraps are too stupid to realize this...
Lol it’s adorable how you pretend you know what you are talking about. Food stamp participation and other programs are higher in red states. Mayors do not have anything to to with SNAP. You’re too much of a simpleton to learn that kind of information on your own so you’re lucky I’m here.
Why do more minorities end up in the inner cities, you worthless asswipe. I worked in Washington DC, and the southeast was skid row, because all the free stuff the city was giving out brought them to that place, but couldnt be put up in Georgetown because liberal elites like George Snufaloughoguf, would complain to Mayer Bowwow. I am tired of having to lower my IQ just to try to discuss this with you. Time to put you on ignore with the rest of the liberal morons(i know redundant statement).
No one cares about your redneck anecdotal bullshit lol. Facts and statistics matter.
Why do more minorities end up in the inner cities, you worthless asswipe. I worked in Washington DC, and the southeast was skid row, because all the free stuff the city was giving out brought them to that place, but couldnt be put up in Georgetown because liberal elites like George Snufaloughoguf, would complain to Mayer Bowwow. I am tired of having to lower my IQ just to try to discuss this with you. Time to put you on ignore with the rest of the liberal morons(i know redundant statement).

Whatever the reason, the Liberal Overlords in places like LA and NY are already canceling the 2020-21 school year even though the majority of the kids in their government schools are minorities. Basically condemning them to a lifetime of indigency and destitution where they will forever be dependent on the government.
They will be degenerate and go out and kill each other as we see in Baltimore, NY, Chicago and other major cities. But what could happen is that it will spill, over in the liberal bastions of sanctuary like Martha's Vineyard or Nancy's community up there in San Fransicko. Then those liberals are going to ask US to come save them. I say, let them burn.. Fuck liberals love to burn things, but not with them in it...

Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Do you have any idea where the democrats are getting 3 trillion dollars?
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
You got to love it. Not that long ago you were on these boards complaining about the deficit. Now suddenly when you think that you can get a small scrap of the Trillions being given away you are all for running up the debt.
If it was just money for people or for small bussiness it would be diffrent but most of it is going to those that don't need it but make those in congress lots of money or give lots to reelection campaigns.
Right we should just do nothing at all about this because GOP tax cuts are more important. That’s basically what you are saying lol. No doubt this is harmful to the deficit, but it has to be done and paying for at least some of it is possible.
I love the fact the left is unable to read or comprehend what is written.
I said nothing about tax cuts. I said that up until recently you were against deficit spending.
So you want the democrats spending us into debt just to make their special intrests rich. Sure you will get a crumb. I understand that you are willing to sell yourself for a few dollars. Not everyone is.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Yeah, that's exactly what I want them to do.

The last thing we need is more knee-jerk reactions. We need to stop spewing out things, and start looking closely at the evidence, and see what is working, what isn't, and what is or is not necessary.

I agree with the Republicans.
Okay but while republicans aren’t being knee jerk about this, they aren’t being anything else either. Their thumbs are just up their asses. There is not even a hint of a long term plan.

Well... of course.

Again, there is not enough information. We're seeing places like Sweden, who didn't have a lock down at all, have a fraction of the predicted deaths.

Not to mention, a lock of people have had enough.

So perhaps they should just hold off, and let the states repeal their lock downs. That would end it.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Democrats are pushing a $3 trillion Christmas list of more debt
What difference does that make? tRump has already so far into the red that we will never see daylight again.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Democrats are pushing a $3 trillion Christmas list of more debt
What difference does that make? tRump has already so far into the red that we will never see daylight again.
Good grief....if Trump didn't spend the money you would bitch, and when he does spend the money you would bitch.
Pick a fucking side of the issue and run with minions run against Trump no matter what he does.
Libtards are giving illegals $1200.00 per month and amnesty. Yep! Libtards are fucked up crazy.
Care to provide proof of that, real proof?

Didn't think so.

Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
You got to love it. Not that long ago you were on these boards complaining about the deficit. Now suddenly when you think that you can get a small scrap of the Trillions being given away you are all for running up the debt.
If it was just money for people or for small bussiness it would be diffrent but most of it is going to those that don't need it but make those in congress lots of money or give lots to reelection campaigns.
Right we should just do nothing at all about this because GOP tax cuts are more important. That’s basically what you are saying lol. No doubt this is harmful to the deficit, but it has to be done and paying for at least some of it is possible.
I love the fact the left is unable to read or comprehend what is written.
I said nothing about tax cuts. I said that up until recently you were against deficit spending.
So you want the democrats spending us into debt just to make their special intrests rich. Sure you will get a crumb. I understand that you are willing to sell yourself for a few dollars. Not everyone is.
Hey moron. I said in the OP that I didn’t think another stimulus check was a good idea. I think more emphasis should be put into hospitals and testing. I mentioned tax cuts because that is what I was talking about previously when I was criticizing the deficit. God you’re fucking stupid.
Libtards are giving illegals $1200.00 per month and amnesty. Yep! Libtards are fucked up crazy.
Care to provide proof of that, real proof?

Didn't think so.

You know what they say, nothing is more important than following the law to a democrat. They have posters of Lady Justice in their rooms.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Yeah, that's exactly what I want them to do.

The last thing we need is more knee-jerk reactions. We need to stop spewing out things, and start looking closely at the evidence, and see what is working, what isn't, and what is or is not necessary.

I agree with the Republicans.
Okay but while republicans aren’t being knee jerk about this, they aren’t being anything else either. Their thumbs are just up their asses. There is not even a hint of a long term plan.

What would be the plan? Unfortunately Nancy decided to go alone with out and Republicans input or the white this is going nowhere.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
You got to love it. Not that long ago you were on these boards complaining about the deficit. Now suddenly when you think that you can get a small scrap of the Trillions being given away you are all for running up the debt.
If it was just money for people or for small bussiness it would be diffrent but most of it is going to those that don't need it but make those in congress lots of money or give lots to reelection campaigns.
Right we should just do nothing at all about this because GOP tax cuts are more important. That’s basically what you are saying lol. No doubt this is harmful to the deficit, but it has to be done and paying for at least some of it is possible.
I love the fact the left is unable to read or comprehend what is written.
I said nothing about tax cuts. I said that up until recently you were against deficit spending.
So you want the democrats spending us into debt just to make their special intrests rich. Sure you will get a crumb. I understand that you are willing to sell yourself for a few dollars. Not everyone is.
Hey moron. I said in the OP that I didn’t think another stimulus check was a good idea. I think more emphasis should be put into hospitals and testing. I mentioned tax cuts because that is what I was talking about previously when I was criticizing the deficit. God you’re fucking stupid.
Oh you mean when you were criticizing Republicans for being useless. While talking about the next stimulus.
And you try and call others morons. Yeah right.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
You got to love it. Not that long ago you were on these boards complaining about the deficit. Now suddenly when you think that you can get a small scrap of the Trillions being given away you are all for running up the debt.
If it was just money for people or for small bussiness it would be diffrent but most of it is going to those that don't need it but make those in congress lots of money or give lots to reelection campaigns.
Right we should just do nothing at all about this because GOP tax cuts are more important. That’s basically what you are saying lol. No doubt this is harmful to the deficit, but it has to be done and paying for at least some of it is possible.
I love the fact the left is unable to read or comprehend what is written.
I said nothing about tax cuts. I said that up until recently you were against deficit spending.
So you want the democrats spending us into debt just to make their special intrests rich. Sure you will get a crumb. I understand that you are willing to sell yourself for a few dollars. Not everyone is.
Hey moron. I said in the OP that I didn’t think another stimulus check was a good idea. I think more emphasis should be put into hospitals and testing. I mentioned tax cuts because that is what I was talking about previously when I was criticizing the deficit. God you’re fucking stupid.
Oh you mean when you were criticizing Republicans for being useless. While talking about the next stimulus.
And you try and call others morons. Yeah right.
Oh yes they are useless. All they are good for are tax cuts. You have noticed that right? That’s all they ever really do?
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
You got to love it. Not that long ago you were on these boards complaining about the deficit. Now suddenly when you think that you can get a small scrap of the Trillions being given away you are all for running up the debt.
If it was just money for people or for small bussiness it would be diffrent but most of it is going to those that don't need it but make those in congress lots of money or give lots to reelection campaigns.
Right we should just do nothing at all about this because GOP tax cuts are more important. That’s basically what you are saying lol. No doubt this is harmful to the deficit, but it has to be done and paying for at least some of it is possible.
I love the fact the left is unable to read or comprehend what is written.
I said nothing about tax cuts. I said that up until recently you were against deficit spending.
So you want the democrats spending us into debt just to make their special intrests rich. Sure you will get a crumb. I understand that you are willing to sell yourself for a few dollars. Not everyone is.
Hey moron. I said in the OP that I didn’t think another stimulus check was a good idea. I think more emphasis should be put into hospitals and testing. I mentioned tax cuts because that is what I was talking about previously when I was criticizing the deficit. God you’re fucking stupid.
Oh you mean when you were criticizing Republicans for being useless. While talking about the next stimulus.
And you try and call others morons. Yeah right.
Oh yes they are useless. All they are good for are tax cuts. You have noticed that right? That’s all they ever really do?
And all democrats are good for is buying votes with your money.
You have noticed that right? Even you should have noticed that.

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