As usual, republicans in Congress are useless and COVID is no exception

Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Democrats are pushing a $3 trillion Christmas list of more debt
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.

That will still leave well over $2 trillion in extra debt. We are already over $25 trillion. We don't need faux "stimulus." We need to get back to business and take the appropriate precautions for our vulnerable population
This is a brand new virus. Experts need time to observe its effects. How it’s behaving has changed since it first ravaged Europe. There are too many unknowns as far as widely reopening the economy.
Look it's Faux Chi's assistant Dr. Dumbass.
Well he certainly wouldn’t pick you, you degenerate redneck piece of shit lol
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

And what do you propose as an alternative to the Department of Education?
Give it back to the states, they did a better job financially and academically
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Yeah, that's exactly what I want them to do.

The last thing we need is more knee-jerk reactions. We need to stop spewing out things, and start looking closely at the evidence, and see what is working, what isn't, and what is or is not necessary.

I agree with the Republicans.
Okay but while republicans aren’t being knee jerk about this, they aren’t being anything else either. Their thumbs are just up their asses. There is not even a hint of a long term plan.

What the fuck are you talking about.

Did you just deflect to something else.

You just got your dumbassed OP flamed and now you are moving on.

You are anything but a critical thinker.
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

It would be nice if you linked your claims once in a while. there anything in that Bill that you don't approve of? If there is, could you list it/them for us?
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

Its not the red states that are begging for a handout here.

Texas and Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are moving forward from here. OTOH, the deep blue City of Angels has already announced that there will be no public school this fall.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Democrats are pushing a $3 trillion Christmas list of more debt
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.

That will still leave well over $2 trillion in extra debt. We are already over $25 trillion. We don't need faux "stimulus." We need to get back to business and take the appropriate precautions for our vulnerable population
This is a brand new virus. Experts need time to observe its effects. How it’s behaving has changed since it first ravaged Europe. There are too many unknowns as far as widely reopening the economy.
Look it's Faux Chi's assistant Dr. Dumbass.
Well he certainly wouldn’t pick you, you degenerate redneck piece of shit lol
Why would he pick me you idiot? I ain't no doctor like you pretend to be.
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

Its not the red states that are begging for a handout here.

Texas and Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are moving forward from here. OTOH, the deep blue City of Angels has already announced that there will be no public school this fall.
Begging for handouts? Kentucky gives more in welfare by percentage than any other state and has paid back next to nothing. Red states are notorious for welfare despite what you want to believe.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Yeah, that's exactly what I want them to do.

The last thing we need is more knee-jerk reactions. We need to stop spewing out things, and start looking closely at the evidence, and see what is working, what isn't, and what is or is not necessary.

I agree with the Republicans.
Okay but while republicans aren’t being knee jerk about this, they aren’t being anything else either. Their thumbs are just up their asses. There is not even a hint of a long term plan.
Yeah, and what is the long term plan of the Demoncraps, other than bankrupting the US so they can then turn it into Cuba or Venezuela?
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Amazing how people who never worked a single day in the private sector suddenly decide to spend $3,000,000,000,000!!
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Democrats are pushing a $3 trillion Christmas list of more debt
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
cut defense spending? could you explain why that is a good thing to do ?
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

Its not the red states that are begging for a handout here.

Texas and Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are moving forward from here. OTOH, the deep blue City of Angels has already announced that there will be no public school this fall.
Begging for handouts? Kentucky gives more in welfare by percentage than any other state and has paid back next to nothing. Red states are notorious for welfare despite what you want to believe.
Fuck, here we are again, with this bullshit. Go look at the inner cities of the red states, all run by liberal mayors who give lots of free stuff to people who dont earn it. Like with Philly and Pissburg, both blue as hell, but the rest of Pennsyl, is red as can be. That welfare shows up where the poorest are, also where they kill off their future Demoncrap voters by abortion. Hey, isnt that voter suppression by killing those voters before they are born? Yeah, shame the Demoncraps are too stupid to realize this...
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Amazing how people who never worked a single day in the private sector suddenly decide to spend $3,000,000,000,000!!
It is so easy to spend other peoples money....
Until you piss them off and then they come looking for you.
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.

Democrats are pushing a $3 trillion Christmas list of more debt
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.

That will still leave well over $2 trillion in extra debt. We are already over $25 trillion. We don't need faux "stimulus." We need to get back to business and take the appropriate precautions for our vulnerable population
This is a brand new virus. Experts need time to observe its effects. How it’s behaving has changed since it first ravaged Europe. There are too many unknowns as far as widely reopening the economy.
but but the left says that obama would have been prepared for this brand new virus and that Trump is responsible for the deaths not their chicom benefactors.
Yep, let’s cut defense spending and close the corporate tax loopholes and deductions to help pay for it. We have to start somewhere.
Cutting spending is how you pay for things. It's not a revenue problem. It's a spending problem.

Everybody had to tighten their belts in hard times EXCEPT government.

I don't mind if we cut a bunch of defense spending. That's moving in the right direction.

What else can we cut? The Department of Education should be eliminated immediately.

You can’t just dismiss the revenue side of the debt. It doesn’t make any economic sense. Revenue is how shit is paid for. If the percentage of GDP is too low, the government borrows more. The GOP’s tax cut is going blow up our deficit. You know that right?

What the story is that each state has to deal with this on their own.

NY is definitely going to have to raise taxes, as well as cut expenditures. Ditto out in California. Both states had huge debts going in, and Productive and Forward Thinking states aren't going to bail them out.
Red states have bigger DEFICITS as opposed to debts.

Its not the red states that are begging for a handout here.

Texas and Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are moving forward from here. OTOH, the deep blue City of Angels has already announced that there will be no public school this fall.
Begging for handouts? Kentucky gives more in welfare by percentage than any other state and has paid back next to nothing. Red states are notorious for welfare despite what you want to believe.
Fuck, here we are again, with this bullshit. Go look at the inner cities of the red states, all run by liberal mayors who give lots of free stuff to people who dont earn it. Like with Philly and Pissburg, both blue as hell, but the rest of Pennsyl, is red as can be. That welfare shows up where the poorest are, also where they kill off their future Demoncrap voters by abortion. Hey, isnt that voter suppression by killing those voters before they are born? Yeah, shame the Demoncraps are too stupid to realize this...
Lol it’s adorable how you pretend you know what you are talking about. Food stamp participation and other programs are higher in red states. Mayors do not have anything to to with SNAP. You’re too much of a simpleton to learn that kind of information on your own so you’re lucky I’m here.
The blue states have said if they dont get all that money, we the people have to work hard to get, then the Governors are going to have to cut emergency services. Now lets take a look at what those idiots are saying.

Because the governors of the blue states promise so much for their government employees, they end up with a debt that the state cannot afford. So they cut the workers of the state out of their money, thus making it very unsafe for everyone else in the state. But why not cut the funding for "WELFARE" since these fuckers dont work, they shouldnt be paid, keep the money going into the emergency services because they are sorely needed, while a dope smoking liberal in their parents basement wouldnt even be missed...
Democrats are pushing for another round of stimulus checks. One could make the argument that other options should be explored before more stimulus checks should be produced.

However, as per usual, republicans aren’t offering any alternatives. All they can say is “uhh. Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Does that sound like leadership to you? Republicans prove themselves again and again to be terrible at governing.

My point is, while more stimulus checks may or may not be a good idea, at least democrats are pushing ideas and are giving timelines for action. Republicans are just useless as always. It really is astounding. I guess they’d be more motivated for another stimulus if it includes another ridiculous slush fund for big corporations. That is what they do best after all.
dam billie dont you ever get tired of whining about the same type of shit every fucking day? you think any righties here have changed because of you?.....

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