Assange Ran Russian Election Hack From Ecuadorian Embassy

Why is anyone talking about Trump, when this is about Assange, who never harmed women at all.
Enough to get a Reality TV idiot elected that admitted forcibly molesting women

The Reality TV Star was a small part of his resume.

There was absolutely no admission of forcible molestation.

That is some silly shit right there.
The Apprentice is how most Americans know the moron

and yea he did admit that to Billy Bush

No, he sure didn't - you fucking liar.

Tell the truth for the first time in your pathetic existence, you putrid pile of shit, what did he REALLY say?
Hey asshole...he admitted it and BRAGGED about it

When did grabbing a woman's pussy when they want you to, become a crime?
Enough to get a Reality TV idiot elected that admitted forcibly molesting women

The Reality TV Star was a small part of his resume.

There was absolutely no admission of forcible molestation.

That is some silly shit right there.
The Apprentice is how most Americans know the moron

and yea he did admit that to Billy Bush

No, he sure didn't - you fucking liar.

Tell the truth for the first time in your pathetic existence, you putrid pile of shit, what did he REALLY say?
Hey asshole...he admitted it and BRAGGED about it

When did grabbing a woman's pussy when they want you to, become a crime?

Is it never?
What does citizenship have to do with anything?
England also has the same faction of wealthy elite.
The republican party in England it called Tory instead, but they represent the same values and agendas.
But it would pretty silly if I had used the Tory party when talking about US politics.
Assange was not doing WikiLeaks about the UK, but the US.
The Conservative Party is called the Tories unofficially, and they are not Republican, as they support the Monarchy. Also they are not 100% representing the same values, there's health care for all in the UK. They also have a different stance on gun ownership.
Enough to get a Reality TV idiot elected that admitted forcibly molesting women

The Reality TV Star was a small part of his resume.

There was absolutely no admission of forcible molestation.

That is some silly shit right there.
The Apprentice is how most Americans know the moron

and yea he did admit that to Billy Bush

No, he sure didn't - you fucking liar.

Tell the truth for the first time in your pathetic existence, you putrid pile of shit, what did he REALLY say?
Hey asshole...he admitted it and BRAGGED about it

Negative -
He spoke about the lengths that Gold Digging Who-ers would go to, to be near men of power and prestige.
He spoke ab"grabbing by the pussy" and he's been accused of doing just that to women who wanted nothing to do with him
This is pretty silly because Assange has always been a liberal and democrat.
He picked the Ecuador embassy over the Russian embassy for that reason.
He original leaks were about illegal US military actions by Bush.
So he is no republican.
The thread likely is confused with Snowden, who is hiding out in Russia.
While someone did leak the DNC email hacks, that was to benefit Bernie Sanders by revealing the DNC conspiracy against him.
It was not to help the republicans.

Assange isn't even American, genius.

What does citizenship have to do with anything?
England also has the same faction of wealthy elite.
The republican party in England it called Tory instead, but they represent the same values and agendas.
But it would pretty silly if I had used the Tory party when talking about US politics.
Assange was not doing WikiLeaks about the UK, but the US.

Assange isn't British, either, genius.
I don't think it's comparable, Trump has raped or groped many more women, but has gotten away with more because of his money. He has been to/hosted a lot of dubious parties, and even barged into beauty pageant contestants' dressing rooms.

The problem is that you're a fucking liar without any hint of integrity. You openly slander and libel those you are trained to hate. No need for facts or evidence, since you are utterly devoid of integrity or ethics.
The Reality TV Star was a small part of his resume.

There was absolutely no admission of forcible molestation.

That is some silly shit right there.
The Apprentice is how most Americans know the moron

and yea he did admit that to Billy Bush

No, he sure didn't - you fucking liar.

Tell the truth for the first time in your pathetic existence, you putrid pile of shit, what did he REALLY say?
Hey asshole...he admitted it and BRAGGED about it

Negative -
He spoke about the lengths that Gold Digging Who-ers would go to, to be near men of power and prestige.
He spoke ab"grabbing by the pussy" and he's been accused of doing just that to women who wanted nothing to do with him

You're such a fucking liar, leech

{I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.}

You Communists are such scumbag piles of shit, not a hint of integrity in any of you psychopath pigs.
I don't think it's comparable, Trump has raped or groped many more women, but has gotten away with more because of his money. He has been to/hosted a lot of dubious parties, and even barged into beauty pageant contestants' dressing rooms.

The problem is that you're a fucking liar without any hint of integrity. You openly slander and libel those you are trained to hate. No need for facts or evidence, since you are utterly devoid of integrity or ethics.
Trained to hate? Who trained me? You mean you have actually heard of the concept of facts? Wow!

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