At the time we invaded Iraq, did you believe Hussein was behind 9/11?

At the time we invaded Iraq, did you believe Hussein was behind 9/11?

  • Yes, I thought Hussein was directly responsible for the attacks on 9/11

  • No, we invaded becasue W said there were stockpiles of WMDs. I didn't think Hussein was behind 9/11

  • We invaded for many reasons. One was WMDs, none of them were Iraq being directly involved in 9/11

  • I'm old enough to remember the time, but honestly I wasn't into politics then and I'm not sure

  • I'm under 30 and I remember the actual 9/11 attacks and invasions either vaguely or not at all

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Yet, the US, or at least certain agents associated with the government, aided and abetted Saddam.
Yet none of the rightwingers thought Hussein had anything to do with 9/11, didn't read the vote, did you, PooPoo?

I think your family friends and loved ones should be all placed in Iraq harms way to support whatever mindless reasons Dork 43 used to invade Iraq

What does that have to do with what I said? You just being your normal dick self?

And they were, my brother and cousin were in Iraq War I and my niece and her husband both were in Afghanistan
Yet none of the rightwingers thought Hussein had anything to do with 9/11, didn't read the vote, did you, PooPoo?

I think your family friends and loved ones should be all placed in Iraq harms way to support whatever mindless reasons Dork 43 used to invade Iraq

Also, I'd appreciate if you lave my family out of this. Thank you.
W laid out a broad case for the invasion, Democrats boiled it down to "stockpiles" in history. But I don't remember W or his homeys claiming Iraq was behind 9/11 and I clearly remember the attack and aftermath. What about you?

This thread is not about whether you supported the war, it's about W's justification for doing it and the ensuing national discussion about why we were doing it.

Also, this thread is not about whether you believe the case made was sincere or if there were ulterior motives. It's about the case that was made, period

The Bush administration made the connection again and again between Saddam and 9/11 without actually saying Saddam ordered the attack.
Now what's funny is that when asked about Iraq, Bush said we had to go into Iraq because the terrorists came here and killed 3,000 Americans, but when directly asked if Iraq was involved, he said no one suggested Iraq was involved.
So let's say that again. When Bush was asked why we invaded Iraq, he said it was because the terrorists came here and killed 3,000 Americans. If the two are completely unrelated, then why link them together. It's like saying what do you want for dinner and your answer is I need to buy new shoes. There is no link. It's a nonsense statement. Yet Americans bought the nonsense.
W laid out a broad case for the invasion, Democrats boiled it down to "stockpiles" in history. But I don't remember W or his homeys claiming Iraq was behind 9/11 and I clearly remember the attack and aftermath. What about you?

This thread is not about whether you supported the war, it's about W's justification for doing it and the ensuing national discussion about why we were doing it.

Also, this thread is not about whether you believe the case made was sincere or if there were ulterior motives. It's about the case that was made, period

The Bush administration made the connection again and again between Saddam and 9/11 without actually saying Saddam ordered the attack.
Now what's funny is that when asked about Iraq, Bush said we had to go into Iraq because the terrorists came here and killed 3,000 Americans, but when directly asked if Iraq was involved, he said no one suggested Iraq was involved.
So let's say that again. When Bush was asked why we invaded Iraq, he said it was because the terrorists came here and killed 3,000 Americans. If the two are completely unrelated, then why link them together. It's like saying what do you want for dinner and your answer is I need to buy new shoes. There is no link. It's a nonsense statement. Yet Americans bought the nonsense.

I agreed all along that W was making a reference to that Al Qaeda and Hussein were a threat to work together, the question is whether they claimed Hussein was behind 9/11. You didn't address any point in contention.
I agreed all along that W was making a reference to that Al Qaeda and Hussein were a threat to work together, the question is whether they claimed Hussein was behind 9/11. You didn't address any point in contention.

It was a war for
Also, I'd appreciate if you lave my family out of this. Thank you.

Leave other folks families out of your fevered Empire war dreams...

I was against the Iraq war and you are stupid as a clump of shit.

i am referring to keeping my family out of your posts
You a wing nut...

So you thought I was for the Iraq War when I am against it, but that you were wrong (something you're obviously used to), doesn't man anything and I am still a wing nut.

Meanwhile, you voted for the turd on Pennsylvania Avenue who actually continued the W policies that you supposedly oppose. Twice.

You're not any kind of nut, you're just stupid
Also, I'd appreciate if you lave my family out of this. Thank you.

Leave other folks families out of your fevered Empire war dreams...

I was against the Iraq war and you are stupid as a clump of shit.

i am referring to keeping my family out of your posts
You a wing nut...

So you thought I was for the Iraq War when I am against it, but that you were wrong (something you're obviously used to), doesn't man anything and I am still a wing nut.

Meanwhile, you voted for the turn on Pennsylvania Avenue who actually continued the W policies that you supposedly oppose. Twice.

You're not any kind of nut, you're just stupid
You a Bush wing nut
I agreed all along that W was making a reference to that Al Qaeda and Hussein were a threat to work together, the question is whether they claimed Hussein was behind 9/11. You didn't address any point in contention.

It was a war for

How did it help business? We got no oil out of the deal.

Just swimming in the kool-aid pool spa I see

Also, I'd appreciate if you lave my family out of this. Thank you.

Leave other folks families out of your fevered Empire war dreams...

I was against the Iraq war and you are stupid as a clump of shit.

i am referring to keeping my family out of your posts
You a wing nut...

So you thought I was for the Iraq War when I am against it, but that you were wrong (something you're obviously used to), doesn't man anything and I am still a wing nut.

Meanwhile, you voted for the turn on Pennsylvania Avenue who actually continued the W policies that you supposedly oppose. Twice.

You're not any kind of nut, you're just stupid
You a Bush wing nut

Gotcha, someone who didn't vote for him either time, opposed the Iraq war entirely and the Afghanistan nation building is a "Bush wing nut."

Now you on the other hand voted for his policies twice when the trained monkey did the same thing W did.

You are the Bush wing nut. You going to do it again and vote for Jeb or Hillary? Same thing. You and Republicans are two peas in a pod.

So maybe now that W is out of the White House, you can have his love child
Leave other folks families out of your fevered Empire war dreams...

I was against the Iraq war and you are stupid as a clump of shit.

i am referring to keeping my family out of your posts
You a wing nut...

So you thought I was for the Iraq War when I am against it, but that you were wrong (something you're obviously used to), doesn't man anything and I am still a wing nut.

Meanwhile, you voted for the turn on Pennsylvania Avenue who actually continued the W policies that you supposedly oppose. Twice.

You're not any kind of nut, you're just stupid
You a Bush wing nut

Gotcha, someone who didn't vote for him either time, opposed the Iraq war entirely and the Afghanistan nation building is a "Bush wing nut."

Now you on the other hand voted for his policies twice when the trained monkey did the same thing W did.

You are the Bush wing nut. You going to do it again and vote for Jeb or Hillary? Same thing. You and Republicans are two peas in a pod.

So maybe now that W is out of the White House, you can have his love child
are you Mr Grouching bro?
There was no reason for this ...Bush lied and folks just died...

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
How did it help business? We got no oil out of the deal.

Just swimming in the kool-aid pool spa I see

It all worked out for some....



Don't give a shit, I voted against him. You were against it before you were for it. You just wanted the black skinned mannequin to do it, then you were good.

Why are you OK with the slaughter of the tens or hundreds of thousands the blood thirsty gangsta in the white house killed exactly?
I was against the Iraq war and you are stupid as a clump of shit.

i am referring to keeping my family out of your posts
You a wing nut...

So you thought I was for the Iraq War when I am against it, but that you were wrong (something you're obviously used to), doesn't man anything and I am still a wing nut.

Meanwhile, you voted for the turn on Pennsylvania Avenue who actually continued the W policies that you supposedly oppose. Twice.

You're not any kind of nut, you're just stupid
You a Bush wing nut

Gotcha, someone who didn't vote for him either time, opposed the Iraq war entirely and the Afghanistan nation building is a "Bush wing nut."

Now you on the other hand voted for his policies twice when the trained monkey did the same thing W did.

You are the Bush wing nut. You going to do it again and vote for Jeb or Hillary? Same thing. You and Republicans are two peas in a pod.

So maybe now that W is out of the White House, you can have his love child
are you Mr Grouching bro?

Don't know what that means. You voted for W's, policies, twice, you're a sick mother fucker, aren't you?

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