At this rate, no one on this forum will openly admit voting for Trump....

Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

Now, crawl back into your grub hole.
Only four months and our President has the incoherent left talking to themselves. The capacity for the crazy left to maintain such a level of hatred after six months is truly awesome but not so surprising.
6 months is nothing. You guys have hated the Clintons for over 20 years.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.
Oh look.. A yellow snowflake...
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.
As usual, you are so full of shit..your eyes are brown! My posting here has diminished as a result of the absolute futility in expecting liberals to be logical and honest. Liberals are sick puppies. Every single one of the liberal leaders in Congress has demonstrated a proclivity for obstruction, lies, theatrics and total disregard of the best interests of the American people.

We should all be thankful that Hillary lost the election and her bid to continue dismantling the United States in favor of global government and the disarming of all but the government.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

What latest story?

The latest fake accusations by traitors? Indeed, story, is a good word, as this has nothing to do with reality.

The only thing most people are getting tired of is your eternal butthurt. Try to get over it already.
Only four months and our President has the incoherent left talking to themselves. The capacity for the crazy left to maintain such a level of hatred after six months is truly awesome but not so surprising.
6 months is nothing. You guys have hated the Clintons for over 20 years.
That's because the Clintons are cur dogs...always have been. Bill is a rapist, Hillary is his enabler, both of them are crooks. They left a string of dead bodies in the wake of their cruise to the top.

You're correct. I have hated them for over 20 years...since 1978 when he became Governor of Arkansas and preyed upon high school girls with his crooked dick. Clinton has been a sleaze bag for well over 20 least for 39 years!
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.
You are delusional, jackass.
I don't think SJ is interested in being a Democrat.

Comparing the DNC to what :fascism" means, shows that you never graduated from elementary school.

BTW, didn't you state that you were once a know, before your head injury?
I don't think SJ is interested in being a Democrat.

Comparing the DNC to what :fascism" means, shows that you never graduated from elementary school.

BTW, didn't you state that you were once a know, before your head injury?

Democrat for 33 years until I came to my senses. The party changed from one that wanted to help people to one that wanted to control people. That is fascist. Plus they are racist. They seek to divide people into groups and offer protection for votes without ever coming thru on their promises. Why after 5 decades are they still making the same promises to minorities yet the minorities are still where they were 50 years ago? Because they are being played and used. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the left and their media spread the conservative = racism narrative, but it isn't true. Conservatism is concerned about the character of the person, not the niche they can be plugged into for votes. You sound like you might be in high school or college. If that is the case, there might be time for you to mature and figure out what's really going on instead of what you are told to think. If you're a grown assed person and still believe this shit you spout, I can't help you.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

I voted for Trump and will vote for him it was said on my favorite radio show...the worst day of Trump is better than the best day of hilary........and the comey becoming a nothing burger with mustard and comey would have had to inform the Department of Justice if anyone had tried to interfere with the investigation....and not doing so would be against the actual crime.....and comey also tesified under oath that no one had tried to interfere with the investigation......

Do you want fries with your nothing burger....

So, you support lying about Russian contacts, Using the Presidency to quell investigations about him, Using the office for personal profit, giving Russians our secrets, and putting this country at risk from NK. elevating China over the US, willingness to sign bills without caring the costs.

The Comey memo will sink your orange buddy.

Considering nothing you just stated is true....unless you are talking about obama and hilary, you are the shit head, not me.......since they did all of those things and more....

The comey memo is a nothing burger with fries...

It took trump 4 months top show what an ignorant, uninformed asshole he is. Sort of like you.

Trump said that he & his campaign had no contacts with the Russians . You think that was true? Flynn lied about his meetings.
I don't think SJ is interested in being a Democrat.

Comparing the DNC to what :fascism" means, shows that you never graduated from elementary school.

BTW, didn't you state that you were once a know, before your head injury?

Democrat for 33 years until I came to my senses. The party changed from one that wanted to help people to one that wanted to control people. That is fascist. Plus they are racist. They seek to divide people into groups and offer protection for votes without ever coming thru on their promises. Why after 5 decades are they still making the same promises to minorities yet the minorities are still where they were 50 years ago? Because they are being played and used. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the left and their media spread the conservative = racism narrative, but it isn't true. Conservatism is concerned about the character of the person, not the niche they can be plugged into for votes. You sound like you might be in high school or college. If that is the case, there might be time for you to mature and figure out what's really going on instead of what you are told to think. If you're a grown assed person and still believe this shit you spout, I can't help you.
Funny Chit. If you are concerned about a person;s character & yet you voted for Agent Orange.

Like Chris Rock said : All Republicans aren't racist but if you are racist, you are a Republican.
I openly admit I voted for Trump. Only a lunatic would vote for a Clinton, and Ivwasn't going to waste my vote by doing a stupid write in or a minor party. Duh!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

Not likely, asshole.

I voted for Trump and I'd vote for him I've stated to your lying ass 100 times....for 1 big reason....the SCOTUS.

I liked Clinton's presidency. It was a good one because he worked with his republican congress to get stuff done. He threw the left wing of the democrats under the bus...bully for him.

I thought Bush was a disaster....voted for him twice.....Gore and Kerry were more scary than Bush. And I LIKED Dick Cheney who I considered to be one of the more thoughtful people in politics. Cheney made some really bad choices...some I wholeheartedly disagree with. But I didn't see that going it and it would not have changed my vote.

I don't need to defend Trump. He was a terrible choice. I knew that going in. I saw Clinton as worse and I want a more conservative SCOTUS. End of discussion.

How many of these lying butthurt threads are you going to start.

You are so full of shit, they probably call you brown-eyes.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

What latest story?

The latest fake accusations by traitors? Indeed, story, is a good word, as this has nothing to do with reality.

The only thing most people are getting tired of is your eternal butthurt. Try to get over it already.

Nailed it !!!!

Good job.
He is, and always has been, a fucking liberal and we don't want the S.O.B. in our party.

Maybe its you who should be in the Fascist Party.....LOL
Running out of responses, I see.

He never had one.
hiLIARy :eusa_liar: is NOT a viable alternative, no

And this seals it.

Dot Com and I are on opposite ends of the playing field when it comes to ideology.

I can't stand Trump.

But (it kills me to say it) I agree with Dot his assessment.
I openly admit I voted for Trump. Only a lunatic would vote for a Clinton, and Ivwasn't going to waste my vote by doing a stupid write in or a minor party. Duh!!!

How "true," we would not be having so much fun bashing Clinton as we are having with the orange clown.....and if the aim of running this nation was for us to have some fun with the daily drip, drip, drip of scandals, then you are 100% correct.

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