At this rate, no one on this forum will openly admit voting for Trump....

Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

You're a stupid twit. He could be impeached and I still wouldn't regret my vote. He kept the bitch out of the WH and nominated a decent supreme court justice. I've already gotten everything I wanted.


He's corrupt and guilty but doubtful he'll be impeached. The Rs really want to cut taxes for the 1% - same as trump. Without trump, they might not be able to finish off the middle class and LyinRyan won't let his oft-stated dream of screwing over the poor go without a fight.

More than anything else though are people like you. You poor gullible dupes will eat every shit sandwich trump and the Rs shove in your faces.

Just like the pussy grabber said - he can do anything he wants.

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Can't wait until Trump uses the IRS against his political enemies!
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

You're a stupid twit. He could be impeached and I still wouldn't regret my vote. He kept the bitch out of the WH and nominated a decent supreme court justice. I've already gotten everything I wanted.


He's corrupt and guilty but doubtful he'll be impeached. The Rs really want to cut taxes for the 1% - same as trump. Without trump, they might not be able to finish off the middle class and LyinRyan won't let his oft-stated dream of screwing over the poor go without a fight.

More than anything else though are people like you. You poor gullible dupes will eat every shit sandwich trump and the Rs shove in your faces.

Just like the pussy grabber said - he can do anything he wants.

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more fake stories. wow, the left do have the stories. no one gives a shit, but they sure enjoy telling em.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

I never hear anybody saying: I wish would have voted for Hillary instead. Sad really

Run an electable candidate next time.
Until then. Suck it up.
Everyone wishes Hillary Von Felonious Clinton won!
Meh, if you voted, you voted for Goldman Sachs; they have it covered either way.
Only what, 60 people in the Obama White House with connections to Goldman Sachs? Your selective outrage shows what a pathetic joke you are.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.
Without a doubt the rightwing on this forum is in denial about Trump. They are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about him all along.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.
Without a doubt the rightwing on this forum is in denial about Trump. They are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about him all along.
without a doubt the libturds love fairytales.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.
Without a doubt the rightwing on this forum is in denial about Trump. They are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about him all along.
without a doubt the libturds love fairytales.
True or false: Trump has broken all of his core promises involving his first 100 days.

True. Don't bother denying it.
I was a registered Democrat for 33 years. Hated on Reagan. Loved Clinton. Hated on Bush. Fell for the hope and change bull shit and voted for Obama in 2008. My eyes slowly opened after that as I realized my party no longer cared for me and had left me. Hillary confirmed it in 2016. I voted for Trump. Not because he was the candidate I wanted and supported, but because he wasn't an elitist snob who believed he knew what was best for me and wanted to control my life while laying all the ills of the world at my feet. Fuck the Democrats and the glittered unicorn they rode in on. Trump was elected because people were tired of being put down and kicked while they were down. If the Democrats and the media continues the minute by minute outrage and scandal, they run the risk of losing even more power and handing the Republicans super majorities. I don't believe the "resistance" and the overt MSM campaign against the President will bode as well for you as you think it will.
You're not alone. There were a lot of democrats who could see the problems and voted for Trump.

Excellent post, kwc57. :beer:

This opinion piece says what I've been thinking far better than I can my self.

The Elites' Dangerous Fantasy About Removing Trump From Office
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

I voted for Trump and will vote for him it was said on my favorite radio show...the worst day of Trump is better than the best day of hilary........and the comey becoming a nothing burger with mustard and comey would have had to inform the Department of Justice if anyone had tried to interfere with the investigation....and not doing so would be against the actual crime.....and comey also tesified under oath that no one had tried to interfere with the investigation......

Do you want fries with your nothing burger....

So, you support lying about Russian contacts, Using the Presidency to quell investigations about him, Using the office for personal profit, giving Russians our secrets, and putting this country at risk from NK. elevating China over the US, willingness to sign bills without caring the costs.

The Comey memo will sink your orange buddy.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

You're a stupid twit. He could be impeached and I still wouldn't regret my vote. He kept the bitch out of the WH and nominated a decent supreme court justice. I've already gotten everything I wanted.



And these attacks are just showing I was right to vote for Trump....none of the other twits in the primaries would have had the balls to keep fighting after the first lies started coming....

Trump creates his own problems through his constant tweeting, lack of knowledge and huge ego. The idea you support that makes you quite the fool.

You & crybaby Trump whining about bad press & tio God damn stupid to know it is all justified.
I won't admit that I voted for Trump because I didn't vote for Trump. After all he is a big government Liberal for the most part. He ran on a platform to make this country great again and to drain the swamp but he didn't run on a platform to dismantle most of this filthy ass Federal government that we don't need.

However, that doesn't change the fact one bit that he has been doing a good job as President so far and that he is a thousand times better than that Crooked Hillary piece of shit could ever be.
Reading some of the latest threads, former Trump acolytes on here are FINALLY beginning to see reality.

Some are just avoiding posting since the constant revelations that the orange buffoon is royally screwing up are just beyond the pale..

Some are "defending" the orange clown by reverting to the old and trite, "well, Clinton was worse."

While some still would rather blame the courts, the media, the democrats, the rinos, the hippies, the rest of the world, their dogs, etc.......rather than admit reality......................BUT, even these nitwits will come around.

I voted for Trump and will vote for him it was said on my favorite radio show...the worst day of Trump is better than the best day of hilary........and the comey becoming a nothing burger with mustard and comey would have had to inform the Department of Justice if anyone had tried to interfere with the investigation....and not doing so would be against the actual crime.....and comey also tesified under oath that no one had tried to interfere with the investigation......

Do you want fries with your nothing burger....

So, you support lying about Russian contacts, Using the Presidency to quell investigations about him, Using the office for personal profit, giving Russians our secrets, and putting this country at risk from NK. elevating China over the US, willingness to sign bills without caring the costs.

The Comey memo will sink your orange buddy.

Considering nothing you just stated is true....unless you are talking about obama and hilary, you are the shit head, not me.......since they did all of those things and more....

The comey memo is a nothing burger with fries...
Uttered by one of the very few honest conservatives, John McCain: Revelations reaching ‘Watergate size and scale’
I love how you liberal fucks hold up McCain as a conservative every time he regurgitates your bullshit. He is, and always has been, a fucking liberal and we don't want the S.O.B. in our party.

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