At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

What I find amusing is that the man who was supposed to be our first "post racial" President...the one who was going to use his mixed race status to show that we've moved beyond the very same man who has had no qualms about playing the race card whenever he feels it will put his opponents on the defensive and has repeatedly shot himself in the foot by assuming racism in the Cambridge Police Department and George Zimmerman.

Are there racists out there that hate Barack Obama because of his skin pigmentation? Undoubtedly. There are many more people who simply find his policies to be misguided at best. I don't "hate" Barack Obama. I do however think that he's unsuited for the job he holds. Twenty years of being told he's "gifted" while never really doing anything exceptional with his supposed "gifts" has given us our first "Affirmative Action President". A man who got his job not because of proven abilities but because he sounded good reading speeches off a piece of PlexiGlass.

Obama playing the race card is just your interpretation of events and you can't post facts to support your claims. It's all in your head.

So I "misinterpreted" his comments on the Cambridge, Ma. Police Department? All in my head? Amusing... So when Barry said that the Police had acted "stupidly" for simply doing their jobs...there was no racial element to it? Funny how he subsequently had to back track and apologize later once it became obvious that the police officer there was not a racist nor did he do anything inappropriate.

Are you able to post evidence and not words?
People from the South may "mangle" English (although listening to someone from certain parts of Boston or Maine it's hard to say there isn't some serious mangling going on elsewhere!) but that in no way means that they aren't intelligent. It's an accent...nothing more.
Obama playing the race card is just your interpretation of events and you can't post facts to support your claims. It's all in your head.

So I "misinterpreted" his comments on the Cambridge, Ma. Police Department? All in my head? Amusing... So when Barry said that the Police had acted "stupidly" for simply doing their jobs...there was no racial element to it? Funny how he subsequently had to back track and apologize later once it became obvious that the police officer there was not a racist nor did he do anything inappropriate.

Are you able to post evidence and not words?

Are you unaware that Obama said that the Cambridge Police acted "stupidly"? I really need to cite that?
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.
So I "misinterpreted" his comments on the Cambridge, Ma. Police Department? All in my head? Amusing... So when Barry said that the Police had acted "stupidly" for simply doing their jobs...there was no racial element to it? Funny how he subsequently had to back track and apologize later once it became obvious that the police officer there was not a racist nor did he do anything inappropriate.

Are you able to post evidence and not words?

Are you unaware that Obama said that the Cambridge Police acted "stupidly"? I really need to cite that?

Is arresting a man trying to get into their own home stupid?

How is saying the police did something stupid playing the race card?
People from the South may "mangle" English (although listening to someone from certain parts of Boston or Maine it's hard to say there isn't some serious mangling going on elsewhere!) but that in no way means that they aren't intelligent. It's an accent...nothing more.

It involves more than an accent, because there are unique expressions.
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

Dude, you have been asking the wrong question. Obama hadn't done shit except contrast himself with the candidate put forth by the Repub party. And when the American voters compared the two different men, they chose the Democrat.

The rethugs have only themselves to blame for Obama. Not only the first time but the second time as well. Lets fact it; if the rethugs couldn't beat a hated President like Obama with a slow economy and all the problems we have, that is not the fault of anyone BUT the Republican party.

You all just have piss poor candidates. And I used to like McCain. Till he chose Palin as his VP. Was that Obama's fault?
I find it rather odd that someone who's supposed to be as smart as everyone thinks he is, namely Barry Boy, still has his college transcripts sealed.

Hell. If I were as smart as everyone tells me I am I'd have my college transcripts out there front and center for the world to see.

Unless I'm not quite as smart as everyone thinks I am.
I find it rather odd that someone who's supposed to be as smart as everyone thinks he is, namely Barry Boy, still has his college transcripts sealed.

Hell. If I were as smart as everyone tells me I am I'd have my college transcripts out there front and center for the world to see.

Unless I'm not quite as smart as everyone thinks I am.

Since you find it rather odd, post the college transcript of any President!
You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

Amazing how disagreeing with you indicates an inability to think to you. Ever consider the possibility that you might be the one with the problem thinking? I doubt that ever crossed your mind.

And no. He doesn't govern near the Center. The mans extxremely radical, as are many of his cabinet appointments.

His "accomplishments" have actively made this nation worse off. That's hardly something to brag about. And even if true, great speeches and thinking on one's feet are hardly accomplishments.

Besides, they aren't true. His speeches are mediocre at best. and think on his feet? have you ever seen the man without a teleprompter? He is like a deer in the headlights.

I doubt he is as smart as people like to pretend. He isn't an idiot. But he sure doesn't think much.
I find it rather odd that someone who's supposed to be as smart as everyone thinks he is, namely Barry Boy, still has his college transcripts sealed.

Hell. If I were as smart as everyone tells me I am I'd have my college transcripts out there front and center for the world to see.

Unless I'm not quite as smart as everyone thinks I am.

Since you find it rather odd, post the college transcript of any President!

Oh I believe they all did release their college transcripts. It was kind of one of those things you did when running for POTUS.

Everyone except Barry that is.

Kinda makes ya wonder doncha know.
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

He's marvelous making speeches from a teleprompter, Dubya...I never denied that. I'd hope that you'd be able to give me something more than THAT for why we elected him President of the United States?

This should be simple really. Just cite some of his exceptional work as a lawyer...or as a lecturer...or as a legislator. Surely there must be DOZENS of examples where Barack Obama's work was exceptional? Yet whenever I ask that question I inevitably get back vague answers like yours...that "it's been one accomplishment after another" while you can't seem to answer WHAT accomplishments we're talking about.
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

Dude, you have been asking the wrong question. Obama hadn't done shit except contrast himself with the candidate put forth by the Repub party. And when the American voters compared the two different men, they chose the Democrat.

The rethugs have only themselves to blame for Obama. Not only the first time but the second time as well. Lets fact it; if the rethugs couldn't beat a hated President like Obama with a slow economy and all the problems we have, that is not the fault of anyone BUT the Republican party.

You all just have piss poor candidates. And I used to like McCain. Till he chose Palin as his VP. Was that Obama's fault?

Heck, Zeke...if the last election had REALLY been a question of contrasting the skills and accomplishments of the two candidates, Mitt Romney would have won in a landslide. He's actually been successful running organizations for decades. From taking over the Mormon mission he was on as a young man in his turning around a troubled Olympic running a Democratically controlled State as a Republican...Mitt Romney has ALWAYS exhibited an aptitude for succeeding. Contrast that with Barry. What's he ever run before? What troubled entity has he ever turned around?
People from the South may "mangle" English (although listening to someone from certain parts of Boston or Maine it's hard to say there isn't some serious mangling going on elsewhere!) but that in no way means that they aren't intelligent. It's an accent...nothing more.

It involves more than an accent, because there are unique expressions.

I'm a college educated person from the North East with what I consider a fairly extensive vocabulary. I do however have some "unique expressions" of my own because of where I grew up. When I say the word idea...I pronounce it "I-dear" Do I do so because I'm stupid? No, I do so because it's a unique expression used by the people from where I came from.
You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

Amazing how disagreeing with you indicates an inability to think to you. Ever consider the possibility that you might be the one with the problem thinking? I doubt that ever crossed your mind.

And no. He doesn't govern near the Center. The mans extxremely radical, as are many of his cabinet appointments.

His "accomplishments" have actively made this nation worse off. That's hardly something to brag about. And even if true, great speeches and thinking on one's feet are hardly accomplishments.

Besides, they aren't true. His speeches are mediocre at best. and think on his feet? have you ever seen the man without a teleprompter? He is like a deer in the headlights.

I doubt he is as smart as people like to pretend. He isn't an idiot. But he sure doesn't think much.

What is the definition of a hack? Try meaning for a change!
I find it rather odd that someone who's supposed to be as smart as everyone thinks he is, namely Barry Boy, still has his college transcripts sealed.

Hell. If I were as smart as everyone tells me I am I'd have my college transcripts out there front and center for the world to see.

Unless I'm not quite as smart as everyone thinks I am.

Since you find it rather odd, post the college transcript of any President!

Oh I believe they all did release their college transcripts. It was kind of one of those things you did when running for POTUS.

Everyone except Barry that is.

Kinda makes ya wonder doncha know.

Then you should have no problem finding a President's college transcript.

Here's the link to a search engine.
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

He's marvelous making speeches from a teleprompter, Dubya...I never denied that. I'd hope that you'd be able to give me something more than THAT for why we elected him President of the United States?

This should be simple really. Just cite some of his exceptional work as a lawyer...or as a lecturer...or as a legislator. Surely there must be DOZENS of examples where Barack Obama's work was exceptional? Yet whenever I ask that question I inevitably get back vague answers like yours...that "it's been one accomplishment after another" while you can't seem to answer WHAT accomplishments we're talking about.

Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

[ame=]Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube[/ame]

In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book.[45][46] He then taught at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years—as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004—teaching constitutional law.[47]


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.
My stuff is propaganda? Are we "not" in the midst of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? Does Barack Obama not bear "some" of the responsibility for that poor recovery when he decided what was REALLY important with millions of people out of work, was an expansive new health care program that will further raise the cost of doing business here in the US?

So your point is the worst recession since the Great Depression has the worst recovery. It's hard to take such bullshit objections seriously. Where have you been lately that you can't figure out why this recovery is so slow? You damn well know the Repubicans have been suggesting the exact opposite of what would make a quick recovery. You damn well know they have obstructed government all the way through this economic disaster. We had growth that would be good economic growth, but the Repubican free trade agreements put the benefits of that growth in other countries and not here. Take a look at what happened to the Republican Party during the Great Depression! The 70th United States Congress served from March 4, 1927 – March 4, 1929. It had Republican (R): 48 (majority) and Democratic (D): 46 in the Senate and Republican (R): 238 (majority) and Democratic (D): 194 in the House. That's definitely before the Great Depression, so I'll just post the data and let's see what happened to the Democrats and Republicans.

SIZE="5"]71st United States Congress, March 4, 1929 – March 4, 1931[/SIZE]


Republican (R): 56 (majority)
Democratic (D): 39


Republican (R): 270 (majority)
Democratic (D): 164

72nd United States Congress, March 4, 1931 – March 4, 1933


Republican (R): 48 (majority)
Democratic (D): 47


Democratic (D): 217 (majority)
Republican (R): 217

It's rather interesting you are taking this route with respect to the economy, looking to Congress instead of blaming President Obama. That being said, which political party enjoyed a nice majority in the House and Senate when we got this economic mess to begin with? Did they not become the Congressional majority back in 2006 BEFORE the economy took a nose dive?

Also who had the majority in the house and bogged it down for months to choose the direction of going for ObamaCare over the economy? Didn't unemployment go to over 10% and that's why Pelosi lost her job? Let us know which side of the fence you want to ride on when it comes to placing blame.
Since you find it rather odd, post the college transcript of any President!

Oh I believe they all did release their college transcripts. It was kind of one of those things you did when running for POTUS.

Everyone except Barry that is.

Kinda makes ya wonder doncha know.

Then you should have no problem finding a President's college transcript.

Here's the link to a search engine.

If you wanna use that search engine. Feel free. Don't expect Barry's transcripts to be there though.

His are still sealed.
My stuff is propaganda? Are we "not" in the midst of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? Does Barack Obama not bear "some" of the responsibility for that poor recovery when he decided what was REALLY important with millions of people out of work, was an expansive new health care program that will further raise the cost of doing business here in the US?

So your point is the worst recession since the Great Depression has the worst recovery. It's hard to take such bullshit objections seriously. Where have you been lately that you can't figure out why this recovery is so slow? You damn well know the Repubicans have been suggesting the exact opposite of what would make a quick recovery. You damn well know they have obstructed government all the way through this economic disaster. We had growth that would be good economic growth, but the Repubican free trade agreements put the benefits of that growth in other countries and not here. Take a look at what happened to the Republican Party during the Great Depression! The 70th United States Congress served from March 4, 1927 – March 4, 1929. It had Republican (R): 48 (majority) and Democratic (D): 46 in the Senate and Republican (R): 238 (majority) and Democratic (D): 194 in the House. That's definitely before the Great Depression, so I'll just post the data and let's see what happened to the Democrats and Republicans.

SIZE="5"]71st United States Congress, March 4, 1929 – March 4, 1931[/SIZE]


Republican (R): 56 (majority)
Democratic (D): 39


Republican (R): 270 (majority)
Democratic (D): 164

72nd United States Congress, March 4, 1931 – March 4, 1933


Republican (R): 48 (majority)
Democratic (D): 47


Democratic (D): 217 (majority)
Republican (R): 217

It's rather interesting you are taking this route with respect to the economy, looking to Congress instead of blaming President Obama. That being said, which political party enjoyed a nice majority in the House and Senate when we got this economic mess to begin with? Did they not become the Congressional majority back in 2006 BEFORE the economy took a nose dive?

Also who had the majority in the house and bogged it down for months to choose the direction of going for ObamaCare over the economy? Didn't unemployment go to over 10% and that's why Pelosi lost her job? Let us know which side of the fence you want to ride on when it comes to placing blame.

How many months did Obama have a super-majority in the Senate to get legislation passed? The Republicans obstructed all change and even voted against their own legislation to delay the Senate as much as possible. They also filibustered legislation they unanimously voted for.

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