At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

Are you able to post evidence and not words?

Are you unaware that Obama said that the Cambridge Police acted "stupidly"? I really need to cite that?

Is arresting a man trying to get into their own home stupid?

How is saying the police did something stupid playing the race card?

You can try ignoring the most painfully obvious. It won't wash here.
The Cambridge police acted in a proper manner within the guidelines of their duty.
That person who was arrested could produce NO identification whatsoever.
The neighbors called in a potential burglary in progress.
SO what are the police supposed to do?
Ok, let's do it this way.
You are at work. There's a guy on your front porch who looks suspicious. Your neighbors looking out for you, call the police. The police arrive and confront the guy on your porch. He has no ID. He says "Oh I live here. I just forgot my key"...Cops say, "Oh OK"....They believe the guy because according to you if the cops go any further, they are acting stupidly"..The cops leave. The guy waits and breaks into your home, steals your valuables and away he goes......This is ok with you, yes? After all, the cops decided to do it your way and not act stupidly...
Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube

Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube

Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Are you saying you have never been to college? They don't keep people who aren't exceptional.

Do you have any interests other than Obama? I find the subject of always talking about a person rather boring. It should be obvious that the President has lead an exceptional life, but you will argue against reality to try and make a stupid hack point. You talk about Obama on every thread.
Ran out of good talking points did we ?
He's marvelous making speeches from a teleprompter, Dubya...I never denied that. I'd hope that you'd be able to give me something more than THAT for why we elected him President of the United States?

This should be simple really. Just cite some of his exceptional work as a lawyer...or as a lecturer...or as a legislator. Surely there must be DOZENS of examples where Barack Obama's work was exceptional? Yet whenever I ask that question I inevitably get back vague answers like yours...that "it's been one accomplishment after another" while you can't seem to answer WHAT accomplishments we're talking about.

Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

[ame=]Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube[/ame]

In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book.[45][46] He then taught at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years—as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004—teaching constitutional law.[47]


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

You all crack me up. Here you are, sitting on a message board most of the day, bitiching about a guy that worked his way into being the President of the United States of America.
Not once but twice he did that.

And what great life accomplishments have you all done to compare to him?

In other words; You think Barry gives a flying fuk what you all think of his "accomplishments" LMFAO. YOU guys crack me up!!.
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

Post something Obama did that was exceptional. It's a simple request.
"He makes great speeches"? About WHAT?
Give examples of his "accomplishments"...That were for the good of the ENTIRE country. Not just those who support him and his policies.
You are correct about one aspect of Obama. He is a very good politician. He does 100% of his bidding for liberals and the democrat party. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
And how is it that if Obama can think on his feet he requires a teleprompter each time he speaks to the public AND his press conferences are carefully orchestrated with nary a question that was not fully expected and not pre screened?
Obama governs near the center? Thge center of WHAT? Liberalism?
Obama's second inauguration: 'We are made for this moment' | World news | The Guardian

This is what you consider governing from the center?...Holy shit. You libs are far more radical then once thought.
Newsflash.. Based on Obama's hyper use of executive orders, his bullying and bypassing of the legislative process, it is clear Obama does not "govern". He RULES.
He has to, and that is a problem we have now, where as maybe they think they have to RULE in such a defensive administration as this one is or has to be, and this because so many aren't going along with this President as he wants them to, so he rules or rather tries to rule instead.

This is the problem of people being duped into electing someone for whom didnot end up being who they thought that he was or should have been afterwards once elected (happened plenty of times in the past in America), and it may have just happened again, and for a second term.

Many had done their home work on Barack in the beginning, but another movement in America was on just like it was back in the 60's (or) it may even stem from that movement of the 60's to this very day in which is being found in these peoples hearts and minds right on and on. Even they who studied this event and character, knew better about these things and mindsets, and had focused on his words spoken in order to confirm their suspicions, but it still wasn't enough to roll back the media vail that had been cast over him and his ideals in which he has for America, therefore blocking many from being able to see exactly what they are, and for whom that he is.

Many feel now that his ideals are directed at groups instead of for all Americans as a whole, just as it always should be for all in America, instead of the other way around. Take Mcdonalds Corporation for example, where they are engaging in discrimanatory hiring practices BIG TIME in this nation now, but no one has a word to say in this enviroment about that, and so the double standards just keep on rolling and rolling in all of this mess in which we are all now seeing today. What happened to the EEOC in this nation ? Did they go to sleep in Washington, and if so then why did they go to sleep ? Are they bias under certain administrations or within this administration or have they been overzealous in their duties in the past, and so now they see where a reverse discrimination is beginning to happen, and very fast as well, and so they are not sure how to address the reverse issue in which is growing and going on now against other groups of Americans, so they are just being absent minded in at all ? These things sadly lead our nation towards trouble if not adressed properly, but the blame teams who distract and accuse all the wrong players, are sure to be on the job fast when the problems occur, just like they were with this gun issue that was and is still going on lately.
Last edited:
Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube

Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube

Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

You all crack me up. Here you are, sitting on a message board most of the day, bitiching about a guy that worked his way into being the President of the United States of America.
Not once but twice he did that.

And what great life accomplishments have you all done to compare to him?

In other words; You think Barry gives a flying fuk what you all think of his "accomplishments" LMFAO. YOU guys crack me up!!.
Well spoken for your KING..
Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube

Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube

Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

You all crack me up. Here you are, sitting on a message board most of the day, bitiching about a guy that worked his way into being the President of the United States of America.
Not once but twice he did that.

And what great life accomplishments have you all done to compare to him?

In other words; You think Barry gives a flying fuk what you all think of his "accomplishments" LMFAO. YOU guys crack me up!!.

in the end I doubt if any of us really give a shit what the mirror kisser in chief thinks either.

He can kiss my white ass
Then you should have no problem finding a President's college transcript.

Here's the link to a search engine.

If you wanna use that search engine. Feel free. Don't expect Barry's transcripts to be there though.

His are still sealed.

I think we both know, there are no college transcripts of any President and you just want to continue the lie.

Are you trying to tell me I couldn't find the poor grades of Bush if I looked for them?

George W. Bush Transcript
Is arresting a man trying to get into their own home stupid?

How is saying the police did something stupid playing the race card?

why didn't the black guy act stupidly?

Maybe he did and the cop thought he was offended by someone trying to get into their own being pissed at him for stopping a Black man.

Does it really make a difference once it was determined who owned the house?

First, it was faculty housing, so he did not own it. Second, the only reason this made the news is that it was a rich black man, the news ignores it when it happens to anyone who is not both well connected and obviously liberal.
Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube

Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube

Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Are you saying you have never been to college? They don't keep people who aren't exceptional.

Do you have any interests other than Obama? I find the subject of always talking about a person rather boring. It should be obvious that the President has lead an exceptional life, but you will argue against reality to try and make a stupid hack point. You talk about Obama on every thread.

They also keep people who are married to someone who can help them politically. If he was exceptional, as you claim, why was he never offered tenure?
If you wanna use that search engine. Feel free. Don't expect Barry's transcripts to be there though.

His are still sealed.

I think we both know, there are no college transcripts of any President and you just want to continue the lie.

Are you trying to tell me I couldn't find the poor grades of Bush if I looked for them?

George W. Bush Transcript
How many other President's transcripts can you pull up?
I think we both know, there are no college transcripts of any President and you just want to continue the lie.

Are you trying to tell me I couldn't find the poor grades of Bush if I looked for them?

George W. Bush Transcript
How many other President's transcripts can you pull up?

Not man, but Dubya claimed that the Bush transcripts were unavailable, not that he was the only one to release them.
Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube

Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube

Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube

Source: Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

You all crack me up. Here you are, sitting on a message board most of the day, bitiching about a guy that worked his way into being the President of the United States of America.
Not once but twice he did that.

And what great life accomplishments have you all done to compare to him?

In other words; You think Barry gives a flying fuk what you all think of his "accomplishments" LMFAO. YOU guys crack me up!!.

Gives a fuck?..Ok, then why does Obama feel compelled to comment on just about every issue important and unimportant?
A word of caution. Barack Obama is THE LEAST vetted individual to ever hold the Office of POTUS.
I think we both know, there are no college transcripts of any President and you just want to continue the lie.

Are you trying to tell me I couldn't find the poor grades of Bush if I looked for them?

George W. Bush Transcript
How many other President's transcripts can you pull up?

Nice try. The OP fist claimed all president's( where applicable) transcripts could be observed on the internet. He even posted a link ot a search engine. Then two posts laeter he recanted and stated NONE were available.
Hardly the point though. The fact that Obama's past was sealed. It was only through public pressure were his birth records released. In other words the governor of Hawaii wanted to get reelected.
However the rest of Obama's recorded past as in paper or electronic records remain a mystery.
I'm still waiting for him to do something i can support him on.
Till then I'm against the direction he's taking us.
Sounds reasonable. I'll have to keep an eye on you.

Actually after his infamous "You didn't build that,someone else made that happen" that did it for me...I will NEVER be able to support this man.Not until he cleans this up which he will never do.

Did you actually hear his speech or just the recontextualized version that the Republicans fed the masses?
Are you trying to tell me I couldn't find the poor grades of Bush if I looked for them?

George W. Bush Transcript
How many other President's transcripts can you pull up?

Nice try. The OP fist claimed all president's( where applicable) transcripts could be observed on the internet. He even posted a link ot a search engine. Then two posts laeter he recanted and stated NONE were available.
Hardly the point though. The fact that Obama's past was sealed. It was only through public pressure were his birth records released. In other words the governor of Hawaii wanted to get reelected.
However the rest of Obama's recorded past as in paper or electronic records remain a mystery.

A moot point. He is a sitting President.
Gives a fuck?..Ok, then why does Obama feel compelled to comment on just about every issue important and unimportant?
A word of caution. Barack Obama is THE LEAST vetted individual to ever hold the Office of POTUS.

What a coincidence.

Turns out Barack Obama is THE LEAST QUALIFIED individual to ever hold the Office of POTUS as well.

Sorry. But that would be George W. Bush. Next?
The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Are you saying you have never been to college? They don't keep people who aren't exceptional.

Do you have any interests other than Obama? I find the subject of always talking about a person rather boring. It should be obvious that the President has lead an exceptional life, but you will argue against reality to try and make a stupid hack point. You talk about Obama on every thread.

They also keep people who are married to someone who can help them politically. If he was exceptional, as you claim, why was he never offered tenure?

How do you know a Lecturer doesn't also get tenure? Obama wasn't a professor at the law school.

Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles in 1979 to attend Occidental College.[28] In February 1981, he made his first public speech, calling for Occidental's divestment from South Africa.[28] In mid-1981, Obama traveled to Indonesia to visit his mother and sister Maya, and visited the families of college friends in India and Pakistan for three weeks.[28]

Later in 1981 he transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialty in international relations[29] and graduated with a B.A. in 1983. He worked for a year at the Business International Corporation,[30][31] then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[32][33]

Chicago community organizer and Harvard Law School

After four years in New York City, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.[32][34] During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from US$70,000 ($141,564 in 2010) to US$400,000 ($735,648 in 2010). He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[35] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[36] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time in Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his paternal relatives for the first time.[37] He returned in August 2006 in a visit to his father's birthplace, a village near Kisumu in rural western Kenya.[38]

In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[39] and president of the journal in his second year.[40] During his summers, he returned to Chicago, where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[41] After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude[42] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[39] Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention[40] and led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations,[43] which evolved into a personal memoir. The manuscript was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[43]

University of Chicago Law School and civil rights attorney

In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book.[44] He then served as a professor at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years—as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004—teaching constitutional law.[45]

From April to October 1992, Obama directed Illinois's Project Vote, a voter registration drive with ten staffers and seven hundred volunteer registrars; it achieved its goal of registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered African Americans in the state, and led to Crain's Chicago Business naming Obama to its 1993 list of "40 under Forty" powers to be.[46] In 1993 he joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 13-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.[47]

From 1994 to 2002, Obama served on the boards of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and of the Joyce Foundation.[32] He served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1999.[32]

Legislative career: 1997–2008

State Senator: 1997–2004
Main article: Illinois Senate career of Barack Obama

Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, succeeding State Senator Alice Palmer as Senator from Illinois's 13th District, which at that time spanned Chicago South Side neighborhoods from Hyde Park – Kenwood south to South Shore and west to Chicago Lawn.[48] Once elected, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws.[49] He sponsored a law increasing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare.[50] In 2001, as co-chairman of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Obama supported Republican Governor Ryan's payday loan regulations and predatory mortgage lending regulations aimed at averting home foreclosures.[51]

Obama was reelected to the Illinois Senate in 1998, defeating Republican Yesse Yehudah in the general election, and was reelected again in 2002.[52] In 2000, he lost a Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives to four-term incumbent Bobby Rush by a margin of two to one.[53]

In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee when Democrats, after a decade in the minority, regained a majority.[54] He sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained, and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations.[50][55] During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms.[56] Obama resigned from the Illinois Senate in November 2004 following his election to the U.S. Senate.[57]

U.S. Senate campaign
See also: United States Senate election in Illinois, 2004

In May 2002, Obama commissioned a poll to assess his prospects in a 2004 U.S. Senate race; he created a campaign committee, began raising funds and lined up political media consultant David Axelrod by August 2002, and formally announced his candidacy in January 2003.[58]

Obama was an early opponent of the George W. Bush administration's 2003 invasion of Iraq.[59] On October 2, 2002, the day President Bush and Congress agreed on the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War,[60] Obama addressed the first high-profile Chicago anti-Iraq War rally,[61] and spoke out against the war.[62] He addressed another anti-war rally in March 2003 and told the crowd that "it's not too late" to stop the war.[63]

Decisions by Republican incumbent Peter Fitzgerald and his Democratic predecessor Carol Moseley Braun not to contest the race resulted in wide-open Democratic and Republican primary contests involving fifteen candidates.[64] In the March 2004 primary election, Obama won in an unexpected landslide—which overnight made him a rising star within the national Democratic Party, started speculation about a presidential future, and led to the reissue of his memoir, Dreams from My Father.[65]

In July 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts,[66] and it was seen by 9.1 million viewers. His speech was well received and elevated his status within the Democratic Party.[67]

Obama's expected opponent in the general election, Republican primary winner Jack Ryan, withdrew from the race in June 2004.[68] Six weeks later, Alan Keyes accepted the Illinois Republican Party's nomination to replace Ryan.[69] In the November 2004 general election, Obama won with 70% of the vote.[70]

Source: Barack Obama - encyclopedia article about Barack Obama.

The only thing I see that wasn't a success was that primary race for the House.
How many other President's transcripts can you pull up?

Nice try. The OP fist claimed all president's( where applicable) transcripts could be observed on the internet. He even posted a link ot a search engine. Then two posts laeter he recanted and stated NONE were available.
Hardly the point though. The fact that Obama's past was sealed. It was only through public pressure were his birth records released. In other words the governor of Hawaii wanted to get reelected.
However the rest of Obama's recorded past as in paper or electronic records remain a mystery.

A moot point. He is a sitting President.
Nice dive for cover to evade the subject matter of the discussion.

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