At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

No, just like the right wingers insist that Obama should have had a embassy security review and beefed up security around the world for the 9/11 anniv. (and he should have done that), then you have to say that George Bush, after being given a heads up by the Clinton folk, should have ordered his people to review every bit of intelligence being generated, domestic and foreign, to uncover any plot against us by terrorists. No bit of intelligence should have not been reviewed. Of course this would have brought out the we want to fly but no land Middle Eastern men. And our history might not have been changed forever for the bad.

Because no doubt about it, it the terrorists wanted, as an objective, to change the way we live and view ourselves in the world, and not for the better I might add, then they have been very successful. Especially as it only took one attack. And we've changed forever.

Billions of dollares, hundreds of thousnds of lives, changes we would have not thought possible and all because we were sloppy with our own security and a handful of terrorists got lucky. Amazing.
I know right? Why didn't Bush comb over every document to avoid the attack? Where was the accountability? Why were there no heads that rolled over this?

The American People demand answers.

What's your beef w/Obama Care exactly?

I'm not here to speculate, imagine and wonder what might have been, could have been or should have been. I'm simply on the FACTUAL point of George W. Bush, being the President who resided during the WORST terrorist attack on US soil in history.

Plain and simple.

The Benghazi attacks happened because the State Department refused to beef up security after repeated requests by the chancellory. There were warnings of a pending attack.

Hell. Other embassies and the Red Cross pulled out. No one closes an embassy for no reason. The attack happened just as the threats predicted. If security had been beefed up or we had closed the embassy and sent our folks home as other smarter folks did then Benghazi wouldn't have happened. Those four men would still be alive.

You don't care when 9-11 was planned because it was under Clintons watch. You're content to blame Bush while totally ignoring Clintons part in it.

He had UBL in the palm of his hand and refused to take him. Bush would have waterboarded that SOB and learned about the attack. 9-11 might not even have happend and there would be no 3,000 dead.
Here's the thing, I didn't ask WHY Benghazi happend or how, nor the circumstances surrounding it....I simply asked WHEN were they attacks planned. Seeing as how you, and your ilk, seem hell-bent on some trumped up RW talking point about 9/11 being planned under Clinton.

I patiently await your response.

No, heres the thing.

There was no planning. It was a response to a demonstration in Cairo. Thats according to ABC news.

Intelligence Shows No Planning for Benghazi Consulate Attack - ABC News

They saw a chance and took it. If security had been beefed up or our folks had been sent home there would have been no dead. They would have hit an empty embassy.

We would have pulled out like the other embassies and the Red Cross. This could have been prevented. No doubt about it.

Does the fact that you found a news story from directly after the attack prove you are right when later reports contradict it?

Benghazi Attack Report: Security 'Grossly Inadequate,' State Dept. at Fault | Video - ABC News
Oh I believe they all did release their college transcripts. It was kind of one of those things you did when running for POTUS.

Everyone except Barry that is.

Kinda makes ya wonder doncha know.

Then you should have no problem finding a President's college transcript.

Here's the link to a search engine.

If you wanna use that search engine. Feel free. Don't expect Barry's transcripts to be there though.

His are still sealed.

I think we both know, there are no college transcripts of any President and you just want to continue the lie.
I know right? Why didn't Bush comb over every document to avoid the attack? Where was the accountability? Why were there no heads that rolled over this?

The American People demand answers.

What's your beef w/Obama Care exactly?

I'm not here to speculate, imagine and wonder what might have been, could have been or should have been. I'm simply on the FACTUAL point of George W. Bush, being the President who resided during the WORST terrorist attack on US soil in history.

Plain and simple.

Here's the thing, I didn't ask WHY Benghazi happend or how, nor the circumstances surrounding it....I simply asked WHEN were they attacks planned. Seeing as how you, and your ilk, seem hell-bent on some trumped up RW talking point about 9/11 being planned under Clinton.

I patiently await your response.

No, heres the thing.

There was no planning. It was a response to a demonstration in Cairo. Thats according to ABC news.

Intelligence Shows No Planning for Benghazi Consulate Attack - ABC News

They saw a chance and took it. If security had been beefed up or our folks had been sent home there would have been no dead. They would have hit an empty embassy.

We would have pulled out like the other embassies and the Red Cross. This could have been prevented. No doubt about it.

Does the fact that you found a news story from directly after the attack prove you are right when later reports contradict it?

Benghazi Attack Report: Security 'Grossly Inadequate,' State Dept. at Fault | Video - ABC News

You should address your remark to Marc. He's the one who wanted to know about planning. He likes to equate 9-11 with Benghazi in that repect.

I agree with your story that security was grossly inadequate. Our folks should have been pulled out and the embassy closed if the State Department wasn't going to beef up security.
Are you unaware that Obama said that the Cambridge Police acted "stupidly"? I really need to cite that?

Is arresting a man trying to get into their own home stupid?

How is saying the police did something stupid playing the race card?

why didn't the black guy act stupidly?

Maybe he did and the cop thought he was offended by someone trying to get into their own being pissed at him for stopping a Black man.

Does it really make a difference once it was determined who owned the house?
The exact same logic clearly states that 9/11 was Bush's fault.

He had repeated warnings of a pending attack.

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda determined to attack.

That's the exact "warning" Bush got.

All you little Goebbels love to spew party lies about how Bush failed to act.

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda determined to attack.

What action should Bush have taken. From that awesome warning, what date was the attack planned for? What was the method?

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda determined to attack.

Should he have put the nation in complete lockdown?

What would you suggest?

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda determined to attack.

To the lying left, this is detailed intel that describes everything that would happen on 9/11.
Is arresting a man trying to get into their own home stupid?

How is saying the police did something stupid playing the race card?

why didn't the black guy act stupidly?

Maybe he did and the cop thought he was offended by someone trying to get into their own being pissed at him for stopping a Black man.

Does it really make a difference once it was determined who owned the house?

LOL! "What difference does it make!"
Dubya's avatar is the perfect example of how the Left tries to portray W. while they bristle at the very notion that Barack Obama might not be the "towering intellect" that they've made him out to be!

Dubya is a lying scumbag, IOW, a typical democrat.


Photoshop isn't that difficult.
Food stamps are increasing 750% more than job growth.
Unemployment was extended to TWO YEARS.
If that is not enough reason to dislike and know that the current occupant of the White House is a complete failure nothing is.
You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

He's marvelous making speeches from a teleprompter, Dubya...I never denied that. I'd hope that you'd be able to give me something more than THAT for why we elected him President of the United States?

This should be simple really. Just cite some of his exceptional work as a lawyer...or as a lecturer...or as a legislator. Surely there must be DOZENS of examples where Barack Obama's work was exceptional? Yet whenever I ask that question I inevitably get back vague answers like yours...that "it's been one accomplishment after another" while you can't seem to answer WHAT accomplishments we're talking about.

Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

[ame=]Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube[/ame]

In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book.[45][46] He then taught at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years—as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004—teaching constitutional law.[47]


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
Most college professors prove their chops by publishing in their field. Name something that Barry ever published that would establish his "bonafides" as an intellectual. He got a six figure book deal to write a book about race relations in America coming out of Harvard but "Dreams of My Father" is hardly a scholarly work nor does it delve deeply into race relations in America. What it a somewhat fictionalized account of who Barack Obama wanted people to believe "he" was.
and your in the minority
I don't know truth, I think true racist will always be in the minority, and the Americans who are American will prevail again and again and again on this soil over them (no matter what the color is), and they (the Americans) will always remain in the majority.

This doesn't bold well for those who have plans, and yet are operating from a minority position against the majority still, so they don't realize this little fact in which they want to ignore, but it is for many as found in their hopes these days, that this new social medium will bring all their like minded people together.
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I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.
Struck a nerve did he ?

Seems like you see obvious talent, and you don't like it....Re-read your own post, it reeks of jealousy as some one makes valid points and counter points, and your words show you became defensive when out classed in this way..
When he ramped up and continued the Bush foreign policies, while telling gullible LOLberals that he's ending wars and changing things.
He's marvelous making speeches from a teleprompter, Dubya...I never denied that. I'd hope that you'd be able to give me something more than THAT for why we elected him President of the United States?

This should be simple really. Just cite some of his exceptional work as a lawyer...or as a lecturer...or as a legislator. Surely there must be DOZENS of examples where Barack Obama's work was exceptional? Yet whenever I ask that question I inevitably get back vague answers like yours...that "it's been one accomplishment after another" while you can't seem to answer WHAT accomplishments we're talking about.

Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

[ame=]Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube[/ame]

In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book.[45][46] He then taught at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years—as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004—teaching constitutional law.[47]


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Are you saying you have never been to college? They don't keep people who aren't exceptional.

Do you have any interests other than Obama? I find the subject of always talking about a person rather boring. It should be obvious that the President has lead an exceptional life, but you will argue against reality to try and make a stupid hack point. You talk about Obama on every thread.
the real answer: When they saw him.
oh yeah, really now, and i see that the op-ed writer ((markis-alt-to-get-a-grip)) is in with this opinion just as well.. This is why op-ed's that are written like this, have absolutely no is none other than pure race baiting going on here, and this as being conducted or authored by a known racist to boot? To funny!

So by all that has been said in this way, it amazes me that anyone would take this little "bait" hook line and sinker, especially when considering the source.

the fact is, obama haters are a mixer of racists and people who hate any democrat and aren't racists. The problem is, these people accept each other's contribution to the hate, so the racists get a pass.

You may notice that the right-wing doesn't correct itself and will allow other right-wingers to post obvious lies. The truth is never considered a basis for their ideology.

I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.
Struck a nerve did he ?

Seems like you see obvious talent, and you don't like it....Re-read your own post, it reeks of jealousy as some one makes valid points and counter points, and your words show you became defensive when out classed in this way..

You just don't get it do you? The Oldhacker only talks about Obama on every thread. He has no other interests in his life.
Talking about teleprompters makes you a hack. That's just mindless, right-wing, think tank created, talking points that has no basis in fact. The choice is to read from a speech off of paper or use a teleprompter, while watching the camera. You could also spend many hours memorizing a much shorter speech. The problem with that analysis is it only involves prepared speeches and Obama doesn't always give prepared speeches.

Try doing your own research, Hack!

Young Barack Obama: Protest Speech at Harvard Law School in 1991 - YouTube

Obama on Katrina and racism - YouTube

Obama on the Law Review election - YouTube


Why did Obama teach at the Univeristy of Chicago Law School for twelve years as a Lecturer and you believe that wasn't exception work as a Lecturer?

You don't have anything to support your bullshit hackjob.

The fact that the University of Chicago hired the first black President of the Harvard Law Review in no way proves that the work that Barack Obama "did" while lecturing at the University of Chicago was in any way exceptional. I've always been struck by the dearth of examples of student that sang his praises as a teacher...just as I've always been struck by the lack of examples of his exceptional work as a lawyer. I know that he was an awful legislator when he joined the Illinois House as a Senator. He didn't get a single piece of legislation that he drafted passed for the first two years he was in office. He didn't "succeed" as a legislator until he went to Emile Jones and begged for help. Then he was given the legislative work of others to sign his name to...a practice that he continued when he joined the US Senate. The "truth" is that Barry isn't a gifted legislator. He's actually rather ungifted. ObamaCare may bear his name but little in it is from him. He left mundane tasks like actually drafting legislation to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Are you saying you have never been to college? They don't keep people who aren't exceptional. Do you have any interests other than Obama? I find the subject of always talking about a person rather boring. It should be obvious that the President has lead an exceptional life, but you will argue against reality to try and make a stupid hack point. You talk about Obama on every thread.


That's funny, dude. Thanks
You just don't get it do you? The Oldhacker only talks about Obama on every thread. He has no other interests in his life.

How could he not when he sees you? Since you always have Obama's cock in your mouth....
I've asked this question many times over the years and it's always been run from but I'll give you Obamabots another shot at the title...

Tell me something that Barry did that was "exceptional" from the time he left Harvard Law School until he ran for the Presidency of the United States? Show me "why" he kept getting jobs at high profile law firms and universities. Show me "why" he got elected to the Illinois State Senate. What did he accomplish in his professional life to make that happen? It's my contention that Barack Obama took his election as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and parlayed that into a life time of jobs that he really had little aptitude for at all. I don't see any evidence that he was a better than average lawyer....or college lecturer...or State legislator...yet he kept getting "promoted" to bigger and better things. It's a remarkable feat...doing what he did...don't get me wrong. I admire him for pulling it off but that doesn't change the fact that he's totally over his head in a job he never should have been close to getting the first time let alone a second term. THAT is simply incredible.

You are just a hack who can't use a brain. If you can see obvious talent, then you will never see it, because you don't want to see it, or you are lying and just acknowledge it. Obama governs from near center and isn't extreme. He's good at negotiation and politics. As far as what Obama has done, it's been one accomplishment after another. He makes great speeches and he demonstrates he can think on his feet. He is smart and there is no doubt about it.

Post something Obama did that was exceptional. It's a simple request.
"He makes great speeches"? About WHAT?
Give examples of his "accomplishments"...That were for the good of the ENTIRE country. Not just those who support him and his policies.
You are correct about one aspect of Obama. He is a very good politician. He does 100% of his bidding for liberals and the democrat party. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
And how is it that if Obama can think on his feet he requires a teleprompter each time he speaks to the public AND his press conferences are carefully orchestrated with nary a question that was not fully expected and not pre screened?
Obama governs near the center? Thge center of WHAT? Liberalism?
Obama's second inauguration: 'We are made for this moment' | World news | The Guardian

This is what you consider governing from the center?...Holy shit. You libs are far more radical then once thought.
Newsflash.. Based on Obama's hyper use of executive orders, his bullying and bypassing of the legislative process, it is clear Obama does not "govern". He RULES.

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