Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?
You kidding? The Church was THE primary threat to communism, and they knew it. Atheism is REQUIRED in communism. Otherwise you will look elsewhere in your needs other than the government.
So you will go on record saying that the Soviets and ComChinese killed people because they were religious...not because of politics.

What political reason is there to rounding up a church and shipping off its membership to the gulag?
Excellent question.....I don't deny that the Soviets wanted to crush the power of the church. Was that their only target? I would have thought their targets also included White Russians, those that Stalin was afraid would supplant him (fellow atheistic communists) and a lot of people died simply because Stalin got it into his crazy head that they were somehow a threat (also fellow communists)

So...are you asserting that the millions upon millions the Soviets killed were church goers?

And what about the ChiComs?

Yes. Atheist progressive politicians both hate and fear the religious people in their countries so feel compelled to murder them. The overwhelming majority of those murdered in the gulags were simple peasants. Have you never read Solzhenitzyn?
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
That's because there is a pecking order in the world now. Islam is at the top, then homosexuals, then everyone else. It's why you get faux outrage at a Christian baker refusing to cater a homosexual marriage but not a Muslim refusing. Ever hear a leftist denounce how Islam treats women and homosexuals? Nope.
What Muslim baker is refusing to bake a gay wedding cake?
A Guy Walked Into a Muslim Bakery and Ordered a Gay Wedding Cake…
Weatherman - educating Leftards since 1978
Ah...did you know that that happened in Michigan which does NOT include sexual orientation in its PA laws? That's why it wasn't against any law.
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?
You kidding? The Church was THE primary threat to communism, and they knew it. Atheism is REQUIRED in communism. Otherwise you will look elsewhere in your needs other than the government.
So you will go on record saying that the Soviets and ComChinese killed people because they were religious...not because of politics.
No, communism MURDERS anyone who is a perceived threat.
But get back to my point. What kind of shithead pervert can get outraged over fake numbers Bush supposedly killed yet shrug off 160 million of THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS murdered by Comminism?
Not shrugging off anything....just curious where you got that 160 million figure.
I gave the link. And I don't think it was you who posted the fake Bush killed number. Just one of your comrades.
This whole thread is bizarre. Someone arguing that their religion is superior because "it is responsible for the murder of millions but others killed more".

'Christianity, join us! - sure we've murdered millions, but we murder less than the other guys'.

Who said that exactly? The OP is about an atheist who is complementary of christianity because unlike other religions, mainly Islam, the secular world we enjoy today was ALLOWED to form. If you declare you are an atheist in a Sharia country they kill you. Are you incapable of reading?
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?
You kidding? The Church was THE primary threat to communism, and they knew it. Atheism is REQUIRED in communism. Otherwise you will look elsewhere in your needs other than the government.
So you will go on record saying that the Soviets and ComChinese killed people because they were religious...not because of politics.

What political reason is there to rounding up a church and shipping off its membership to the gulag?
Excellent question.....I don't deny that the Soviets wanted to crush the power of the church. Was that their only target? I would have thought their targets also included White Russians, those that Stalin was afraid would supplant him (fellow atheistic communists) and a lot of people died simply because Stalin got it into his crazy head that they were somehow a threat (also fellow communists)

So...are you asserting that the millions upon millions the Soviets killed were church goers?

And what about the ChiComs?

Yes. Atheist progressive politicians both hate and fear the religious people in their countries so feel compelled to murder them. The overwhelming majority of those murdered in the gulags were simple peasants. Have you never read Solzhenitzyn?
Yes I have...boring as hell....So, what was the religion of those peasants? And they were thrown in because of said religion? Or were they simply in the way and a handy work-till-they-drop force?
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?
You kidding? The Church was THE primary threat to communism, and they knew it. Atheism is REQUIRED in communism. Otherwise you will look elsewhere in your needs other than the government.
So you will go on record saying that the Soviets and ComChinese killed people because they were religious...not because of politics.
No, communism MURDERS anyone who is a perceived threat.
But get back to my point. What kind of shithead pervert can get outraged over fake numbers Bush supposedly killed yet shrug off 160 million of THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS murdered by Comminism?
Not shrugging off anything....just curious where you got that 160 million figure.
I gave the link. And I don't think it was you who posted the fake Bush killed number. Just one of your comrades.
My "comrades"....I don't have "comrades". So, what post # for that link....I missed it, sorry.
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
That's because there is a pecking order in the world now. Islam is at the top, then homosexuals, then everyone else. It's why you get faux outrage at a Christian baker refusing to cater a homosexual marriage but not a Muslim refusing. Ever hear a leftist denounce how Islam treats women and homosexuals? Nope.
What Muslim baker is refusing to bake a gay wedding cake?
A Guy Walked Into a Muslim Bakery and Ordered a Gay Wedding Cake…
Weatherman - educating Leftards since 1978
Ah...did you know that that happened in Michigan which does NOT include sexual orientation in its PA laws? That's why it wasn't against any law.
Justifying discrimination.
Like I said, Islam is on the top of the pecking order and shalt not be attacked.
This whole thread is bizarre. Someone arguing that their religion is superior because "it is responsible for the murder of millions but others killed more".

'Christianity, join us! - sure we've murdered millions, but we murder less than the other guys'.

Who said that exactly? The OP is about an atheist who is complementary of christianity because unlike other religions, mainly Islam, the secular world we enjoy today was ALLOWED to form. If you declare you are an atheist in a Sharia country they kill you. Are you incapable of reading?
Isn't it you who has been insisting that Communism (aka atheism) has killed more people in the last "135 years" than religions have in the last several millennium? Sounds like a "they murder more than we do...we murder less than the other guy" kind of assertion, eh?
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?

Yes. The atheists were killing those of faith because they were perceived as a threat. Just prior to Stalins death he was preparing to begin the elimination of the Jews within the Soviet Union. Why do you think the churches were shuttered and religious activities went underground? If you were where the authorities could see you, you died.

You really haven't read much history have you?

And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

Yeah, evangelical atheists try to make people believe that. However, anyone with a brain knows they are full of crap. Below are just a few quotes made by Hitler that show without doubt his atheist beliefs.

“the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity” (Hitler, 1953, p. 6). The Jesuits were “swine,” and all of Christianity was “Jewish Christianity” which was comparable with “Jewish Bolshevism.” Hitler concluded that both were evil and both had to be destroyed (Kershaw, 2000, pp. 330, 488). His reasoning was based on his belief that Christianity was an “illegitimate” Jewish child and, as a Jewish child, was swine like its parent that must be eradicated. Hitler considered Christianity the “invention of the Jew Saul” (Azar, 1990, p. 154).

“‘clear,’ noted Geobbels, himself numbering among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals, ‘that after the war it has to find a general solution.... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a Germanic-heroic world-view’” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 449).

Although Hitler fooled many in the church — the fact is, Hitler did not completely hide his strong contempt for Christianity. For example, when Germany invaded Poland, around 200 executions a day occurred — all without trials — which included especially, the “nobility, clerics, and Jews,” all which were eventually to be exterminated (Kershaw, 2000, p. 243). Furthermore, since the inception of Nazism, “Nazi fanatics” had openly conducted a “campaign against the church” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 702). The famous concordat Hitler signed in 1933 with the Vatican was designed to guarantee the freedom of the Catholic Church. In fact it was a ruse. Not long after the ink was dry the head of the Catholic Action organization, Dr. Erich Klausner, was

“murdered by Hitler’s stormtroopers. In an attempt to discredit the Church, monks were brought to trial on immorality charges. In 1935 the Protestant churches were placed under state control. Protesting ministers and priests were sent to concentration camps. They had become ‘supervisives’ on a par with the Jews and communists. Pope Pius XI, realizing the anti-Christian nature of Nazism, charged Hitler with ‘the threatening storm clouds of destructive religious wars ... which have no other aim than ... that of extermination.’ But the Nazi shouts of ‘Kill the Jews’ drowned out the warning voice of the Pope and the agonized cries of the tortured in the concentration camps” (Dimont, 1994, p. 397).

- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? -- TrueOrigin Archive
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
That's because there is a pecking order in the world now. Islam is at the top, then homosexuals, then everyone else. It's why you get faux outrage at a Christian baker refusing to cater a homosexual marriage but not a Muslim refusing. Ever hear a leftist denounce how Islam treats women and homosexuals? Nope.
What Muslim baker is refusing to bake a gay wedding cake?
A Guy Walked Into a Muslim Bakery and Ordered a Gay Wedding Cake…
Weatherman - educating Leftards since 1978
Ah...did you know that that happened in Michigan which does NOT include sexual orientation in its PA laws? That's why it wasn't against any law.
Justifying discrimination.
Like I said, Islam is on the top of the pecking order and shalt not be attacked.
I attack Mooslims/Islam all the time. So.......I'm not justifying a thing...simply stating that Muslims in Michigan are not going to be fined for refusing to make wedding cakes for gays......nor will Christians in Michigan....because's NOT against the law. In Oregon and in Colorado, it is. States Rights and all that jazz.
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?

Yes. The atheists were killing those of faith because they were perceived as a threat. Just prior to Stalins death he was preparing to begin the elimination of the Jews within the Soviet Union. Why do you think the churches were shuttered and religious activities went underground? If you were where the authorities could see you, you died.

You really haven't read much history have you?

And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

Yeah, evangelical atheists try to make people believe that. However, anyone with a brain knows they are full of crap. Below are just a few quotes made by Hitler that show without doubt his atheist beliefs.

“the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity” (Hitler, 1953, p. 6). The Jesuits were “swine,” and all of Christianity was “Jewish Christianity” which was comparable with “Jewish Bolshevism.” Hitler concluded that both were evil and both had to be destroyed (Kershaw, 2000, pp. 330, 488). His reasoning was based on his belief that Christianity was an “illegitimate” Jewish child and, as a Jewish child, was swine like its parent that must be eradicated. Hitler considered Christianity the “invention of the Jew Saul” (Azar, 1990, p. 154).

“‘clear,’ noted Geobbels, himself numbering among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals, ‘that after the war it has to find a general solution.... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a Germanic-heroic world-view’” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 449).

Although Hitler fooled many in the church — the fact is, Hitler did not completely hide his strong contempt for Christianity. For example, when Germany invaded Poland, around 200 executions a day occurred — all without trials — which included especially, the “nobility, clerics, and Jews,” all which were eventually to be exterminated (Kershaw, 2000, p. 243). Furthermore, since the inception of Nazism, “Nazi fanatics” had openly conducted a “campaign against the church” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 702). The famous concordat Hitler signed in 1933 with the Vatican was designed to guarantee the freedom of the Catholic Church. In fact it was a ruse. Not long after the ink was dry the head of the Catholic Action organization, Dr. Erich Klausner, was

“murdered by Hitler’s stormtroopers. In an attempt to discredit the Church, monks were brought to trial on immorality charges. In 1935 the Protestant churches were placed under state control. Protesting ministers and priests were sent to concentration camps. They had become ‘supervisives’ on a par with the Jews and communists. Pope Pius XI, realizing the anti-Christian nature of Nazism, charged Hitler with ‘the threatening storm clouds of destructive religious wars ... which have no other aim than ... that of extermination.’ But the Nazi shouts of ‘Kill the Jews’ drowned out the warning voice of the Pope and the agonized cries of the tortured in the concentration camps” (Dimont, 1994, p. 397).

- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? -- TrueOrigin Archive
I can understand christians not wanting to own up to Hitler. Totally understandable. But he was a christian...even was thinking at one time of becoming a catholic priest. He got pretty cozy with the catholic hierarchy too.
You kidding? The Church was THE primary threat to communism, and they knew it. Atheism is REQUIRED in communism. Otherwise you will look elsewhere in your needs other than the government.
So you will go on record saying that the Soviets and ComChinese killed people because they were religious...not because of politics.
No, communism MURDERS anyone who is a perceived threat.
But get back to my point. What kind of shithead pervert can get outraged over fake numbers Bush supposedly killed yet shrug off 160 million of THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS murdered by Comminism?
Not shrugging off anything....just curious where you got that 160 million figure.
I gave the link. And I don't think it was you who posted the fake Bush killed number. Just one of your comrades.
My "comrades"....I don't have "comrades". So, what post # for that link....I missed it, sorry.
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?

Yes. The atheists were killing those of faith because they were perceived as a threat. Just prior to Stalins death he was preparing to begin the elimination of the Jews within the Soviet Union. Why do you think the churches were shuttered and religious activities went underground? If you were where the authorities could see you, you died.

You really haven't read much history have you?

And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

You display your total and complete lack of history knowledge by claiming Hitler was a Christian. His very first act was to order every Pastor and Priest to swear an oath he was above God. Those that refused were sent to concentration camps.

And post 129 has your results of communism.
So you will go on record saying that the Soviets and ComChinese killed people because they were religious...not because of politics.
No, communism MURDERS anyone who is a perceived threat.
But get back to my point. What kind of shithead pervert can get outraged over fake numbers Bush supposedly killed yet shrug off 160 million of THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS murdered by Comminism?
Not shrugging off anything....just curious where you got that 160 million figure.
I gave the link. And I don't think it was you who posted the fake Bush killed number. Just one of your comrades.
My "comrades"....I don't have "comrades". So, what post # for that link....I missed it, sorry.
Quick question...were the Soviets and ComChinese killing people in the name of atheism?

Yes. The atheists were killing those of faith because they were perceived as a threat. Just prior to Stalins death he was preparing to begin the elimination of the Jews within the Soviet Union. Why do you think the churches were shuttered and religious activities went underground? If you were where the authorities could see you, you died.

You really haven't read much history have you?

And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

You display your total and complete lack of history knowledge by claiming Hitler was a Christian. His very first act was to order every Pastor and Priest to swear an oath he was above God. Those that refused were sent to concentration camps.

And post 129 has your results of communism.
Hitler was a christian. Thank you for the post #...I'll go check it out now.
Yes. The atheists were killing those of faith because they were perceived as a threat. Just prior to Stalins death he was preparing to begin the elimination of the Jews within the Soviet Union. Why do you think the churches were shuttered and religious activities went underground? If you were where the authorities could see you, you died.

You really haven't read much history have you?

And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

Yeah, evangelical atheists try to make people believe that. However, anyone with a brain knows they are full of crap. Below are just a few quotes made by Hitler that show without doubt his atheist beliefs.

“the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity” (Hitler, 1953, p. 6). The Jesuits were “swine,” and all of Christianity was “Jewish Christianity” which was comparable with “Jewish Bolshevism.” Hitler concluded that both were evil and both had to be destroyed (Kershaw, 2000, pp. 330, 488). His reasoning was based on his belief that Christianity was an “illegitimate” Jewish child and, as a Jewish child, was swine like its parent that must be eradicated. Hitler considered Christianity the “invention of the Jew Saul” (Azar, 1990, p. 154).

“‘clear,’ noted Geobbels, himself numbering among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals, ‘that after the war it has to find a general solution.... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a Germanic-heroic world-view’” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 449).

Although Hitler fooled many in the church — the fact is, Hitler did not completely hide his strong contempt for Christianity. For example, when Germany invaded Poland, around 200 executions a day occurred — all without trials — which included especially, the “nobility, clerics, and Jews,” all which were eventually to be exterminated (Kershaw, 2000, p. 243). Furthermore, since the inception of Nazism, “Nazi fanatics” had openly conducted a “campaign against the church” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 702). The famous concordat Hitler signed in 1933 with the Vatican was designed to guarantee the freedom of the Catholic Church. In fact it was a ruse. Not long after the ink was dry the head of the Catholic Action organization, Dr. Erich Klausner, was

“murdered by Hitler’s stormtroopers. In an attempt to discredit the Church, monks were brought to trial on immorality charges. In 1935 the Protestant churches were placed under state control. Protesting ministers and priests were sent to concentration camps. They had become ‘supervisives’ on a par with the Jews and communists. Pope Pius XI, realizing the anti-Christian nature of Nazism, charged Hitler with ‘the threatening storm clouds of destructive religious wars ... which have no other aim than ... that of extermination.’ But the Nazi shouts of ‘Kill the Jews’ drowned out the warning voice of the Pope and the agonized cries of the tortured in the concentration camps” (Dimont, 1994, p. 397).

- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? -- TrueOrigin Archive
I can understand christians not wanting to own up to Hitler. Totally understandable. But he was a christian...even was thinking at one time of becoming a catholic priest. He got pretty cozy with the catholic hierarchy too.
More bullshit. Christianity was an epic failure in Germany.
But lies about Hitler are just lies.
No, communism MURDERS anyone who is a perceived threat.
But get back to my point. What kind of shithead pervert can get outraged over fake numbers Bush supposedly killed yet shrug off 160 million of THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS murdered by Comminism?
Not shrugging off anything....just curious where you got that 160 million figure.
I gave the link. And I don't think it was you who posted the fake Bush killed number. Just one of your comrades.
My "comrades"....I don't have "comrades". So, what post # for that link....I missed it, sorry.
Yes. The atheists were killing those of faith because they were perceived as a threat. Just prior to Stalins death he was preparing to begin the elimination of the Jews within the Soviet Union. Why do you think the churches were shuttered and religious activities went underground? If you were where the authorities could see you, you died.

You really haven't read much history have you?

And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

You display your total and complete lack of history knowledge by claiming Hitler was a Christian. His very first act was to order every Pastor and Priest to swear an oath he was above God. Those that refused were sent to concentration camps.

And post 129 has your results of communism.
Hitler was a christian. Thank you for the post #...I'll go check it out now.
What church did Hitler attend then?
And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

Yeah, evangelical atheists try to make people believe that. However, anyone with a brain knows they are full of crap. Below are just a few quotes made by Hitler that show without doubt his atheist beliefs.

“the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity” (Hitler, 1953, p. 6). The Jesuits were “swine,” and all of Christianity was “Jewish Christianity” which was comparable with “Jewish Bolshevism.” Hitler concluded that both were evil and both had to be destroyed (Kershaw, 2000, pp. 330, 488). His reasoning was based on his belief that Christianity was an “illegitimate” Jewish child and, as a Jewish child, was swine like its parent that must be eradicated. Hitler considered Christianity the “invention of the Jew Saul” (Azar, 1990, p. 154).

“‘clear,’ noted Geobbels, himself numbering among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals, ‘that after the war it has to find a general solution.... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a Germanic-heroic world-view’” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 449).

Although Hitler fooled many in the church — the fact is, Hitler did not completely hide his strong contempt for Christianity. For example, when Germany invaded Poland, around 200 executions a day occurred — all without trials — which included especially, the “nobility, clerics, and Jews,” all which were eventually to be exterminated (Kershaw, 2000, p. 243). Furthermore, since the inception of Nazism, “Nazi fanatics” had openly conducted a “campaign against the church” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 702). The famous concordat Hitler signed in 1933 with the Vatican was designed to guarantee the freedom of the Catholic Church. In fact it was a ruse. Not long after the ink was dry the head of the Catholic Action organization, Dr. Erich Klausner, was

“murdered by Hitler’s stormtroopers. In an attempt to discredit the Church, monks were brought to trial on immorality charges. In 1935 the Protestant churches were placed under state control. Protesting ministers and priests were sent to concentration camps. They had become ‘supervisives’ on a par with the Jews and communists. Pope Pius XI, realizing the anti-Christian nature of Nazism, charged Hitler with ‘the threatening storm clouds of destructive religious wars ... which have no other aim than ... that of extermination.’ But the Nazi shouts of ‘Kill the Jews’ drowned out the warning voice of the Pope and the agonized cries of the tortured in the concentration camps” (Dimont, 1994, p. 397).

- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? -- TrueOrigin Archive
I can understand christians not wanting to own up to Hitler. Totally understandable. But he was a christian...even was thinking at one time of becoming a catholic priest. He got pretty cozy with the catholic hierarchy too.
More bullshit. Christianity was an epic failure in Germany.
But lies about Hitler are just lies.
Hitler's Christianity

These are actual Hitler quotes.
Not shrugging off anything....just curious where you got that 160 million figure.
I gave the link. And I don't think it was you who posted the fake Bush killed number. Just one of your comrades.
My "comrades"....I don't have "comrades". So, what post # for that link....I missed it, sorry.
And Hitler did a very good job of eliminating Jew and gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses. That alone is a 6-10 million notch in religion's belt. And again, not to forget the several millennium of dirty deads by religion.

And I've read a great deal of history...that's why I'm surprised how easily you dismiss several 1,000s of years of religions killing people.

Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

You display your total and complete lack of history knowledge by claiming Hitler was a Christian. His very first act was to order every Pastor and Priest to swear an oath he was above God. Those that refused were sent to concentration camps.

And post 129 has your results of communism.
Hitler was a christian. Thank you for the post #...I'll go check it out now.
What church did Hitler attend then?
He identified with Catholicism.
Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
Hitler was in fact a Christian.

You should quit while you're behind, you're seriously hobbled by your ignorance.

The premise of your thread failed as a consequence of your ignorance of public accommodations laws, and you continue to exhibit your ignorance with this post.
Not a practicing christain, BIG DIFFERENCE.
Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

Yeah, evangelical atheists try to make people believe that. However, anyone with a brain knows they are full of crap. Below are just a few quotes made by Hitler that show without doubt his atheist beliefs.

“the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity” (Hitler, 1953, p. 6). The Jesuits were “swine,” and all of Christianity was “Jewish Christianity” which was comparable with “Jewish Bolshevism.” Hitler concluded that both were evil and both had to be destroyed (Kershaw, 2000, pp. 330, 488). His reasoning was based on his belief that Christianity was an “illegitimate” Jewish child and, as a Jewish child, was swine like its parent that must be eradicated. Hitler considered Christianity the “invention of the Jew Saul” (Azar, 1990, p. 154).

“‘clear,’ noted Geobbels, himself numbering among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals, ‘that after the war it has to find a general solution.... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a Germanic-heroic world-view’” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 449).

Although Hitler fooled many in the church — the fact is, Hitler did not completely hide his strong contempt for Christianity. For example, when Germany invaded Poland, around 200 executions a day occurred — all without trials — which included especially, the “nobility, clerics, and Jews,” all which were eventually to be exterminated (Kershaw, 2000, p. 243). Furthermore, since the inception of Nazism, “Nazi fanatics” had openly conducted a “campaign against the church” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 702). The famous concordat Hitler signed in 1933 with the Vatican was designed to guarantee the freedom of the Catholic Church. In fact it was a ruse. Not long after the ink was dry the head of the Catholic Action organization, Dr. Erich Klausner, was

“murdered by Hitler’s stormtroopers. In an attempt to discredit the Church, monks were brought to trial on immorality charges. In 1935 the Protestant churches were placed under state control. Protesting ministers and priests were sent to concentration camps. They had become ‘supervisives’ on a par with the Jews and communists. Pope Pius XI, realizing the anti-Christian nature of Nazism, charged Hitler with ‘the threatening storm clouds of destructive religious wars ... which have no other aim than ... that of extermination.’ But the Nazi shouts of ‘Kill the Jews’ drowned out the warning voice of the Pope and the agonized cries of the tortured in the concentration camps” (Dimont, 1994, p. 397).

- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? -- TrueOrigin Archive
I can understand christians not wanting to own up to Hitler. Totally understandable. But he was a christian...even was thinking at one time of becoming a catholic priest. He got pretty cozy with the catholic hierarchy too.
More bullshit. Christianity was an epic failure in Germany.
But lies about Hitler are just lies.
Hitler's Christianity

These are actual Hitler quotes.
Again, not a practicing Christian, big difference.
Hitler was atheist. I never dismiss any murders of innocents. I just know that the industrialized murder of the atheistic collectivist countries dwarfs anything the religious nutters of the past have done. Why do you dredge up truly ancient history in an effort to hide the very recent, and very real murders, that the progressives have done in the last century alone?
No...Hitler was christian.

Hitler's Christianity

Yeah, evangelical atheists try to make people believe that. However, anyone with a brain knows they are full of crap. Below are just a few quotes made by Hitler that show without doubt his atheist beliefs.

“the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity” (Hitler, 1953, p. 6). The Jesuits were “swine,” and all of Christianity was “Jewish Christianity” which was comparable with “Jewish Bolshevism.” Hitler concluded that both were evil and both had to be destroyed (Kershaw, 2000, pp. 330, 488). His reasoning was based on his belief that Christianity was an “illegitimate” Jewish child and, as a Jewish child, was swine like its parent that must be eradicated. Hitler considered Christianity the “invention of the Jew Saul” (Azar, 1990, p. 154).

“‘clear,’ noted Geobbels, himself numbering among the most aggressive anti-Church radicals, ‘that after the war it has to find a general solution.... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a Germanic-heroic world-view’” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 449).

Although Hitler fooled many in the church — the fact is, Hitler did not completely hide his strong contempt for Christianity. For example, when Germany invaded Poland, around 200 executions a day occurred — all without trials — which included especially, the “nobility, clerics, and Jews,” all which were eventually to be exterminated (Kershaw, 2000, p. 243). Furthermore, since the inception of Nazism, “Nazi fanatics” had openly conducted a “campaign against the church” (Kershaw, 2000, p. 702). The famous concordat Hitler signed in 1933 with the Vatican was designed to guarantee the freedom of the Catholic Church. In fact it was a ruse. Not long after the ink was dry the head of the Catholic Action organization, Dr. Erich Klausner, was

“murdered by Hitler’s stormtroopers. In an attempt to discredit the Church, monks were brought to trial on immorality charges. In 1935 the Protestant churches were placed under state control. Protesting ministers and priests were sent to concentration camps. They had become ‘supervisives’ on a par with the Jews and communists. Pope Pius XI, realizing the anti-Christian nature of Nazism, charged Hitler with ‘the threatening storm clouds of destructive religious wars ... which have no other aim than ... that of extermination.’ But the Nazi shouts of ‘Kill the Jews’ drowned out the warning voice of the Pope and the agonized cries of the tortured in the concentration camps” (Dimont, 1994, p. 397).

- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? -- TrueOrigin Archive
I can understand christians not wanting to own up to Hitler. Totally understandable. But he was a christian...even was thinking at one time of becoming a catholic priest. He got pretty cozy with the catholic hierarchy too.
More bullshit. Christianity was an epic failure in Germany.
But lies about Hitler are just lies.
Hitler's Christianity

These are actual Hitler quotes.
Hitler quotes? You're kidding, right? I asked for evidence and you provide quotes from a politician?
Filed your response with you can keep your doctor and insurance.

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