atheist to pass out materials at Florida high schools

So making bibles available from a table without interaction of the students to those that wanted them (demonstrated by the fact that they had to go up and get one themselves) at the complete expense and time of the group without disrupting the institution in any way shape or form is now insane?

It sure is if you dont allow any other belief to do the exact same.

why did the athiests have to FIGHT in court to be allowed to do what the christians were allowed to do with out being hasseled?

Point taken.

I thought you were decrying the fact that the bibles were available, not that the atheists were denied the same right in the beginning.

It is CHRISTIANS who are being the bullies here in this country NOT other beliefs
So you are going to pretend you guys are okay with Muslims going into schools and spreading their religion? How about Scientoligist?

The point isn't to stifle anything. It's a school. A place of learning for our kids. If you want to stand on the street and preach all day long I couldn't care less. But schools are not the place for any of this.

Much of what Muslims believe is found in the Old and New Testament. They just do not hold to all of it. Mahamad did some picking and choosing and adding. But frankly I believe that if all the cards were placed on the table, Scientology would appear lame and the Quran would pale in comparison to what the Bible has to say --- at its fifth grade reading level --- I might add (King James or not). A school is a place to teach respect for study and investigation and figuring out answers to problems, and questioning values, It should not be a place of unmitigated bordom and unnaturally select segragated thought. And unfortunately, this is what secular humanists have made of much of public education.

For a group that consist of roughly 9% of the population (and a lot less than that in many states) you people like to hand us a lot of credit/blame.

Are you a Scientologist? :razz: And taking issue with what one believes or holds to be true, is not a matter of blaming but an attempt to get individuals to really investigate what they "think" they believe. And not just accept things because that was how they were raised or someone told them or it is generally accepted... Some people are all too content with someone telling them, "Do this and the "gods" will be happy." Are there gods? Will doing such actually make them or him happy? Who says and why? This is where study comes to bear and actually "talking" to God, and seeking His guidance...
Much of what Muslims believe is found in the Old and New Testament. They just do not hold to all of it. Mahamad did some picking and choosing and adding. But frankly I believe that if all the cards were placed on the table, Scientology would appear lame and the Quran would pale in comparison to what the Bible has to say --- at its fifth grade reading level --- I might add (King James or not). A school is a place to teach respect for study and investigation and figuring out answers to problems, and questioning values, It should not be a place of unmitigated bordom and unnaturally select segragated thought. And unfortunately, this is what secular humanists have made of much of public education.

For a group that consist of roughly 9% of the population (and a lot less than that in many states) you people like to hand us a lot of credit/blame.

Are you a Scientologist? :razz: And taking issue with what one believes or holds to be true, is not a matter of blaming but an attempt to get individuals to really investigate what they "think" they believe. And not just accept things because that was how they were raised or someone told them or it is generally accepted... Some people are all too content with someone telling them, "Do this and the "gods" will be happy." Are there gods? Will doing such actually make them or him happy? Who says and why? This is where study comes to bear and actually "talking" to God, and seeking His guidance...

Well we sure as hell don't want people to be too content. Accepting the fact that everyone is going to die at some unknown year in their life is a much more happy thought.
maybe sceince books instead of fantasy books

Schools already have science books--they may be outdated tho because scientists tend to jump the gun only to realize that they were wrong.

yes and you can never have too much sceintific knowledge.

You see its why mankind has accomplished so much.

You prefer stagnation and stupidity.

itss why your a right winger
maybe sceince books instead of fantasy books

Schools already have science books--they may be outdated tho because scientists tend to jump the gun only to realize that they were wrong.

yes and you can never have too much sceintific knowledge.

You see its why mankind has accomplished so much.

You prefer stagnation and stupidity.

itss why your a right winger

Has science proved that you can never have too much scientific knowledge or is this just some shit you made up ?
It is CHRISTIANS who are being the bullies here in this country NOT other beliefs

Yup, some Christians are bullies, and some atheists are bullies.

Like some on this thread.
Religion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

noun \ri-ˈli-jən\

Definition of RELIGION


a: the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion>

b (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance


: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices


archaic: scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness


: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

you people need to open your minds

Wouldn't they need to have one first? Then they might be able to openly confront situations instead of living in fear of their own shortcomings.
It sure is if you dont allow any other belief to do the exact same.

why did the athiests have to FIGHT in court to be allowed to do what the christians were allowed to do with out being hasseled?

Point taken.

I thought you were decrying the fact that the bibles were available, not that the atheists were denied the same right in the beginning.

It is CHRISTIANS who are being the bullies here in this country NOT other beliefs

Blanket statements like this are always wrong. There are examples of both.

For instance, this particular case the school was wrong as they blocked the atheists attempt to copy the same act the Christians took. However, the atheists are also wrong because there goal is NOT to further their group or ‘spread their word.’ They stated quite clearly that they are doing this just to rub it in the Christians face and get them to shut it all down. That is simply wrong.
Atheist pamphlet:

We are atheists, we believe in NOTHING!

The earth, the universe and life just "magically" happened.

That's it.

What do you have that is better?

I'm not an atheist, but I at least have the fundamental understanding that atheism is not the belief in nothing. That's nihilism.

So what do atheists believe? What is worth fighting for in their lives?
Atheist pamphlet:

We are atheists, we believe in NOTHING!

The earth, the universe and life just "magically" happened.

That's it.

What do you have that is better?

I'm not an atheist, but I at least have the fundamental understanding that atheism is not the belief in nothing. That's nihilism.

So what do atheists believe? What is worth fighting for in their lives?

Family, friends... the idea that we are suddenly without meaning is nonsense.

I bet most 'christians live their day to day lives no differently than I do, supporting and loving their families. Spending time with friends.
Point taken.

I thought you were decrying the fact that the bibles were available, not that the atheists were denied the same right in the beginning.

It is CHRISTIANS who are being the bullies here in this country NOT other beliefs

Blanket statements like this are always wrong. There are examples of both.

For instance, this particular case the school was wrong as they blocked the atheists attempt to copy the same act the Christians took. However, the atheists are also wrong because there goal is NOT to further their group or ‘spread their word.’ They stated quite clearly that they are doing this just to rub it in the Christians face and get them to shut it all down. That is simply wrong.

And why is it wrong?
It seems to me that the christians want people to practice what the christians believe, yet when someone else does it, in a manner that the Christians have used, it becomes wrong?

I don't see anything "wrong" in the Atheists wanting to rub "it" in the Christians face. The point that is being missed here is that the Christians are disrepecting other religions by forcing just their beliefs onto young impressionable students who may come from different religious backgrounds--and with out the parents consents!!

Now that is plain wrong!
I'm not an atheist, but I at least have the fundamental understanding that atheism is not the belief in nothing. That's nihilism.

So what do atheists believe? What is worth fighting for in their lives?

Family, friends... the idea that we are suddenly without meaning is nonsense.

I bet most 'christians live their day to day lives no differently than I do, supporting and loving their families. Spending time with friends.

So if someone came and told you that you had to "believe in x", you would.....?
It is CHRISTIANS who are being the bullies here in this country NOT other beliefs

Blanket statements like this are always wrong. There are examples of both.

For instance, this particular case the school was wrong as they blocked the atheists attempt to copy the same act the Christians took. However, the atheists are also wrong because there goal is NOT to further their group or ‘spread their word.’ They stated quite clearly that they are doing this just to rub it in the Christians face and get them to shut it all down. That is simply wrong.

And why is it wrong?
It seems to me that the christians want people to practice what the christians believe, yet when someone else does it, in a manner that the Christians have used, it becomes wrong?

I don't see anything "wrong" in the Atheists wanting to rub "it" in the Christians face. The point that is being missed here is that the Christians are disrepecting other religions by forcing just their beliefs onto young impressionable students who may come from different religious backgrounds--and with out the parents consents!!

Now that is plain wrong!

What is wrong, to me at least, are not the actions that the atheists took. I think that the motivation though is wrong. They are doing this solely to get a law, rule or practice accomplished that blocks all religions from putting out literature to the students. Their goal is to make exactly what they are doing illegal.

Do you not see how that is wrong? Blocking the free exchange of ideas is counterproductive in my opinion.
Blanket statements like this are always wrong. There are examples of both.

For instance, this particular case the school was wrong as they blocked the atheists attempt to copy the same act the Christians took. However, the atheists are also wrong because there goal is NOT to further their group or ‘spread their word.’ They stated quite clearly that they are doing this just to rub it in the Christians face and get them to shut it all down. That is simply wrong.

And why is it wrong?
It seems to me that the christians want people to practice what the christians believe, yet when someone else does it, in a manner that the Christians have used, it becomes wrong?

I don't see anything "wrong" in the Atheists wanting to rub "it" in the Christians face. The point that is being missed here is that the Christians are disrepecting other religions by forcing just their beliefs onto young impressionable students who may come from different religious backgrounds--and with out the parents consents!!

Now that is plain wrong!

What is wrong, to me at least, are not the actions that the atheists took. I think that the motivation though is wrong. They are doing this solely to get a law, rule or practice accomplished that blocks all religions from putting out literature to the students. Their goal is to make exactly what they are doing illegal.

Do you not see how that is wrong? Blocking the free exchange of ideas is counterproductive in my opinion.

Deliberately creating a test case for the courts to decide is hardly a strategy unique to atheist's. Evangelical Christian's have been doing that for decades and so have a lot of other groups.
It's a good move by the atheists and may well succeed.

Anyone may practice his or her own religion in tax-public environments as long as the government process is not disrupted and one's neighbors are not bothered.

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