Zone1 atheists don't have proof of God... because they refuse to look at the proof

What proof would that be?
Life, itself, for starters. No atheist has EVER given a good explanation as to how life came about. I've heard a few, very weak possibilities, but even those flimsy explanations can't explain how nothing produced something. The human body and all of its intricate parts and pieces are a work & result of pure design. All designs are produced by a designer.
They are liberals in that sense

and of course most liberals are politically liberal

I've heard of a few who are pro life, so that's a good thing :)

But as someone once said, it takes more faith to believe in atheism than to believe in Christ...
I'll volunteer to be your atheist you can use to prove some part of religious beliefs.

I'm already part way there with the Catholic church and it's acceptance of Darwinian evolution, over the creation mythical story.
Life, itself, for starters. No atheist has EVER given a good explanation as to how life came about. I've heard a few, very weak possibilities, but even those flimsy explanations can't explain how nothing produced something. The human body and all of its intricate parts and pieces are a work & result of pure design. All designs are produced by a designer.
The existence of Life is not proof of a God no matter how much you wish it to be.
A lifetime of grooming and indoctrination, peer pressure from your community, a little delusion, maybe throw some mental illness in there, and voilà, faith
Until the end I thought you were going to say atheism. ;)
A lifetime of grooming and indoctrination, peer pressure from your community, a little delusion, maybe throw some mental illness in there, and voilà, faith
So why don't you lay it out for us. Starting with step one all the way to the current status of life:

Step one:
Step two:
Step three:
Step four:

There ... I even provided a template for you.
I'll volunteer to be your atheist you can use to prove some part of religious beliefs.

I'm already part way there with the Catholic church and it's acceptance of Darwinian evolution, over the creation mythical story.
No need to look any further than the 'blessings and cursing's' part of revelation.
What proof would that be?
"Seek and you will find" is one of the best answers the Bible provides. I believe it is a Jewish tenant that love of God's Law (the ten commandments) leads to love of God. Christians seem to take the opposite path of Love of God leads to the love of God's law.

Perhaps you have your own experience of this: Does atheism spring from a lack of interest in doing the work--i.e., seeking God; living the Commandments, the Beatitudes or Proverbs?
"Seek and you will find" is one of the best answers the Bible provides. I believe it is a Jewish tenant that love of God's Law (the ten commandments) leads to love of God. Christians seem to take the opposite path of Love of God leads to the love of God's law.

Perhaps you have your own experience of this: Does atheism spring from a lack of interest in doing the work--i.e., seeking God; living the Commandments, the Beatitudes or Proverbs?
I am not an atheist.
I do, however, know what the meaning of the word "proof" is. Most of the people commenting here clearly do not.
I do, however, know what the meaning of the word "proof" is. Most of the people commenting here clearly do not.
True, but we can guess how they are using it. You and I might agree that proof and evidence belong in the physical realm, not the spiritual and supernatural.
Atheists have looked at the available proof of God and just don’t believe it

You need to do a better job of convincing

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