Atheists on this board answer this question....

Atheists as a percentage of the world's population have declined since 1970 and global atheism is expected to face long term decline.[5]

On July 24, 2013, CNS News reported:

“ Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world’s population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020, according to a new report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass."[6]

Global atheism - Conservapedia
What claptrap.

Governments are run by men as well. Let's shut down government. Then you will see the value of religion, as those who believe in God and obey the commandments rise to the top, as they always do.

Oh, my bad.... It was God who said humans were flawed for simply being born human. Do I need to get you the direct quote?

How does that relate to any of the nonsense you're spewing? Did I say men aren't flawed? But the fact of the matter is that men and women who are called to live by a moral code that encourages honesty, integrity, and kindness are less likely to be corrupt and tyrannical than those who aren't.

And there is the problem, you believe you are better than. And in so you believe you have the right to control others. The OP asks a question, I answer it, you simply don't like hearing what the problem really is. A moral code, lol.... Religious nutters are some of the least moral people on a large scale you will ever find.
Atheists as a percentage of the world's population have declined since 1970 and global atheism is expected to face long term decline.[5]

On July 24, 2013, CNS News reported:

“ Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world’s population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020, according to a new report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass."[6]

Global atheism - Conservapedia

Globally yes, here in America I doubt it.
Lol, the global thing is killing me lol... You think Christianity is the religion that is growing lol? No, I believe it's Muslims that are growing faster, and generally you don't see them as a moral people.
National Secular Society - Religion is shrinking and it only has itself to blame

The number of those who say they are "nothing in particular" or define themselves as atheist or agnostic has risen since 1990 from 8% to 19.6% according to the study released on Tuesday. The number of self-defined atheists and agnostics is rising slowly, but still only represents a small minority (less than 2%).

Right or wrong I don't know or care. First link I clicked on google search. Christianity is dying in America.
What claptrap.

Governments are run by men as well. Let's shut down government. Then you will see the value of religion, as those who believe in God and obey the commandments rise to the top, as they always do.

Oh, my bad.... It was God who said humans were flawed for simply being born human. Do I need to get you the direct quote?

It was God who said that humans are flawed, because humans are incapable of obeying God's law. Being born human is not the reason for that... as God's son established.
Atheists as a percentage of the world's population have declined since 1970 and global atheism is expected to face long term decline.[5]

On July 24, 2013, CNS News reported:

“ Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world’s population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020, according to a new report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass."[6]

Global atheism - Conservapedia

Yeah... Recognition of God tends to spike when people are faced with what seem to be insurmountable problems.
National Secular Society - Religion is shrinking and it only has itself to blame

The number of those who say they are "nothing in particular" or define themselves as atheist or agnostic has risen since 1990 from 8% to 19.6% according to the study released on Tuesday. The number of self-defined atheists and agnostics is rising slowly, but still only represents a small minority (less than 2%).

Right or wrong I don't know or care. First link I clicked on google search. Christianity is dying in America.

It's not dying.

"Christianity is not collapsing, but it is being clarified.
If you cut through the recent hype, and look to studies such as the General Social Survey, you'll find that the United States is filled with vibrant believers.

"The survey shows that the evangelical movement has remained generally steady from 1972 to 2010 (and, contrary to what you might have heard, the data include young adults), that church attendance has declined among mainline Protestants, and that the "nones" have increased.

"But no collapse.

"Other examples of resiliency abound.

"Each year, Gallup asks Americans whether they consider themselves a born-again or evangelical Christian. Since 1992, the percentage has fluctuated from a low of 36% in 1992 to a high of 47% in 1998.

"The 2011 yearly aggregate is 42%, very similar to the percentages over the past eight years.

"Christianity has hardly been replaced by the "nones."

Column Christianity isn t dying
"The future of Christianity in America is not extinction but clarification that a devout faith is what will last. Christianity in America isn't dying, cultural Christianity is."

Which btw, is prophesied in the bible.

Column Christianity isn t dying
So you feel that I want to press natural law on others?

No. You are trying to press an agenda on other people, as evidenced by your false labeling of your agenda pieces as "natural law.

Yes... Natural Law is SO OPPRESSIVE! And what temerity I have, recognizing those laws! Who do I think I am talking about things you can't change and how foolish you are to expect that you can... .

LOL! You people are helpless.


Marriage is not "natural" law, it's political law.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. The natural consequence of the complimenting genders, analogous to coitus, wherein the male joins the female, making one sustainable body from two.

You're not required to accept it. Just as you're not required to accept gravity or mathematics. Your rejection of the law will not provide you or your culture with a viable excuse to avoid the unenviable consequences for having failed to respect it.

Reproduction is natural marriage is a social consruct
hmmm..the socialist mass murderers of the 20th century were atheists....they seem to have killed close to 100 million people.....sure...defenders of atheism say they didn't do it to promote atheism...but it can't be a coincidence that the greatest mass murderers in history were all atheists...can it?

The crusaders were responsible for how many deaths?
The Spanish Inquisition?

Theists have killed as many people if not more than atheists. But that's OK because thy did it to promote belief in god right?
hmmm..the socialist mass murderers of the 20th century were atheists....they seem to have killed close to 100 million people.....sure...defenders of atheism say they didn't do it to promote atheism...but it can't be a coincidence that the greatest mass murderers in history were all atheists...can it?

The crusaders were responsible for how many deaths?

The would-be "Crusaders" were defending their people from the attacks and conquests of Islam. Therefore responsibility for the killing of those Muslims, falls entirely upon those Muslims.

The Spanish Inquisition?

The responsibility for those deaths falls upon the heads of the sociopathic relativists who committed them...

Theists have killed as many people if not more than atheists.

ROFLMNAO! Secular Humanism is the single most lethal species of reasoning in human history... seconded on EARTH only by DISEASE.

In the 20th Century ALONE... setting aside all war, wit two world wars being caused by the application of secular humanism... the Left murdered 150 MILLION human beings. Again this is in PEACE TIME.

Now, set that against the World War 2 resulting in only 60 million deaths.

Estimates of deaths from the Inquisition vary, but the highest estimates come in around 14,000.

The CENTURIES over which the Crusades were fought, resulted in a maximum of 1 million.

Again... in the latter half of the 20th century, Secular Humanists murdered 150 MILLION INNOCENT PEOPLE!

There is nothing in human history which comes REMOTELY CLOSE to that... except the current genocide that Secular Humanism is perpetrating upon the Pre-born of humanity, which is roughly 300 MILLION. 50 Million in the US, just since the 1970s.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. The natural consequence of the complimenting genders, analogous to coitus, wherein the male joins the female, making one sustainable body from two.

Actually, the natural thing is for the males to frolic off, spreading their seed among as many females as possible, and killing any other males who attempt to encroach upon their sexual territory.
We are not that far removed from religious extremists killing infidels in our own country. The KKK was putting out fatwas against infidels in my own lifetime, and their members were executing people.

It would not take much for us to slide back into that madness. There are some on this forum who would welcome it.


LOL! "Far removed"?

Since the early 1970s, 50 million innocent human beings have been OPENLY MURDERED by fundamentalist... such is the depths of their deprivation; their perversion, that they claim a RIGHT to murder the most innocent and helpless of ALL human life.

While I in NO WAY EXCUSE THEIR BEHAVIOR: At the least the Klan rationalized that those they murdered had on SOME LEVEL perpetrated a crime against them... .

The Klan never engaged in the wilfull and wanton behavior that CONCEIVED THOSE THEY MURDERED. The Klan was never SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELL BEING OF THOSE THEY MURDERED.



You know the WORST thing is these statistics:

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

These are women who have had 2 or more abortions and they should be given a choice to have a tubal ligation.
And it would be for the safety of the woman!

According to the best record based study of deaths following pregnancy and abortion,
a 1997 government funded study in Finland, women who abort are approximately four times more likely to die in the following
year than women who carry their pregnancies to term.
In addition, women who carry to term are only half as likely to die as women who were not pregnant.
Abortion Risks A list of major physical complications related to abortion After Abortion

So if these women that have had 2 previous abortions are
A) warned they are cutting their lives short by continuing to have abortions
B) if they wish they can have a tubal ligation thus insuring they at least won't have to worry about having another abortion.

Not only would this reduce the amount of abortions BUT save women's lives!
Why would any feminist be against that?
After all planned parenthood's founder favored ethnic cleansing ...
In fact Planned Parenthood founders hated Black children so much their founder said the following:
Like Adolf Hitler, Margaret Sanger considered herself to be part of a genetically superior elite who had to protect themselves against "hereditary taints."
She set out to start a "New Race" - "A Race of Thoroughbreds."
In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which was renamed "Planned Parenthood" in 1942.
In 1952 she helped found the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), serving as its first president until 1959.
Even today, Planned Parenthood proudly proclaims Margaret Sanger as its "visionary" founder.
The Nuremberg Files Abortion Birth Control Margaret Sanger Founder Planned Parenthood Lancaster PA Pa Abortion Clinic Birth Control Holocaust Murder Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler German Eugenics Murder Nazi Germany

I agree... Women who are not prepared to raise the children that they conceive and who can't find the strength of character to abstain from intercourse, should be sterilized.

Yeah....that seems to be the Conservative argument- just sterilize the women that don't behave.....
We are not that far removed from religious extremists killing infidels in our own country. The KKK was putting out fatwas against infidels in my own lifetime, and their members were executing people.

It would not take much for us to slide back into that madness. There are some on this forum who would welcome it.


LOL! "Far removed"?

Since the early 1970s, 50 million innocent human beings have been OPENLY MURDERED by fundamentalist... such is the depths of their deprivation; their perversion, that they claim a RIGHT to murder the most innocent and helpless of ALL human life.

While I in NO WAY EXCUSE THEIR BEHAVIOR: At the least the Klan rationalized that those they murdered had on SOME LEVEL perpetrated a crime against them... .

The Klan never engaged in the wilfull and wanton behavior that CONCEIVED THOSE THEY MURDERED. The Klan was never SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELL BEING OF THOSE THEY MURDERED.



You know the WORST thing is these statistics:

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

These are women who have had 2 or more abortions and they should be given a choice to have a tubal ligation.
And it would be for the safety of the woman!

According to the best record based study of deaths following pregnancy and abortion,
a 1997 government funded study in Finland, women who abort are approximately four times more likely to die in the following
year than women who carry their pregnancies to term.
In addition, women who carry to term are only half as likely to die as women who were not pregnant.
Abortion Risks A list of major physical complications related to abortion After Abortion

So if these women that have had 2 previous abortions are
A) warned they are cutting their lives short by continuing to have abortions
B) if they wish they can have a tubal ligation thus insuring they at least won't have to worry about having another abortion.

Not only would this reduce the amount of abortions BUT save women's lives!
Why would any feminist be against that?
After all planned parenthood's founder favored ethnic cleansing ...
In fact Planned Parenthood founders hated Black children so much their founder said the following:
Like Adolf Hitler, Margaret Sanger considered herself to be part of a genetically superior elite who had to protect themselves against "hereditary taints."
She set out to start a "New Race" - "A Race of Thoroughbreds."
In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which was renamed "Planned Parenthood" in 1942.
In 1952 she helped found the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), serving as its first president until 1959.
Even today, Planned Parenthood proudly proclaims Margaret Sanger as its "visionary" founder.
The Nuremberg Files Abortion Birth Control Margaret Sanger Founder Planned Parenthood Lancaster PA Pa Abortion Clinic Birth Control Holocaust Murder Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler German Eugenics Murder Nazi Germany

I agree... Women who are not prepared to raise the children that they conceive and who can't find the strength of character to abstain from intercourse, should be sterilized.

Yeah....that seems to be the Conservative argument- just sterilize the women that don't behave.....
Actually that was Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood's idea!
Margaret Sanger, foundress of Planned Parenthood, advocated sterilization of the poor,30 and there have been other attempts at forced
sterilization for population control.3
tubal ligation
Read more about the beloved founder of Planned Parenthood and her objective of sterilization...
12 Disturbing Quotes from Margaret Sanger
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

The intertwining of ecclesiastical and civil law.

1- anti- drug war 2,400,000 incarcerated , thousands dead

2- blue laws

3- anti-prostitution laws

4- ad nauseam
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. The natural consequence of the complimenting genders, analogous to coitus, wherein the male joins the female, making one sustainable body from two.

Actually, the natural thing is for the males to frolic off, spreading their seed among as many females as possible, and killing any other males who attempt to encroach upon their sexual territory.

You're conflating base instinct of the mammal with the higher functioning reason which was endowed to humanity by our Creator.

Wait... are you a Democrat or Labour Party Member? Who axiomatically rejects objectivity, favoring the satisfaction of your own subjective needs?

Because that would explain your public profession of a sub-human traits, claiming them as natural traits of the human, when in fact, they're natural only to species which fall short of humanity.

When ya work that out, be sure to get right back to me!

Oh that's easy... its called Children and Family Services... and while it claims to defend children and promote families, it destroys families and injures children, generally turning out sociopaths... it is truly an LGBT indoctrination center, turning out queers by the GROSS!

As one might expect, it's the embodiment of pure evil
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

The intertwining of ecclesiastical and civil law.

1- anti- drug war 2,400,000 incarcerated , thousands dead

2- blue laws

3- anti-prostitution laws

4- ad nauseam


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