Attempted Hit on the Ramos family

ANEX Mexico, then deport the Mexicans to Gaza, and then we can give that Country to Israel, we can move all the holy soil and crap with them.

I’m joking of course but wouldn’t that be radical?

I lived 50 miles from El Paso and visited El Paso many times. I would go in the Mall in El Paso (penny's) and the sales lady only spoke in Spanish! I'm serious!

It took years of non enforcement of our immigration laws for this problem and the only real fix is to start ENFORCING the law strictly. I couldn't ever understand how our Politician's during the debate about Illegal’s would say "We cannot round them all up? BS we can start rounding them up. Once they know we are serious and enforce those laws and make even tougher new ones for those that break it. Then the problem will be fix in 10,20 or 30 years!

But instead we turn a blind eye and send a differrent message by convicting two guys who were doing their FUCKING job! This is what the left wants to keep doing why? Just because they might vote for the dem ticket. Idiot people, I swear!
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ANEX Mexico, then deport the Mexicans to Gaza, and then we can give that Country to Israel, we can move all the holy soil and crap with them.

I’m joking of course but wouldn’t that be radical?

I lived 50 miles from El Paso and visited El Paso many times. I would go in the Mall in El Paso (penny's) and the sales lady only spoke in Spanish! I'm serious!

It took years of non enforcement of our immigration laws for this problem and the only real fix is to start ENFORCING the law strictly. I couldn't ever understand how our Politician's during the debate about Illegal’s would say "We cannot round them all up? BS we can start rounding them up. Once they know we are serious and enforce those laws and make even tougher new ones for those that break it. Then the problem will be fix in 10,20 or 30 years!

But instead we turn a blind eye and send a differrent message by convicting two guys who were doing their FUCKING job! This is what the left wants to keep doing why? Just because they might vote for the dem ticket. Idiot people, I swear!
Annexing Mexico will only make our problems far worse. I understand your sentiment, but that decision would be purely sentimental.
You did read the part where i said I was joking right? I guess my comedic take on it didn’t read as such.
do you even know the conditions of a pardon? jesus,..

what requirements does the one being pardoned need to meet? and you think the US Attorneys and others are all scumbags? based on what...emotion?
Well it looks like Sutton may not be as big of a scum bag as I thought...

Prosecutor of Jailed Border Patrol Says Sentences Too Harsh -- Time For Bush To Pardon

By Roy Beck, Friday, January 16, 2009, 11:48 AM

Mr. Bush, please listen to your federal prosecutor who doggedly tracked down a convicted drug smuggler in Mexico to convict Border Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos for allegedly over-zealously shooting at the smuggler after a car chase and then a foot sprint back across the border.

To many supporters of the Border Patrol, Prosecutor Sutton himself was guilty of overzealousness in pursuing a criminal conviction of these agents.

But this is what Sutton says about the two agents rotting in prison after two years separation from wives, children, parents and life (with nearly a decade still to serve):

I think a legitimate question, is: 'Is the punishment too harsh?' I have always said the punishment in this case was harsh.

Prosecutor of Jailed Border Patrol Says Sentences Too Harsh -- Time For Bush To Pardon | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
Hell catz, invading Mexico would be anything but a quagmire. It's right next door, and our troops could R&R right there... :lol:

In all seriousness, I think annexing Mexico wouldn't be half the trouble we had in Iraq.

You really are an idiot ain't ya?

Invading Mexico? Just out of curiosity there Jet Boy......did'ja forget about the way things went fucked in Iraq?

Were you there? I think not.........I've been close, like Kuwait, as well as Saudi.

Fucking guys got too much testosterone and not enough sense.....your Netflix account must be all Rambo, eh?
I find it amusing that scatmeow endorses the shooting of border crossers as a method of curbing illegal immigration. For one thing, it's clearly a consequentialist strategy, and allegedly aimed at ending the suffering of immigrants and the suffering of immigrant criminals, which makes it a "utilitarian" strategy.

But no, it's an idiotic plan because scatmeow remains a utilitarian acolyte, and fails to distinguish between an act and a rule. She needs to familiarize herself with R.M. Hare's conception of two-level utilitarianism if she hopes to comment intelligently on this matter. (And I doubt very much that she can.) I reference this because no legislative or judicial body can effectively rule that a few immigrants can be shot to dissuade a larger number from crossing the border.

That being said, shooting a few immigrants at the border will dissuade no one, and they will devise new and better methods of border crossing. More than that, shooting at a coyote is not an advisable strategy unless you want to get shot or shot at yourself; they're generally prepared for such situations.

Even more, scat seems to suffer from a woefully inept vision about what would actually eliminate suffering. Her tunnel vision allows her to visualize immigrants attempting dangerous desert crossings, while not allowing her to visualize what unpleasant factors would have made such an endeavor appear preferable by comparison. If she ever wished to gain a meaningful understanding of immigration as an applied ethical issue, and wanted more information on the utilitarian perspective that she apparently believes that she supports, I would recommend Peter Singer's Insiders and Outsiders.

There's also the rather obvious fact that the "costs" of illegal immigration are typically costs generated by conferring unlawful status upon border crossers. I have pointed this out to kitty; she has been unable to reply to this observation. Hence, her "solution" remains...idiotic, just as I initially pointed out.

All that aside, violence against a few for the purpose of ending the suffering of many is not a tactic that should be immediately cast aside. For instance, the fences constructed by the Minutemen serve as impeding obstacles to those who merely wish to reach a safe haven across the border. It may be necessary to eliminate these obstacles, as well as those who construct them if they attempt to resist. I know for a fact that many young Chicano activists are angered by the presence of those interlopers. At the May Day rallies in Los Angeles, I was organizing with the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Party of Socialism and Liberation, and we collectively obtained thousands of membership subscriptions. We have seen the manner in which the Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (EZLN) has aided the Tzotzil of Chiapas. If MEChA, the Brown Berets, or any other activist group were to ally with the radical socialist parties to form a coalition, they could serve as a powerful vanguard of opposition against the Minutemen and those who would attempt to harm Mexican border crossers...It's not that unlikely a possibility. If violence of the nature that scatmeow advocates was to be committed against border crossers, a backlash would occur. Those who advocate violence against immigrants are not familiar with the political dynamics of the Southwest.

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