Attention, gun control supporters:

Got a link? Of course you don't... That line of BS has been debunked countless times. Here's my link:
Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive | The American Civil Rights Union
Now where's yours? :lol:

I've linked this so many times I'm tired of linking it.

Gun whacks live in their own alternate reality, which is why it's high time to talk past them and just get about fixing the problem. Wayne Foamy LaPeirre says he wants no part of the discussion, and we can have it without him.

NRA had it's chance to participate in the new legislation...they told America to pound salt

Time to proceed without them

No, they said something you didnt want to hear. Time to proceed without you.
Here ya go, fool.

Definition of INFRINGE
transitive verb
: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>

The courts have never had a problem with restricting weapons that are a threat to public safety

Only where emotions are allowed to trump rational thinking... Like NYC, and Chicago.

Like Aurora Colorado and Newtown Connecticut
Every other country that banned or limited private gun ownership had their level of violent crime drop.

In Japan, they had 11 Gun Homicides last year. Compared to our 9148.

Got a link? Of course you don't... That line of BS has been debunked countless times. Here's my link:
Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive | The American Civil Rights Union
Now where's yours? :lol:

I've linked this so many times I'm tired of linking it.

Gun whacks live in their own alternate reality, which is why it's high time to talk past them and just get about fixing the problem. Wayne Foamy LaPeirre says he wants no part of the discussion, and we can have it without him.

Hey dumb ass I'm back now what the hell are you TALKING ABOUT? All the shit I have debunked that you have posted?
The courts have never had a problem with restricting weapons that are a threat to public safety

Only where emotions are allowed to trump rational thinking... Like NYC, and Chicago.

Like Aurora Colorado and Newtown Connecticut

Just like that!! Emotions should not be considered when creating Laws, and trampling people's Constitutional Rights. Thanks for agreeing with me. Although I'm not even sure you even understand that you did. :lol:

You will still be allowed to have guns.......just not as many types

Here's the problem with your "thinking":

The law abiding citizen will not have them, but the criminals will. Now why would you want to give an edge to criminals?

sucks don't it?

Not for the bad guys. For them, it's a tactical advantage.

These weapons have been permitted into the hands of the general public and are being abused.

Time to take away the right

But any abuse is not by the general public. The abuse is by a segment of society already forbidden access to firearms.
Somehow you think limiting my rights will affect the actions of felons.

Outlawing guns won't make anyone but outlaws safer.

The only effect of making the possession of scary looking rifles a felony, would be to make more people felons and thus ineligible to own any weapon.
Got a link? Of course you don't... That line of BS has been debunked countless times. Here's my link:
Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive | The American Civil Rights Union
Now where's yours? :lol:

I've linked this so many times I'm tired of linking it.

Gun whacks live in their own alternate reality, which is why it's high time to talk past them and just get about fixing the problem. Wayne Foamy LaPeirre says he wants no part of the discussion, and we can have it without him.

Hey dumb ass I'm back now what the hell are you TALKING ABOUT? All the shit I have debunked that you have posted?

Please ignore this cocksucker. He will lie, create fictions to win arguments and just generally be the worst poster on this website to justify his shit views of the world and his paranoia that the government is coming to take his guns. bigrebnc1775 continually gets caught in lies and welches.

You will still be allowed to have guns.......just not as many types

sucks don't it?

Here ya go, fool.

Definition of INFRINGE
transitive verb
: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>

The courts have never had a problem with restricting weapons that are a threat to public safety
You are correct the courts have restricted certain types of weapons. They must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and are expected to be supplied by the private citizen and be the kind in common use at the time. Too be protected by the second amendment.
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Here's the problem with your "thinking":

The law abiding citizen will not have them, but the criminals will. Now why would you want to give an edge to criminals?

Not for the bad guys. For them, it's a tactical advantage.

These weapons have been permitted into the hands of the general public and are being abused.

Time to take away the right

But any abuse is not by the general public. The abuse is by a segment of society already forbidden access to firearms.
Somehow you think limiting my rights will affect the actions of felons.

Outlawing guns won't make anyone but outlaws safer.

The only effect of making the possession of scary looking rifles a felony, would be to make more people felons and thus ineligible to own any weapon.

Need to reduce the number of these weapons in general circulation. If you can't go to WalMart and pick up your assignation weapon of be it
These weapons have been permitted into the hands of the general public and are being abused.

Time to take away the right

Hardly. The percentage of guns legally acquired and used for unlawful purposes is probably less than 1%.
And you'd have to amend the Constitution and take out that pesky second amendment thing.

They are the preferred weapon for massacres

No need to repeal the second amendment. There is precedent for restricting these weapons

Yea, how many massacres in which legal guns was used occurred the last lets say ten years?
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Hardly. The percentage of guns legally acquired and used for unlawful purposes is probably less than 1%.
And you'd have to amend the Constitution and take out that pesky second amendment thing.

They are the preferred weapon for massacres

No need to repeal the second amendment. There is precedent for restricting these weapons

Yea, how many massacres in which legal guns was used occurred the last lest say ten years?

Sadly, WAY too many
I don't do links because 1) I've already done them, a bunch of times and 2) You guys go back to your happy place of Gun Industry Flacks that produce crap statistics that say what you want them to say...

Fact is, we are the only industrial democracy that allows this level of gun ownership, we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

So throwing in some "but, the Japanese have more suicides" or some such non-sequiter, doesn't make much of a difference than to try to confuse the issue.

And people aren't buying the BS anymore.

More Americans prioritize gun control above Second Amendment rights by the widest margin since President Barack Obama took office, according to a new poll released Thursday in wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.

Forty-nine percent of those polled said it’s more important to control gun ownership, compared to 42 percent who say it’s more important to protect Americans’ rights to own guns, according to a Pew Research Center Poll.

Read more: Poll: Gun control trumps gun rights - Kevin Cirilli -

Our high crime rate has nothing to do with guns.

Guns kinda just sit there, doing absolutely nothing until they get picked up by a criminal.

Mine, anyway, haven't moved or said a word all day. None has committed a crime, EVER, though several have been used to take a life
New restrictions on guns and magazines will be forthcoming. It is going to happen

Gun owners will bitch and life will go on
I guess rightwinger has nothing to say after realizing he bolstered my "emotion" argument.
New restrictions on guns and magazines will be forthcoming. It is going to happen

Gun owners will bitch and life will go on

Bet you anything it doesn't happen.

Looks like we are going to see

Sandy Hook Elementary is the 9-11 of massacres

Life will not be the same again. The public will not accept.....nothing we can do about it any more
New restrictions on guns and magazines will be forthcoming. It is going to happen

Gun owners will bitch and life will go on

I'll ask again... How do you propose to enforce those restrictions that does not violate the Constitution? If I already own those items that scare you... How will they be Constitutionally taken away from me? Simple question.
Numbers were accurate, and frankly, I'd rather have Australia's murder rate than ours...

They haven't had a mass shooting since the gun ban was imposed.

And the problem isn't that anyone is suggesting a complete ban...just the totally unnecessary military style weapons which are only designed for one kill humans.

What constitutes an &#8216;unnecessary military style weapon&#8217;?

Read what I posted. Weapons which have no other purpose than to kill human beings. What the fuck has this nation turned into? A bunch of lilly livered cowards who have to display their testosterone by carrying a deadly weapon when they take their family on a picnic, go shopping or to church. The Republican party has turned into a god damned joke and if they don't catch on they're history.
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