Attention, gun control supporters:

Go back and re-read the posts. You said: "we ALREADY have hundreds of of laws restricing and regulating firearms in this nation we don't need anymore"

But there is a loophole in one of those laws that allows a criminal or a mentally ill person to be able to buy weapons at gun shows without a background check. It THAT OK with you? NO you're wrong, it is not a loop hole where people can buy guns at a gun show wihout a background check, I told you, a DEALER MUST, by law, run the same checks at a gun show as if you went to their shop. As far as a private citizen's sale, it is also ALREADY against the law for a private individual to sell a firearm to a KNOWN felon or psycho whether they sell it from their home, in the street, at the mall or at a gun show so we don't need any other new laws that would add nothing to that.

The other crap you said is false. Nothing I wrote is false, EVERYTHING I said I can provide proof as to it's factualness and truthfullness.

No one who commits a crime that would qualify as being punishable by execution, or violent repeat offenders are released from prison. Liberals have no 'mindset' to release violent repeat offenders into society. You're either ignorant, a liar or you live with your head in the sand or up your ass, because we release violent murderers, rapists, car jackerers, armed robbers, child molestors, etc, EVERY FREAKING DAY in this nation

Liberal New York State has a involuntary commitment law. But, there are a number of liberty issues with involuntary commitment, but you right wing 'individual liberty' types are totally obtuse to the dangers they create for innocent people. And you left wingnuts are totally unconcerned about letting violent sociopaths live among us and even in sates that have involuntary committment laws you make the process of committing these scumbags almost impossibile to carry out.

1) I already provide proof with hidden camera video that anyone can buy weapons at a gun show without a background check. Investigators with hidden cameras traveled to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

The investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.

2) They are NOT releasing violent murderers, rapists, car skyjackers, armed robbers, child molesters, etc, EVERY FREAKING DAY in this nation. If anything, our nation has more people incarcerated who should have never been imprisoned in the first place. Especially marijuana users.

3) You like to throw around insults like Stalinist and statist. But you are the REAL Stalinist and the REAL statist. Since when does having a mental problem automatically make you guilty of being a 'violent sociopath' and a 'scumbag'? Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat. And WHO decides if you should be removed from society...the STATE.

4) You obviously have a serious mental problem. It is clearly apparent from what you say. You should be committed immediately. I will make the phone call right now...

You're right. Anyone who is determined can buy a gun in this country. Remind me how anything that has been proposed will stop that.

1) I already provide proof with hidden camera video that anyone can buy weapons at a gun show without a background check. Investigators with hidden cameras traveled to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

The investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.

2) They are NOT releasing violent murderers, rapists, car skyjackers, armed robbers, child molesters, etc, EVERY FREAKING DAY in this nation. If anything, our nation has more people incarcerated who should have never been imprisoned in the first place. Especially marijuana users.

3) You like to throw around insults like Stalinist and statist. But you are the REAL Stalinist and the REAL statist. Since when does having a mental problem automatically make you guilty of being a 'violent sociopath' and a 'scumbag'? Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat. And WHO decides if you should be removed from society...the STATE.

4) You obviously have a serious mental problem. It is clearly apparent from what you say. You should be committed immediately. I will make the phone call right now...

You're right. Anyone who is determined can buy a gun in this country. Remind me how anything that has been proposed will stop that.

Anyone who wants to speed will ignore speed limit signs. NOW what? Your argument has been reduced to a childish thought.
Go back and re-read the posts. You said: "we ALREADY have hundreds of of laws restricing and regulating firearms in this nation we don't need anymore"

But there is a loophole in one of those laws that allows a criminal or a mentally ill person to be able to buy weapons at gun shows without a background check. It THAT OK with you? NO you're wrong, it is not a loop hole where people can buy guns at a gun show wihout a background check, I told you, a DEALER MUST, by law, run the same checks at a gun show as if you went to their shop. As far as a private citizen's sale, it is also ALREADY against the law for a private individual to sell a firearm to a KNOWN felon or psycho whether they sell it from their home, in the street, at the mall or at a gun show so we don't need any other new laws that would add nothing to that.

The other crap you said is false. Nothing I wrote is false, EVERYTHING I said I can provide proof as to it's factualness and truthfullness.

No one who commits a crime that would qualify as being punishable by execution, or violent repeat offenders are released from prison. Liberals have no 'mindset' to release violent repeat offenders into society. You're either ignorant, a liar or you live with your head in the sand or up your ass, because we release violent murderers, rapists, car jackerers, armed robbers, child molestors, etc, EVERY FREAKING DAY in this nation

Liberal New York State has a involuntary commitment law. But, there are a number of liberty issues with involuntary commitment, but you right wing 'individual liberty' types are totally obtuse to the dangers they create for innocent people. And you left wingnuts are totally unconcerned about letting violent sociopaths live among us and even in sates that have involuntary committment laws you make the process of committing these scumbags almost impossibile to carry out.

1) I already provide proof with hidden camera video that anyone can buy weapons at a gun show without a background check. Investigators with hidden cameras traveled to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

The investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.

1.) According to Federal statistics, only 2% of criminals obtained their weapons from gun shows.

And stop conflating private sellers with dealers, they're two different animals.

2) They are NOT releasing violent murderers, rapists, car skyjackers, armed robbers, child molesters, etc, EVERY FREAKING DAY in this nation. If anything, our nation has more people incarcerated who should have never been imprisoned in the first place. Especially marijuana users.

2.) Go educate yourself...

3) You like to throw around insults like Stalinist and statist. But you are the REAL Stalinist and the REAL statist. Since when does having a mental problem automatically make you guilty of being a 'violent sociopath' and a 'scumbag'? Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat. And WHO decides if you should be removed from society...the STATE.

3.) Isn't that what you want to do to gun purchasers? Or would it just be easier to violate law-abiding citizens' rights? You can't have it both ways, you know...

4) You obviously have a serious mental problem. It is clearly apparent from what you say. You should be committed immediately. I will make the phone call right now...

Good thing they have Caller ID...
1) I already provide proof with hidden camera video that anyone can buy weapons at a gun show without a background check. Investigators with hidden cameras traveled to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

The investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.

2) They are NOT releasing violent murderers, rapists, car skyjackers, armed robbers, child molesters, etc, EVERY FREAKING DAY in this nation. If anything, our nation has more people incarcerated who should have never been imprisoned in the first place. Especially marijuana users.

3) You like to throw around insults like Stalinist and statist. But you are the REAL Stalinist and the REAL statist. Since when does having a mental problem automatically make you guilty of being a 'violent sociopath' and a 'scumbag'? Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat. And WHO decides if you should be removed from society...the STATE.

4) You obviously have a serious mental problem. It is clearly apparent from what you say. You should be committed immediately. I will make the phone call right now...

You're right. Anyone who is determined can buy a gun in this country. Remind me how anything that has been proposed will stop that.

Anyone who wants to speed will ignore speed limit signs. NOW what? Your argument has been reduced to a childish thought.

OK. Are you trying to make my case for me? What do you propose that would actually stop prohibited people from acquiring guns? What law do you think they would obey when they aren't obeying existing laws?
This thread has proven the liberal gun grab is nothing more than a HOAX in order to disarm the American citizen. It's what our Founders were most concerned about when crafting the 2nd amendment. I've not read ONE SINGLE argument or fact in how creating new laws and taking weapons from legal and responsible Americans will STOP a lunatic from shooting up restaurants, schools, etc. NOT ONE ARGUMENT.

1) I already provide proof with hidden camera video that anyone can buy weapons at a gun show without a background check. Investigators with hidden cameras traveled to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

The investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.

1.) According to Federal statistics, only 2% of criminals obtained their weapons from gun shows.

And stop conflating private sellers with dealers, they're two different animals.

2.) Go educate yourself...

3) You like to throw around insults like Stalinist and statist. But you are the REAL Stalinist and the REAL statist. Since when does having a mental problem automatically make you guilty of being a 'violent sociopath' and a 'scumbag'? Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat. And WHO decides if you should be removed from society...the STATE.

3.) Isn't that what you want to do to gun purchasers? Or would it just be easier to violate law-abiding citizens' rights? You can't have it both ways, you know...

4) You obviously have a serious mental problem. It is clearly apparent from what you say. You should be committed immediately. I will make the phone call right now...

Good thing they have Caller ID...

You seriously can't be equating an inanimate metal object with a human being, are you? Let's say they pass a law that outlaws assault rifles and you own one. Will the quality of your life be diminished?

You folks really need to think before you emote.
This thread has proven the liberal gun grab is nothing more than a HOAX in order to disarm the American citizen. It's what our Founders were most concerned about when crafting the 2nd amendment. I've not read ONE SINGLE argument or fact in how creating new laws and taking weapons from legal and responsible Americans will STOP a lunatic from shooting up restaurants, schools, etc. NOT ONE ARGUMENT.

This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.
This thread has proven the liberal gun grab is nothing more than a HOAX in order to disarm the American citizen. It's what our Founders were most concerned about when crafting the 2nd amendment. I've not read ONE SINGLE argument or fact in how creating new laws and taking weapons from legal and responsible Americans will STOP a lunatic from shooting up restaurants, schools, etc. NOT ONE ARGUMENT.

This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.

You're a fucking looneytoon if you don't think some want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens.
This thread has proven the liberal gun grab is nothing more than a HOAX in order to disarm the American citizen. It's what our Founders were most concerned about when crafting the 2nd amendment. I've not read ONE SINGLE argument or fact in how creating new laws and taking weapons from legal and responsible Americans will STOP a lunatic from shooting up restaurants, schools, etc. NOT ONE ARGUMENT.

This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.

You're a fucking looneytoon if you don't think some want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens.

I'm sure there are 'some'. But NONE that are a Senator, Congressman or a Mayor. And you folks keep forgetting how laws are made. They have to be authored, with specific language. Then they are debated and sent to committees. Then they are voted on.
This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.

You're a fucking looneytoon if you don't think some want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens.

I'm sure there are 'some'. But NONE that are a Senator, Congressman or a Mayor. And you folks keep forgetting how laws are made. They have to be authored, with specific language. Then they are debated and sent to committees. Then they are voted on.
For starters.
Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Dick Durbin
Mike DeWine
Michael Rubens Bloomberg
This thread has proven the liberal gun grab is nothing more than a HOAX in order to disarm the American citizen. It's what our Founders were most concerned about when crafting the 2nd amendment. I've not read ONE SINGLE argument or fact in how creating new laws and taking weapons from legal and responsible Americans will STOP a lunatic from shooting up restaurants, schools, etc. NOT ONE ARGUMENT.

This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.

The only people not REQUIRED to perform a background check are PRIVATE sellers. ALL licensed gun dealers are REQUIRED to perform a background check, even at gun shows.

Federal statistics show that only 2% of criminals purchased their weapons at gun shows.

You're trying to fix a non-existent problem.
The goddamned gun laws and regulation is piss poor and needs something done besides what the gun owners and NRA want.

And your solution?

Does it involve keeping certain firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens, thereby giving a tactical edge to crazies and criminals? Naw, nobody could be that stupid.

Does in involve restricting the inalienable right to protect oneself? No...who would do such a dumb thing?

Does it involve disarming the people? Well, only someone ignorant to history would suggest that!

Does it involve un-inventing firearms? Now that's just silly.

Anyway, your solution?

p.s. If it involves tougher sentences for those that utilize a firearm in the commission of their crime, I'm on board.

My bad I suppose. I would never say anything that idiotic. I was quoting Cammmpbell.

Well please start using the quote function.
"criminals" aren't the problem. Most gun murders are usually domestic arguments that wouldn't have lead to a murder if a gun hadn't been in the house. The same can be said about the 16K gun sucides we have every year.

The Japanese, whom you guys love to point out as having a wondrous gun-free culture, manage to commit over 30,000 suicides every year.

Now what were you saying about banning guns and preventing suicides?

Guns cause suicide. They sit and whisper to their owners "do it. do it." Didn't you ever hear that?
And Joe is full of shit. It isn't that he doesn't know anything. It's that whatever he knows is wrong.

The Japanese religion believes you'll come back in a better form if you die.

The American/CHristian religion believes you'll go to hell and burn forever and ever if you kill youself.

The fact that we have as many sucides in a society that considers it a sin as one that considers it honorable... just shows we have too many guns.
You're right. Anyone who is determined can buy a gun in this country. Remind me how anything that has been proposed will stop that.

Anyone who wants to speed will ignore speed limit signs. NOW what? Your argument has been reduced to a childish thought.

OK. Are you trying to make my case for me? What do you propose that would actually stop prohibited people from acquiring guns? What law do you think they would obey when they aren't obeying existing laws?

So you have established that it is easy to get a gun even if you are a criminal. What do you propose that would fix that problem? We've already established that msot guns used in crimes come from ones that were stolen. What law would stop people who are not deterred by laws?
You seriously can't be equating an inanimate metal object with a human being, are you? Let's say they pass a law that outlaws assault rifles and you own one. Will the quality of your life be diminished?

You folks really need to think before you emote.

I'll type slowly so you can keep up.

You stated "Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat."

And yet you liberals advocate infringing our 2nd Amendment rights on the VERY SAME BASIS.

Seems a bit contradictory to me....
The Japanese, whom you guys love to point out as having a wondrous gun-free culture, manage to commit over 30,000 suicides every year.

Now what were you saying about banning guns and preventing suicides?

Guns cause suicide. They sit and whisper to their owners "do it. do it." Didn't you ever hear that?
And Joe is full of shit. It isn't that he doesn't know anything. It's that whatever he knows is wrong.

The Japanese religion believes you'll come back in a better form if you die.

The American/CHristian religion believes you'll go to hell and burn forever and ever if you kill youself.

The fact that we have as many sucides in a society that considers it a sin as one that considers it honorable... just shows we have too many guns.

Huh? That's a non-sequitur. Even for you. You might as well say the Japanese eat too much rice and this is their problem.
Another Joe-fail. Twice the fail of a normal fail.
The Japanese, whom you guys love to point out as having a wondrous gun-free culture, manage to commit over 30,000 suicides every year.

Now what were you saying about banning guns and preventing suicides?

Guns cause suicide. They sit and whisper to their owners "do it. do it." Didn't you ever hear that?
And Joe is full of shit. It isn't that he doesn't know anything. It's that whatever he knows is wrong.

The Japanese religion believes you'll come back in a better form if you die.

The American/CHristian religion believes you'll go to hell and burn forever and ever if you kill youself.

The fact that we have as many sucides in a society that considers it a sin as one that considers it honorable... just shows we have too many guns.

What it shows is that not enough Americans have Christian, anti-suicide beliefs.
You're a fucking looneytoon if you don't think some want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens.

I'm sure there are 'some'. But NONE that are a Senator, Congressman or a Mayor. And you folks keep forgetting how laws are made. They have to be authored, with specific language. Then they are debated and sent to committees. Then they are voted on.
For starters.
Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Dick Durbin
Mike DeWine
Michael Rubens Bloomberg

Yes, that is a list of Senators, Congressman and Mayors. NONE have proposed taking away everyone's guns. They have proposed specific laws that would have little or no negative effect on law abiding gun owners.
Guns cause suicide. They sit and whisper to their owners "do it. do it." Didn't you ever hear that?
And Joe is full of shit. It isn't that he doesn't know anything. It's that whatever he knows is wrong.

The Japanese religion believes you'll come back in a better form if you die.

The American/CHristian religion believes you'll go to hell and burn forever and ever if you kill youself.

The fact that we have as many sucides in a society that considers it a sin as one that considers it honorable... just shows we have too many guns.

Huh? That's a non-sequitur. Even for you. You might as well say the Japanese eat too much rice and this is their problem.
Another Joe-fail. Twice the fail of a normal fail.

nnoooooo.... not really.

It's a matter of culture. Suicide is acceptable in their culture, you would expect to see more of it. Hari-Kari, Seppukku, Kamikazi pilots, Bushido... they've had thousands of years of accepting suicide as normal, despite westernizing influences of the last half century.

We have thousands of Judeo-Christian philosophy that says suicides is the gravest of sins.

So, yeah, I would expect them to have more suicides than we have.

The thing is, their suicide rate is about 18.41/100K people, ours is 11.96/100K- Higher than most western democracies...

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