Attorney General Merrick Garland set to make statement, days after FBI raid on Trump home at Mar-a-Lago

President Donald Trump and his lawyers were given the search warrant, but he said that he wouldn't make it public. The judge who signed off on it, however, asked the Justice Department to consider it.

Garland revealed that he personally signed off on the act and went on to emphatically chastise those attacking the Justice Department and the FBI implying improper behavior.

Trump made the fact a warrant was served. His lawyers can’t suppress it now. Hey Donny, Merrick Garland isn’t the least bit afraid of you or your brain dead minions. You’re done you orange fat fuck.
Yeah, they really got him this time. :laughing0301:
The findings are due now. Are they really going to try to stretch it until after the mid-terms?

The raid was two days ago
What findings do you expect?

Trump is not running in the midterms
So lessee: it took Garland three days to come up with: "I ordered this, the FBI are good people who follow the law, and, this is all I can say at this time!"

In two minutes, he managed to promote numerous lies:
  1. The order was not court-approved. It was "approved" by a local magistrate already famous for his anti-Trump bias.
  2. It was NOT authorized by any federal court. The magistrate is a local judge who until recently, was just a practicing lawyer who had ties to defending Epstein.
  3. He skates around the issue of probable cause--- just what WAS the probable cause to raid a president's home? The question everyone wants answered.
  4. The receipt for the absconded property was NOT left with the property owner because they waited until Trump was not even in the state.
  5. Law prevents disclosure? So, Garland would say more but the law just wouldn't allow him? C'mon. The guy told us nothing the world didn't already know.
I'm calling bullshit. This is the best they got after three days raiding a president's home? Garland just finished his career.
I predict that the announcement will be a nothingburger that only contains a valid excuse for why the bulk of it must remain secret.

But still, Garland will understand that he has to offer a few crumbs to the extreme rightists in order to maintain peace in the land.

There's a huge possibility of one gun crazed extremist setting a match to the gas tank, and that would then spiral out of control with group action by the ex-military extremist 'proud boys' and like crazies.

They are bound to come out with their AR's and other impressive pseudo-military force.
You clowns always talk a good game about right wing violence, but it’s always your ilk that does it.
Trump has gotten away with far too much, for far too long, and I say that as someone who doesn't have a pathological hatred of Trump. I just can't believe so many of his fanboys can't figure out that they're getting conned.

Answer me this: if he felt his patriots who ransacked the Capitol were truly patriots and defending the Constitution, why didn't he at least try to pardon every last one of them in advance? He could have. He didn't. Hundreds of people are looking at bankruptcy, prison time, and a criminal record because of his lies and their bizarro willingness to sacrifice themselves for a big lie about the election.

Answer me this, too. Why won't he show us the warrant from the Mar-a-Lago raid? He could. He hasn't.

Why did he plead the fifth 440 times in a recorded deposition? He could have just answered questions. He didn't.

That's quite the conspiracy theory.
what has trump gotten away with?
F you and your SS Gestapo DemNazi FBI who knowingly lied about Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane and still pursued their witch hunt knowing that it was entirely based on lies that they and The Obama Administration manufactured and financed themselves.

Both The Biden Gestapo DOJ and FBI are in violation of The Law for refusing to abide by a Federal Court order and turn over documents related to Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane.

The DOJ and FBI should both be struck by a Flaming Meteorite Sent from God from The Heavens.

And next up we have 87,000 Stormtroopers Joe Biden will be sending out to torment American Taxpayers and bludgeon them into submission, while Joe coddles illegal aliens and just hands them our tax dollars.

This is what you DemNazi pukes voted for!

Heil Shitler!
Nice home videos you've got there.
what has trump gotten away with?

Probably a shit ton of financial crimes, tax fraud, false statements under penalty of perjury, and mishandling of classified information.

I'm not entirely convinced that Garland actually wants to charge Trump with crimes, but just wanted the effing classified documents back.
Aren't they supposed to know what they were looking for? They found it or not. What sort of incompetent morons are we paying for? Sad.

That comes once they file charges

Why would they release documents now?

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