Attorney on Trump jury: ".. the facts that may well not add up to a criminal violation"


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024

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...the jury unanimously agreed on a complicated set of facts that may well not add up to a criminal violation. It found that in 2016, Trump had paid porn star Stephanie Clifford (stage name, Stormy Daniels) $170,000 to keep silent about an alleged affair. That in itself does not violate the law.

The jury must have agreed with Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer at the time, that Trump improperly filed these payments as "legal expenses" rather than as a contribution to his own presidential campaign. This might be a misdemeanor, worthy of a fine, but not by itself a felony.

Appeals courts have little interest in second-guessing a trial judge on evidentiary rulings, but Judge Merchan made several serious errors of law well-poised for reversal. For example, he allowed the prosecution to withhold the second, greater crime allegedly enabled by the bookkeeping shenanigans until the very end of the trial. This violated Trump’s constitutional right of clear notice of the charges so he could put on an adequate defense.
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This is the guy that provided a legal opinion backing the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretapping program.

And he wrote memos in support of torture at Gitomo.

He was found guilty of war crimes by the

I would not trust him if he told me it was daylight at noon.
This is the guy that provided a legal opinion backing the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretapping program.

And he wrote memos in support of torture at Gitomo.

He was found guilty of war crimes by the

I would not trust him if he told me it was daylight at noon.
Your post does not make sense

And also, people differ widely on their definition of "torture"

In times of war, certain things appear to be necessary for protecting one's country or allies

from site

...the jury unanimously agreed on a complicated set of facts that may well not add up to a criminal violation. It found that in 2016, Trump had paid porn star Stephanie Clifford (stage name, Stormy Daniels) $170,000 to keep silent about an alleged affair. That in itself does not violate the law.

The jury must have agreed with Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer at the time, that Trump improperly filed these payments as "legal expenses" rather than as a contribution to his own presidential campaign. This might be a misdemeanor, worthy of a fine, but not by itself a felony.

Appeals courts have little interest in second-guessing a trial judge on evidentiary rulings, but Judge Merchan made several serious errors of law well-poised for reversal. For example, he allowed the prosecution to withhold the second, greater crime allegedly enabled by the bookkeeping shenanigans until the very end of the trial. This violated Trump’s constitutional right of clear notice of the charges so he could put on an adequate defense.
yet, the felon was convicted.

if you were the judge in this case, trying to deliver a fair sentence, do you take into account the constant contempt of court, gag order violations, death threats and other trumian chaos?

or do you take the high road and give him the same sentence bernie maddow got on the same crime?
John Yoo

Are you kidding??
typical, say-nothing lib comment

Trump's fund raising went through the roof. thanks, deviants and left wing psychos.

Psycho is right!

Rs in Congress need to realize just HOW psycho leftists are..

Everything they say is a blatant lie or egregious distortion of truth..
John Yoo

Are you kidding??
Say he isn't qualified to have an informed opinion. The man's credentials are VERY solid:

Say he isn't qualified to have an informed opinion. The man's credentials are VERY solid:

Considering his previous opinions

Say he isn't qualified to have an informed opinion. The man's credentials are VERY solid:

It's just a parroting of Saul Alinsky who said to always put down others who disagree w/ you or something to that effect... he was big on ridiculing your opponents.. lovely person.. probably frying in hell as we speak
Neither did most of the people on this forum

or anywhere else.

If the Rs in Congress don't see leftists for the demoniacs they are after THIS

it's hopeless

I don't expect much from the RNC re backing up Trump; he has yet to drive out the vermin from his own Party. Too many still around waiting to stab him to death. But, by the end of his 2nd term those that are easily bribed will be gone, hopefully. I sort of hope he goes outside the Party for a VP running mate.

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