Aurora shooter should never have had a firearm...the system failed

So u walk around with a gun paranoid?.... dont have to live in fear and paranoia... billions of us didnt and dont.

I carry a wide variety of self-Defense tools at any particular time and place, including in my own home. Mostly because I don’t trust anyone on this planet other than myself.

Then billions of you are fools who get what you deserve.
You are a sad case of paranoia....I wouldnt be surprised if you kill when you are pissed or triggered like others .
400 years my are just an immigrant and American as I am....i love this country but it has its flaws to be addressed, one of that you dont have to live in fear from being shot and you dont have to see thousands dead each year.

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
You are a sad case of paranoia....I wouldnt be surprised if you kill when you are pissed or triggered like others .

Having been around almost 45 years, I have still not found anyone else in the world who has MY best interests as their top priority. Therefore nobody else can be trusted. That’s not paranoia, just common sense.
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

400 years my are just an immigrant and American as I am....i love this country but it has its flaws to be addressed, one of that you dont have to live in fear from being shot and you dont have to see thousands dead each year.

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid?.... dont have to live in fear and paranoia... billions of us didnt and dont.

I carry a wide variety of self-Defense tools at any particular time and place, including in my own home. Mostly because I don’t trust anyone on this planet other than myself.

Then billions of you are fools who get what you deserve.
You are a sad case of paranoia....I wouldnt be surprised if you kill when you are pissed or triggered like others .

No, asshole. I gave up my right to be an asshole when I started carrying.
You are a sad case of paranoia....I wouldnt be surprised if you kill when you are pissed or triggered like others .

Having been around almost 45 years, I have still not found anyone else in the world who has MY best interests as their top priority. Therefore nobody else can be trusted. That’s not paranoia, just common sense.
Have been outside the US?
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

400 years my are just an immigrant and American as I am....i love this country but it has its flaws to be addressed, one of that you dont have to live in fear from being shot and you dont have to see thousands dead each year.

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

400 years my are just an immigrant and American as I am....i love this country but it has its flaws to be addressed, one of that you dont have to live in fear from being shot and you dont have to see thousands dead each year.

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
We went that route dozens of times here....stats show gun owners are more like will get harmed or harm someone.
Lived and visited gun free countries and in the US...america has a gun violence epidemic thousands get killed due to availability of guns.
Marriage gone wrong kill the wife and kids.
Fired from q jpb go ina shooting spree.
Traffic stop ? Shoot the cop.
Hate blacks? Go to their church and shoot them.
Wanna rob? Get a gun.
3ben kid kill mistakenly
Teenagers go on a shooting spree....
Only in ametica... you fools try and play dumb.
[QUOTE="Issa, post: 21834446, member: 62493”]Have been outside the US?[/QUOTE]

Once, at age eight, for about six hours, to Niagra Falls Canada. I have zero interest in ever leaving the US again.
You do realize half the population of Switzerland owns guns, right? 45.2 per every 100 residents. Much higher than the US.
Except that isn't true..not in any way, shape or form......

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Meanwhile, in Britain, illegal guns are flooding the country, despite their having banned and confiscated guns...
U always bring Britain as an example lol....dude compare the US to Switzerland. Morocco, UAE, Iraq even, Ieland, Canada, and tons of other countries.
I guess thousands of deaths to you ea h yeat is just a number.

Moron...Switzerland has more guns than we do, and they are fully automatic military weapons.....

I guess the fact that Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders each year mean nothing to you.....lives saved, lives not destroyed by violent criminals, vs the 10,982 gun murders in this country where 70-80% of the victims are criminals, engaged in the criminal lifestyle...which means about 2,000 innocent people are murdered by guns, and of those, the majority are friends and family of the criminals, caught up in their lifestyle.......

1.1 million lives saved from destruction vs. 2,000....meanwhile, cars kill over 38,000 lives a year, and Medical Doctors over 250,000 each year......

The numbers say you are wrong.
Can you talk to us a little bit about gun laws in Switzerland?
Can you also tell us about deaths from gun by ratio in the US and Switzerland please? Can you also tell us how .any mass shootings in both countries last year?
I have been to Switzerland numerous times not one seen in local news a shooting in the US is every second.

The difference is Switzerland does not have a NRA sucking off gun manufactorer's tit....

It wasn't the NRA who let this guy buy a gun as a felon, was your god "government," that did that....
400 years my are just an immigrant and American as I am....i love this country but it has its flaws to be addressed, one of that you dont have to live in fear from being shot and you dont have to see thousands dead each year.

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.

No....being a democrat will get you shot more than anything, as well as being a criminal. Normal people who own guns are safer with their gun than with their car....

Car accidental deaths in 2017...... 38,659

Accidental gun deaths in 2017......486
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
We went that route dozens of times here....stats show gun owners are more like will get harmed or harm someone.
Lived and visited gun free countries and in the US...america has a gun violence epidemic thousands get killed due to availability of guns.
Marriage gone wrong kill the wife and kids.
Fired from q jpb go ina shooting spree.
Traffic stop ? Shoot the cop.
Hate blacks? Go to their church and shoot them.
Wanna rob? Get a gun.
3ben kid kill mistakenly
Teenagers go on a shooting spree....
Only in ametica... you fools try and play dumb.

Nope....the truth, the facts and the real world say you don't know what you are talking about....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
From a gun forum-
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates were:160

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

160 British Home Office – not a “pro-gun” organization by any means"

This is a direct quote from Gun Facts version 5.1 copyright 2009 page 28. I will trust them over some hoplophobe running off at the mouth. If you don't have Gun Facts I suggest you download it now, it's free.
Gun Facts - Debunking Gun Policy Misinformation

My family came here less than a decade after the Plgrims landed... so YES, nearly 400 years. My family helped kill the former owners of this land fair and square. Yours didn’t.

This country has massive flaws, most of which can be traced back to letting more immigrants into this country. Especially ones who don’t like what this nation was intended to be.

I don’t live in fear of being shot because I know I’m better armed and trained than 90%+ of the people around me.
So u walk around with a gun paranoid? Trust me tougher than you and more trained than got shot and killed even with a back up.
The moral of the story you dont have to live in fear and paranoia...billions of us didnt and dont.

Bullshit. I've carried every day since 2011. I carry to the store, to work, to church, to weddings, funerals, parties, everywhere it's not "prohibited."

It's not "paranoia" and it's not "fear." It's a constitutionally-guaranteed right and if you don't use your rights, you lose them. I am a trusted and vetted individual in the eyes of my local, states, and federal governments, and no gun-hater like yourself has any say in the matter.

You on the other hand, are no more than a potential murder victim, thanks to your ignorance and fear of firearms. No thanks, I will take advantage of the tools I need to ensure the safety of my own life, and the lives of my family members.
Having a gun you more likely will get harm than non gun owners....stats are here to back it up.
We went that route dozens of times here....stats show gun owners are more like will get harmed or harm someone.
Lived and visited gun free countries and in the US...america has a gun violence epidemic thousands get killed due to availability of guns.
Marriage gone wrong kill the wife and kids.
Fired from q jpb go ina shooting spree.
Traffic stop ? Shoot the cop.
Hate blacks? Go to their church and shoot them.
Wanna rob? Get a gun.
3ben kid kill mistakenly
Teenagers go on a shooting spree....
Only in ametica... you fools try and play dumb.

Normal Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, not end them.....rapes, robberies and murders that are stopped and lives that are saved by normal Americans with guns.

And as research shows, armed civilians at the scene of mass public shootings have a 94% success rate at stopping the shooter and/or reducing the deaths and injuries.....

You don't know what you are talking about...

And Britain can't stop the illegal guns flooding into their country as their young people murder each other more and more...their social welfare state can no longer raise young males into responsible men..... you are going to see problems there like we used to have in the 1960s going into the 1990s...but their people will be helpless....

You are a moron.......

Aurora Shooter Had Felony Record Before Getting His Illinois FOID Card, Gun - The Truth About Guns

According to the Chicago Tribune, Martin was issued an Illinois firearmowner identification (FOID) card back in 2014 despite a record that included a Mississippi felony conviction. FOID in hand, he then purchased a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber pistol.

He applied for a concealed carry permit shortly after purchasing the gun, according to police. During the fingerprinting and background process, Martin’s conviction in Mississippi was discovered and his concealed carry application was denied. He had also had his firearmlicense revoked by the Illinois State Police, Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman said.

Martin had six prior arrests by the Aurora police, including charges of domestic violence.

So let’s see where we are here. We have a convicted felon in illegal possession of a firearm. He must have lied about his record on his FOID application, which would have been another crime.

Martin was able to purchase his gun legally thanks to an error by the Illinois State Police, who failed to find his felony conviction and issued the FOID card. And the Mississippi felony apparently didn’t show up on the NICS background check Martin underwent when he bought the handgun, either.

So Martin was a criminal in illegal possession of a firearm, carrying a gunon his employer’s premises (which, no doubt, was also a gun-free zone).

So please, Speaker Pelosi, tell us once again how universal background checks are going to keep us all safe and reduce the “epidemic” of “gun violence” that we’re told plagues this country.

The OP, Stalin, Hitler and Mao all agree that the way to prevent these mass killing sprees by armed individuals is for the people to surrender their Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness to an all-powerful government
Hitler disarmed everyone and his army rolled over Poland without having weapons. Good one.
The laws failed....This is evidence that more laws are needed!

Folks, it just doesn't get anymore STOOPIT than this!
but...but....This time it will work!!
Religion such as Christianity is a component of our nation but has been thinned out over the last half century or so. Progressives have hammered Christianity every chance they get. To move SJW it had to be done. However Christianity provided one other thing as part of the whole American package. It provided a higher percentage of potential guilt when contemplating and then committing heinous crimes. So more people may be pushed to the edge with no barriers to stop falling over. So Thoughts and Prayers worked in another time much better when more people had a bit of Religion in them. It does not mean people could still not be scumbags though.

The OP, Stalin, Hitler and Mao all agree that the way to prevent these mass killing sprees by armed individuals is for the people to surrender their Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness to an all-powerful government
Hitler disarmed everyone and his army rolled over Poland without having weapons. Good one.

You're not making any sense.

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