Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will It Be Allowed?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will It Be Allowed?



Dueling baby balloons may compete for air space over London for President Trump's visit.
A crowdfunding campaign set up to counter-protest the “Trump baby” balloon due to fly over London when President Trump visits this week, has already raised over £36,000, crushing its £10,000 target goal.

The nearly 20-foot tall anti-Trump balloon "with a malevolent face and tiny hands" was approved by London Mayor Sadiq Khan last week. It is being allowed to fly over British parliament next Friday during the president’s three-day trip.

According to CNN, a spokesperson for Khan said of the "Baby Trump" blimp: "The Mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms. His city operations team have met with the organizers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp."

We'll see if Khan's support for "peaceful protest" holds true when the protest targets Khan himself.

Yanny Bruere, a law student and free speech advocate, aims to counter the anti-Trump protest with a "Baby Kahn" balloon.

Bruere, who is originally from the UK but now lives in Spain, is hoping Khan and the London assembly will allow him to fly his balloon, which has already attracted more donations than the Baby Trump balloon.

The group behind the anti-Trump blimp -- which describes itself as "antifascist art activists" -- has thus far raised over £27,000 from over 1,700 supporters. The anti-Khan balloon crowdfunding campaign raised over £36,000 from over 2,200 donors in a much shorter period of time.

Bruere's crowdfunder page reads:

“In light of the Donald Trump ‘Baby Trump’ ballon [sic] being allowed to fly over London during his visit to the U.K., let’s get a ‘baby Khan’ one and see if FREE SPEECH applies to all and whether or not Mr Khan and the London assembly will also approve this.

Under Sadiq Khan, we have seen crime sky rocket to unprecedented levels. People in London don’t feel safe and they aren’t safe, 81 murders this year alone! Khan Out.

Any surplus money raised/any unneeded money for the project will be donated to a charitable cause to be decided by the majority of you. Of course transparency of all money will be available.”

With less than a week to go, Breure is scrambling to bring his project to fruition in time for Trump’s visit, but he assured PJ Media that "it will definitely be happening."

Brexit leader Nigel Farage blasted the mayor's decision to allow the anti-Trump balloon last week, calling it the “biggest insult to a sitting U.S. president ever.”

"I can't imagine any city in the world would treat a visiting American president with the amount of disrespect," he said on Fox and Friends Sunday. "The whole thing is a disgrace."

Former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani also scolded Khanover his decision to allow the "baby Trump blimp."

"Sadiq Khan should be ashamed of himself. He's so busy attacking President Trump's visit and, in the meantime, crime is spiraling in London. Maybe he should just do his job instead of attacking a world leader," he said over the weekend.

Giuliani also pointed out that the move could have a detrimental effect on the city's tourism industry. "Many people who come to London are Americans. More than half of us in the US now support the President and even those who don't support him, support his office," he said.

"I would not like to go to a country where someone with the authority of a mayor was rallying people against them. It's highly inappropriate. He's probably suffering from some of the criticisms that President Trump has made of him, which are valid."

Khan's London is quickly becoming the stabbing capital of the world, with at least 51 people fatally stabbed since the beginning of the year.

So far in 2018 there have been 1,296 stabbings in London up to the end of April, according to official statistics from the Met Police.

A glut of cocaine flooding the country has been partly blamed for the country's violent crime.

In February more than 250 knives and swords were seized across London in just one week and 283 people, many of them teenagers, were arrested for carrying them.

By June, stabbings were reported on a nearly daily basis.

It's a good thing the mayor banned carrying knives in the city or someone might have stabbed Baby Trump before it got off the ground.

Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will it be Allowed?
I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.
Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will It Be Allowed?



Dueling baby balloons may compete for air space over London for President Trump's visit.
A crowdfunding campaign set up to counter-protest the “Trump baby” balloon due to fly over London when President Trump visits this week, has already raised over £36,000, crushing its £10,000 target goal.

The nearly 20-foot tall anti-Trump balloon "with a malevolent face and tiny hands" was approved by London Mayor Sadiq Khan last week. It is being allowed to fly over British parliament next Friday during the president’s three-day trip.

According to CNN, a spokesperson for Khan said of the "Baby Trump" blimp: "The Mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms. His city operations team have met with the organizers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp."

We'll see if Khan's support for "peaceful protest" holds true when the protest targets Khan himself.

Yanny Bruere, a law student and free speech advocate, aims to counter the anti-Trump protest with a "Baby Kahn" balloon.

Bruere, who is originally from the UK but now lives in Spain, is hoping Khan and the London assembly will allow him to fly his balloon, which has already attracted more donations than the Baby Trump balloon.

The group behind the anti-Trump blimp -- which describes itself as "antifascist art activists" -- has thus far raised over £27,000 from over 1,700 supporters. The anti-Khan balloon crowdfunding campaign raised over £36,000 from over 2,200 donors in a much shorter period of time.

Bruere's crowdfunder page reads:

“In light of the Donald Trump ‘Baby Trump’ ballon [sic] being allowed to fly over London during his visit to the U.K., let’s get a ‘baby Khan’ one and see if FREE SPEECH applies to all and whether or not Mr Khan and the London assembly will also approve this.

Under Sadiq Khan, we have seen crime sky rocket to unprecedented levels. People in London don’t feel safe and they aren’t safe, 81 murders this year alone! Khan Out.

Any surplus money raised/any unneeded money for the project will be donated to a charitable cause to be decided by the majority of you. Of course transparency of all money will be available.”

With less than a week to go, Breure is scrambling to bring his project to fruition in time for Trump’s visit, but he assured PJ Media that "it will definitely be happening."

Brexit leader Nigel Farage blasted the mayor's decision to allow the anti-Trump balloon last week, calling it the “biggest insult to a sitting U.S. president ever.”

"I can't imagine any city in the world would treat a visiting American president with the amount of disrespect," he said on Fox and Friends Sunday. "The whole thing is a disgrace."

Former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani also scolded Khanover his decision to allow the "baby Trump blimp."

"Sadiq Khan should be ashamed of himself. He's so busy attacking President Trump's visit and, in the meantime, crime is spiraling in London. Maybe he should just do his job instead of attacking a world leader," he said over the weekend.

Giuliani also pointed out that the move could have a detrimental effect on the city's tourism industry. "Many people who come to London are Americans. More than half of us in the US now support the President and even those who don't support him, support his office," he said.

"I would not like to go to a country where someone with the authority of a mayor was rallying people against them. It's highly inappropriate. He's probably suffering from some of the criticisms that President Trump has made of him, which are valid."

Khan's London is quickly becoming the stabbing capital of the world, with at least 51 people fatally stabbed since the beginning of the year.

So far in 2018 there have been 1,296 stabbings in London up to the end of April, according to official statistics from the Met Police.

A glut of cocaine flooding the country has been partly blamed for the country's violent crime.

In February more than 250 knives and swords were seized across London in just one week and 283 people, many of them teenagers, were arrested for carrying them.

By June, stabbings were reported on a nearly daily basis.

It's a good thing the mayor banned carrying knives in the city or someone might have stabbed Baby Trump before it got off the ground.

Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will it be Allowed?
Of course a Spaniard wants to make fun of the UK in its own capital. Won't happen though. Trump is an enemy of freedom, the UK, and humankind. And the floating baby will drive him nuts. Let it fly.
Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will It Be Allowed?



Dueling baby balloons may compete for air space over London for President Trump's visit.
A crowdfunding campaign set up to counter-protest the “Trump baby” balloon due to fly over London when President Trump visits this week, has already raised over £36,000, crushing its £10,000 target goal.

The nearly 20-foot tall anti-Trump balloon "with a malevolent face and tiny hands" was approved by London Mayor Sadiq Khan last week. It is being allowed to fly over British parliament next Friday during the president’s three-day trip.

According to CNN, a spokesperson for Khan said of the "Baby Trump" blimp: "The Mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms. His city operations team have met with the organizers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp."

We'll see if Khan's support for "peaceful protest" holds true when the protest targets Khan himself.

Yanny Bruere, a law student and free speech advocate, aims to counter the anti-Trump protest with a "Baby Kahn" balloon.

Bruere, who is originally from the UK but now lives in Spain, is hoping Khan and the London assembly will allow him to fly his balloon, which has already attracted more donations than the Baby Trump balloon.

The group behind the anti-Trump blimp -- which describes itself as "antifascist art activists" -- has thus far raised over £27,000 from over 1,700 supporters. The anti-Khan balloon crowdfunding campaign raised over £36,000 from over 2,200 donors in a much shorter period of time.

Bruere's crowdfunder page reads:

“In light of the Donald Trump ‘Baby Trump’ ballon [sic] being allowed to fly over London during his visit to the U.K., let’s get a ‘baby Khan’ one and see if FREE SPEECH applies to all and whether or not Mr Khan and the London assembly will also approve this.

Under Sadiq Khan, we have seen crime sky rocket to unprecedented levels. People in London don’t feel safe and they aren’t safe, 81 murders this year alone! Khan Out.

Any surplus money raised/any unneeded money for the project will be donated to a charitable cause to be decided by the majority of you. Of course transparency of all money will be available.”

With less than a week to go, Breure is scrambling to bring his project to fruition in time for Trump’s visit, but he assured PJ Media that "it will definitely be happening."

Brexit leader Nigel Farage blasted the mayor's decision to allow the anti-Trump balloon last week, calling it the “biggest insult to a sitting U.S. president ever.”

"I can't imagine any city in the world would treat a visiting American president with the amount of disrespect," he said on Fox and Friends Sunday. "The whole thing is a disgrace."

Former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani also scolded Khanover his decision to allow the "baby Trump blimp."

"Sadiq Khan should be ashamed of himself. He's so busy attacking President Trump's visit and, in the meantime, crime is spiraling in London. Maybe he should just do his job instead of attacking a world leader," he said over the weekend.

Giuliani also pointed out that the move could have a detrimental effect on the city's tourism industry. "Many people who come to London are Americans. More than half of us in the US now support the President and even those who don't support him, support his office," he said.

"I would not like to go to a country where someone with the authority of a mayor was rallying people against them. It's highly inappropriate. He's probably suffering from some of the criticisms that President Trump has made of him, which are valid."

Khan's London is quickly becoming the stabbing capital of the world, with at least 51 people fatally stabbed since the beginning of the year.

So far in 2018 there have been 1,296 stabbings in London up to the end of April, according to official statistics from the Met Police.

A glut of cocaine flooding the country has been partly blamed for the country's violent crime.

In February more than 250 knives and swords were seized across London in just one week and 283 people, many of them teenagers, were arrested for carrying them.

By June, stabbings were reported on a nearly daily basis.

It's a good thing the mayor banned carrying knives in the city or someone might have stabbed Baby Trump before it got off the ground.

Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will it be Allowed?
Of course a Spaniard wants to make fun of the UK in its own capital. Won't happen though. Trump is an enemy of freedom, the UK, and humankind. And the floating baby will drive him nuts. Let it fly.

I wonder what real Limeys with balls would think of that.
I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.
Sure you would.....or at least talk fiercely about it from the safety of behind your keyboard, Jeffrey.
Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will It Be Allowed?



Dueling baby balloons may compete for air space over London for President Trump's visit.
A crowdfunding campaign set up to counter-protest the “Trump baby” balloon due to fly over London when President Trump visits this week, has already raised over £36,000, crushing its £10,000 target goal.

The nearly 20-foot tall anti-Trump balloon "with a malevolent face and tiny hands" was approved by London Mayor Sadiq Khan last week. It is being allowed to fly over British parliament next Friday during the president’s three-day trip.

According to CNN, a spokesperson for Khan said of the "Baby Trump" blimp: "The Mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms. His city operations team have met with the organizers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp."

We'll see if Khan's support for "peaceful protest" holds true when the protest targets Khan himself.

Yanny Bruere, a law student and free speech advocate, aims to counter the anti-Trump protest with a "Baby Kahn" balloon.

Bruere, who is originally from the UK but now lives in Spain, is hoping Khan and the London assembly will allow him to fly his balloon, which has already attracted more donations than the Baby Trump balloon.

The group behind the anti-Trump blimp -- which describes itself as "antifascist art activists" -- has thus far raised over £27,000 from over 1,700 supporters. The anti-Khan balloon crowdfunding campaign raised over £36,000 from over 2,200 donors in a much shorter period of time.

Bruere's crowdfunder page reads:

“In light of the Donald Trump ‘Baby Trump’ ballon [sic] being allowed to fly over London during his visit to the U.K., let’s get a ‘baby Khan’ one and see if FREE SPEECH applies to all and whether or not Mr Khan and the London assembly will also approve this.

Under Sadiq Khan, we have seen crime sky rocket to unprecedented levels. People in London don’t feel safe and they aren’t safe, 81 murders this year alone! Khan Out.

Any surplus money raised/any unneeded money for the project will be donated to a charitable cause to be decided by the majority of you. Of course transparency of all money will be available.”

With less than a week to go, Breure is scrambling to bring his project to fruition in time for Trump’s visit, but he assured PJ Media that "it will definitely be happening."

Brexit leader Nigel Farage blasted the mayor's decision to allow the anti-Trump balloon last week, calling it the “biggest insult to a sitting U.S. president ever.”

"I can't imagine any city in the world would treat a visiting American president with the amount of disrespect," he said on Fox and Friends Sunday. "The whole thing is a disgrace."

Former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani also scolded Khanover his decision to allow the "baby Trump blimp."

"Sadiq Khan should be ashamed of himself. He's so busy attacking President Trump's visit and, in the meantime, crime is spiraling in London. Maybe he should just do his job instead of attacking a world leader," he said over the weekend.

Giuliani also pointed out that the move could have a detrimental effect on the city's tourism industry. "Many people who come to London are Americans. More than half of us in the US now support the President and even those who don't support him, support his office," he said.

"I would not like to go to a country where someone with the authority of a mayor was rallying people against them. It's highly inappropriate. He's probably suffering from some of the criticisms that President Trump has made of him, which are valid."

Khan's London is quickly becoming the stabbing capital of the world, with at least 51 people fatally stabbed since the beginning of the year.

So far in 2018 there have been 1,296 stabbings in London up to the end of April, according to official statistics from the Met Police.

A glut of cocaine flooding the country has been partly blamed for the country's violent crime.

In February more than 250 knives and swords were seized across London in just one week and 283 people, many of them teenagers, were arrested for carrying them.

By June, stabbings were reported on a nearly daily basis.

It's a good thing the mayor banned carrying knives in the city or someone might have stabbed Baby Trump before it got off the ground.

Baby Kahn Crowdfund Out-Raises Baby Trump, but Will it be Allowed?
Of course a Spaniard wants to make fun of the UK in its own capital. Won't happen though. Trump is an enemy of freedom, the UK, and humankind. And the floating baby will drive him nuts. Let it fly.

I wonder what real Limeys with balls would think of that.
They would side against the foreign adversary, I would think. You think they'd roll over and let Trump have his way with them?
I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.
Sure you would.....or at least talk fiercely about it from the safety of behind your keyboard, Jeffrey.

Bodey-odey-odey-o, if I lived there, I would fill that balloon full of holes.
I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.
Sure you would.....or at least talk fiercely about it from the safety of behind your keyboard, Jeffrey.

Bodey-odey-odey-o, if I lived there, I would fill that balloon full of holes.
You'd sit your fatass in chair and stare at a messageboard, just like you do here.
I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.
Sure you would.....or at least talk fiercely about it from the safety of behind your keyboard, Jeffrey.

Bodey-odey-odey-o, if I lived there, I would fill that balloon full of holes.
You'd sit your fatass in chair and stare at a messageboard, just like you do here.

I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.

You should do it! Enjoy your arrest and stay in jail.

I bet 50 Limeys do it, and I don't have to do a damn thing. :banana:

And- Nobody gets in any trouble whatsoever. :fu:
Its indicative of the rights lack of intelligence that their response is to just copy the clever people..

Why cant they be creative and think of something themselves ? Oh...............................
I'd arrow that motherfucker.

Oh, UK..ok, so shoot it with a weak-ass pellet gun. If I can hit flying Navy planes with a BB gun weaker than a Red Ryder, that could be hit with a UK-legal pellet gun until it falls.

You should do it! Enjoy your arrest and stay in jail.

I bet 50 Limeys do it, and I don't have to do a damn thing. :banana:

And- Nobody gets in any trouble whatsoever. :fu:

Nah, you should do it. Prove how much of a tough guy you are... :21:
Its the UK...they ain't fond of free speech so I am betting NO it won't be allowed.

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