Back To Law & Order: Ascendant Foreign Relations Expertise Meets Newly Confirmed AG Garland Judicial Temperament!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Not only is U.S.A. back on the International Scene as a Monster Economic Power--Versus the Chinese Bat Plague--but Law and Order Is back in the office of Attorney General Of the United States. Senator McConnell was on board. . .Even Yet(?)!

The Largely broad-based Democratic Party, International appeal to all peoples: Is widely well-shown in the New Partisan, Stimulus measure. Many will call it an anti-poverty measure instead--Way beyond Lyndon Johnson's start of that-level programming. USA is a high-consumption economy, so economic stimulus--anti-poverty--is promoted worldwide. That creates inclusion of worldwide peoples. Even US Tribal Nations are noted in the Recent Stimulus measure.

And so there is the more egalitarian, equalitarian--both--level temperament of the U.S. Judicial process re-instated at the Executive Branch already. That is only weeks after the exiting Administration obstructed the lawful Justice of the specified presidential transition. As opposed to being more or less bound by a Supreme Court caseload: The new Attorney General can take activist initiative on variety of legal matters.

Yet(?), even comes to mind(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be how you think(?)! Matt 25: 14-30, is nevertheless what you actually get!)
It's more of a pity-fuck reason they offered him the position. Besides, he only gets to play AG because we wouldn't let him play SC Justice.
Restoring sanity, New AG Day one: Anyone reads in some posts!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be how you think(?)! Matt 25: 14-30, is nevertheless what you actually get!)
The previous TEMP AG perjured himself under oath before Cogress, declared anyone who signed false FISA Warrants should ho to jail, and finally declared that should not apply to him because he never read the FBI's criminal FISA Warrant requests before he signed them...

Rosenstein should be in prison, along with Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Joe, & Barry.
Garland is actually even spelled differently.

Easyt65 poster still supports the Chinese Bat Virus Spread, like the Trumped-Up Brand! Cowards USA Administration! Cowards USA Administration, anti-military service brand like the Trumped-Up Record! Now there is sufficient United States economic resurgence, throughout the economy. The Trumped-Up Brand failed completely, entirely and on record: To do a Tax Cut Preventive Brand!

Coward easyt65 poster will accept the money, like the Trumped-Up brand of anti-American Cowards!
Coward easyt65 poster will accept the money, like the Trumped-Up brand of anti-American Cowards!
Coward easyt65 poster will accept the money, like the Trumped-Up brand of anti-American Cowards!
Coward easyt65 poster will accept the money, like the Trumped-Up brand of anti-American Cowards!
Coward easyt65 poster will accept the money, like the Trumped-Up brand of anti-American Cowards!

In case anyone has missed it!

The Trumped-Up brand deliberately lost the election, All results were certified. Law is supported in the Democratic Party, apparently, only.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be how you think(?)! Matt 25: 14-30, is nevertheless what you actually get!)

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