"Back to the center, Democrats"

The "Progressives", the people who largely put the party in this position, aren't going to give an inch.

You mean...voters? Your solution is that millions of people should ignore what they believe for your sake?

Sounds reasonable.
I would expect the D Party to go much further left.

Could it be they realize Olde Bernie could have won, had they not screwed him to get the crazy criminal in a pantsuit? If so, pushing more government and more socialism might be what they conclude wins for them.
That strategy didn't work in over 1000 legislative seats across the country. Nor did it work in Congress or the Senate or the Whitehouse.
I think it's a perfect strategy for the LIBs to push.
Nancy ought to be able to get another billion plus dollars out of the Hollywood elites to piss against the wall in 2020.
No problem.
blanche lincoln? a conservative democrat from arkansas.... really?
As I said, I knew you wouldn't like them.
what is the difference between her and hillary clinton to you?
The most important difference - knowing how critical image is in contemporary American politics - is that she is significantly more likeable.

A moderate Democrat gets in, carefully and incrementally moves things in their direction, gets some legislative victories and then more electoral victories. Kind of like the 90's, the last time this country was really purring.

Instead, the "Progressives" annoyed everyone around them, and we have Trump.
yeah the 90's were great who was president back then?
Um, Bill Clinton, moderate Democrat. Why would you ask such a simplistic question?
Bill Clinton swayed in any direction he saw a pair of wet panties.
As I said, I knew you wouldn't like them.
what is the difference between her and hillary clinton to you?
The most important difference - knowing how critical image is in contemporary American politics - is that she is significantly more likeable.

A moderate Democrat gets in, carefully and incrementally moves things in their direction, gets some legislative victories and then more electoral victories. Kind of like the 90's, the last time this country was really purring.

Instead, the "Progressives" annoyed everyone around them, and we have Trump.
yeah the 90's were great who was president back then?
Um, Bill Clinton, moderate Democrat. Why would you ask such a simplistic question?
Bill Clinton swayed in any direction he saw a pair of wet panties.
You can't talk about Bill Clinton when you have a pu$$y grabber in office who dreams of banging his daughter. How sick is that?
I dont know how much further to the center you can get than hillary clinton? Do you think the democrats should nominate Jeb Bush?
Hillary Clinton was only part of the problem.

The bigger problem is the behaviors and tactics of everyday, street level, rank and file "progressives" who have turned off so many Americans.
that doesn't answer my question who do you think they should nominate?

Someone like Jim Webb and not a individual that has been investigated so many times that you wish you never heard her name again.
Jim webb wouldve been investigated over and over as well if he had a chance at winning so would anyone else that democrats might run....

Total nonsense and you know it. Hillary Clinton was the worst choice and that was with a field that included Sanders and O'Malley. Webb was your most moderate right leaning Democrat and to pretend that Hillary Clinton was moderate tell me how far left someone has to be to even think she was moderate!

The reality is you and those like you think Pelosi is moderate and believe anything to the right to them is Tea Party Conservative but the reality is Pelosi and Hillary are both left just on their Universal Healthcare wish!

So please let stop the nonsense and just admit you are too left to be objective when writing about how far left the Democratic Party has become. When Libertarians are more open minded and liberal than the Democratic Party tell me your political party has lunge too far the wrong way!

"For Clinton, the adversary was Trump, but it was also, as the campaign developed, the “basket of deplorables” who backed him. While Clinton claimed she meant only a subset of Trump’s white working-class supporters, her charge was taken — with some justice — as applying to the group in its entirety. So instead of creating a majority that included her base plus a significant slice of potential Republican voters, Clinton defined her coalition against them. (Many liberal pundits reinforced this perception by repeatedly characterizing Trump’s voters as poorly informed and racist, even though in 2008 and 2012 many of these voters backed Obama.)"

For 8 years Obama was in office and for nearly a year that he was running, millions of good, decent Americans were branded as racist if they voiced/penned opposition to his leftist, collectivist, hive mentality. The coastal elites were not to be questioned by flyover country rubes. This was shoved down our throats 24/7/365 by the MSM and Dem party hacks. It got old and predictable. Worse, it is now set in the minds of many Democrats that anyone questioning their side is a racist. Game, set, match.

Over time, we deplorables went silent. What's the use in offering your opinion when you KNOW you are going to be called a racist, the discussion is over, the haughty leftist declares victory and you are slandered. I saw it time and time again at work, neighborhood parties, BBQs, restaurants and bars. When anything Obama came up, people just went silent. This silence began to simmer and seethe.

I hope I am proved wrong but I don't see leftists changing their spots. They've become too used to shutting down discourse with the race card. Debate skills on the left have atrophied because of this as can be witnessed here at USMB. It's just too easy to call someone a racist, turn and walk away in self-proclaimed victory.

We need a vibrant, active Democrat party. Competition is healthy. You can't expect to win over voters by insulting them. Forget about moving to the center for now. What needs to be done first is to stop alienating those in the center.
Opinion | Back to the Center, Democrats

Now's your chance, loud and clear. Use your head and reject the regressives who have taken over the party. Written by two Democrats:

The path back to power for the Democratic Party today, as it was in the 1990s, is unquestionably to move to the center and reject the siren calls of the Left, whose policies and ideas have weakened the party.

The last few years of the Obama administration and the 2016 primary season once again created a rush to the Left. Identity politics, class warfare, and big government all made comebacks. Candidates inspired by Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren and a host of well-funded groups have embraced sharply leftist ideas. But the results at the voting booth have been anything but positive: Democrats lost over 1,000 legislative seats across the country and control of both houses of Congress during the Obama years. And in special elections for Congress this year, they failed to take back any seats held by Republicans.

Central to the Democrats' diminishment has been has been their loss of support among working class voters.... (who) saw the party being mired too often in political correctness, transgender bathroom issues and policies offering more help to undocumented immigrants than to the heartland.

Marginalize the people who have pushed so many Americans away.
Lindsay Lohan Agrees. Defends President Trump: ‘Stop Bullying Him and Start Trusting Him’
Lindsay Lohan tweeted out support for Donald Trump over the long July 4 holiday weekend, urging people to stop bullying the president.

On Monday, the actress replied to a tweet with a screenshot of a Breitbart article about Trump’s willingness to help Charlie Gard, a baby in Britain whose parents are unable to afford to keep him on life support.

“THIS IS our president,” Lohan tweeted. “Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA.”
Democratic Party Platforms: 1952 Democratic Party Platform
Even some of the Hollywood drug addicts are starting to peel away.
The "Progressives", the people who largely put the party in this position, aren't going to give an inch.

You mean...voters? Your solution is that millions of people should ignore what they believe for your sake?

Sounds reasonable.

LOL, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

Lol, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.
The "Progressives", the people who largely put the party in this position, aren't going to give an inch.

You mean...voters? Your solution is that millions of people should ignore what they believe for your sake?

Sounds reasonable.

LOL, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

Lol, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

I no longer play the game son, it's all a game being run on everyone. But in case you haven't noticed your Party has been decimated.
The "Progressives", the people who largely put the party in this position, aren't going to give an inch.

You mean...voters? Your solution is that millions of people should ignore what they believe for your sake?

Sounds reasonable.

LOL, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

Lol, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

I no longer play the game son, it's all a game being run on everyone. But in case you haven't noticed your Party has been decimated.

Yeah yeah, but next time instead of the typical doom and gloom talking points try to address anything I've said if it's not too hard.
The "Progressives", the people who largely put the party in this position, aren't going to give an inch.

You mean...voters? Your solution is that millions of people should ignore what they believe for your sake?

Sounds reasonable.

LOL, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

Lol, pay no attention to what has happened to you for the last 6 years.

I no longer play the game son, it's all a game being run on everyone. But in case you haven't noticed your Party has been decimated.

Yeah yeah, but next time instead of the typical doom and gloom talking points try to address anything I've said if it's not too hard.

It was addressed son, you've seen annihilation for 6years running. Your "beliefs" are failing you. Worse yet you're too dense to understand that you're being played.
Centerist democrats is what lost the election. Clinton didn't go progressive enough. That's why the base wasn't energized. Bernie energized the base because he was pushing true progressive policies.

Its one of the reasons why Obama voters ( like myself) were dissapointed in some of his decisions. Obama didn't go left enough.

Democrats have been catering to the right for too long. One thing I'll give to the republican base, is that that they don't compromise on their agendas and policies. Democrats need to stop being nice and become aggressive progressives. When they win the 2018 elections they need to be pushing through progressive legislations instead of being centrist.
Why should Democrats move right when Bernie is more popular than any of the centrists in the party?
Centerist democrats is what lost the election. Clinton didn't go progressive enough. That's why the base wasn't energized. Bernie energized the base because he was pushing true progressive policies.

Its one of the reasons why Obama voters ( like myself) were dissapointed in some of his decisions. Obama didn't go left enough.

Democrats have been catering to the right for too long. One thing I'll give to the republican base, is that that they don't compromise on their agendas and policies. Democrats need to stop being nice and become aggressive progressives. When they win the 2018 elections they need to be pushing through progressive legislations instead of being centrist.
Well, as I mentioned, this piece will be mocked and ignored by the party.
Centerist democrats is what lost the election. Clinton didn't go progressive enough. That's why the base wasn't energized. Bernie energized the base because he was pushing true progressive policies.

Its one of the reasons why Obama voters ( like myself) were dissapointed in some of his decisions. Obama didn't go left enough.

Democrats have been catering to the right for too long. One thing I'll give to the republican base, is that that they don't compromise on their agendas and policies. Democrats need to stop being nice and become aggressive progressives. When they win the 2018 elections they need to be pushing through progressive legislations instead of being centrist.

You should have stopped the DNC from rigging it for Bitchlery.

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