Background checks and increase age to own a gun.

I always said only Trump can kill Trump. He is preparing to shoot him self in the head (politically) in the next few months. And not expunging records? First off, most felonys won't be cleared, especially violent ones. So Trump made all this hay about prison reform, yet he wants to make it so a kid caught with an ounce of weed at 16 will basically have their lives destroyed. If Trump does any of this I'll vote democrat in 2020.

Given the shit sandwich that was served up with two mass shootings in two days and the frenzy that came afterwards Trump is managing this pretty well.

He has taken AWB off the table and he is using the term "meaningful" instead of UBC.

God help us if we get a Democrat Congress and a Democrat President.

In the end Trump is just another politician wanting 4 more years. He has already demonstrated a willingness to ban stupid shit when this happens. He needs to be very careful how he proceeds or he will cut his own throat. Not even Sean Hannity slobbering all over him will save him from his base not turning out.

If Trump does something stupid with gun control he will lose a sizable portion of his base.

He is smart enough to know that.

He knows doing something stupid like a UBC or god forbid another silly AWB will not get any Moon Bats to vote for him but will lose Conservative voters in several of the swing states.

Is is not like us Conservative gun owners will vote for the Moon Bat candidate but we will be less enthusiastic. Just ask McCain and Romney what happens with a less than enthusiastic Conservative voter base.

Trump is playing Rope a Dope with the Moon Bats with his "meaningful" approach to gun control. They know it but their ain't much they can do about it. Trump is smarter than they are.
Politics first, who cares about public safety.

Ask the Democrats that control big city shiholes holes like Chicago and Baltimore where most of the gun crime in this country takes place if they give a shit about public safety. They don't.

They don't want to stop gun crime among the Democrat voting Negroes crminals in South Chicago. They want to take the guns away from the South Georgia farmer that never committed a crime because he votes Republican.

It has never been about public safety. With the Liberals is about taking guns away from White people that oppose the Liberal agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.
And our worst mass shooters are white people with guns for mass killing.

I think the US passed that point many many years ago. The few countries that have been spared gun violence such as Japan have a long history of gun control. Guns were introduced in Japan in 1588 and gun control began in 1624. Today police do not usually carry guns. Gun related deaths in the US is 200 times greater than Japan.

With great power comes great responsibility.

With Liberty comes the responsibility to act responsible. However, not everybody is going to do that. God found that out with Caine, didn't he?

I would much rather live in a country with Liberty and be slightly less safe than to live in a country that oppressed my Liberty.

Taking my firearms away prevents me from having the ability to protect my family and does absolutely nothing to affect the great majority of gun crime among the mostly inner city thugs, druggies, gang bangers, etc that commit the great majority of the crimes.
Well, I guess we need take the guns away from druggies and gang bangers but that would be taking away their right to bear arms.

All they have to do is enforce the laws that the druggies and gang bangers break. Of course if the Democrats that run the big city shitholes where most the gun crime takes place did that then they would have a riot on their hands.

I think the US passed that point many many years ago. The few countries that have been spared gun violence such as Japan have a long history of gun control. Guns were introduced in Japan in 1588 and gun control began in 1624. Today police do not usually carry guns. Gun related deaths in the US is 200 times greater than Japan.

With great power comes great responsibility.

With Liberty comes the responsibility to act responsible. However, not everybody is going to do that. God found that out with Caine, didn't he?

I would much rather live in a country with Liberty and be slightly less safe than to live in a country that oppressed my Liberty.

Taking my firearms away prevents me from having the ability to protect my family and does absolutely nothing to affect the great majority of gun crime among the mostly inner city thugs, druggies, gang bangers, etc that commit the great majority of the crimes.
Well, I guess we need take the guns away from druggies and gang bangers but that would be taking away their right to bear arms.

All they have to do is enforce the laws that the druggies and gang bangers break. Of course if the Democrats that run the big city shitholes where most the gun crime takes place did that then they would have a riot on their hands.
Doesn’t help that the guns come from states with weak laws. And we have the highest incarceration rate in the world so we are not weak on crime.

Life in prison for gun crimes would not have stopped our mass shootings.

Just like the background check didn't prevent the crimes.
Banning weapons for mass killing is certainly the best option.
You're gonna have to define "weapons for mass killing" for it to be any good. We already can't get WMDs. Iran can't even get them.

Any semi auto rifle capable of using large capacity magazines.
That's a HUGE range of weapons IN COMMON USE!!!


Life in prison for gun crimes would not have stopped our mass shootings.

Just like the background check didn't prevent the crimes.
Banning weapons for mass killing is certainly the best option.
You're gonna have to define "weapons for mass killing" for it to be any good. We already can't get WMDs. Iran can't even get them.

Any semi auto rifle capable of using large capacity magazines.
That's a HUGE range of weapons IN COMMON USE!!!

Use for what? Mass killing? Stopping the sale eliminates none in use.
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Like a recent mass murder, the government didn’t bother doing its job and putting the shooter in the database where he belonged. His name sat in a file bin.

How about firing and criminal prosecution of government employees in this case?

When I worked in the private industry in aerospace and education devices, if I was involved in negligence I faced criminal prosecution if people became victims.
Given the shit sandwich that was served up with two mass shootings in two days and the frenzy that came afterwards Trump is managing this pretty well.

He has taken AWB off the table and he is using the term "meaningful" instead of UBC.

God help us if we get a Democrat Congress and a Democrat President.

In the end Trump is just another politician wanting 4 more years. He has already demonstrated a willingness to ban stupid shit when this happens. He needs to be very careful how he proceeds or he will cut his own throat. Not even Sean Hannity slobbering all over him will save him from his base not turning out.

If Trump does something stupid with gun control he will lose a sizable portion of his base.

He is smart enough to know that.

He knows doing something stupid like a UBC or god forbid another silly AWB will not get any Moon Bats to vote for him but will lose Conservative voters in several of the swing states.

Is is not like us Conservative gun owners will vote for the Moon Bat candidate but we will be less enthusiastic. Just ask McCain and Romney what happens with a less than enthusiastic Conservative voter base.

Trump is playing Rope a Dope with the Moon Bats with his "meaningful" approach to gun control. They know it but their ain't much they can do about it. Trump is smarter than they are.
Politics first, who cares about public safety.

Ask the Democrats that control big city shiholes holes like Chicago and Baltimore where most of the gun crime in this country takes place if they give a shit about public safety. They don't.

They don't want to stop gun crime among the Democrat voting Negroes crminals in South Chicago. They want to take the guns away from the South Georgia farmer that never committed a crime because he votes Republican.

It has never been about public safety. With the Liberals is about taking guns away from White people that oppose the Liberal agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.
And our worst mass shooters are white people with guns for mass killing.

You are confused. For Whites to be 70% of the population they are significantly under represented in this line up, ain't they?

Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Thoughts? It will never get through. They couldn't even ban bump stocks, which Trump supported then opposed or however many times changed his position. It's not that big of a deal, but they couldn't get rid of something so simple, no way something more complicated will go through. Especially if it has to go through the Senate.
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
How many times has Trump said one thing just to turn around and cause leftist to flip out?

No one ever said Trump's word was his bond.
Yet he can make you leftist go unhinged
In the end Trump is just another politician wanting 4 more years. He has already demonstrated a willingness to ban stupid shit when this happens. He needs to be very careful how he proceeds or he will cut his own throat. Not even Sean Hannity slobbering all over him will save him from his base not turning out.

If Trump does something stupid with gun control he will lose a sizable portion of his base.

He is smart enough to know that.

He knows doing something stupid like a UBC or god forbid another silly AWB will not get any Moon Bats to vote for him but will lose Conservative voters in several of the swing states.

Is is not like us Conservative gun owners will vote for the Moon Bat candidate but we will be less enthusiastic. Just ask McCain and Romney what happens with a less than enthusiastic Conservative voter base.

Trump is playing Rope a Dope with the Moon Bats with his "meaningful" approach to gun control. They know it but their ain't much they can do about it. Trump is smarter than they are.
Politics first, who cares about public safety.

Ask the Democrats that control big city shiholes holes like Chicago and Baltimore where most of the gun crime in this country takes place if they give a shit about public safety. They don't.

They don't want to stop gun crime among the Democrat voting Negroes crminals in South Chicago. They want to take the guns away from the South Georgia farmer that never committed a crime because he votes Republican.

It has never been about public safety. With the Liberals is about taking guns away from White people that oppose the Liberal agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.
And our worst mass shooters are white people with guns for mass killing.

You are confused. For Whites to be 70% of the population they are significantly under represented in this line up, ain't they?

See the Vegas shooter. See the Newtown shooter, he massacred 1st graders and was really pasty.
I always said only Trump can kill Trump. He is preparing to shoot him self in the head (politically) in the next few months. And not expunging records? First off, most felonys won't be cleared, especially violent ones. So Trump made all this hay about prison reform, yet he wants to make it so a kid caught with an ounce of weed at 16 will basically have their lives destroyed. If Trump does any of this I'll vote democrat in 2020.

Given the shit sandwich that was served up with two mass shootings in two days and the frenzy that came afterwards Trump is managing this pretty well.

He has taken AWB off the table and he is using the term "meaningful" instead of UBC.

God help us if we get a Democrat Congress and a Democrat President.

In the end Trump is just another politician wanting 4 more years. He has already demonstrated a willingness to ban stupid shit when this happens. He needs to be very careful how he proceeds or he will cut his own throat. Not even Sean Hannity slobbering all over him will save him from his base not turning out.

If Trump does something stupid with gun control he will lose a sizable portion of his base.

He is smart enough to know that.

He knows doing something stupid like a UBC or god forbid another silly AWB will not get any Moon Bats to vote for him but will lose Conservative voters in several of the swing states.

Is is not like us Conservative gun owners will vote for the Moon Bat candidate but we will be less enthusiastic. Just ask McCain and Romney what happens with a less than enthusiastic Conservative voter base.

Trump is playing Rope a Dope with the Moon Bats with his "meaningful" approach to gun control. They know it but their ain't much they can do about it. Trump is smarter than they are.
Politics first, who cares about public safety.

The braidy bill was supposed to make the public safe. What happened?
First it only applied to handguns. Automatic rifles such an AK47 was excluded. Second, it only applied to federally license dealers. Sales between individuals and gun show sales were not included. So it you're a convicted felony or just out of the nut house you buy your guns from gun shows, individuals, or your neighborhood gun peddler selling out the trunk his car.
Just like the background check didn't prevent the crimes.
Banning weapons for mass killing is certainly the best option.
You're gonna have to define "weapons for mass killing" for it to be any good. We already can't get WMDs. Iran can't even get them.

Any semi auto rifle capable of using large capacity magazines.
That's a HUGE range of weapons IN COMMON USE!!!

Use for what? Mass killing? Stopping the sale eliminates none in use.
Dude the horses have already left the barn
I can make my own ar's from a 0% lower

You work so hard to make sure killers are well armed. Wouldn’t want to be you trying to get into heaven one day...

Where you are confused is making the assumption that taking firearms away from law abiding gun owners would cut down on gun crime by the criminal element that commit the great majority of gun crimes in this country.

Of course your confusion is understandable. You Liberals are just as confused about gun crime as you are confused about Economics, Climate Science, History, the Constitution, Ethics and Biology.
Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a small fraction of ours. A large capacity magazine isn’t needed for defense.
I disagree.

Many home defense situations can and do involve a home resident hiding in a defensive position in the dark defending against multiple threats. Being forced to find and reload additional magazines IN THE DARK is a substantial threat to safety.

Furthermore, large capacity magazines are in common use.

Given the shit sandwich that was served up with two mass shootings in two days and the frenzy that came afterwards Trump is managing this pretty well.

He has taken AWB off the table and he is using the term "meaningful" instead of UBC.

God help us if we get a Democrat Congress and a Democrat President.

In the end Trump is just another politician wanting 4 more years. He has already demonstrated a willingness to ban stupid shit when this happens. He needs to be very careful how he proceeds or he will cut his own throat. Not even Sean Hannity slobbering all over him will save him from his base not turning out.

If Trump does something stupid with gun control he will lose a sizable portion of his base.

He is smart enough to know that.

He knows doing something stupid like a UBC or god forbid another silly AWB will not get any Moon Bats to vote for him but will lose Conservative voters in several of the swing states.

Is is not like us Conservative gun owners will vote for the Moon Bat candidate but we will be less enthusiastic. Just ask McCain and Romney what happens with a less than enthusiastic Conservative voter base.

Trump is playing Rope a Dope with the Moon Bats with his "meaningful" approach to gun control. They know it but their ain't much they can do about it. Trump is smarter than they are.
Politics first, who cares about public safety.

The braidy bill was supposed to make the public safe. What happened?
First it only applied to handguns. Automatic rifles such an AK47 was excluded. Second, it only applied to federally license dealers. Sales between individuals and gun show sales were not included. So it you're a convicted felony or just out of the nut house you buy your guns from gun shows, individuals, or your neighborhood gun peddler selling out the trunk his car.
Gun show sells are dealt with just like any FFL sells
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
How many times has Trump said one thing just to turn around and cause leftist to flip out?

No one ever said Trump's word was his bond.
Yet he can make you leftist go unhinged

If that were the President's job, you'd be the happiest pumpkin in the patch.

Meantime, he can't, and shouldn't, be trusted.

I think the US passed that point many many years ago. The few countries that have been spared gun violence such as Japan have a long history of gun control. Guns were introduced in Japan in 1588 and gun control began in 1624. Today police do not usually carry guns. Gun related deaths in the US is 200 times greater than Japan.

With great power comes great responsibility.

With Liberty comes the responsibility to act responsible. However, not everybody is going to do that. God found that out with Caine, didn't he?

I would much rather live in a country with Liberty and be slightly less safe than to live in a country that oppressed my Liberty.

Taking my firearms away prevents me from having the ability to protect my family and does absolutely nothing to affect the great majority of gun crime among the mostly inner city thugs, druggies, gang bangers, etc that commit the great majority of the crimes.
Well, I guess we need take the guns away from druggies and gang bangers but that would be taking away their right to bear arms.

All they have to do is enforce the laws that the druggies and gang bangers break. Of course if the Democrats that run the big city shitholes where most the gun crime takes place did that then they would have a riot on their hands.
Doesn’t help that the guns come from states with weak laws. And we have the highest incarceration rate in the world so we are not weak on crime.
That's a myth
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
How many times has Trump said one thing just to turn around and cause leftist to flip out?

No one ever said Trump's word was his bond.
Yet he can make you leftist go unhinged

If that were the President's job, you'd be the happiest pumpkin in the patch.

Meantime, he can't, and shouldn't, be trusted.
Dude the president n matter what he does you leftist will go unhinged so yes it's his job to do that. control your kids and he might treat you like adults.

Enforce the laws that already exist. What good are these new laws going to be if they are going to be left to gather dust like the old ones?
Years of saying that ain’t saving nobody.

And making new laws doesn't seem to be saving anyone, either.
Well that’s because we haven’t. Actually laws were taken away.

Would the laws that were 'taken away' have played a direct role in stopping the shooter in El Paso or Dayton?
Yes. The assault weapons ban and magazine limits would have slowed them for certain. Dayton fired at least 41 shots in 30 seconds.
Which he could have done with 4 10-round magazines (with the first in the hole).

You don't seem to understand how this all works.

Just like the background check didn't prevent the crimes.
Banning weapons for mass killing is certainly the best option.
You're gonna have to define "weapons for mass killing" for it to be any good. We already can't get WMDs. Iran can't even get them.

Any semi auto rifle capable of using large capacity magazines.
That's a HUGE range of weapons IN COMMON USE!!!

Use for what? Mass killing? Stopping the sale eliminates none in use.
Home defense.


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