Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

Absolute horseshit. They want children for the same reasons straight people want children.
Homo's want to raise kids to be gay so they and their friends can molest them. Sickening but true.

No, it is not true. The rate of children being gay is consistent, whether the parents are gay or straight. And the overwhelming majority of gay or lesbian parents do not molest their children. Those are the absolute facts.

Every gay person I know was raised by heterosexual parents.

I know several gay couples who have kids. All their kids are heterosexual.

There is no way to raise a child to be homosexual.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

As long as there is true love there I don't have a problem with same sex parents having adopted kids or kids through a surrogate. Let's be honest here, Kiddies...there are a lot of traditional couples that should NEVER be allowed to have a child because they're terrible parents. If Anderson Cooper turns out to be a good dad then more power to him!
The data is in and its post-1960’s leftist. Kids are best off with their actual two parents, their mother and father, which every human in history has had. Alternatives should only be last resort, not optional.
I'm a conservative actually. I just don't have an issue with same sex marriage. To be quite blunt...with all of the other fucked up things we have to deal with these days...people that love each matter what their sexual way down on my list of "problems"! Kids are best off in a setting where there are parents who love them...and god knows there are traditional marriages where a couple shouldn't be allowed to have a pet let alone a kid!

That's the sign of a true conservative. We may not like or agree with what another person does but we'll take to arms,. if necessary, to defend their right to do it.
That's the sign of a true conservative. We may not like or agree with what another person does but we'll take to arms,. if necessary, to defend their right to do it.
What a load of bull. ... :cuckoo:
I'm a conservative, but I'd never take up arms to defend the fudge packers right to raise up children in a homo pretend marriage.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
hahahhahahahah WRONG
..I'm not saying I don't like him for that
...I'm stating he cannot be an efficient/good/etc father because of it's close----these bastards that have kids when they are 60 are jackasses---it takes time and effort to raise kids ....52 is still a little too late
....I'm in my years but in great shape--still I might be taxed if I had a 10 or 14 year old driving them around to ballgames/etc .....
...also--plain and simple--if you believe in evolution or creation, kids were not meant to be raised by 2 men

I knew a girl who was an unexpected pregnancy when her mom was 50 and her dad was 53. When we were graduating college and all trying to get careers going, she was stuck going back to take care of her parents in their terminal decline years. It was unfair to her to not to get to have a life of her own until later than most people.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

As long as there is true love there I don't have a problem with same sex parents having adopted kids or kids through a surrogate. Let's be honest here, Kiddies...there are a lot of traditional couples that should NEVER be allowed to have a child because they're terrible parents. If Anderson Cooper turns out to be a good dad then more power to him!
The data is in and its post-1960’s leftist. Kids are best off with their actual two parents, their mother and father, which every human in history has had. Alternatives should only be last resort, not optional.
I'm a conservative actually. I just don't have an issue with same sex marriage. To be quite blunt...with all of the other fucked up things we have to deal with these days...people that love each matter what their sexual way down on my list of "problems"! Kids are best off in a setting where there are parents who love them...and god knows there are traditional marriages where a couple shouldn't be allowed to have a pet let alone a kid!

That's the sign of a true conservative. We may not like or agree with what another person does but we'll take to arms,. if necessary, to defend their right to do it.

I judge people by their actions. Not what they look like. If we all looked the same what a boring world this would be! Do I look at some people and shake my head? I'd be lying if I said I didn't but I take it all with a grain of salt. There's a "Goth" kid who lives just down the street from me. He dresses all in black now and wears makeup. Not a particularly good look for him but hey, most of us were young and rebellious once ourselves. I have a feeling he'll grow out of it (wearing all black in Florida is kind of hard to stick with!) but if he doesn't then I could really care less. Bottom line is this...I see him take the trash cans of his elderly neighbors out to the curb every week for pickup. He doesn't have to do that but he's a good kid. THAT'S what I judge him by...not his appearance!
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh, don't start this crap again. There are and have been plenty of kids raised by only one parent, and I'm sure that Cooper will have a lot of help. Plus, he's much, much more interested in being a parent than some parents are. He volunteered to become a parent and had to arrange it, so it is highly unlikely that he will become one of those parents who, even if living with the other parent, spend more of their time on leisure activities and with friends or outside lovers than they spend raising their children.

He's interested only in training a new generation of homosexuals. Men who want to be fathers marry the woman they want to be the mother.

How does one "train" kids to be homosexual? I've never seen a study that shows children with gay parents having a higher rate of homosexuality than the regular population.

Most people marry who they love. And wanting children with that person is normal.
Considering that the vast, vast majority of all people were born to heterosexual parents, and raised by heterosexual parents who generally wanted to raise heterosexual children- I would say that 'training' children to be attracted to one gender or another doesn't appear to be working too well.

Parents have been duped into allowing their children to get their moral training from the socialists in the public schools. I remember a discussion with my granddaughter, after her high school graduation but before she started college, about a story on the news on TV. The story was about a woman who had a wife... In discussing the story, I referred to the woman as a lesbian. My granddaughter, and her visiting friend, were shocked that I would assume that a woman with a wife was a lesbian. What kind of right-wing monster was I?

Of course I was stunned. How in the world did I get that wrong? They explained to me that the woman might be bisexual. I had no right to assume any person's "gender" or sexual preference.

So, you're right. We're letting schools break down the family and destroy our values and causing real confusion in our children. It's something we'd better fix soon or the world as we know it is over.

Technically, your granddaughter was right.

But I question why it matters. The woman is married to another woman. Why is it a requirement that we categorize them as gay or bisexual? Unless you intend to try and seduce them, their sexual orientation doesn't matter. Or it shouldn't.
‘Best friends’ doesn’t earn tax breaks from the government. Homo marriage is as irrelevant as best friends so you defeat any argument for ‘legal’ homo marriage.

No idea why you think I said anything about best friends.

My biggest question is why we think we have to ask the gov't for permission to marry, and why so many benefits are given by federal state and local gov't.
You're getting warmer.
No one is asking permission. This is about gov acknowledgement and subsidies and privilege. The privilege exists to aid in child rearing, perpetuation of the society. Homos can’t procreate so it’s irrelevant.
Your own previous post admits that. Homo relations are moot per legal marriage so why apply it? You said that.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

As long as there is true love there I don't have a problem with same sex parents having adopted kids or kids through a surrogate. Let's be honest here, Kiddies...there are a lot of traditional couples that should NEVER be allowed to have a child because they're terrible parents. If Anderson Cooper turns out to be a good dad then more power to him!
The data is in and its post-1960’s leftist. Kids are best off with their actual two parents, their mother and father, which every human in history has had. Alternatives should only be last resort, not optional.
I'm a conservative actually. I just don't have an issue with same sex marriage. To be quite blunt...with all of the other fucked up things we have to deal with these days...people that love each matter what their sexual way down on my list of "problems"! Kids are best off in a setting where there are parents who love them...and god knows there are traditional marriages where a couple shouldn't be allowed to have a pet let alone a kid!
You probably live in a mostly-non-Black neighborhood.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

You are so far beyond sick.

I read the article yesterday and if I could, I would congratulate Anderson.

A new life is a blessing.

People like you are what's wrong with this nation.
No, your ignorance and rigid conservatism are the problem. You refuse to accept the empirical because it conflicts with your intolerant conservatism.
That's the sign of a true conservative. We may not like or agree with what another person does but we'll take to arms,. if necessary, to defend their right to do it.
What a load of bull. ... :cuckoo:
I'm a conservative, but I'd never take up arms to defend the fudge packers right to raise up children in a homo pretend marriage.

You are not a conservative. You are a hate-mongering asshole. There is a difference.
Suuure! Accusing all gays of being child molesters is polite.
I was giving my opinion and commenting on the subject at hand. While you were resorting to personal attacks directed towards me.
Big difference..... :cool:

Yes, I was. I have many friends and one family member that are gay or lesbian. And you gave your opinion like it was fact. It is not.
Yes, I was. I have many friends and one family member that are gay or lesbian. And you gave your opinion like it was fact. It is not.
I am sorry to hear you choose to be surrounded by mentally ill perverts. But I guess it's your prerogative to live that way.
As for me, I don't know any homo's, nor do I want to. They are dangerously deranged and have a propensity to carry deadly diseases and infections. ... :cool:
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Yes, I was. I have many friends and one family member that are gay or lesbian. And you gave your opinion like it was fact. It is not.
I am sorry to hear you choose to be surrounded by mentally ill perverts. But I guess it's your prerogative to live that way.
As for me, I don't know any homo's, nor do I want to. They are dangerously deranged and have a propensity to carry deadly diseases and infections. ... :cool:

I find them to be much better friends than hate-mongers who judge based on opinions rather than facts.
I find them to be much better friends than hate-mongers who judge based on opinions rather than facts.
Preferring not to be around mentally ill fudge packers isn't hate. It's just a safety issue. They are prone to violence, and are known to randomly attack people opposed to their perverted lifestyle. ... :cool:
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh, don't start this crap again. There are and have been plenty of kids raised by only one parent, and I'm sure that Cooper will have a lot of help. Plus, he's much, much more interested in being a parent than some parents are. He volunteered to become a parent and had to arrange it, so it is highly unlikely that he will become one of those parents who, even if living with the other parent, spend more of their time on leisure activities and with friends or outside lovers than they spend raising their children.

He's interested only in training a new generation of homosexuals. Men who want to be fathers marry the woman they want to be the mother.

How does one "train" kids to be homosexual? I've never seen a study that shows children with gay parents having a higher rate of homosexuality than the regular population.

Most people marry who they love. And wanting children with that person is normal.
Considering that the vast, vast majority of all people were born to heterosexual parents, and raised by heterosexual parents who generally wanted to raise heterosexual children- I would say that 'training' children to be attracted to one gender or another doesn't appear to be working too well.

Parents have been duped into allowing their children to get their moral training from the socialists in the public schools. I remember a discussion with my granddaughter, after her high school graduation but before she started college, about a story on the news on TV. The story was about a woman who had a wife... In discussing the story, I referred to the woman as a lesbian. My granddaughter, and her visiting friend, were shocked that I would assume that a woman with a wife was a lesbian. What kind of right-wing monster was I?

Of course I was stunned. How in the world did I get that wrong? They explained to me that the woman might be bisexual. I had no right to assume any person's "gender" or sexual preference.

So, you're right. We're letting schools break down the family and destroy our values and causing real confusion in our children. It's something we'd better fix soon or the world as we know it is over.

Technically, your granddaughter was right.

But I question why it matters. The woman is married to another woman. Why is it a requirement that we categorize them as gay or bisexual? Unless you intend to try and seduce them, their sexual orientation doesn't matter. Or it shouldn't.
‘Best friends’ doesn’t earn tax breaks from the government. Homo marriage is as irrelevant as best friends so you defeat any argument for ‘legal’ homo marriage.
Marriages entered into by two persons are legal, so you don't have to put it in quotes.

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