Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia University


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
You all gotta admit this does sound strange.

Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia University |

I just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not even a video greeting. Not a personalized letter to his classmates. Nothing. But worse, no one at our 30th reunion ever met him. The President of the United States is the ghost of Columbia University.
I read a book a while back that said when obozo attended columbia, it was a real dump and that's why he spent so little time there and why few students remember him.
There is so much we don't know about Obama. His history is something we have to take his word for because there is little else to go on.

If we use Obama's own book to try and discover who he is and what he stands for, it's helpful to look at the man that Obama referred to many times as his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

Frank Marshall Davis apparently taught Obama well.

Here's what he stood for:

Rejected and blasted Winston Churchill;

Vilified and targeted General Motors;

Advocated wealth redistribution from (in his words) greedy "corporations" to "health insurance" and "public works projects";

Favored taxpayer funding of universal health care;

Supported government stimulus and trumpeted the public sector over the private sector;

Constantly bashed Wall Street;

Dismissed traditional notions of American exceptionalism and framed American not as selflessly serving the post-World War II world but instead as selfishly flaunting its so-called "mountainous ego" and "racist-imperialist-colonialist" ambitions;

Warned God-and-gun-clinging Americans about huckster preachers and instead sought the political support of the "social justice" Religious Left for various causes and campaigns;

Perceived the Catholic Church as an obstacle to his vision for the state;

Confidently declared certain government actions "constitutional" or "unconstitutional";

Excoriated the "tentacles of big business," bankers, big oil, the "Big Boys," "excess profits," corporate fat cats and their "fat contracts," "millionaires" and "rich men," and the wealthy;

Attacked "GOP" tax cuts that "spare the rich" and that only "benefit millionaires";

Singled out the "corporation executive" for not paying his "fair" share;

Used slogans such as "change" and "forward."

Does this near-perfect overlay between the political views of our president and those of his mentor -- a card-carrying Communist whom, decades later, a rising Chicago politician would oh-so-carefully identify in Dreams from My Father only as "Frank" -- strike you as merely a coincidence? No? I didn't think so. To borrow an old Kremlin adage that Frank himself would have heard, and probably used himself, a thousand times: Comrades, there are no coincidences.

Read more: Articles: The Commie's Commie

Of course, there is a lot of hypocrisy. For as many times as Obama bashed Wallstreet, he failed to mention that Wallstreet execs go back and forth from appointed positions in Washington to Wallstreet. That is true of most administrations and his is no exception.

So, Obama can keep his college transcripts to himself (I doubt they are impressive or we would have seen them). We can use his own book to size him up.
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Well, Obama is kinda forgettable. For instance, remember all the promises he made, like balance the budget, end the wars, close Guantanamo bay, sunset the Bush era tax cuts, go line by line on bills... end corruption? Yeah, all the Obama-bots forgot about all of them promises, now they defend the war on terror, bailouts, mass money bombs dumped on the rich to play with in the markets and record deficits.
Obama the ghost!


That the new label since Kenyan and muslim didn't stick?
Well, Obama is kinda forgettable. For instance, remember all the promises he made, like balance the budget, end the wars, close Guantanamo bay, sunset the Bush era tax cuts, go line by line on bills... end corruption? Yeah, all the Obama-bots forgot about all of them promises, now they defend the war on terror, bailouts, mass money bombs dumped on the rich to play with in the markets and record deficits.

I seriously doubt Obama will be forgotten. We will be paying for years for his mis-deeds.

The Columbia story has me wondering. When a professor who taught the classes that Obama should have attended comes out and says that he doesn't remember Obama something just ain't right. And the fact that his records indicate the wasn't that great of a student at Occidental seems it VERY unlikely that an American could transfer to Columbia.

On the other hand there are those who do say they remember him. So what's up with that? There was a poem, I think, that was published at Columbia credited to Obama and used as proof he attended. All it really proves is that a article was printed that may have been written by Obama.

I think Obama is the Manchurian Canidate.
Well, Obama is kinda forgettable. For instance, remember all the promises he made, like balance the budget, end the wars, close Guantanamo bay, sunset the Bush era tax cuts, go line by line on bills... end corruption? Yeah, all the Obama-bots forgot about all of them promises, now they defend the war on terror, bailouts, mass money bombs dumped on the rich to play with in the markets and record deficits.

I seriously doubt Obama will be forgotten. We will be paying for years for his mis-deeds.

The Columbia story has me wondering. When a professor who taught the classes that Obama should have attended comes out and says that he doesn't remember Obama something just ain't right. And the fact that his records indicate the wasn't that great of a student at Occidental seems it VERY unlikely that an American could transfer to Columbia.

On the other hand there are those who do say they remember him. So what's up with that? There was a poem, I think, that was published at Columbia credited to Obama and used as proof he attended. All it really proves is that a article was printed that may have been written by Obama.

I think Obama is the Manchurian Canidate.

Nobody remembered seeing Bush at his National Guard Drills, either.

But the records indicate he was there.

I am a graduate of Columbia University, Class of 1983. That’s the same class Barack Obama claims to have graduated from. We shared the same exact major- Political Science. We were both Pre Law. It was a small class- about 700 students. The Political Science department was even smaller and closer-knit (maybe 150 students). I thought I knew, or met at least once, (or certainly saw in classes) every fellow Poly Sci classmate in my four years at Columbia.

But not Obama. No one ever met him.

So, this guy remembers the names and faces of 700 students from 30 years ago? I want proof. I want to see him on video name every one of them from memory.
He never attended Columbia and he obviously missed the "Judicial Review" class at Harvard Law
Much of Barack Obama's past is a mystery. I believe much of it was invented. He's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
Is Columbia University in the habit of awarding cum laude status to students not attending their University?

BTW, I attended a similar university, pretty much kept to a small group of friends and probably couldn't name or recognize more than ten people who attended classes with me. I can name a handful of professors I had, but that's about it.
You all gotta admit this does sound strange.

What's strange is that you're still hammering this years after he was first elected, but the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq is considered a non-issue! :eusa_eh:

Both Clintons thought Saddam had WMDS, so did Ted Kennedy, Gore, Kerry, the UN, the UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Germany, Russia.

But I guess you believe that Bush was so brilliant that he fooled all of these millions of people. But, I thought you said he was an idiot :cool:

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