Barrett, of all people, spills the beans in the immunity case.

The House Impeachment was the "clown show". Republicans could not name a single "high crime" that Mayourkas has committed. MTG, the head clown of the Insurrectionist Caucus, filed the Articles of Impeachment.

The idiocy of attempting to impeach someone because you don't like their policies, is assinine, but that's today's Republican Party: Constantly showing their asses to the American people.

I feel sorry for someone as obviously ignorant of the law as you are.
I feel sorry for the angry, ignorant types who see nothing wrong with abject refusal to enforce the law.

It's a shame that the angry, ignorant types see nothing wrong with the Biden Clown Show aiding and abetting child sex trafficking, drug smuggling and allowances for criminal cartels to conduct those businesses.

The idiocy of the angry, ignorant types who flail their pom poms for child rape are just vile.
The Schumer clown show was a joke. Just another example of Dem / Socialist totalitarianism.

Yesterday’s message from the rightwing justices of the Supreme Court, particularly the male justices, was shocking to any believer in true, conservative jurisprudence and the rule of law.

Their questions at the oral argument in the Donald Trump immunity case signaled strongly that they really care more about enhancing presidential power than preserving democracy, and to that end, lean toward giving Trump the gift of even more delay.

Trump, the former president and Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting, is accused of trying to overturn an election in the weeks before January 6. He has said the “constitution should be terminated” and that he will be “a “dictator on Day One.”
That's the system we have had for well over 200 years and should not change just because of the blind and irrational hate one party has for a POTUS.
Nor should it change because one POTUS has a habit of breaking the law as your blob does. Oh yeah, I forgot, grand juries in 4 different jurisdictions all got together to railroad him. My bad.
I feel sorry for the angry, ignorant types who see nothing wrong with abject refusal to enforce the law.
I feel sorry for the duped, disinformed types who do not see reality for what it is.
Ironically, Trump is arguing he can be assassinated by Biden without consequence. Biden's justification being the threat Trump poses to our constitutional republic.
No, that's only your retarded NARRATIVE, Stalinberg.

Yesterday’s message from the rightwing justices of the Supreme Court, particularly the male justices, was shocking to any believer in true, conservative jurisprudence and the rule of law.

Their questions at the oral argument in the Donald Trump immunity case signaled strongly that they really care more about enhancing presidential power than preserving democracy, and to that end, lean toward giving Trump the gift of even more delay.

Trump, the former president and Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting, is accused of trying to overturn an election in the weeks before January 6. He has said the “constitution should be terminated” and that he will be “a “dictator on Day One.”

There is real comedy gold in Stalinist / Leninist ideologues trying to lecture others about.
"true, conservative jurisprudence and the rule of law."
I would argue that everything a POTUS does is an official act as long as he holds office....Now if that act pisses off congress they can impeach him and try him in the Senate. If that fails the smell test and a POTUS is found innocent in the Senate that should be the end of any further proceedings. Done and done.
Bingo! There exist already checks and balances on a POTUS that have proven out over 200+ years. None of these liberal justice hypotheticals about a POTUS running amok with absolute immunity have occurred in the past or will occur in the future given that congress can impeach.

Hell that's before we even get to the parties running to the courts to sue to stop a POTUS from doing their job every damn time we turn around.

What is not in dispute is that Democrats have openly used the law to violently go after their political opponent. That's not a hypothetical, it's happening in real time, while Biden sits on his throne smirking. If the SCOTUS won't do something about that then they are useless.
I feel sorry for the duped, disinformed types who do not see reality for what it is.

Feeling sorry for yourself makes you weak and ineffectual.

Feel free to lecture us on the Dem / Socialist refusal to enforce the law as they actively promote violent crime and lawlessness.
Not at all. No one thought that presidents had immunity until just now. This is all brand new.

We've never had a president like Trump before either. I certainly wasn't thrilled with him.

But, when the other side is talking of impeachment before he is sworn in....this is what you get.


You assclowns asked for it.
Bugger-off Hoser and fix your own FUBAR country before we run out of things to do and fix it for you.

A "Hoser" is a beer drinking Canadian male. But thanks for proving you're just that stupid.
I feel sorry for the angry, ignorant types who see nothing wrong with abject refusal to enforce the law.

It's a shame that the angry, ignorant types see nothing wrong with the Biden Clown Show aiding and abetting child sex trafficking, drug smuggling and allowances for criminal cartels to conduct those businesses.

The idiocy of the angry, ignorant types who flail their pom poms for child rape are just vile.

You're projecting again. I'm neither "angry" nor "ignorant". I'm merely pointing out the facts to gullible Cultists, which you clearly triggers you. Your angry language and blatant lies about the Southern Border verges on hysteria.

Myourkas HAS been following the law. TRUMP did not follow the law.

Forcing immigrants to wait in Mexico for entry to the USA keeps these people directly in the path of the cartels and the rapists. The price of staying in refugees camps is rape, and abuse. The way to end the sex trafficking and the rapes, is to let these people into the USA to make their claims.

But keep believing Republican lies.
I agree with you, up to the point of you blaming democrats, who also believes what you do, instead of Trump, who does not.

I don't see the word "democrats" anywhere in his post. He said "the left". There is a big difference. The left are the hard-core monarch-lovers who don't want King Donald to supplant King Joe (or whoever is pulling his poor demented strings).
We've never had a president like Trump before either. I certainly wasn't thrilled with him.

But, when the other side is talking of impeachment before he is sworn in....this is what you get.


You assclowns asked for it.

The "other side" wasn't talking about impeachment at all, until long after Trump was inaugurated, so don't try that bullshit on us.
Bingo! There exist already checks and balances on a POTUS that have proven out over 200+ years.
Trump having proven himself to be the living exception to the rule when he tried to block the peaceful transfer of power. Then claim total immunity for crimes committed by the prez.
Trump having proven himself to be the living exception to the rule when he tried to block the peaceful transfer of power. Then claim total immunity for crimes committed by the prez.
That's just your NARRATIVE, Stalinberg.
Try reality for once.
A "Hoser" is a beer drinking Canadian male. But thanks for proving you're just that stupid.

You're projecting again. I'm neither "angry" nor "ignorant". I'm merely pointing out the facts to gullible Cultists, which you clearly triggers you. Your angry language and blatant lies about the Southern Border verges on hysteria.

Myourkas HAS been following the law. TRUMP did not follow the law.

Forcing immigrants to wait in Mexico for entry to the USA keeps these people directly in the path of the cartels and the rapists. The price of staying in refugees camps is rape, and abuse. The way to end the sex trafficking and the rapes, is to let these people into the USA to make their claims.

But keep believing Republican lies.

Your hysterical rants are no defense for your approval of child sex trafficking, drug smuggling and the Dem / Socialist enabling of such.

Don't be so triggered. Revel in your acceptance of child rape.
People are so binary.

“immunity” does not mean a President may turn around during the SOTU address and shoot the Speaker of the House with no legal ramifications.

This is more for like when Obama murdered a US citizen in Yemen with a drone strike. Should Obama be arrested for murder? He ordered the killing of a US CITIZEN with no due process. This is illegal.

It is amazing how the cult refuse to admit this happened.

It was Obama….it was illegal.

If Presidents do not have immunity, he should be arrested for murder.

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