BBC TV Poll: 95% of British think Multiculturalism isn’t working.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
BBC TV Poll: 95% of British think Multiculturalism isn’t working.

Owen Jones was the anti-White guy speaking after the poll. Notice how he bragged that Britain “has one of the highest levels of inter-racial relationships in the world“, so he says.

He claimed that the “real issue” is not that White people don’t like don’t like being in minority White areas; he says that “segregation” is the problem – the fact that most White people move out of an area when there are too many non-Whites.

In other words, the real problem according to Jones is that there are still majority White areas in the UK which haven’t been “diversified” enough.

He pretty much summed up his anti-White lies with “lets promote communities which are mixed“.

These next years will be very interesting because more and more people are waking up to the fact that there has been a deliberate policy in many White countries to get rid of White people.

If any other group of people were chased across the planet and forced to accept living s a minority it would be called genocide. But in the case of White people, it is called “diversity” or “population shift”.

Nothing could be further from the truth – it’s White genocide. Anti-Whites say “diversity” but what they mean is “we must get rid of White majority areas”. Diversity is just their codeword for White genocide.

UKIP is going to take Brition back for its people! I hope they deport every single non-white from the UK!
UKIP is going to take Brition back for its people! I hope they deport every single non-white from the UK!

UKIP wants to take away the voting rights of every British citizen who has ever been imprisoned for a crime, no matter how minor or how briefly.

I'm glad that all you have is hope that UKIP will deport anyone, rather than a firm belief that they will; I read through their platform and they make no mention of any deportations.

Apart from them being anti-EU, anti-globalist, and anti-foreign aid, they're not that bad of a political party when looking at their counterparts in other countries, such as Greece's Golden Dawn or the U.S.'s Libertarian Party. UKIP convinces racists like you to support them while simultaneously not actually even wanting to do anything racist themselves. It's actually a brilliant tactic of neutralizing the threat of the angry white manpig.
Owen Jones studied at University College, Oxford. I can only imagine how "multicultural" his lectures and seminars were.
When the Brits were forcing their culture upon the conquered, the natives wanted them out also...
The Brits were expecting to succeed in assimilating others like the \Jews, Armanians, Poles and Hungarians, but the immigrants from places like Pakistan , Afghanistan and Africa were not so assimilable.. This is where the idea
was born. It will and cannot work..
The Brits were expecting to succeed in assimilating others like the \Jews, Armanians, Poles and Hungarians, but the immigrants from places like Pakistan , Afghanistan and Africa were not so assimilable.. This is where the idea
was born. It will and cannot work..

Exactly. Every day I read about Britain's supposedly conservative-leaning media outlets moaning about Polish and Eastern European migrants, yet they assimilate in almost after arriving. But why is it so easy for them? It's because they're ethnically European. They know that the laws and customs might be a bit different to what they're used to, but are overall in alignment with what they've grown-up with. They know the indigenous British will look like them. They know that the kind of food they like will be enjoyed by native Brits. I could go on and on, but the same can't be said of those coming from Africa and Asia.
About White Genocide
What is White genocide?

Kiss my white ass, you racist mofos from the BNP.
Although I think "White genocide" (a term coined by Bob Whitaker) is a bit too sensationalist, you have to ask yourself why the West is required to constantly act as a haven for Third Worlders. I mean, why can't China and Japan share some of the burden?
About White Genocide
What is White genocide?

Kiss my white ass, you racist mofos from the BNP.

Multiculturalism will end up splitting every former white country into dozens of smaller countries. Yes, destroying a culture that has existed for thousands of years is genocide.
BBC TV Poll: 95% of British think Multiculturalism isn’t working.

Owen Jones was the anti-White guy speaking after the poll. Notice how he bragged that Britain “has one of the highest levels of inter-racial relationships in the world“, so he says.

He claimed that the “real issue” is not that White people don’t like don’t like being in minority White areas; he says that “segregation” is the problem – the fact that most White people move out of an area when there are too many non-Whites.

In other words, the real problem according to Jones is that there are still majority White areas in the UK which haven’t been “diversified” enough.

He pretty much summed up his anti-White lies with “lets promote communities which are mixed“.

These next years will be very interesting because more and more people are waking up to the fact that there has been a deliberate policy in many White countries to get rid of White people.

If any other group of people were chased across the planet and forced to accept living s a minority it would be called genocide. But in the case of White people, it is called “diversity” or “population shift”.

Nothing could be further from the truth – it’s White genocide. Anti-Whites say “diversity” but what they mean is “we must get rid of White majority areas”. Diversity is just their codeword for White genocide.

UKIP is going to take Brition back for its people! I hope they deport every single non-white from the UK!

OF COURSE multi-culturalism doesn't work. It never has in the history of man. It is a liberal notion of fancy. It will fail.

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