Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon


Amazingly Daddy Bush was also involved in the Kennedy assassination.
Part 1. ?Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency? - WhoWhatWhy

Statism always sucks. When will Americans wake up to this fact?

Here we are 50 years after the assassination and still the federal government continues the charade of lies. When a government can perpetrate a coup and get away with it, its time to end that government.


Like I said,I take it back.You are the second person to come on here who is actually awake and knows the true history of vietnam and what went on during the Kennedy years.

I wonder if any of these fools that have posted ignoring facts that Nixon would have gotten us into world war 3 had he been president back then,are even aware of the fact that Nixon,his long time friend Bush,and CIA covert operation specialist E Howard Hunt who ran covert operations for the CIA that Nixon directed when he was vice president under Eisenhower,that Bush,Nixon and Hunt were the ONLY people in the world who could not remember where they were that day of the assassination.

I wasnt around at that time but I was when 9/11 happened and I will NEVER forget where I was that day on 9/11 as does everybody else that was alive that day remembers where they were at the time of the JFK assassination.Only Nixon,Hunt and Bush could not remember.:lol:

Reagan like Bush and Ford ,was also handsomely rewarded the office of the presidency for his particpation in the coverup as governor back then,he blocked extradition requests for subpoenas of key high officials during the Garrison investigation.

Heres Dick Nixon calling up his good old long time friend and co conspirator with him in the JFK assassination Bushwacker to wish him happy birthday.

[ame=]RICHARD NIXON TAPES: Happy New Years, George Bush! - YouTube[/ame]

Notice how the two men invovled in the assassination,Bushwacker and Nixon are all laughing it all up with the two men who got rewarded the office of the presidency for their participation in the coverup,Ford and Reagan?

It is appalling what our government and political leaders have done to cover up the Kennedy assassination. Over the top appalling...and yet, Americans THINK they live in a free and just nation. CRAZY.

Hell...I remember where I was when JFK was shot, and I was five years old.

Few people know of Ford's involvement in the coverup. To his dying day, he kept telling Americans that the Warren Commission (which he assisted in writing) report was accurate...and that Oswald acted alone. He was a disgusting tool of the State.

LBJ, Ford, and HW should have been charged, tried, and sentenced to prison for their roles in the coverup...instead of becoming POTUS. Truly amazing what they were able to accomplish. Lies, lies, and more lies....

Our nation has been co-opted by disgusting lying Statists. When will Americans wake up?

dynamite post.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

yeah thats funny that even YOU at just five years old can remember where you were that day,yet somehow,Nixon,Hunt,and Bushwacker,are the only three men alive then who were all ADULTS could not remember where they were that dady changing their storys many times over the years.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

btw,at first when you came on here,I did not read your posts because of your user name.I thought you were one of those brainless people who had been brainwashed by the lies of the CIA spun media all theses years that reagan was a great president because of your user name.obviously thats not the case,so just why DO you have that user name then if its not for ronnie by chance?
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Like I said,I take it back.You are the second person to come on here who is actually awake and knows the true history of vietnam and what went on during the Kennedy years.

I wonder if any of these fools that have posted ignoring facts that Nixon would have gotten us into world war 3 had he been president back then,are even aware of the fact that Nixon,his long time friend Bush,and CIA covert operation specialist E Howard Hunt who ran covert operations for the CIA that Nixon directed when he was vice president under Eisenhower,that Bush,Nixon and Hunt were the ONLY people in the world who could not remember where they were that day of the assassination.

I wasnt around at that time but I was when 9/11 happened and I will NEVER forget where I was that day on 9/11 as does everybody else that was alive that day remembers where they were at the time of the JFK assassination.Only Nixon,Hunt and Bush could not remember.:lol:

Reagan like Bush and Ford ,was also handsomely rewarded the office of the presidency for his particpation in the coverup as governor back then,he blocked extradition requests for subpoenas of key high officials during the Garrison investigation.

Heres Dick Nixon calling up his good old long time friend and co conspirator with him in the JFK assassination Bushwacker to wish him happy birthday.

RICHARD NIXON TAPES: Happy New Years, George Bush! - YouTube

Notice how the two men invovled in the assassination,Bushwacker and Nixon are all laughing it all up with the two men who got rewarded the office of the presidency for their participation in the coverup,Ford and Reagan?

It is appalling what our government and political leaders have done to cover up the Kennedy assassination. Over the top appalling...and yet, Americans THINK they live in a free and just nation. CRAZY.

Hell...I remember where I was when JFK was shot, and I was five years old.

Few people know of Ford's involvement in the coverup. To his dying day, he kept telling Americans that the Warren Commission (which he assisted in writing) report was accurate...and that Oswald acted alone. He was a disgusting tool of the State.

LBJ, Ford, and HW should have been charged, tried, and sentenced to prison for their roles in the coverup...instead of becoming POTUS. Truly amazing what they were able to accomplish. Lies, lies, and more lies....

Our nation has been co-opted by disgusting lying Statists. When will Americans wake up?

dynamite post.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

yeah thats funny that even YOU at just five years old can remember where you were that day,yet somehow,Nixon,Hunt,and Bushwacker,are the only three men alive then who were all ADULTS could not remember where they were that dady changing their storys many times over the years.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

btw,at first when you came on here,I did not read your posts because of your user name.I thought you were one of those brainless people who had been brainwashed by the lies of the CIA spun media all theses years that reagan was a great president because of your user name.obviously thats not the case,so just why DO you have that user name then if its not for ronnie by chance?

I once was a great admirer of Reagan, when he was in office. But I educated myself and concluded he was not unlike many of our presidents. That said, I would take him over all the doofuses who have become POTUS, since he was president. Sadly, that is not saying much, since all those men were and are disgusting statists.

I have long been a libertarian bordering on an anarchist. I get shit from many posters here. I find it amusing that I get it both from those on the right and the left.

It is unfortunate that so many Americans have become entrenched in the two party system. When you recognize the failures of both parties and that both are first and foremost Statists, you realize what a shell game our government has become.

I appreciate that you were able to ignore my user name and base your opinion on the content of my posts.

I hold out hope that Americans, right and left, can unite once they understand how big centralized government run by a small elite, harms us all.
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JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.

Wrongo, mate...we (military advisors) were already there before JFK took office.

The first COMBAT TROOPS entered Vietnam in 1965.

Kennedy, obviously, had nothing to do with that.
It is appalling what our government and political leaders have done to cover up the Kennedy assassination. Over the top appalling...and yet, Americans THINK they live in a free and just nation. CRAZY.

Hell...I remember where I was when JFK was shot, and I was five years old.

Few people know of Ford's involvement in the coverup. To his dying day, he kept telling Americans that the Warren Commission (which he assisted in writing) report was accurate...and that Oswald acted alone. He was a disgusting tool of the State.

LBJ, Ford, and HW should have been charged, tried, and sentenced to prison for their roles in the coverup...instead of becoming POTUS. Truly amazing what they were able to accomplish. Lies, lies, and more lies....

Our nation has been co-opted by disgusting lying Statists. When will Americans wake up?

dynamite post.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

yeah thats funny that even YOU at just five years old can remember where you were that day,yet somehow,Nixon,Hunt,and Bushwacker,are the only three men alive then who were all ADULTS could not remember where they were that dady changing their storys many times over the years.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

btw,at first when you came on here,I did not read your posts because of your user name.I thought you were one of those brainless people who had been brainwashed by the lies of the CIA spun media all theses years that reagan was a great president because of your user name.obviously thats not the case,so just why DO you have that user name then if its not for ronnie by chance?

I once was a great admirer of Reagan, when he was in office. But I educated myself and concluded he was not unlike many of our presidents. That said, I would take him over all the doofuses who have become POTUS, since he was president. Sadly, that is not saying much, since all those men were and are disgusting statists.

I have long been a libertarian bordering on an anarchist. I get shit from many posters here. I find it amusing that I get it both from those on the right and the left.

It is unfortunate that so many Americans have become entrenched in the two party system. When you recognize the failures of both parties and that both are first and foremost Statists, you realize what a shell game our government has become.

I appreciate that you were able to ignore my user name and base your opinion on the content of my posts.

I hold out hope that Americans, right and left, can unite once they understand how big centralized government run by a small elite, harms us all.

Yeah I was taken in by Reagan the actor back then falling like so many americans did for his charm and personality.Thats why a lot of people wanted him in instead of carter because of that fact.

Yeah you are right,compared to all the presidents we have had since Ronnie,he wanst as bad but yeah thats not saying much since when you compare him to past presidents before him,he was EXTRMELY bad.

He doesnt look so bad now because every president since him has been mnore evil and more corrupt that he was but back then at THE TIME,he was the most corrupt ever creating the worst deficit ever worse than all presidents before him COMBINED!!!!!

with the exception of carter,ever president since JFK,has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one,always will be as long as we have this corrupt two party system.
JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.

Wrongo, mate...we (military advisors) were already there before JFK took office.

The first COMBAT TROOPS entered Vietnam in 1965.

Kennedy, obviously, had nothing to do with that.

thats what i said earlier.some people just arent aware of the facts that Johnson was the one who got the war started sending in combat troops.

The advisors like you said,we ALREADY there before Jfk took office.The only thing kennedy ever increased under Eisenhower was the advisors.He never sent in combat troops.Lbj did.

There were only 82 casultys in sept 1963.thats a far cry from the 58,000 plus that happened under Johnson and Nixons watch.:lol::lol::lol:
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

you farted again
dynamite post.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

yeah thats funny that even YOU at just five years old can remember where you were that day,yet somehow,Nixon,Hunt,and Bushwacker,are the only three men alive then who were all ADULTS could not remember where they were that dady changing their storys many times over the years.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

btw,at first when you came on here,I did not read your posts because of your user name.I thought you were one of those brainless people who had been brainwashed by the lies of the CIA spun media all theses years that reagan was a great president because of your user name.obviously thats not the case,so just why DO you have that user name then if its not for ronnie by chance?

I once was a great admirer of Reagan, when he was in office. But I educated myself and concluded he was not unlike many of our presidents. That said, I would take him over all the doofuses who have become POTUS, since he was president. Sadly, that is not saying much, since all those men were and are disgusting statists.

I have long been a libertarian bordering on an anarchist. I get shit from many posters here. I find it amusing that I get it both from those on the right and the left.

It is unfortunate that so many Americans have become entrenched in the two party system. When you recognize the failures of both parties and that both are first and foremost Statists, you realize what a shell game our government has become.

I appreciate that you were able to ignore my user name and base your opinion on the content of my posts.

I hold out hope that Americans, right and left, can unite once they understand how big centralized government run by a small elite, harms us all.

Yeah I was taken in by Reagan the actor back then falling like so many americans did for his charm and personality.Thats why a lot of people wanted him in instead of carter because of that fact.

Yeah you are right,compared to all the presidents we have had since Ronnie,he wanst as bad but yeah thats not saying much since when you compare him to past presidents before him,he was EXTRMELY bad.

He doesnt look so bad now because every president since him has been mnore evil and more corrupt that he was but back then at THE TIME,he was the most corrupt ever creating the worst deficit ever worse than all presidents before him COMBINED!!!!!

with the exception of carter,ever president since JFK,has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one,always will be as long as we have this corrupt two party system.

To give one man the extraordinary powers, now given the POTUS, is a recipe for disaster...and we are in the midst of that disaster right now.

Unlimited power in the hands of a small elite, ALWAYS leads to problems for the people. Americans knew this fact at one time. Now Americans have been brainwashed to believe in the State.

With a small elite firmly in power and a large segment of Americans dependent on that elite, we are destined for serfdom and ultimately the ash heap of history.
just so you know,before your last post,at 5:14pm yesterday,someone farted in here in my thread.:9:
Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon


I love how all you did was read the thread title.:cuckoo:

so you would like to have had Dick Nixon elected which would have assured tha you would not be here right now since he would have gone in and done what the military brass wanted Jfk to do which he resisted,bomb cuba.? Nixon would have done that and gotten us into world war three and you would not be here right now, yet you would like to have had DICK Nixon elected back then?:cuckoo:

Better get off that crack you been smoking.:cuckoo:

Nixon said in later years had he been president he would have gone in and bombed cuba like the military brass wanted JFK to do and knowing how extrmely immature Nixon was back then,I guarantee you,he would have done just what he said he would do,bomb cuba which would have started world war three.
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.
Dick probably would have backed the Bay of Pigs with air support, at least. In which case, the US might well be paying off another illegal occupation in today's dollars. Cuba has been on the hit list of US elites almost since the founding generation, and Nixon might well have delivered for them.
Like I said yesterday,you're really the only one on here that has done his homework and really understands what went on back then for the the most part here.Yeah you're right that Hoover had RFK by the balls.He had John by the balls as well as he did all presidents before him that came into office.

He always got the scoop on their activities to get them by the balls so they would do favors for him through blackmail.Many were shocked when JFK made Johnson his running mate because his views were nothing whatsoever in line with Kennedys.

Kennedy didnt want him for his running mate.He made him his running mate though because Hoover blackmailed him into it.Kennedy had no choice to make Johnson his running mate because he was getting in the pants with a woman that was a known nazi sympathiser.Hoover would have leaked that to the press had Kennedy not gone along with making JOhnson his running mate.Its well known Johnson hated the kennedys from the very get go so again,it was a major shock to everybody in Kennedys camp when he made Johnson his running mate.

Hoover and Johnson at one time,were next door neighbors in Washington.Cant remember the timeframe but they lived next door to each other for years and were very good friends.Hoover also hated the Kennedys with a passion as well.

Just like he blackmailed JFk to make Johnson his runningmate,RFK was in Hoovers pocket as well which is why he gave in to Hoovers blackmail to authorize the wiretapping of King since Robert also knew Hoover would release damaging information to the press about JFK's sexual escapades with a known nazi sympathiser.

Johnson and Hoover benefitted immensely from the assassination.Johnson not only because he became president,but also according to his aides,he was going to dump Johnson from the 1964 ticket he was going to run on and get a new and different runningmate.It was no secret either.

There were national headlines across all the major newspapers in the previous weeks leading up this visit in texas of Nixon predicting Kennedy to drop Johnson as his runningmate for the 1964 reelection campaine ticket.

Hoover probably had inside knowledge on that as well.The way Hoover benefitted from the assassination was the Kennedys hated Hoover as much as Hoover and Johnson hated them.Kennedys aides said he told them after the reelection,he was going to make sure Hoover retired at the standard mandatory age of 65 after he won relection.Well since it was Hoovers longtime friend Johnson that got reelected in 64 instead,Johnson disregarded the mandatory retirement age and scrapped it and Hoover stayed on as director till he was 72.

a lot of people dont understand that some of the things Kennedy wanted to do at the time like pull out of vietnam and dump Johnson as his runningmate and Hoover as director of the FBI,that he couldnt do it till after the reelection campaine in 64.That he was going to have to wait till then to be able to do it.


Amazingly Daddy Bush was also involved in the Kennedy assassination.
Part 1. ?Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency? - WhoWhatWhy

Statism always sucks. When will Americans wake up to this fact?

Here we are 50 years after the assassination and still the federal government continues the charade of lies. When a government can perpetrate a coup and get away with it, its time to end that government.


Like I said,I take it back.You are the second person to come on here who is actually awake and knows the true history of vietnam and what went on during the Kennedy years.

Beginning sentences with "Like I said" indicates weakness of intellect, as does excessive use of Smilies.

Amazingly Daddy Bush was also involved in the Kennedy assassination.
Part 1. ?Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency? - WhoWhatWhy

Statism always sucks. When will Americans wake up to this fact?

Here we are 50 years after the assassination and still the federal government continues the charade of lies. When a government can perpetrate a coup and get away with it, its time to end that government.


Like I said,I take it back.You are the second person to come on here who is actually awake and knows the true history of vietnam and what went on during the Kennedy years.

Beginning sentences with "Like I said" indicates weakness of intellect, as does excessive use of Smilies.

wrong forum fool.flame zone is the other way.great contribution there.:cuckoo: my ignore list grows larger. when in denial,they can only insult.
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

What do you have to say to the people saying Kennedy would be considered a neocon today?

Like I said,I take it back.You are the second person to come on here who is actually awake and knows the true history of vietnam and what went on during the Kennedy years.

Beginning sentences with "Like I said" indicates weakness of intellect, as does excessive use of Smilies.

wrong forum fool.flame zone is the other way.great contribution there.:cuckoo: my ignore list grows larger. when in denial,they can only insult.

Like I said...

Like I said,I take it back.You are the second person to come on here who is actually awake and knows the true history of vietnam and what went on during the Kennedy years.

Beginning sentences with "Like I said" indicates weakness of intellect, as does excessive use of Smilies.

wrong forum fool.flame zone is the other way.great contribution there.:cuckoo: my ignore list grows larger. when in denial,they can only insult.

adding on to this,great contribution there and contributing to the subject at hand.:cuckoo:
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

What do you have to say to the people saying Kennedy would be considered a neocon today?

are there actually morons out there that ACTUALLY say that?:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Way to avoid the facts.:lol: :lmao::clap: Nice game of dodgeball there ignoring that Nixon in later years said he would have gone in and bombed them just like the military wanted Jfk to do but he wisely resisted.:cuckoo:

Oh and Jfk was a man of world peace,contrary to many of the lies that have been spread over the years by our corrupt society and media,the missiles were already there when Jfk got in office.

They were put in place in Turkey under Eisenhower whom unlike vietnam,actually had a good reason for putting them there.Jfk and Kruschev had to make back channel meetings with each other because their governments were both doing a very good job of not carrying oput their directives.

A man of peace would not have increased the number of troops in Vietnam from 500 to 16,000. And that was from 500 'military advisors' to 16,000 combat troops.

I rest my case!

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