Before you speak to me about your religion

But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

Nice research. The first quote is from May of 2012. The second is from November 2014.
Does that tell you I lied or that something changed?
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

If you are not going to believe my answers, why ask a question and press for an answer?

And if I were a Christian, how would that change the fact that I agree with the OP?
If I were not a Christian, how would that change the fact that I agree with the OP?
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

If you are not going to believe my answers, why ask a question and press for an answer?

And if I were a Christian, how would that change the fact that I agree with the OP?
If I were not a Christian, how would that change the fact that I agree with the OP?

I didnt ask if you were a Christian. Obviously you are not. That was asked by someone else. I askd if you were anti-christian. Which you are.
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

Nice research. The first quote is from May of 2012. The second is from November 2014.
Does that tell you I lied or that something changed?

It tells me you were a pretty shallow christian even when you claimed to be one. Probably posted platitudes on facebook or something.
I think this is a good idea. It is through actions that our faith and love of God is expressed.

I would also ask those that are atheist that believe there is no God, that believe they as a whole have a better also guide us by their example before ridiculing those that believe in God.

Neither side respects the other’s right to one’s beliefs. I believe in God, I also respect other’s points of view.

If respect for all points of view were given, whether you agree with it or not, that is the basis for conversation and enlightenment by both sides.
It is through actions that our faith and love of God is expressed.
Yeah, when your side is out there abusing women, then champion the very person who allowed women to be abused or murdered, or have children murdered before they get a chance at life, then these very people try to use their Rules for Radicals to brow beat US into being subjugated to their will, just shows their hatred to Christianity and those who find happiness from it. Such bitter people the left have become, such jealousy of those who have found happiness.


I am not on the left, I am a conservative that believe actions is a way of showing my belief and faith in God.

I am against gay marriage, I am against abortion, I am pro gun.

The Bible says faith without works is dead. I believe that, do you?
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

If you are not going to believe my answers, why ask a question and press for an answer?

And if I were a Christian, how would that change the fact that I agree with the OP?
If I were not a Christian, how would that change the fact that I agree with the OP?

I didnt ask if you were a Christian. Obviously you are not. That was asked by someone else. I askd if you were anti-christian. Which you are.

Really? And you base that on what?
As far as the OP goes, the Bible says the same thing.

1 John 3: 17-18
17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Or James 2:17
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

Nice research. The first quote is from May of 2012. The second is from November 2014.
Does that tell you I lied or that something changed?

It tells me you were a pretty shallow christian even when you claimed to be one. Probably posted platitudes on facebook or something.

LMAO!! Oh, so now you claim to know who I was over 5 years ago?

No, I was certainly not a shallow Christian. I was a devout one. I practiced what I preached. I studied. I served.

But you go ahead and tell me who I was back then. I'm sure that helps your beliefs.
So you are confirming that you are a Christian, which is very relevant. Do you acquiesce that you are a Christian?

What did I say that confirms I am a Christian?
Nope, I didn't. I do not think it is relevant. What I have said is not anti-Christian.
You seem to be a little defensive when I asked you the question. Now you are avoiding the question, are you or are you not a Christain, Yes or No , really it is simple, either or, don't have to give a detailed description either.

I am not defensive at all. I simply asked what I said that confirmed I am a Christian, as you claim.
And I asked twice now if you are or aren't a Chrisitian, why are you avoiding the question, or should I just assume you are Anti-Christian?

You can assume anything you like. But if you want to call me "Anti-Christian", I would say you are wrong and challenge you to show a post of mine that shows you are right.
Damn, just typical of a liberal to squirrel away from answering a simple yes or no question, but then like the liberal hypocrite you are, DEMAND the rest of us to answer yours. Yep I am sure glad I am not a pussy, whiney ass liberal bitch, who is too ashamed of themselves to admit they are religious.
As far as the OP goes, the Bible says the same thing.

1 John 3: 17-18
17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Or James 2:17
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
My little children who were lucky enough to survive your mothers choice by not being aborted, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
I would like to know where in the new testament where is says "Murder your children that you don't want from making a mistake while having sex". You lib fucks sure seem to have made that one up for your religious beliefs.
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

Nice research. The first quote is from May of 2012. The second is from November 2014.
Does that tell you I lied or that something changed?

It tells me you were a pretty shallow christian even when you claimed to be one. Probably posted platitudes on facebook or something.

LMAO!! Oh, so now you claim to know who I was over 5 years ago?

No, I was certainly not a shallow Christian. I was a devout one. I practiced what I preached. I studied. I served.

But you go ahead and tell me who I was back then. I'm sure that helps your beliefs.
No, I was certainly not a shallow Christian. I was a devout one. I practiced what I preached. I studied. I served.
Yet you voted for the very people who aborted babies. Damn that is mighty Christian of you.....
It is really telling that abortion is central to these people. Christianity opposes it. And it is telling what abortion is paired with..marxism, feminism, homosexuality and always an anti-Christian bias.
What did I say that confirms I am a Christian?
Nope, I didn't. I do not think it is relevant. What I have said is not anti-Christian.
You seem to be a little defensive when I asked you the question. Now you are avoiding the question, are you or are you not a Christain, Yes or No , really it is simple, either or, don't have to give a detailed description either.

I am not defensive at all. I simply asked what I said that confirmed I am a Christian, as you claim.
And I asked twice now if you are or aren't a Chrisitian, why are you avoiding the question, or should I just assume you are Anti-Christian?

You can assume anything you like. But if you want to call me "Anti-Christian", I would say you are wrong and challenge you to show a post of mine that shows you are right.
Damn, just typical of a liberal to squirrel away from answering a simple yes or no question, but then like the liberal hypocrite you are, DEMAND the rest of us to answer yours. Yep I am sure glad I am not a pussy, whiney ass liberal bitch, who is too ashamed of themselves to admit they are religious.

No, I am not demanding you answer a question. You accused me of being "Anti-Christian". I challenged you to show ANY evidence of that. You can't. I accept your withdrawal of the comment.

As for the rest of your name calling, it only shows a lack of anything to say on the topic.
As far as the OP goes, the Bible says the same thing.

1 John 3: 17-18
17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Or James 2:17
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
My little children who were lucky enough to survive your mothers choice by not being aborted, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
I would like to know where in the new testament where is says "Murder your children that you don't want from making a mistake while having sex". You lib fucks sure seem to have made that one up for your religious beliefs.

Tell you what, you show me a post where I voiced support for abortion, and I'll look for the passage you want. M'kay?
But if it soothes you, I have nothing against the Christian Church.

Should I believe anything you say?

I support a clear separation of church and state. And I am a Christian.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice

Nice research. The first quote is from May of 2012. The second is from November 2014.
Does that tell you I lied or that something changed?

It tells me you were a pretty shallow christian even when you claimed to be one. Probably posted platitudes on facebook or something.

LMAO!! Oh, so now you claim to know who I was over 5 years ago?

No, I was certainly not a shallow Christian. I was a devout one. I practiced what I preached. I studied. I served.

But you go ahead and tell me who I was back then. I'm sure that helps your beliefs.
No, I was certainly not a shallow Christian. I was a devout one. I practiced what I preached. I studied. I served.
Yet you voted for the very people who aborted babies. Damn that is mighty Christian of you.....

Did I? And who was it that I voted for that aborted babies?

Actions speak much louder than words.
The statement made in the OP, sounds as though it was written assuming that the religious person were Christian...

It certainly wasn't complaining about Muslim Jihadists or sympathizing with Hindu untouchables.

I am 57 years old. I have traveled and worked all over the US. I had one young woman try to tell me about Wicca. Other than her, I have never had anyone but Christians try and convince me of their faith. Not one.

better yet, without all three of the desert religions ... they're equally false pretensions of the True religion they deliberately disguise.

Actions speak much louder than words.
The statement made in the OP, sounds as though it was written assuming that the religious person were Christian...

It certainly wasn't complaining about Muslim Jihadists or sympathizing with Hindu untouchables.

I am 57 years old. I have traveled and worked all over the US. I had one young woman try to tell me about Wicca. Other than her, I have never had anyone but Christians try and convince me of their faith. Not one.

So it *is* aimed at Christians.

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