Ben Carson, Huckster, Liar

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Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the sketchiest characters ever to serve high office, with new scandals every day, and you try to counter all that with this?
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the sketchiest characters ever to serve high office, with new scandals every day, and you try to counter all that with this?

Which of them claimed a supplement cured their cancer? Take your time. We'll wait.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
All together now...

... this thread is... RACIST!

Oh yeah... it's just so much fun throwing leftards BS back at them.
So what are you saying? That only black men get prostate cancer? Or that this supplement only cures prostate cancer in black men? Or that you're an idiot?

At last night’s GOP debate presidential candidate Ben Carson lied about his connection with a Christian nutritional supplement company accused of hustling the gullible with bogus claims of miracle cures for deadly diseases.

Carson was asked about his involvement with nutritional supplement company Mannatech at the Oct. 28 Republican presidential debate hosted by CNBC in Boulder, Colo.

Moderator Carl Quintanilla asked:

There’s is a company called Mannatech, a maker of nutritional supplements, with which you had a 10-year relationship. They offered claims they could cure autism, cancer. They paid $7 million to settle a deceptive marketing lawsuit in Texas, and yet your involvement continues. Why?

Carson, a former pediatric neurosurgeon, replied:

Well, that’s easy to answer: I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society — total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think it’s a good product.

However, as Politifact and other outlets are reporting, Carson lied about his connection with Mannatech.

The evidence shows that Carson was paid to give speeches during events hosted by Mannatech Inc., telling how the company’s supplements helped him after a 2002 cancer diagnosis.

The National Review points out:

Carson’s interactions with Mannatech, a nutritional-supplement company based in suburban Dallas, date back to 2004, when he was a speaker at the company’s annual conferences, MannaFest and MannaQuest. He also spoke at Mannatech conferences in 2011 and 2013, and spoke about “glyconutrients” in a PBS special as recently as last year.

The Wall Street Journal notes that Carson has often made reference to a long and lucrative association with the company that he says has been good for both his career and his health.

Politifact concludes:

As far as we can tell, Carson was not a paid employee or official endorser of the product. However, his claim suggests he has no ties to Mannatech whatsoever. In reality, he got paid to deliver speeches to Mannatech and appeared in promotional videos, and he consistently delivered glowing reviews of the nutritional supplements. As a world-renowned surgeon, Carson’s opinion on health issues carries weight, and Mannatech has used Carson’s endorsement to its advantage.

We rate Carson’s claim False.

- See more at:

If you think any of the Republican candidates are being truthful you should watch something other than Fox News. Earlier tonight I watched a program on MSNBC that completely dismantled enough of the statements made by all the candidates about taxes and proposed plans to produce more than 20 bare faced lies. 'Course anyone who pays much attention knows who gets the real tax cuts any time a Republican talks about a new tax plan. It ain't rocket science:



..........................Total U S Debt...........................

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)
09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)
09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)
09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)
09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 (Clinton Raised Marginal Tax Rates)
( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00
09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)
(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)
09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the sketchiest characters ever to serve high office, with new scandals every day, and you try to counter all that with this?

Which of them claimed a supplement cured their cancer? Take your time. We'll wait.
Hillary claims she was attacked by a sniper. She told the world that the attack on Benghazi was caused by a video, and she knew that was not true.

Obama claims he has a U.S. birth certificate, but has never produced it. He promised that if Americans like their healthcare plan, they could keep it.

I could sit here typing all night and not even scratch the surface.
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the sketchiest characters ever to serve high office, with new scandals every day, and you try to counter all that with this?

Which of them claimed a supplement cured their cancer? Take your time. We'll wait.
Hillary claims she was attacked by a sniper.


She told the world that the attack on Benghazi was caused by a video, and she knew that was not true.

She made a mistake which, when provided with updated information, she corrected. You, on the other hand, are perpetuating the myth. If she'd had the correct information, would those four people be alive today? Of course not, and you know it, and it pisses you off, so you keep perpetuating the myth.

Obama claims he has a U.S. birth certificate, but has never produced it.

You're either a liar or a dupe. Which is it?

He promised that if Americans like their healthcare plan, they could keep it.

He should have realized how many of you had catastrophic-only coverage or mendacious employers.

I could sit here typing all night and not even scratch the surface.

And you still wouldn't find any other candidate who pitched bogus "cures" for cancer, based on his credentials as an M.D., than Ben Carson.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
All together now...

... this thread is... RACIST!

Oh yeah... it's just so much fun throwing leftards BS back at them.
So what are you saying? That only black men get prostate cancer? Or that this supplement only cures prostate cancer in black men? Or that you're an idiot?
I think you need a little remedial reading classes, dumbass.

All you leftists are really two faced, hypocritical RACISTS!
I think you need a little remedial reading classes, dumbass.

All you leftists are really two faced, hypocritical RACISTS!

Wow, what a wonderfully well-crafted, content-filled post! You certainly understand the USMB rules!

Do another.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
He's retired, Ace and he's an honest man.

Apparently he is not an honest man if he lied to push a drug.
What about Obama and his book where he spoke of Pot and Coke use? Is that not pushing drug use? ILLEGAL drug use?
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the sketchiest characters ever to serve high office, with new scandals every day, and you try to counter all that with this?

Which of them claimed a supplement cured their cancer? Take your time. We'll wait.
Hillary claims she was attacked by a sniper.


She told the world that the attack on Benghazi was caused by a video, and she knew that was not true.

She made a mistake which, when provided with updated information, she corrected. You, on the other hand, are perpetuating the myth. If she'd had the correct information, would those four people be alive today? Of course not, and you know it, and it pisses you off, so you keep perpetuating the myth.

Obama claims he has a U.S. birth certificate, but has never produced it.

You're either a liar or a dupe. Which is it?

He promised that if Americans like their healthcare plan, they could keep it.

He should have realized how many of you had catastrophic-only coverage or mendacious employers.

I could sit here typing all night and not even scratch the surface.

And you still wouldn't find any other candidate who pitched bogus "cures" for cancer, based on his credentials as an M.D., than Ben Carson.
Your dog-like loyalty to the Democratic Party is duly noted.

But if this attack on Ben Carson is true, no one will care.

Your people have blood on their hands.
I think you need a little remedial reading classes, dumbass.

All you leftists are really two faced, hypocritical RACISTS!

Wow, what a wonderfully well-crafted, content-filled post! You certainly understand the USMB rules!

Do another.
thats our 007 :rolleyes-41:
That's a whole bunch of 'em, apparently. I've been dinged twice for "lack of content," but I'm sure it's completely fair and balanced. :rolleyes:
My doctor is a great doctor who has vast medical knowledge that I could never hope to acheive.

But he has a giant poster on his wall advertising a "health supplement" that will cure just about anything.

And really, even a sugar pill will cure you if you believe it will cure you. It's called the placebo effect.
What's interesting is that Democrats think they have any right to judge Ben Carson, when their own leaders wallow in filth and corruption.
op and libs talking about honesty? lmao.

Oh please. we can go back through history and you would only end up painfully embarrassed by the dishonest crap your party has subjected this country to. I'm amazed how you can graduate from high school and not know this. It only leads me to believe that you are either incredibly stoopid or so doctrinaire that only the party message is important.
op and libs talking about honesty? lmao.

English, mother-fucker.

My doctor is a great doctor who has vast medical knowledge that I could never hope to acheive.

But he has a giant poster on his wall advertising a "health supplement" that will cure just about anything.

Some supplements, in tandem with pharmaceuticals, can bolster immunity and help with healing. Any that purport to "cure cancer" are bogus.

And really, even a sugar pill will cure you if you believe it will cure you. It's called the placebo effect.

The placebo effect is most noticeable in antidepressants, anti-anxiolytics, and pain meds.

No placebo will cure cancer.

And any M.D. - particular a neurosurgeon who is not an oncologist - who claims otherwise has just enough knowledge to be held accountable for his mendacity. A layman can get away with "I didn't know." An M.D. can't. And an M.D. who earns revenue from selling products with bogus medical claims should be liable for malpractice.
What's interesting is that Democrats think they have any right to judge Ben Carson, when their own leaders wallow in filth and corruption.

Can't stick to the topic? Afraid your candidate can't hold up under scrutiny?
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