Ben Carson - next president

Really? What are Republicans offering the poor and working poor that will make their lives better?

Better education leads to more opportunities. What's the dropout rate for blacks in Chicago where Obama is from?

Good answer

What have Republicans done to improve education in poor communities?

And we know the Democrats have done a bang up job of improving education. The only thing they have proven their worth at, is controlling the unions. Yesiree, those Democrats are the future of education alright. What place are we in the world?
The only way that a Republican will ever win another presidential election is, if their candidate is black. Deep down the Republicans know this, and it's why they are at this moment grooming Ben Carson for the job.
Can Carson beat Hilary (if Hilary runs)? You betcha! Thus why I'm predicting that Ben Carson will be our next president.

I'm not voting for someone just because they're black. I dont care if it's Ben Carson, Barack Obama, or Herman Cain. I refuse to pander to the politics of personal identity.
Carson is a great guy with good ideas and very articulate. So what? Someone without any political experience is the last thing we need. We see how that turned out with Obama and a conservative Obama will be only mildly better.

I've heard positive things about Ben Carson, but I agree with you about voting for someone according to race. We have had a terrible experience with Obama and he knew little of politics, but I don't discount someone coming in who know little of politics, but knows how to deal fairly with people and get things done.

I would like to hear more about Ben Carson before I dismiss him.

America shouldn't have a black president under any circumstance. Needless to say we've gotten one anyways, and the one we elect in 2016 will undoubtedly be black as well.
In addition, the next Pope will likely be black.
We're living in the age that was foretold in the prophetic scriptures; an age in which the black man has exalted himself above the white man.
Vouchers do what?

Look, people, your government and the rich pricks who own it do not want an informed, educated working class. Americans have been fed white-washed shit in our media and textbooks by both political parties for our entire lives. It isn't about Democrat vs Republican, it's about Rich vs Poor. That's it. That's all there is. This is a two-tiered system- a system for the rich (too big to prosecute) and a system for the poor (EBT).

Rich people want poor workers who are just smart enough to work the cash register, sweep the floors, and nothing more. This is why American education sucks, this is why media outlets feed pundits' opinions as real "news", this is why billions of dollars flow through our elections, this is why We the People only get to choose between one of two corporate whores every four years.

Honestly, how is Obama any different than Bush? Rich people are richer, poor people are poorer, we're still at war against whoever, we're still arresting Americans for Cannabis. Where was any of that "change"?
Ben Carson is a guy who used to say sensible moderate things, until he realized there was a lot more money to be made telling middle aged white people that all their bigotries were valid.

Hey, Wingnuts, don't worry, the Establishment will tell you to vote for Jeb Bush and you'll like it.
Better education leads to more opportunities. What's the dropout rate for blacks in Chicago where Obama is from?

Good answer

What have Republicans done to improve education in poor communities?

who do the poor always vote for? so tell me, why are they still poor and uneducated? the leaders they elect do nothing for them.

Give them a reason to vote otherwise

Bring job opportunities to poor neighborhoods. Make it clear Republicns bring jobs. They will vote Republican forever

What are you waiting for?
Better education leads to more opportunities. What's the dropout rate for blacks in Chicago where Obama is from?

Good answer

What have Republicans done to improve education in poor communities?

And we know the Democrats have done a bang up job of improving education. The only thing they have proven their worth at, is controlling the unions. Yesiree, those Democrats are the future of education alright. What place are we in the world?

Once again, what have Republicans done to help poor communities?

It seems the opportunity is there, why don't Republicans take advantage?
Good answer

What have Republicans done to improve education in poor communities?

who do the poor always vote for? so tell me, why are they still poor and uneducated? the leaders they elect do nothing for them.

Give them a reason to vote otherwise

Bring job opportunities to poor neighborhoods. Make it clear Republicns bring jobs. They will vote Republican forever

What are you waiting for?

Shit s0n....for somebody who spends so much time in a POLITICS forum, you have the political IQ of a small soap dish!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up: You'd fit in perfectly at a Jonestown gig.:D
The only way that a Republican will ever win another presidential election is, if their candidate is black. Deep down the Republicans know this, and it's why they are at this moment grooming Ben Carson for the job.
Can Carson beat Hilary (if Hilary runs)? You betcha! Thus why I'm predicting that Ben Carson will be our next president.

I'm not voting for someone just because they're black. I dont care if it's Ben Carson, Barack Obama, or Herman Cain. I refuse to pander to the politics of personal identity.
Carson is a great guy with good ideas and very articulate. So what? Someone without any political experience is the last thing we need. We see how that turned out with Obama and a conservative Obama will be only mildly better.

I emphatically agree. Someone without national and international political experience is not a good choice at all: we do see how that turned out with Obama. I wanted Hillary in 2008 and believe things would have turned out much better had she been elected. She is even more qualified now.
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who do the poor always vote for? so tell me, why are they still poor and uneducated? the leaders they elect do nothing for them.

Give them a reason to vote otherwise

Bring job opportunities to poor neighborhoods. Make it clear Republicns bring jobs. They will vote Republican forever

What are you waiting for?

Shit s0n....for somebody who spends so much time in a POLITICS forum, you have the political IQ of a small soap dish!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up: You'd fit in perfectly at a Jonestown gig.:D

[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] Another example of your typical teaper.
Dr. Carson is a good man and a good doctor.
But last thing we need is another doctor or lawyer in politics.
They have fucked things up enough already.
Give up on Hillary Clinton. Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Clinton. Why not another Bush in 2020? Do you really not see anything wrong with that line of Presidents? Two families in the White House for the better part of the last 20 years? Two families in the White House for almost 30 years if Hillary Clinton wins re-election in 2020.

This country is not a Democracy. It isn't even a "democratic republic". It's an oligarchy and the list of Presidents over the last 20 years certainly proves it. The "experienced" old-timer politicians are the worst of the scum, and the new breed isn't much better. 50% of them are stuck in a revolving door between Congress and lobbying. One nation, under the rich, with liberty and an exemption from justice for those who can afford it.

Hillary Clinton is going to make the oligarchy stronger just like Obama did, just like Bush did, just like Bill Clinton did, just like Bush Sr. did, just like Reagan did, just like Carter did, etc. etc. etc. More of the same is not "change".

Edit: But let me make it perfectly clear that the Teabagging Republican party of old white men and brainless mouth-breathing bible-thumpers are not the alternative.
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Give up on Hillary Clinton. Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Clinton. Why not another Bush in 2020? Do you really not see anything wrong with that line of Presidents? Two families in the White House for the better part of the last 20 years? Two families in the White House for almost 30 years if Hillary Clinton wins re-election in 2020.

This country is not a Democracy. It isn't even a "democratic republic". It's an oligarchy and the list of Presidents over the last 20 years certainly proves it. The "experienced" old-timer politicians are the worst of the scum, and the new breed isn't much better. 50% of them are stuck in a revolving door between Congress and lobbying. One nation, under the rich, with liberty and an exemption from justice for those who can afford it.

Hillary Clinton is going to make the oligarchy stronger just like Obama did, just like Bush did, just like Bill Clinton did, just like Bush Sr. did, just like Reagan did, just like Carter did, etc. etc. etc. More of the same is not "change".

Edit: But let me make it perfectly clear that the Teabagging Republican party of old white men and brainless mouth-breathing bible-thumpers are not the alternative.

Just like the NFL.
Go 4-12, fire the coach and hire a new coach that another team just fired.
The only way that a Republican will ever win another presidential election is, if their candidate is black. Deep down the Republicans know this, and it's why they are at this moment grooming Ben Carson for the job.
Can Carson beat Hilary (if Hilary runs)? You betcha! Thus why I'm predicting that Ben Carson will be our next president.

I'm not voting for someone just because they're black. I dont care if it's Ben Carson, Barack Obama, or Herman Cain. I refuse to pander to the politics of personal identity.
Carson is a great guy with good ideas and very articulate. So what? Someone without any political experience is the last thing we need. We see how that turned out with Obama and a conservative Obama will be only mildly better.
Reid, Pelosi, Boehner and McConnel all have oodles of political experience. How is that working out?

I will take the inexperienced man, who plainly and unashamedly tells me what he believes and would do (i.e. Carson), over the inexperienced piker whom nobody would touch with the 10-foot pole, should they tell you what they really are all about, such as what we have right now.
The only way that a Republican will ever win another presidential election is, if their candidate is black. Deep down the Republicans know this, and it's why they are at this moment grooming Ben Carson for the job.
Can Carson beat Hilary (if Hilary runs)? You betcha! Thus why I'm predicting that Ben Carson will be our next president.

I'm not voting for someone just because they're black. I dont care if it's Ben Carson, Barack Obama, or Herman Cain. I refuse to pander to the politics of personal identity.
Carson is a great guy with good ideas and very articulate. So what? Someone without any political experience is the last thing we need. We see how that turned out with Obama and a conservative Obama will be only mildly better.
Reid, Pelosi, Boehner and McConnel all have oodles of political experience. How is that working out?

I will take the inexperienced man, who plainly and unashamedly tells me what he believes and would do (i.e. Carson), over the inexperienced piker whom nobody would touch with the 10-foot pole, should they tell you what they really are all about, such as what we have right now.

One of the dumbest political philosophies ever
I'm not voting for someone just because they're black. I dont care if it's Ben Carson, Barack Obama, or Herman Cain. I refuse to pander to the politics of personal identity.
Carson is a great guy with good ideas and very articulate. So what? Someone without any political experience is the last thing we need. We see how that turned out with Obama and a conservative Obama will be only mildly better.
Reid, Pelosi, Boehner and McConnel all have oodles of political experience. How is that working out?

I will take the inexperienced man, who plainly and unashamedly tells me what he believes and would do (i.e. Carson), over the inexperienced piker whom nobody would touch with the 10-foot pole, should they tell you what they really are all about, such as what we have right now.

One of the dumbest political philosophies ever
Look who is talking. The guy who spends all day pimping and making excuses for the latter of my two examples. :lol:
Reid, Pelosi, Boehner and McConnel all have oodles of political experience. How is that working out?

I will take the inexperienced man, who plainly and unashamedly tells me what he believes and would do (i.e. Carson), over the inexperienced piker whom nobody would touch with the 10-foot pole, should they tell you what they really are all about, such as what we have right now.

One of the dumbest political philosophies ever
Look who is talking. The guy who spends all day pimping and making excuses for the latter of my two examples. :lol:

No, seriously

You try to fill a position that involves foreign policy knowledge, understanding of the budget process, the economy. A position requiring you to build political consensus, work with the media, deal with the public

And you want a brain surgeon

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