Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake

Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack

OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s
"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

That you do not see the relevance to this statement is no surprise, you pick the most unlikely of scenarios to defend Roe vs Wade...

He makes the simplest comparison that has and still is a problem in todays society and you ignore the obvious...

I think much more of mankind than you must. The comparison is pitiful and far below what the goodness in the man represents.

So your Pro Life then? Really?

Because we’d rather have Voodoo Economics instead!

And here I thought the Tea Party would know all there is to know about sheet fabrics. Way to go, guys, you disappointed me again.

Because standing outside on the corner with a sign that says, “I failed fourth grade history” is too obvious.

Hawaii’s part of Kenya, right?

You know he’s supposed to be a Nazi because he’s waving at you; only fascists wave at people.

Translation: I have no idea what socialism is, but it’s scary because Fox News said so.

And here we have another successful graduate from the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum.

Look, a homemade mudflap.

But… blood is haram…

I’m sure there’s a perfectly non-racist reason he’s holding up a sign that implies they need to lynch a Black man

Yeah, that’s Bush Jr.’s job!

Dada racism?

The subtly in that pun is like a half-brick in a sock; it’s clever enough to fool you into thinking the maker could pass a Turing test, but not much else.

At least they’ve given up using “alien.” Baby steps.

It says he’s smart enough to know that you can’t compare religions with nationalities.

So Hawaii is in Kenya. Tea Bagger geography is a lot like God – it works in mysterious ways.

And as they made this sign, the designers were singing their favorite Matchbox 20 song: “I wish the real world would just stop hassling me…”

If you removed the Ku Klux Klan at the bottom, could you really distinguish between this sign and any other sign on the list?

In other news: Arizona now requires immigrates from the nation of Kenya-Hawaii to have their papers in order.

The take away message is that they don’t support capitalization, either.

This sign proudly sponsored by the American Taliban.

And for making it this far, a bonus one!

My suggestion? If you don’t want to be called a racist, don’t say racist stuff.


As I read this thread I realize that the hatred of the left for black conservatives knows no bounds!

It unsettles them big time!

Really???? Where have you been the last 8 years while Obama went through hell because of what your party has done to him, are you going to deny that?
That's not because he's half black. It's his white side we hate.
Hating your own race or identity is actually worst.

Self hatred leads to self destruction!!
Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack

OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s

But it does not follow the narrative of Ben Carson up to this date.

In order to justify it, you pretty much declaring him a fraud in more ways than one.

I need a lot more proof for me to think that our eccentric YEC neurosurgeon is conflicted about fetal tissue research and how it pertains to his pro life position.

I think your article is wrong and badly misquoted as of now.
OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!![/QUOTE]

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s[/QUOTE]

But it does not follow the narrative of Ben Carson up to this date.

In order to justify it, you pretty much declaring him a fraud in more ways than one.

I need a lot more proof for me to think that our eccentric YEC neurosurgeon is conflicted about fetal tissue research and how it pertains to his pro life position.

I think your article is wrong and badly misquoted as of now.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps, Ben Carson quite obviously was a different person 20 years ago, yet interestingly enough he comes up with these comments while trying to maintain a polling lead in Iowa is a fact not lost on me.
Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack

OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s
He did not admit it.
OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s[/QUOTE]

But it does not follow the narrative of Ben Carson up to this date.

In order to justify it, you pretty much declaring him a fraud in more ways than one.

I need a lot more proof for me to think that our eccentric YEC neurosurgeon is conflicted about fetal tissue research and how it pertains to his pro life position.

I think your article is wrong and badly misquoted as of now.

Perhaps, Ben Carson quite obviously was a different person 20 years ago, yet interestingly enough he comes up with these comments while trying to maintain a polling lead in Iowa is a fact not lost on me.
He responded with the comments after being maligned in the media.
You want people that promote promiscuity? This is where Democrats always have an advantage because you people have no long term memory


LOL! Thank you... I forgot one...

Bawney Fwank.

Which of course was at the TOP of that pile ya cited above, as he was running a queer whorehouse out of his apartment.

No doubt he was involved, but it was a Republican pickadildo all around.

No... it was Bawney Fwank... the article you're reading was in response to Fwank being busted... deflecting from that to the Progs in the GOP tapping hooker ass.

It's the same tactic Gilligan uses, wherein it justifies its pursuit of children for sexual gratification, through "Republicans" refusal to charge women with Murder for their having murdered their pre-born child.

Oh! so I should just disregard how the Washington Times article mentions key officials in the Reagan and Bush administrations?
I cannot imagine someone so heartless that they would compel someone to carry a trauma for life. It makes no sense to me at all.
He's not heartless. 12 year olds should not be fucking. And if they are raped that would fall under the category of "risk of life to mother" cuz 12 year olds shouldn't be having babies either.

So a 12 year old having sex should be forced to become a mother and be reminded of that mistake for life?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
I cannot imagine someone so heartless that they would compel someone to carry a trauma for life. It makes no sense to me at all.
He's not heartless. 12 year olds should not be fucking. And if they are raped that would fall under the category of "risk of life to mother" cuz 12 year olds shouldn't be having babies either.

So a 12 year old having sex should be forced to become a mother and be reminded of that mistake for life?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
i don't think that's what he's doing. Abortion has become a horror. Not only do they want taxpayers to pay for it they actually kill babies now that could live outside the womb by stabbing them in the head. I can't accept that.

Do you have actual proof of that?
LOL! Thank you... I forgot one...

Bawney Fwank.

Which of course was at the TOP of that pile ya cited above, as he was running a queer whorehouse out of his apartment.

No doubt he was involved, but it was a Republican pickadildo all around.

No... it was Bawney Fwank... the article you're reading was in response to Fwank being busted... deflecting from that to the Progs in the GOP tapping hooker ass.

It's the same tactic Gilligan uses, wherein it justifies its pursuit of children for sexual gratification, through "Republicans" refusal to charge women with Murder for their having murdered their pre-born child.

Oh! so I should just disregard how the Washington Times article mentions key officials in the Reagan and Bush administrations?
He's not heartless. 12 year olds should not be fucking. And if they are raped that would fall under the category of "risk of life to mother" cuz 12 year olds shouldn't be having babies either.

So a 12 year old having sex should be forced to become a mother and be reminded of that mistake for life?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
He's not heartless. 12 year olds should not be fucking. And if they are raped that would fall under the category of "risk of life to mother" cuz 12 year olds shouldn't be having babies either.

So a 12 year old having sex should be forced to become a mother and be reminded of that mistake for life?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
i don't think that's what he's doing. Abortion has become a horror. Not only do they want taxpayers to pay for it they actually kill babies now that could live outside the womb by stabbing them in the head. I can't accept that.

Do you have actual proof of that?

Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack
OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s

But it does not follow the narrative of Ben Carson up to this date.

In order to justify it, you pretty much declaring him a fraud in more ways than one.

I need a lot more proof for me to think that our eccentric YEC neurosurgeon is conflicted about fetal tissue research and how it pertains to his pro life position.

I think your article is wrong and badly misquoted as of now.

Perhaps, Ben Carson quite obviously was a different person 20 years ago, yet interestingly enough he comes up with these comments while trying to maintain a polling lead in Iowa is a fact not lost on me.
He responded with the comments after being maligned in the media.[/QUOTE]

Yes and that conflicts with what he told the Daily Mail
Edit to add: as someone else commented it was twenty three years ago, but it did happen. Personally, I am more interested in what he has to say today and making reference to slavery is a pretty lousy analogy for him to make.
From the article:

"Asked if fetal tissue research should be banned, or if it was immoral, Carson said no."

Why would anyone ban pathological research of tissue?


These idiots are getting worse... and a LOT worse.

So you support aborted fetal tissue research?

1) Aborted means dead.
2)All such research involves pathology.
3)Pro-life groups want to ban this type of research.
OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s

But it does not follow the narrative of Ben Carson up to this date.

In order to justify it, you pretty much declaring him a fraud in more ways than one.

I need a lot more proof for me to think that our eccentric YEC neurosurgeon is conflicted about fetal tissue research and how it pertains to his pro life position.

I think your article is wrong and badly misquoted as of now.

Perhaps, Ben Carson quite obviously was a different person 20 years ago, yet interestingly enough he comes up with these comments while trying to maintain a polling lead in Iowa is a fact not lost on me.
He responded with the comments after being maligned in the media.

Yes and that conflicts with what he told the Daily Mail
Edit to add: as someone else commented it was twenty three years ago, but it did happen. Personally, I am more interested in what he has to say today and making reference to slavery is a pretty lousy analogy for him to make.[/QUOTE]

And I wouldn't expect you to vote for him no matter what. I'll take over Hillary and her lies any day of the week.
No doubt he was involved, but it was a Republican pickadildo all around.

No... it was Bawney Fwank... the article you're reading was in response to Fwank being busted... deflecting from that to the Progs in the GOP tapping hooker ass.

It's the same tactic Gilligan uses, wherein it justifies its pursuit of children for sexual gratification, through "Republicans" refusal to charge women with Murder for their having murdered their pre-born child.

Oh! so I should just disregard how the Washington Times article mentions key officials in the Reagan and Bush administrations?
So a 12 year old having sex should be forced to become a mother and be reminded of that mistake for life?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
So a 12 year old having sex should be forced to become a mother and be reminded of that mistake for life?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
i don't think that's what he's doing. Abortion has become a horror. Not only do they want taxpayers to pay for it they actually kill babies now that could live outside the womb by stabbing them in the head. I can't accept that.

Do you have actual proof of that?

Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack

He is contradicting himself from a interview in August.
"My primary responsibility in that research was when I operated on people and obtained the tissue," said Carson, who noted that he has not used fetal tissue samples since then. "This has everything to do with how it’s acquired. If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it."

Asked if fetal tissue research should be banned, or if it was immoral, Carson said no.

Ben Carson: No apologies for 1992 fetal tissue research
No... it was Bawney Fwank... the article you're reading was in response to Fwank being busted... deflecting from that to the Progs in the GOP tapping hooker ass.

It's the same tactic Gilligan uses, wherein it justifies its pursuit of children for sexual gratification, through "Republicans" refusal to charge women with Murder for their having murdered their pre-born child.

Oh! so I should just disregard how the Washington Times article mentions key officials in the Reagan and Bush administrations?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
i don't think that's what he's doing. Abortion has become a horror. Not only do they want taxpayers to pay for it they actually kill babies now that could live outside the womb by stabbing them in the head. I can't accept that.

Do you have actual proof of that?

Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack

He is contradicting himself from a interview in August.
"My primary responsibility in that research was when I operated on people and obtained the tissue," said Carson, who noted that he has not used fetal tissue samples since then. "This has everything to do with how it’s acquired. If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it."

Asked if fetal tissue research should be banned, or if it was immoral, Carson said no.

Ben Carson: No apologies for 1992 fetal tissue research
Look he said he did not use aborted fetuses. You don't have any quotes from him saying he did. I have a quote saying he didn't.
No... it was Bawney Fwank... the article you're reading was in response to Fwank being busted... deflecting from that to the Progs in the GOP tapping hooker ass.

It's the same tactic Gilligan uses, wherein it justifies its pursuit of children for sexual gratification, through "Republicans" refusal to charge women with Murder for their having murdered their pre-born child.

Oh! so I should just disregard how the Washington Times article mentions key officials in the Reagan and Bush administrations?
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
No 12 years shouldn't be having babies and I'm sure it would be a risk to her life.
Many things 'shouldn't' happen, but they do.

And families have the right to decide to do what's for the child and its family absent unwarranted interference from government.

Carson is representative of social conservatives who seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
i don't think that's what he's doing. Abortion has become a horror. Not only do they want taxpayers to pay for it they actually kill babies now that could live outside the womb by stabbing them in the head. I can't accept that.

Do you have actual proof of that?

Ben Carson's own words.

"Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors’ names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study."

Ben Carson: Accusation I Used Aborted Babies in Research is a False Left-Wing Media Attack

He is contradicting himself from a interview in August.
"My primary responsibility in that research was when I operated on people and obtained the tissue," said Carson, who noted that he has not used fetal tissue samples since then. "This has everything to do with how it’s acquired. If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it."

Asked if fetal tissue research should be banned, or if it was immoral, Carson said no.

Ben Carson: No apologies for 1992 fetal tissue research
Noting something is not a quote. They are making it seem like he did something he didn't do
OH--I hope this is true.
Because that other article just did not match up with the guy!!

Ben Carson admits he used aborted fetus for research in the 90s

But it does not follow the narrative of Ben Carson up to this date.

In order to justify it, you pretty much declaring him a fraud in more ways than one.

I need a lot more proof for me to think that our eccentric YEC neurosurgeon is conflicted about fetal tissue research and how it pertains to his pro life position.

I think your article is wrong and badly misquoted as of now.

Perhaps, Ben Carson quite obviously was a different person 20 years ago, yet interestingly enough he comes up with these comments while trying to maintain a polling lead in Iowa is a fact not lost on me.
He responded with the comments after being maligned in the media.

Yes and that conflicts with what he told the Daily Mail
Edit to add: as someone else commented it was twenty three years ago, but it did happen. Personally, I am more interested in what he has to say today and making reference to slavery is a pretty lousy analogy for him to make.[/QUOTE]

It did not. They are stringing words together in an attempt to make him sound like he did. He did not. They are not quoting him. Those words are not in quotation marks

And stop fucking up the others posters quotes . It's annoying as shit.

I keep fixing it and you keep fucking it up again
"Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion"

Which fails as a false comparison fallacy – one having nothing to do with the other.

This sort of ignorance and demagoguery might play well to Carson's fellow conservatives on the ridiculous right, but the majority of the American people don't buy into this nonsense and hostility to privacy rights.
You must have difficulty with analogies.
Colloid cysts of the third ventricle: immunohistochemical evidence for nonneuroepithelial differentiation. - PubMed - NCBI

Above is the report he did with his colleges, he clearly used fetuses.

I would definitely want him over the others on the right side especially Ted Cruz, but he needs to be transparent or he will end up like Carley Fionia heading to the bottom.

Colloid cysts of the third ventricle: immunohistochemical evidence for nonneuroepithelial differentiation.

Tsuchida T1, Hruban RH, Carson BS, Phillips PC.
Author information

Erratum in
  • Hum Pathol 1992 Nov;23(11):1317.
The histogenesis of colloid cysts (CCs) of the third ventricle has been a subject of controversy. We examined, using immunohistochemical techniques, four CCs for the presence of cytokeratins (CKs), glutathione S-transferase isoenzymes (GST-pi, GST-mu), and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Antibodies to both low molecular weight CKs (anti-CK8) and to a mixture of CKs (AE1/AE3) were used. For comparison, normal fetal and adult choroid plexus, ependyma, and nasal mucosa were also examined. The epithelium lining all four CCs showed positive immunostaining for the CKs and GST-pi but not for GST-mu or glial fibrillary acidic protein. Fetal and adult nasal mucosa showed a pattern of immunohistochemical staining almost identical to that of CCs. In contrast, fetal and adult choroid plexus tissue showed positive immunostaining for GST-pi and low molecular weight CKs but not for the CK mixture (AE1/AE3). Fetal and adult ependyma were negative for both CKs and GST-pi. These results suggest that CCs differentiate along nonneural lines distinct from the neuroepithelial differentiation of the choroid plexus and ependyma

Colloid cysts of the third ventricle: immunohistochemical evidence for nonneuroepithelial differentiation. - PubMed - NCBI

Dr. writes about this study and is how this all got out in the open.

Ben Carson did research on 17 week fetal tissue
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