Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake

The left is practicing the Uncle Tom routine........

They don't want a Black man against the Hildabeast............especially a honest one.......................

So they must destroy him........he could take part of the black vote that has historically voted Dem..........They can't have them........They will attack him relentlessly as a result.....................

I like Carson..........will vote for him in the primaries.................they don't want that............they want the Trojan Horse Trump to take it.
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366 More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366
They can have the idiot................we don't want him.................
We actually do want him. We gave him more votes than anyone ever received for President, twice. Maybe you and your ilk don't, but most of us do.
Not my State.................Just the enclaves of Free shit paradise..........liberal utopias...................

He's a liar..............and you are proof positive this country is going down the drain.
So you live in one of the red states that take in more in federal aid than they pay in taxes? Those liberal enclaves support your cracker ass so you can stay in your trailer.
Jesus.......oops you don't like that either...................heathen............

The Red State Rant...............that adds in all government spending for the state including military contracts and bases...................The LIE that you keep on spouting..........................

2 states take 1/7th of Federal Spending.............

Drum roll please........................California and New York....................

When are you guys gonna stop sucking on mamma's tits.
We actually do want him. We gave him more votes than anyone ever received for President, twice. Maybe you and your ilk don't, but most of us do.
Not my State.................Just the enclaves of Free shit paradise..........liberal utopias...................

He's a liar..............and you are proof positive this country is going down the drain.
So you live in one of the red states that take in more in federal aid than they pay in taxes? Those liberal enclaves support your cracker ass so you can stay in your trailer.
Jesus.......oops you don't like that either...................heathen............

The Red State Rant...............that adds in all government spending for the state including military contracts and bases...................The LIE that you keep on spouting..........................

2 states take 1/7th of Federal Spending.............

Drum roll please........................California and New York....................

When are you guys gonna stop sucking on mamma's tits.
And contribute 1/5 of federal revenue.

What happened to the Red State Rant..............

Look at the states he haw routine.............

Counting the bases, Nasa and the like to try to prop up a Lie.

The left is practicing the Uncle Tom routine........

They don't want a Black man against the Hildabeast............especially a honest one.......................

So they must destroy him........he could take part of the black vote that has historically voted Dem..........They can't have them........They will attack him relentlessly as a result.....................

I like Carson..........will vote for him in the primaries.................they don't want that............they want the Trojan Horse Trump to take it.
Destroy him by repeating, verbatim, the idiotic things he says.
Carson thinks because he can stand in an operating room for 10 hours with a small crew of assistants, an anesthesiologist who is probably reading a book or wearing an iPod and a patient on the table who can't talk back, qualifies him to hold the most powerful office in the world. That's the ego of a surgeon, alright.
He was encouraged to run for president by people like me who see him for the logical genius he is and I think he'd be a great president.
He insulted Obama at a dinner that Obama invited him to. That is absolutely the only reason you know his name.

Foreign leaders really don't have a lot of respect for this president, I don't see this as being newsworthy at all.
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.

President Obama hasn't been respectful of those who share a difference of opinion such as prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The actions of Vladimir Putin shows that he does not take this president seriously. This president throws his nose in opinion, and when his positions are confronted (like the Syrian 'Red Line' over the use of chemical weapons) he backs down and offers excuses. He can't render a decision about what to do with Isis in countries like Iraq. Quite frankly, after just that small list, I can't find a reason why any nation would take him seriously or at his word.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion

Can you show me some of the threads you started blasting Democrats for bringing up slavery? You know, like Hillary? I know you're certainly not going to be a hypocrite about this, right?
Can you show where she or other democrats did bring up slavery in manner that warrants criticism?

Google Hillary Clinton plantation quote
Carson thinks because he can stand in an operating room for 10 hours with a small crew of assistants, an anesthesiologist who is probably reading a book or wearing an iPod and a patient on the table who can't talk back, qualifies him to hold the most powerful office in the world. That's the ego of a surgeon, alright.
He was encouraged to run for president by people like me who see him for the logical genius he is and I think he'd be a great president.
He insulted Obama at a dinner that Obama invited him to. That is absolutely the only reason you know his name.

Foreign leaders really don't have a lot of respect for this president, I don't see this as being newsworthy at all.
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.

President Obama hasn't been respectful of those who share a difference of opinion such as prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The actions of Vladimir Putin shows that he does not take this president seriously. This president throws his nose in opinion, and when his positions are confronted (like the Syrian 'Red Line' over the use of chemical weapons) he backs down and offers excuses. He can't render a decision about what to do with Isis in countries like Iraq. Quite frankly, after just that small list, I can't find a reason why any nation would take him seriously or at his word.
The only one not showing respect was Netanyahu. And Putin is a thug who this President has stood up to in the Ukraine and elsewhere. The economic penalties imposed on Russia and on Putin's inner circle have hurt him and his nation. He has decided what to do about Isis. Ask the twenty dead Isis fighters killed in the rescue mission over the weekend or the hundreds killed by drone strikes, bombing runs by US and Allied forces or by the Kurdish and Iraqi forces we have armed and trained. He is taken seriously and it considered a far more competent and reliable partner than Bush.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Racist much?

I called Ben Carson nuttier than a fruitcake. I don't think that is a racist statement, you do. Perhaps you can enlighten me how you came to that conclusion.
I called Obama a rotten human being & got called a racist for it.
If you dumbfucks are gonna dish it don't whine like little bitches when you receive it

So you're no better than the liberals that called you names?

Is that what you're saying?
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366
He was encouraged to run for president by people like me who see him for the logical genius he is and I think he'd be a great president.
He insulted Obama at a dinner that Obama invited him to. That is absolutely the only reason you know his name.

Foreign leaders really don't have a lot of respect for this president, I don't see this as being newsworthy at all.
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.
"But claiming the U.S. is “once again the most respected” country in the world is absurd, and certainly isn’t supported by public perception polls or recent current events. U.S. favorability ratings have fallen by 13 percentage points in Germany alone since 2009, and by 19 points in Japan since 2011—and these are our key allies. Don’t bother asking the Russians.

World leaders haven’t gotten the message about America’s return to respectability either. In the last few months alone we’ve seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come speak to Congress despite administration officials’ explicit warning not to. America’s allies around the world rushed to sign up for China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over Washington’s vocal objections. Just a few weeks ago, Obama hosted the Gulf Cooperation Council in Washington, only to be spurned by four of the six country leaders—including the new king of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally. “Respected” isn’t quite the right word for America’s global stature under Obama’s second term. "

Sorry Mr. President—America Isn't the Most Respected Country
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366

If Obama was running in a pageant perhaps, fit him with a nice crown with President of the United States draped across his chest, offer a few autographs if that's important to you.

I'll take the one that can render a solid decision when confronted with a difficult issue, and ..... (here is the important part) .. be confident enough to follow through and commit to it. A leader who will see the need to protect our citizens when they are being beheaded overseas, instead of making a "stage appearance" relating to the modern day terrorist as merely like the Christians of the crusades. I just have trouble respecting a Commander-in-Chief who spends a good amount of time making television appearances, because he always feels the need to have his own ego stroked.
So if you're a 12 yr old child who got pregnant via're fucked. Your kid may be "people who have led very useful lives who were the result of rape or incest" but your life is irrelevant.

I cannot imagine someone so heartless that they would compel someone to carry a trauma for life. It makes no sense to me at all.
How can Conservatives rationalize their anti-choice zealotry with the whole "Big Government" 'intrusive government' mantra?

They bitch and moan about what they perceive as a Liberal culture while demandng that their narrow template of civic morality be imposed. The Edwardians progressed from the Victorians. The Jazz Age undeniably changed civic morals due to economic prosperity. And the Sixties? Fuggidaboudit!

If the economy booms, no doubt civic morality will change again. How bittersweet for the Conservatives.

The Founders stood on the belief of Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I would think liberals who claimed to believe so much about "equality" would understand that basic fundamental right.
Equality for whom? The fetus? Please explain how a fertility clinic purging their freezers of zygotes isn't committing mass murder.
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366
He insulted Obama at a dinner that Obama invited him to. That is absolutely the only reason you know his name.

Foreign leaders really don't have a lot of respect for this president, I don't see this as being newsworthy at all.
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.
"But claiming the U.S. is “once again the most respected” country in the world is absurd, and certainly isn’t supported by public perception polls or recent current events. U.S. favorability ratings have fallen by 13 percentage points in Germany alone since 2009, and by 19 points in Japan since 2011—and these are our key allies. Don’t bother asking the Russians.

World leaders haven’t gotten the message about America’s return to respectability either. In the last few months alone we’ve seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come speak to Congress despite administration officials’ explicit warning not to. America’s allies around the world rushed to sign up for China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over Washington’s vocal objections. Just a few weeks ago, Obama hosted the Gulf Cooperation Council in Washington, only to be spurned by four of the six country leaders—including the new king of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally. “Respected” isn’t quite the right word for America’s global stature under Obama’s second term. "

Sorry Mr. President—America Isn't the Most Respected Country
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366

If Obama was running in a pageant perhaps, fit him with a nice crown with President of the United States draped across his chest, offer a few autographs if that's important to you.

I'll take the one that can render a solid decision when confronted with a difficult issue, and ..... (here is the important part) .. be confident enough to follow through and commit to it. A leader who will see the need to protect our citizens when they are being beheaded overseas, instead of making a "stage appearance" relating to the modern day terrorist as merely like the Christians of the crusades. I just have trouble respecting a Commander-in-Chief who spends a good amount of time making television appearances, because he always feels the need to have his own ego stroked.
This President has done more to combat terrorism than his predecessors. And he did not have to invade a whole fucking nation to do so. Isis remains isolated in the desert of Iraq and Syria. Isis exists in large measure because of our idiotic invasion of Iraq and the decisions made by Bush to back a minority to rule that nation. This President faced the worst economic crisis in two generations and made the decisions that ended it and brought about the strongest recovery in the world. But, since he is a Democrat and a black one to boot, you cannot appreciate what he has done for this country.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Racist much?

I called Ben Carson nuttier than a fruitcake. I don't think that is a racist statement, you do. Perhaps you can enlighten me how you came to that conclusion.

Well.. I mean he is black, and we're only using far left logic here which goes as such

"If you attack a black person on the issues, you're racist."

It looks more to me that you and Grampa have invented your own brand of logic to deflect the issue.
It looks to me as you're dumber than a box of rocks if you think we invented it. That has been the standard libs have used against the right for its criticism of Obama for YEARS now. Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize that.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Racist much?

I called Ben Carson nuttier than a fruitcake. I don't think that is a racist statement, you do. Perhaps you can enlighten me how you came to that conclusion.

Well.. I mean he is black, and we're only using far left logic here which goes as such

"If you attack a black person on the issues, you're racist."

It looks more to me that you and Grampa have invented your own brand of logic to deflect the issue.
It looks to me as you're dumber than a box of rocks if you think we invented it. That has been the standard libs have used against the right for its criticism of Obama for YEARS now. Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize that.
When the right attacked the President on his policies, they were simply being stupid. Some of you assholes, as is evidenced from so many who comment here, made it clear that his race was a problem too. When someone criticizes Carson on racial grounds, they are as wrong as those those who criticize the President on those grounds. Of course, for every race based attack on Carson, there are a million on the President.
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366
Foreign leaders really don't have a lot of respect for this president, I don't see this as being newsworthy at all.
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.
"But claiming the U.S. is “once again the most respected” country in the world is absurd, and certainly isn’t supported by public perception polls or recent current events. U.S. favorability ratings have fallen by 13 percentage points in Germany alone since 2009, and by 19 points in Japan since 2011—and these are our key allies. Don’t bother asking the Russians.

World leaders haven’t gotten the message about America’s return to respectability either. In the last few months alone we’ve seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come speak to Congress despite administration officials’ explicit warning not to. America’s allies around the world rushed to sign up for China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over Washington’s vocal objections. Just a few weeks ago, Obama hosted the Gulf Cooperation Council in Washington, only to be spurned by four of the six country leaders—including the new king of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally. “Respected” isn’t quite the right word for America’s global stature under Obama’s second term. "

Sorry Mr. President—America Isn't the Most Respected Country
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366

If Obama was running in a pageant perhaps, fit him with a nice crown with President of the United States draped across his chest, offer a few autographs if that's important to you.

I'll take the one that can render a solid decision when confronted with a difficult issue, and ..... (here is the important part) .. be confident enough to follow through and commit to it. A leader who will see the need to protect our citizens when they are being beheaded overseas, instead of making a "stage appearance" relating to the modern day terrorist as merely like the Christians of the crusades. I just have trouble respecting a Commander-in-Chief who spends a good amount of time making television appearances, because he always feels the need to have his own ego stroked.
This President has done more to combat terrorism than his predecessors. And he did not have to invade a whole fucking nation to do so. Isis remains isolated in the desert of Iraq and Syria. Isis exists in large measure because of our idiotic invasion of Iraq and the decisions made by Bush to back a minority to rule that nation. This President faced the worst economic crisis in two generations and made the decisions that ended it and brought about the strongest recovery in the world. But, since he is a Democrat and a black one to boot, you cannot appreciate what he has done for this country.

So I am a racist because I'd prefer a president with a little more backbone to stand on his decisions and commit, with a little less need to have his ego stroked. That's what you feel the need to resort to, because you just can't reference and see past a person's skin color. So now you feel the came to this thread so you can stir up and show us more of your racist views, rather than simply discuss one's political positions.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion

it's horrifying that someone with his former intellect has gone so insane.

Another card-carrying member of the KKK.

hey psychotic, I thought we voted for president Obama BECAUSE he's black. now you say we hate carsono because he's black.

get your rightwingnut BS straight. mmkay?
Racist much?

I called Ben Carson nuttier than a fruitcake. I don't think that is a racist statement, you do. Perhaps you can enlighten me how you came to that conclusion.

Well.. I mean he is black, and we're only using far left logic here which goes as such

"If you attack a black person on the issues, you're racist."

It looks more to me that you and Grampa have invented your own brand of logic to deflect the issue.
It looks to me as you're dumber than a box of rocks if you think we invented it. That has been the standard libs have used against the right for its criticism of Obama for YEARS now. Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize that.
When the right attacked the President on his policies, they were simply being stupid. Some of you assholes, as is evidenced from so many who comment here, made it clear that his race was a problem too. When someone criticizes Carson on racial grounds, they are as wrong as those those who criticize the President on those grounds. Of course, for every race based attack on Carson, there are a million on the President.

their Obama derangement knows no bounds.
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366
Foreign leaders really don't have a lot of respect for this president, I don't see this as being newsworthy at all.
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.
"But claiming the U.S. is “once again the most respected” country in the world is absurd, and certainly isn’t supported by public perception polls or recent current events. U.S. favorability ratings have fallen by 13 percentage points in Germany alone since 2009, and by 19 points in Japan since 2011—and these are our key allies. Don’t bother asking the Russians.

World leaders haven’t gotten the message about America’s return to respectability either. In the last few months alone we’ve seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come speak to Congress despite administration officials’ explicit warning not to. America’s allies around the world rushed to sign up for China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over Washington’s vocal objections. Just a few weeks ago, Obama hosted the Gulf Cooperation Council in Washington, only to be spurned by four of the six country leaders—including the new king of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally. “Respected” isn’t quite the right word for America’s global stature under Obama’s second term. "

Sorry Mr. President—America Isn't the Most Respected Country
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366

If Obama was running in a pageant perhaps, fit him with a nice crown with President of the United States draped across his chest, offer a few autographs if that's important to you.

I'll take the one that can render a solid decision when confronted with a difficult issue, and ..... (here is the important part) .. be confident enough to follow through and commit to it. A leader who will see the need to protect our citizens when they are being beheaded overseas, instead of making a "stage appearance" relating to the modern day terrorist as merely like the Christians of the crusades. I just have trouble respecting a Commander-in-Chief who spends a good amount of time making television appearances, because he always feels the need to have his own ego stroked.
This President has done more to combat terrorism than his predecessors. And he did not have to invade a whole fucking nation to do so. Isis remains isolated in the desert of Iraq and Syria. Isis exists in large measure because of our idiotic invasion of Iraq and the decisions made by Bush to back a minority to rule that nation. This President faced the worst economic crisis in two generations and made the decisions that ended it and brought about the strongest recovery in the world. But, since he is a Democrat and a black one to boot, you cannot appreciate what he has done for this country.
Not to doubt W was an idiot, and his invasion a disaster, but he didn't pick a minority to rule Iraq. There was an election, and the majority Shiaa dominated. The failure came about because W, for some reason unknown to anyone beyond Blair and the neocons, failed to anticipate civil war and the shiaa not opening govt and the military to the Sunni's (and the Kurds).

The establishment gop's line is "Obama just left Iraq." Well, that's true. But no one has a concrete suggestion as to how we could have gotten a plurality govt, or more importantly how we could have prevented sunni terrorists from killing off all the sunni clad leaders who didn't favor installing the caliphate.
I called Ben Carson nuttier than a fruitcake. I don't think that is a racist statement, you do. Perhaps you can enlighten me how you came to that conclusion.

Well.. I mean he is black, and we're only using far left logic here which goes as such

"If you attack a black person on the issues, you're racist."

It looks more to me that you and Grampa have invented your own brand of logic to deflect the issue.
It looks to me as you're dumber than a box of rocks if you think we invented it. That has been the standard libs have used against the right for its criticism of Obama for YEARS now. Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize that.
When the right attacked the President on his policies, they were simply being stupid. Some of you assholes, as is evidenced from so many who comment here, made it clear that his race was a problem too. When someone criticizes Carson on racial grounds, they are as wrong as those those who criticize the President on those grounds. Of course, for every race based attack on Carson, there are a million on the President.

their Obama derangement knows no bounds.
It's not Obama Derangement, it's a biological reaction to the poison that is liberalism. Obama is not unique lol. We have the same reaction to ALL liberal plagues
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.
"But claiming the U.S. is “once again the most respected” country in the world is absurd, and certainly isn’t supported by public perception polls or recent current events. U.S. favorability ratings have fallen by 13 percentage points in Germany alone since 2009, and by 19 points in Japan since 2011—and these are our key allies. Don’t bother asking the Russians.

World leaders haven’t gotten the message about America’s return to respectability either. In the last few months alone we’ve seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come speak to Congress despite administration officials’ explicit warning not to. America’s allies around the world rushed to sign up for China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over Washington’s vocal objections. Just a few weeks ago, Obama hosted the Gulf Cooperation Council in Washington, only to be spurned by four of the six country leaders—including the new king of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally. “Respected” isn’t quite the right word for America’s global stature under Obama’s second term. "

Sorry Mr. President—America Isn't the Most Respected Country
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366

If Obama was running in a pageant perhaps, fit him with a nice crown with President of the United States draped across his chest, offer a few autographs if that's important to you.

I'll take the one that can render a solid decision when confronted with a difficult issue, and ..... (here is the important part) .. be confident enough to follow through and commit to it. A leader who will see the need to protect our citizens when they are being beheaded overseas, instead of making a "stage appearance" relating to the modern day terrorist as merely like the Christians of the crusades. I just have trouble respecting a Commander-in-Chief who spends a good amount of time making television appearances, because he always feels the need to have his own ego stroked.
This President has done more to combat terrorism than his predecessors. And he did not have to invade a whole fucking nation to do so. Isis remains isolated in the desert of Iraq and Syria. Isis exists in large measure because of our idiotic invasion of Iraq and the decisions made by Bush to back a minority to rule that nation. This President faced the worst economic crisis in two generations and made the decisions that ended it and brought about the strongest recovery in the world. But, since he is a Democrat and a black one to boot, you cannot appreciate what he has done for this country.

So I am a racist because I'd prefer a president with a little more backbone to stand on his decisions and commit, with a little less need to have his ego stroked. That's what you feel the need to resort to, because you just can't reference and see past a person's skin color. So now you feel the came to this thread so you can stir up and show us more of your racist views, rather than simply discuss one's political positions.
View attachment 53367 View attachment 53366
And how many foreign leaders have to spoken to? This nation and this President are far more respected than the predecessor.
"But claiming the U.S. is “once again the most respected” country in the world is absurd, and certainly isn’t supported by public perception polls or recent current events. U.S. favorability ratings have fallen by 13 percentage points in Germany alone since 2009, and by 19 points in Japan since 2011—and these are our key allies. Don’t bother asking the Russians.

World leaders haven’t gotten the message about America’s return to respectability either. In the last few months alone we’ve seen Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come speak to Congress despite administration officials’ explicit warning not to. America’s allies around the world rushed to sign up for China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) over Washington’s vocal objections. Just a few weeks ago, Obama hosted the Gulf Cooperation Council in Washington, only to be spurned by four of the six country leaders—including the new king of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally. “Respected” isn’t quite the right word for America’s global stature under Obama’s second term. "

Sorry Mr. President—America Isn't the Most Respected Country
More specifically, though, President Obama is an especially popular figure in many parts of the world.
Half or more in 29 of 40 countries surveyed say they have confidence in President Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has received particularly strong ratings in Europe and Africa, and that continues to be the case this year. Majorities in every EU and sub-Saharan African nation surveyed give him positive marks. […]

Overall, Obama’s image has improved in the last year. In 14 countries of the 36 countries where trends from 2014 are available, more people now say they have confidence in the U.S. president. The largest gain occurred in India, which Obama visited in January. Almost three-in-four Indians express confidence in Obama, up from 48% a year ago. Double digit gains are also found in Ghana (+22 points), Turkey (+21), Nigeria (+20), Uganda (+11) and Brazil (+11).
It’s probably time for Republicans to update their talking points.
this Pew Research Center report from late 2008, which found much of the planet losing respect for the U.S. and rejecting George W. Bush to a striking degree.
And therein lies the irony of contemporary GOP whining – Republicans seem absolutely convinced that President Obama is seen abroad as a hapless failure, but the argument is completely backwards. Obama is quite popular across much of the planet, while it’s Bush who was reviled abroad. GOP candidates promising to restore global respect for the White House have a problem: they’re six years too late.
The sooner Republicans realize this, the better. It’s not just a matter of saying things that are true – though I tend to think that’s an appealing quality in a presidential candidate – it’s also the fact that GOP confusion is causing some Republicans trouble. Remember, it was just a couple of weeks ago that Scott Walker said British Prime Minister David Cameron told the governor directly that he’s unsatisfied with Obama’s leadership. The incident quickly blew up in Walker’s face.
If Republicans want to argue that Obama shouldn’t be popular abroad, fine. But reality is not in dispute.
Obama earns high marks around the globe

View attachment 53366

If Obama was running in a pageant perhaps, fit him with a nice crown with President of the United States draped across his chest, offer a few autographs if that's important to you.

I'll take the one that can render a solid decision when confronted with a difficult issue, and ..... (here is the important part) .. be confident enough to follow through and commit to it. A leader who will see the need to protect our citizens when they are being beheaded overseas, instead of making a "stage appearance" relating to the modern day terrorist as merely like the Christians of the crusades. I just have trouble respecting a Commander-in-Chief who spends a good amount of time making television appearances, because he always feels the need to have his own ego stroked.
This President has done more to combat terrorism than his predecessors. And he did not have to invade a whole fucking nation to do so. Isis remains isolated in the desert of Iraq and Syria. Isis exists in large measure because of our idiotic invasion of Iraq and the decisions made by Bush to back a minority to rule that nation. This President faced the worst economic crisis in two generations and made the decisions that ended it and brought about the strongest recovery in the world. But, since he is a Democrat and a black one to boot, you cannot appreciate what he has done for this country.

So I am a racist because I'd prefer a president with a little more backbone to stand on his decisions and commit, with a little less need to have his ego stroked. That's what you feel the need to resort to, because you just can't reference and see past a person's skin color. So now you feel the came to this thread so you can stir up and show us more of your racist views, rather than simply discuss one's political positions.

So, I support Obama cause he is black but oppose Carson cause he is black. That make any sense to you?
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion

it's horrifying that someone with his former intellect has gone so insane.

Another card-carrying member of the KKK.

hey psychotic, I thought we voted for president Obama BECAUSE he's black. now you say we hate carsono because he's black.

get your rightwingnut BS straight. mmkay?

But Carson is running as a Republican and he has broken your mold that Blacks simply cannot be intelligent as Obama has proven.

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